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Road rage is out of control (2 Viewers)

People who merge/ramp into Interstate/Freeway/Turnpikes at 35-45mph when the speed limit is about 70...you have to get up to speed with oncoming traffic so you can safely merge
Trying to merge into 70 mph traffic while going 20-30 mph under the speed limit should be enough to suspend a driver's license for a couple months, that's dangerous.
Thought of this thread yesterday driving home and got reminded of a time where I was driving home from work and had some complete jackhole speed past me.

It's a main road in suburban SoCal, two lanes each way with a center "lane" where folks can make left turns from. Said road passes another major artery and then goes down to one lane each way as it enters a residential neighborhood (homes on either side of the street) with the same "center area" down the middle.

Speed limit's 40 when it's a wider road, 30 when it goes into the neighborhood. So I've reached the neighborhood section of this road, going 30.. MAYBE 31.. and this big azz truck is on my tail big time. There's a car ahead of me at a safe distance. I look in my rear view and the guy is visibly agitated. Come up on and pass through a stop sign so now there was a larger gap between me and the car ahead of me so the a-hole goes zipping by me at a good 45-50 MPH and cuts in front of me. I give him the "WTH?" hand gesture (palms facing up) and dude flipped me the bird and sped off even faster. School zone, mind you. What a complete turd.
What I don't understand is why local governments don't realize the windfall of tickets/fines from just having an officer sit and wait for these idiots.
There's even one of those electronic "Your Speed" signs along the stretch of road I was talking about. They could easily sit a cop car along one of the side street intersections and nab idiots going way too fast through this area. I'm in no hurry when I'm driving down this road. It's usually around 5pm right after a long day at the office and I'm fine going the speed limit (or maybe even a hair under), chillin' listening to some music or NFL Radio. :shrug:
he did merge at the end of the merge and most people, including me, get annoyed about that

Well, you shouldn't be annoyed IMO. The perfect merge when the left lane is full is everyone drives to the end of the right merge lane and each car in the left lane at the merge point allows the first car in the right lane to merge into the left lane. This is known as a zipper merge and is recommended by many state departments of transportation. It is the most efficient way to merge since it uses the full merge lane. If the left lane is not full, this isn't needed, so merging earlier is fine and should generally be easy to do without risk.
Yes, that is what is supposed to happen.........but it never does. Turn signal is just a signal to the guy not to let you in.

I know that many drivers don't follow the process, either because they don't know it is appropriate and get mad at cars passing on the right to reach the merge point (e.g., @stbugs ) or because they are jerks who don't want to let someone in ahead of them. But it is the correct process, so no one *should* get annoyed about it.
SMH. Ivan even said he was talking to his dad and not fully paying attention. I don’t think he’s even wrong (I wasn’t there but the guy purposefully sped up) and the other guy should have just let him in to avoid it. This wasn’t the zipper case where both lanes are full. Many times it’s just people going to the end and forcing a cut in rather than grabbing the best available merge point. There’s always someone slow on the gas or leaving a lot of room or a semi that isn’t going to keep pace. I stand by being annoyed by people who screw up an easy merge by going to the end and putting on the blinker forcing someone to help them when it’s not two full lanes having to merge getting on a highway or because of a construction closure. That’s a simple merging process even though there are still idiots who mess that up.

I’m still OK saying I’m annoyed by people who don’t drive properly and cause more traffic and sometimes accidents/road rage. I take the high road anyway because that’s the last thing I want to deal with now.
People who merge/ramp into Interstate/Freeway/Turnpikes at 35-45mph when the speed limit is about 70...you have to get up to speed with oncoming traffic so you can safely merge
Trying to merge into 70 mph traffic while going 20-30 mph under the speed limit should be enough to suspend a driver's license for a couple months, that's dangerous.
That annoys me too because it creates more risk for the people behind them. Now you’ve got cars bunched up creating more dangerous merges when people can’t merge and stop or people have to get off at the same time due to an off ramp at the same spot.
Right on cue, I just got a little taste of this in Albuquerque today.
Pretty sure he did this as soon as I signalled, but I'm not 100% on that. For some reason, though, he really didn't want me on his interstate.

These don't compute. I thought this only happened in California....specifically in Los Angeles.

Actually it checks out pretty well, as New Mexico is surprisingly #1 in the nation for most annual road rage shootings, per capita.
Was going into a school zone with the lights flashing to slow down. So I did, some maniac behind me would have nothing to do with it, first tailgated me then fastly passed me, then 2 others did the same thing. Luckily there were no children present at the time.
he did merge at the end of the merge and most people, including me, get annoyed about that

Well, you shouldn't be annoyed IMO. The perfect merge when the left lane is full is everyone drives to the end of the right merge lane and each car in the left lane at the merge point allows the first car in the right lane to merge into the left lane. This is known as a zipper merge and is recommended by many state departments of transportation. It is the most efficient way to merge since it uses the full merge lane. If the left lane is not full, this isn't needed, so merging earlier is fine and should generally be easy to do without risk.
Yes, that is what is supposed to happen.........but it never does. Turn signal is just a signal to the guy not to let you in.

I know that many drivers don't follow the process, either because they don't know it is appropriate and get mad at cars passing on the right to reach the merge point (e.g., @stbugs ) or because they are jerks who don't want to let someone in ahead of them. But it is the correct process, so no one *should* get annoyed about it.
SMH. Ivan even said he was talking to his dad and not fully paying attention. I don’t think he’s even wrong (I wasn’t there but the guy purposefully sped up) and the other guy should have just let him in to avoid it. This wasn’t the zipper case where both lanes are full. Many times it’s just people going to the end and forcing a cut in rather than grabbing the best available merge point. There’s always someone slow on the gas or leaving a lot of room or a semi that isn’t going to keep pace. I stand by being annoyed by people who screw up an easy merge by going to the end and putting on the blinker forcing someone to help them when it’s not two full lanes having to merge getting on a highway or because of a construction closure. That’s a simple merging process even though there are still idiots who mess that up.

I’m still OK saying I’m annoyed by people who don’t drive properly and cause more traffic and sometimes accidents/road rage. I take the high road anyway because that’s the last thing I want to deal with now.

Just to try and clear the air- at least from my perspective- I don’t think anyone here is remotely upset or puts any blame on Ivan at all.

We are merely continuing the conversation of his event into the subject of the zipper method solely.

At least that’s how I see it.
he did merge at the end of the merge and most people, including me, get annoyed about that

Well, you shouldn't be annoyed IMO. The perfect merge when the left lane is full is everyone drives to the end of the right merge lane and each car in the left lane at the merge point allows the first car in the right lane to merge into the left lane. This is known as a zipper merge and is recommended by many state departments of transportation. It is the most efficient way to merge since it uses the full merge lane. If the left lane is not full, this isn't needed, so merging earlier is fine and should generally be easy to do without risk.
Yes, that is what is supposed to happen.........but it never does. Turn signal is just a signal to the guy not to let you in.

I know that many drivers don't follow the process, either because they don't know it is appropriate and get mad at cars passing on the right to reach the merge point (e.g., @stbugs ) or because they are jerks who don't want to let someone in ahead of them. But it is the correct process, so no one *should* get annoyed about it.
SMH. Ivan even said he was talking to his dad and not fully paying attention. I don’t think he’s even wrong (I wasn’t there but the guy purposefully sped up) and the other guy should have just let him in to avoid it. This wasn’t the zipper case where both lanes are full. Many times it’s just people going to the end and forcing a cut in rather than grabbing the best available merge point. There’s always someone slow on the gas or leaving a lot of room or a semi that isn’t going to keep pace. I stand by being annoyed by people who screw up an easy merge by going to the end and putting on the blinker forcing someone to help them when it’s not two full lanes having to merge getting on a highway or because of a construction closure. That’s a simple merging process even though there are still idiots who mess that up.

I’m still OK saying I’m annoyed by people who don’t drive properly and cause more traffic and sometimes accidents/road rage. I take the high road anyway because that’s the last thing I want to deal with now.

Just to try and clear the air- at least from my perspective- I don’t think anyone here is remotely upset or puts any blame on Ivan at all.

We are merely continuing the conversation of his event into the subject of the zipper method solely.

At least that’s how I see it.

Yes, of course, I wasn't intending to criticize anyone.

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