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Stock Thread (4 Viewers)

Not gonna hate but I can think of so many things that are risky and have a potential for a lot of upside that I would rather gamble on than a dying business.
I hear that - this is not a long term play. 

I know this is the stock thread.. but I hope ya'll made your DOGE money this morning.. :coffee:

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If I was inclined to go long AMC here, which I'm not, I'd be all over the calls.  The Mar 19 $8/$15 call spread is only $1.20.  The $15/$18 is only $0.22.

“Oh well, my son wouldn't have liked college anyway.”

from the gamestonk Reddit :lmao:   :cry:  

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So what’s the mood of the HODL guys? Anyone who bought it after the early jump on that Friday when the big news about the squeeze came out is underwater now.
I don’t think there are really any hodl guys here. At least none I remember. 

I guess I don't have the diamond hands I thought I did.  Cut my losses at 50% of my 21k input into AMC.

Didn't expect to spend that much at the theater this year only to have only seen that turd The Little Things.
Did you at least get the large popcorn and soda for that price?

“Imagine buying a stock at 50x it’s evaluation for $350 a share and believing that the hedge funds ####ed you over because you didn’t sell it when it hit $450 in an hour. Then having the balls to be shocked that it dropped 90% in a few days and still thinking it’ll go back up.

Get out now while you can.”

that post is not getting upvoted. 

Oh it’s grim over there. 
Shocking. I had no idea it would end badly. Somehow, I’m thinking the mods/key guys at WSB pulled out more than enough already for Lambos for life. You just knew that the early guys and the hedge funds would end up fine and that the Joe Public would foot the bill. I’m up 1.1% today and happy as a clam. Crossed another milestone today. Almost 7% to my goal retirement amount, set last month for the next 5 years. Makes me feel like it’s actually possible.

Shocking. I had no idea it would end badly. Somehow, I’m thinking the mods/key guys at WSB pulled out more than enough already for Lambos for life. You just knew that the early guys and the hedge funds would end up fine and that the Joe Public would foot the bill. I’m up 1.1% today and happy as a clam. Crossed another milestone today. Almost 7% to my goal retirement amount, set last month for the next 5 years. Makes me feel like it’s actually possible.
0.90 here today, although I’m down a Steakhouse dinner in gamestonk :rant:  

Gimme a quick rundown of what this is and why I would want it.  I tried googling , but I think I'm more confused.
UVXY is a play on volatility, the speed at which prices change. Some of us think there's some turbulence in the market's near future. It's fun and profitable when it works, and like getting run over by a herpes bus when it doesn't.

GME now trading on par with a new copy of XBOX One Halo Infinite (with tax).   Very logical price for to settle at.


Have 7 shares of GME left. Cashed out 2x on Friday. Should've done all of it. Haha. Oh well. At least made money on it. Guess I'm just gonna hold the 7 until for now. 

Doubled my position in IBIO.  BlackRock increased position 25% up to 5% total ownership.  Considered a strong mfg Biotec company with good long term potential.

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Gimme a quick rundown of what this is and why I would want it.  I tried googling , but I think I'm more confused.
Not to be patronizing, but this definitely is not the stock to get your feet wet.

Its basically a bet against the S&P and its price is determined by the amount of Puts on S&P stocks. Hugely risky, but a pretty good way to make money when the market corrects.

Not to be patronizing, but this definitely is not the stock to get your feet wet.

Its basically a bet against the S&P and its price is determined by the amount of Puts on S&P stocks. Hugely risky, but a pretty good way to make money when the market corrects.

That's what I thought it was, but didn't want to sound stupid.    You're not patronizing, that's what I needed to hear.

These reddit gamestonk guys remind me a lot of Otis arriving late to the party, jumping in with more money than he should, and wondering why he's not having as much fun as everyone else.

Took a stake in Biogen, ticker $BIIB.

I'm in the process of transitioning to a much more conservative portfolio and this looks like a good pick. I bought a sampling at 268.49

It has a P/E of 10.77. Its over 83% owned by institutions (I interpret this as very low risk).

They are evidently in play for new Alzheimer's treatments, but certainly not a cinch, or even a favorite to win. But they did recently announce a new virtual research study, in collaboration with Apple, to investigate the role Apple Watch and iPhone could play in monitoring cognitive performance and screening for decline in cognitive health including mild cognitive impairment (MCI). 

I wish they had a dividend, but seems safe and steady with upside. Maybe something that ends up being 5% of my stock portfolio. @Todem do you have thoughts on this stock?

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Took a stake in Biogen, ticker $BIIB.

I'm in the process of transitioning to a much more conservative portfolio and this looks like a good pick. I bought a sampling at 268.49

It has a P/E of 10.77. Its over 83% owned by institutions (I interpret this as very low risk).

They are evidently in play for new Alzheimer's treatments, but certainly not a cinch, or even a favorite to win. But they did recently announce a new virtual research study, in collaboration with Apple, to investigate the role Apple Watch and iPhone could play in monitoring cognitive performance and screening for decline in cognitive health including mild cognitive impairment (MCI). 

I wish they had a dividend, but seems safe and steady with upside. Maybe something that ends up being 5% of my stock portfolio. @Todem do you have thoughts on this stock?
I was just looking at that one yesterday. Great minds and all. I have some already but was thinking of adding. Looks nicely undervalued right now, which you can't say about much. 

“Imagine buying a stock at 50x it’s evaluation for $350 a share and believing that the hedge funds ####ed you over because you didn’t sell it when it hit $450 in an hour. Then having the balls to be shocked that it dropped 90% in a few days and still thinking it’ll go back up.

Get out now while you can.”

that post is not getting upvoted. 
Are we talking Amazon again?

Did a whole lot of trimming across the board today, such a great 4 day run I couldn't help but take some profits and reduce my cost bases. Went from 0 to 15% cash.

When the market correction finally does happen and I'm complaining about how I wish I'd freed up more cash, someone just remind of the dozen or so times where I was sitting around thinking to myself "wow I'm glad I'm almost fully invested right now" when my account was up 5%+ in a single day.

When the market correction finally does happen and I'm complaining about how I wish I'd freed up more cash, someone just remind of the dozen or so times where I was sitting around thinking to myself "wow I'm glad I'm almost fully invested right now" when my account was up 5%+ in a single day.
Me too!

Shocking. I had no idea it would end badly. Somehow, I’m thinking the mods/key guys at WSB pulled out more than enough already for Lambos for life. You just knew that the early guys and the hedge funds would end up fine and that the Joe Public would foot the bill. I’m up 1.1% today and happy as a clam. Crossed another milestone today. Almost 7% to my goal retirement amount, set last month for the next 5 years. Makes me feel like it’s actually possible.
I would shake my head when reading all the, "I just deposited some money today.  Should I still buy at 350?" that were met with, "Absolutely, this is going to the moon!"  

One has to wonder how many of those responses were taking the lambs out to slaughter.    


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