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Stormy Daniels scandal thread (1 Viewer)

Let's not gloss over the fact that she said she didn't want to tell her story and turned down up to a million being offered to her by the other side. 

Chris McDaniel‏Verified account @csmcdaniel

Stormy Daniels says she and her daughter were threatened to "Leave Trump alone." Worth pointing out: Trump security — including the current COO of the Trump Org — were accused of assaulting, and threatening a 12 year old boy and his mother in 1995.

link to tweet with buzzfeed article
Just when I don't think it's possible for him to be any more of a vile piece of garbage....

Maggie Haberman‏Verified account @maggieNYT

Cohen’s lawyer fired back almost immediately after the Daniels interview with this letter saying allegation of goon threatening her was false >>


Maggie Haberman‏Verified account @maggieNYT

Cohen’s lawyer fired back almost immediately after the Daniels interview with this letter saying allegation of goon threatening her was false >>

Interesting detail in my mind.  The letter says that the sender's firm is "litigation counsel for Michael Cohen."  But the sender's firm represents the LLC in the litigation, not Cohen, who isn't even a named party to the litigation.    

Yeah that seems odd to me too. You deny any involvement; you don’t deny that it even happened. How would you know? 
Well, they said that he had nothing whatsoever to do with  "any such person" and does not believe that any such person even exists or that such incident ever occurred. So they are saying the entire story is a fabrication on Daniels' part.

I don’t recall her saying Cohen sent that person. 
No, she didn't but the implication was that it was someone connected with Trump who had sent him and that Cohen being Trump's attorney in this manner was behind it (or at least that is how I connected the dots when listening to the interview). Although I think she said she didn't know for sure who had sent the guy.

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No, she didn't but the implication was that it was someone connected with Trump who had sent him and that Cohen being Trump's attorney in this manner was behind it (or at least that is how I connected the dots when listening to the interview). Although I think she said she didn't know for sure who had sent the guy.
Just saying. Kind of a guilty conscience move  

None of his business if the president had a chick get an abortion. But if some 16 year old kid is getting one you're ####### right it's his business. 
It should be... but Evangelist are anti-choice and always want to know other peoples "abortion business". Right up until its about their lover/hooker or about their politician - evidently.

Interesting detail in my mind.  The letter says that the sender's firm is "litigation counsel for Michael Cohen."  But the sender's firm represents the LLC in the litigation, not Cohen, who isn't even a named party to the litigation.    
He's a lawyer ok.   He doesn't get bogged down in details with things like signatures and named parties.  He's there to be Trump's close friend.  

The hate for Trump is so great, that your reliable source is a sleazy porn star., LMAO
Didn't find Stortmy Daniels story particularly credible...... but it makes perfect sense with the nda, the $130,000 payment and the 20 million dollar lawsuit in which case it's stupid not to believe her. McDougal's story was very credible however.

The hate for Trump is so great, that your reliable source is a sleazy porn star., LMAO
Of course it would be laughably hypocritical for someone to on one hand discount people for putting faith in a sleazy porn star, but then themselves be of such poor judgement to put faith in a man who is now President, who slept with said sleazy porn star while his wife was about to birth his son. 

But hey, go ahead and support a sleazeball like that - as freaking President - just don't complain when it reflects upon your judgement and how others perceive you. 

And multiple attempts to silence her, including  $130,000 from the master negotiator.
I have no doubt he ####ed her, she is a porn star after all... But the I don’t want any money out of this is a joke... Oh by the way.., I was threatened 7 years ago by some guy... I can’t prove it but I’ll throw it out there anyway....

I have no doubt he ####ed her, she is a porn star after all... But the I don’t want any money out of this is a joke... Oh by the way.., I was threatened 7 years ago by some guy... I can’t prove it but I’ll throw it out there anyway....
The Vegas threat part may have been fabricated. That's the only part of her story that I doubt. And who cares if she's in it for the money. The only reason Trump has ever gotten laid in his life is because of money. He knows the game. 

I agree with that as far as their president didn't get impeached. But you have to realize how low the bar is for the Republicans right now. From a nation Viewpoint, the fact that 13 Russians were proven to have tampered with this election is a Monumental Discovery and made possible by this investigation. Also, seeing 4 or 5 key members of Trump's Administration admit guilt on a series of crimes is a major hit to the GOP.
The average Trump voter has already forgotten about this and is busy trying to figure out who will win next week in Richmond super speedway 

Melania will divorce him at some point.  They all do...

My guess he has a an infidelity clause with a fixed amount for each dalliance.  I also assume there is a specific, separate, financial arrangement tied to not divorcing Trump while he is president.  By all appearances, they live mostly separate lives, so she will cash in once the presidency is over - whenever that occurs.
They will absolutely divorce once this charade is over.  She would become beloved if she divorced him now and her ghost written autobiography would be a best seller.  

I have no doubt he ####ed her, she is a porn star after all... But the I don’t want any money out of this is a joke... Oh by the way.., I was threatened 7 years ago by some guy... I can’t prove it but I’ll throw it out there anyway....
That’s it? That’s the part you find objectionable about this whole story? It’s why you’re upset this morning?

Chris McDaniel‏Verified account @csmcdaniel

Stormy Daniels says she and her daughter were threatened to "Leave Trump alone." Worth pointing out: Trump security — including the current COO of the Trump Org — were accused of assaulting, and threatening a 12 year old boy and his mother in 1995.

link to tweet with buzzfeed article
There are at least three other alleged incidents of Trump underlings threatening people on behalf of Trump, in addition to the threats aimed at the 12 year old boy and his mother:

A bankruptcy attorney who represented Trump Entertainment Resorts investors once received a phone call warning him “if you keep ####ing with Mr. Trump, we know where you live and we’re going to your house for your wife and kids.” A New York City housing commissioner told the NYPD his life was threatened for refusing to grant a $20 million tax abatement for the construction of Trump Tower. Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, told Daily Beast reporters that he would “mess your life up” before they published a story saying Trump made his first wife feel “violated” during sex.
In case you didn't know about the Cohen threats aimed at the Daily Beast when they reported the Ivana rape claim, here's a little more detail.  Apologies to the mods but it's hard to discuss politics in the Trump era without circumventing the language filter:

In his on the record response, he defended Trump by arguing that you can't rape your wife (obviously wrong, hasn't been true for decades). He also threatened the Daily Beast staff:

“Tread very ####ing lightly,” Cohen told the reporter, Tim Mak, “because what I’m going to do to you is going to be ####ing disgusting.”

That’s it? That’s the part you find objectionable about this whole story? It’s why you’re upset this morning?
Upset no..,If being a porn star isn’t low enough you stoop to bed a rich old man for fame or gain.. You should probably take what you get   and I would think you would want to keep your mouth shut... 

Upset no..,If being a porn star isn’t low enough you stoop to bed a rich old man for fame or gain.. You should probably take what you get   and I would think you would want to keep your mouth shut... 
Oh. Well, as long as you can keep looking down on sex workers I’m sure it’ll be okay. 


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