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Streaming or currently airing TV shows (AKA Netflix thread) (12 Viewers)

Watched "Fractured" on Netflix last night.    It's a thriller and mind-f, but was an entertaining 1hr 40mins.   Check it out.

We'll, if you watch Diana - In Her Own Words,  there's a lot more truth than I expected. I think the show used these recordings as a basis for a lot of it. Not saying it doesn't take two.

It takes two, but to be fair, Charles wasn’t well liked before Diana either.
Still is only her side of the story.  Don't think you call it truth...just her version of truth.

And ftr I really admire Dianna and have no real strong feelings for or against Charles.  Just seems unfair to blindly believe her perspective was reality.

I'm in.  Don't worry.  But the first 5 episodes are all about which ships belong to which faction and are attacking who.  Very muddled IMHO.  Battlestar nailed the space stuff on a budget, so I'm picky.  
Very different type of show. The initial first 2-3 seasons of The Expanse are very much a film noir-ish mystery “who done it” type show with some sci-fi thrown in. The ship vs ship stuff takes a back seat pretty soon and it morphs into a much bigger mystery/space drama after that.

The good news is that there are actual answers and an over-arcing planned out plot.  As much as I loved BSG back in the day, it definitely suffered from not having that.

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I don't think it's new, but I just found "The Dark side of the Ring" by Vice on Hulu. It's behind the scenes of classic WWF wrestling. I don't watch wrestling now, but I just watched the 1st episode about Macho Man and Mrs Elizabeth and man, I felt like I was 12 years old again. I sat there literally remembering a lot of the scenes they were showing. 

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glvsav37 said:
I don't think it's new, but I just found "The Dark side of the Ring" by Vice which is behind the scenes of classic WWF wrestling. I don't watch wrestling now, but I just watched the 1st episode about Macho Man and Mrs Elizabeth and man, I felt like I was 12 years old again. I sat there literally remembering a lot of the scenes they were showing. 
Is it on a streaming service?

Some series I finished watching recently:

The Flight Attendant (HBO Max) - pretty good, though the inside her head thing got a little stale after a while even though it was executed pretty well. Also, I get it, she's an alcoholic. Not to trivialize the condition or those who suffer from it, but they really beat us over the head with it as a plot device.

The Crown (Netflix) - It was good, not great. Beautifully shot, beautiful sets, beautiful costumes, great acting (except for a couple of exceptions). Bottom line though is I found I just wasn't interested in these people. The thing that stuck with me, if anything, is that It made me wonder more than I already did why Britain continues with this vestigial monarchy thing. Jillian Anderson was distractingly horrible in this. I don't know if she was directed that way (which I doubt given the other performances), but she pretty much ruined every scene she was in, coming across as caricature rather than a character, it made season 4 lesser than the previous seasons. I assume there will be another season or two given at least one, maybe two pretty well known events relating to the family that haven't been covered yet.

Barbarians (Netflix) - This is the recent German mini-series about the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest. It was pretty good. Only 6 episodes, so not a time commitment, definitely worth it if you like (violent) historical drama kind of stuff. They stick to pretty much the wikipedia outline of what went on, definitely additional dramatic elements tacked on (it's not a documentary). The production quality is excellent. It's in German and Latin (I think), so be prepared for subtitles if you don't speak those languages. I wonder if there will be (or is) a follow on. I don't know if a German production would want to go farther than where this one ended given how things proceeded after where this one leaves off.

I have not seen the movie, but after stumbling upon and watching the preview for "Fatman" I can say that I'm looking forward to watching this Sunday night. It looks completely terrible but Mel Gibson as Chris Cringle and Walton Goggins as a hired hitman to kill the fatman looks like good brain dead entertainment. 
Watched this with my college age son.  It treats the whole premise seriously and has a lot of dark humor.  Will likely rent again when my other sons get home.  Wife was not a fan 😂

Barbarians (Netflix) - This is the recent German mini-series about the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest. It was pretty good. Only 6 episodes, so not a time commitment, definitely worth it if you like (violent) historical drama kind of stuff. They stick to pretty much the wikipedia outline of what went on, definitely additional dramatic elements tacked on (it's not a documentary). The production quality is excellent. It's in German and Latin (I think), so be prepared for subtitles if you don't speak those languages. I wonder if there will be (or is) a follow on. I don't know if a German production would want to go farther than where this one ended given how things proceeded after where this one leaves off.
I loved this...but I'm a sucker for the genre.   

Surprised it's gone under the radar.

Watched 3 episodes of Titans on HBO max- not feeling it so far but will give another episode or 2.

Started watching Bloodline with my wife- 4 episodes in and we're on the hook

We're a few episodes into The IT Crowd. Good mindless fun. Perfect for nights that we're just hanging out drinking and talking and not worried about missing anything. Funny so far.

HBO Max really flubbed with WW. Picture kept going to lower resolution and pausing. I’ve never had Netflix or anything else pause that bad.

Also, WW84 wasn’t close to the first WW. Really slow at the start and just not nearly as good a movie. I wonder if like Mulan (pretty meh) they realized it wasn’t that good and were OK trying to pump up their streaming service.

HBO Max really flubbed with WW. Picture kept going to lower resolution and pausing. I’ve never had Netflix or anything else pause that bad.

Also, WW84 wasn’t close to the first WW. Really slow at the start and just not nearly as good a movie. I wonder if like Mulan (pretty meh) they realized it wasn’t that good and were OK trying to pump up their streaming service.
We didn’t have a resolution issue and only one pause - and we were on at the 11 am start.  I agree that it wasn’t great although the action parts were done really well.  

They needed an established villain or threat for an earlier action scene - after the mall and before the military convoy.

We didn’t have a resolution issue and only one pause - and we were on at the 11 am start.  I agree that it wasn’t great although the action parts were done really well.  

They needed an established villain or threat for an earlier action scene - after the mall and before the military convoy.
We probably hit peak volume for a 7:30-8pm start.

Trying to be vague to not spoiler anything. I wasn’t a big fan of the villains. It seemed like they were trying to mask the “monkey paw” so we’d be a little bit surprised even though him being the villain was telegraphed by the ads. It didn’t really create a good back story which they exposed 5 seconds before the end. I think I might have enjoyed it more if they had the god behind it all kind of like Ares in the first movie. The link between the guy and the shaman was really weak. If the shaman knew how bad it was, why in the world would he give the details to a random dude? Instead of forcing that using a flyer a god would have linked it more to the first movie and to WW’s mythology if you will.

For being free, not bad (felt like watching the live action Mulan when it was free) the pauses and resolution problems could be ignored even as frequent as they were. We all really liked the first one and I have 3 teenage sons. Two of my sons didn’t even finish watching it before the main action started. Easier to walk out when you are home and can finish it another day but I think that shows you how the first hour didn’t grab you. My 16 year said he would have rather watched the first one again.

HBO Max really flubbed with WW. Picture kept going to lower resolution and pausing. I’ve never had Netflix or anything else pause that bad.

Also, WW84 wasn’t close to the first WW. Really slow at the start and just not nearly as good a movie. I wonder if like Mulan (pretty meh) they realized it wasn’t that good and were OK trying to pump up their streaming service.
I just finished it and had no issues with the stream (on an old Firestick, so maybe my resolution was a little lower to begin with).

Now the movie itself....yeah it really wasn’t that great. Aside from the punchline of the coffee cup story,  and the clothes montage, none of the humor really hit. The rest was meh. The “young Diana” beginning sequence felt borrowed from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (and pretty extraneous) and the car chase was pure Raiders too. 

Some series I finished watching recently:

The Flight Attendant (HBO Max) - pretty good, though the inside her head thing got a little stale after a while even though it was executed pretty well. Also, I get it, she's an alcoholic. Not to trivialize the condition or those who suffer from it, but they really beat us over the head with it as a plot device.

The Crown (Netflix) - It was good, not great. Beautifully shot, beautiful sets, beautiful costumes, great acting (except for a couple of exceptions). Bottom line though is I found I just wasn't interested in these people. The thing that stuck with me, if anything, is that It made me wonder more than I already did why Britain continues with this vestigial monarchy thing. Jillian Anderson was distractingly horrible in this. I don't know if she was directed that way (which I doubt given the other performances), but she pretty much ruined every scene she was in, coming across as caricature rather than a character, it made season 4 lesser than the previous seasons. I assume there will be another season or two given at least one, maybe two pretty well known events relating to the family that haven't been covered yet.

Barbarians (Netflix) - This is the recent German mini-series about the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest. It was pretty good. Only 6 episodes, so not a time commitment, definitely worth it if you like (violent) historical drama kind of stuff. They stick to pretty much the wikipedia outline of what went on, definitely additional dramatic elements tacked on (it's not a documentary). The production quality is excellent. It's in German and Latin (I think), so be prepared for subtitles if you don't speak those languages. I wonder if there will be (or is) a follow on. I don't know if a German production would want to go farther than where this one ended given how things proceeded after where this one leaves off.
I've seen the trailer and can't get past the "Penny from BBT in a mystery thriller" vibe.  Is she tolerable? I heard her talking about it on the Conan O'Brien podcast and she bought the rights to the book before she read it. She said she really liked the book's cover.

I've seen the trailer and can't get past the "Penny from BBT in a mystery thriller" vibe.  Is she tolerable? I heard her talking about it on the Conan O'Brien podcast and she bought the rights to the book before she read it. She said she really liked the book's cover.
I'm amazed how this character is not at all like Penny. I assumed that she was probably a terrible actress who's just herself on air. But she's a pleasant surprise. Not saying she's going to win an Oscar anytime soon, but a lot more there than I expected. I think she probably took the role to help "erase" Penny and kind of turn the page on that to move on. And I'd say she's taken a big step in that direction.

Just started watching Manhunt Deadly Games about the Atlanta Olympic bombings.  Got hooked and watched 5 episodes in a row, pretty interesting so far.
I thought the first seven episodes were very good, and occasionally excellent, but it trailed off for me over the last 3 episodes. The kumbaya scene with the moonshine was a bit much for me.

I've seen the trailer and can't get past the "Penny from BBT in a mystery thriller" vibe.  Is she tolerable? I heard her talking about it on the Conan O'Brien podcast and she bought the rights to the book before she read it. She said she really liked the book's cover.
She did a good acting job, she worked in this role. She's also really easy on the eyes.

I've seen the trailer and can't get past the "Penny from BBT in a mystery thriller" vibe.  Is she tolerable? I heard her talking about it on the Conan O'Brien podcast and she bought the rights to the book before she read it. She said she really liked the book's cover.
The character seems very Penny-esque in the first 15 minutes or so but quickly destroys that perception more and more as the series goes on. Couco has some acting chops, not Oscar worthy as someone said but in this and in the animated Harley Quinn show she is showing she is much more capable than playing just typecast Penny roles.

Edit: Did not realize she started so young. She was real life 18 on 8 Simple Rules and only 22 when Big Bang started.

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BeTheMatch said:
I'm amazed how this character is not at all like Penny. I assumed that she was probably a terrible actress who's just herself on air. But she's a pleasant surprise. Not saying she's going to win an Oscar anytime soon, but a lot more there than I expected. I think she probably took the role to help "erase" Penny and kind of turn the page on that to move on. And I'd say she's taken a big step in that direction.
Sounds like a Christina Applegate trajectory, who I adore.

I don't think it's new, but I just found "The Dark side of the Ring" by Vice on Hulu. It's behind the scenes of classic WWF wrestling. I don't watch wrestling now, but I just watched the 1st episode about Macho Man and Mrs Elizabeth and man, I felt like I was 12 years old again. I sat there literally remembering a lot of the scenes they were showing. 
 I Watched a couple episodes earlier this year and think I mentioned it here. I was a wrestling fan back in the day and thought these were really interesting.

Finally started watching Better Call Saul.  Really digging the 1st 3 episodes.  It had me laughing a few times, especially the Jimmy and Mike interactions.  

The character seems very Penny-esque in the first 15 minutes or so but quickly destroys that perception more and more as the series goes on. Couco has some acting chops, not Oscar worthy as someone said but in this and in the animated Harley Quinn show she is showing she is much more capable than playing just typecast Penny roles.

Edit: Did not realize she started so young. She was real life 18 on 8 Simple Rules and only 22 when Big Bang started.
She mentioned on the Conan podcast that she was happy to be a bit raunchy in the Harley Quinn role to distance herself from  Penny. Is the FA role in that direction too? I was also surprised to hear she has been working pretty regularly as an actress since she was 9. First big break was 8 Simple Rules.

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I'm amazed how this character is not at all like Penny. I assumed that she was probably a terrible actress who's just herself on air. But she's a pleasant surprise. Not saying she's going to win an Oscar anytime soon, but a lot more there than I expected. I think she probably took the role to help "erase" Penny and kind of turn the page on that to move on. And I'd say she's taken a big step in that direction.
I will have to give it a try. I heard some dialog where she said something like "I'm a flight attendant, not a killer." and I expected to hear Leonard and Sheldon speaking next.

She mentioned on the Conan podcast that she was happy to be a bit raunchy in the Harley Quinn role to distance herself from  Penny. Is the FA role in that direction too? I was also surprised to hear she has been working pretty regularly as an actress since she was 9. First big break was 8 Simple Rules.
A couple weeks ago I saw an interview with her from around when John Ritter died. Apparently they were very close and she was very broken up.

Seemed like a really nice guy.

McBokonon said:
Seeing a lot of love for Soul on Disney +. Anyone watched it yet?
My wife, who is the biggest sucker for sappy Disney movies and will cry if a tire commercial wants her to, was not impressed.  She watched it by herself as no one else in the house was interested.

thecatch said:
Finished WW on my third attempt. That movie was some charming Pine/Gadot moments from being Aquaman-level bad. Good grief. 
I actually liked Aquaman and the Harley Quinn movie better than WW84. Should have just focused on the Cheetah and her origin and not even bothered with the whole magic rock storyline .

Just finished The Midnight Sky with George Clooney (acting and directing) on Netflix. I thought it was pretty good. 
Watched this last night with my girl over WW since it looked less punchy.  Neither of us cared for it.  None of the characters really gave us much of a reason to care about them.  Maybe 2020 has made us apathetic towards the survival of the human race in general 😄  

My daughter introduced me to Archer which I am sure has been mentioned here a lot.  Also the Amazon Prime All or Nothing with Pep and Manchester City has me hooked.  Good stuff there.


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