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Survivor Season 42: Starts Wednesday March 9, 2022 (3 Viewers)

Stinkin Ref said:
my bad....you said she was completely calm and not aggressive the whole time so I was confused....
Look often times people are concerned about their perception.  Many women in the work place are concerned about how they are perceived.  I know many women in leadership who have dealt with being perceived as aggressive when doing the same things as their male counterparts.   I have seen a number of survivors over the years worry about their perception.  This is no different for people of color.  Oftentimes we have to worry about how we are perceived or if we are perceived negatively for doing normal things.  And if you don’t have this worry, consider yourself privledged.

my point.  She asked because of this.  Not because she felt she was being aggressive.  

yak651 said:
Yeah I was thinking the same. What did she have to loose? They all said they were voting Tori anyhow so her vote didn’t matter. Might as well do whatever you can to counter the chance Tori gets a save
You can only do it once. 5/6 I stay now, and 1/6 I can survive later when I know I'm the one going home.

I think it's a bit overblown. Some thoughts:

1. These contestants haven't seen Season 41. I think that matters here.

2. If I were Mike and I came in and the first two on the jury had been Rocks because nobody likes him and Jonathan totally unexpectedly...I think I react the same way as Drea, right? Do we all feel it's too woke and can't believe they went there if Mike is all "gosh darn man we just vote out anybody who actually takes care of their body and isn't weak af. I'm playing my idol no matter what and it's such bull#### that people keep doing this and dont give someone who's a standout leader a fair shot."

3. All she really said was "#### they voted out a person who looks like me AND it's not the person I thought my alliance would vote out...I better be safe." We only recoil because "looks like me" means black, but would we have the same reaction if it was women or men getting picked off one by one? I doubt it. Race is just ickier to talk about than gender or height or strength or whatever so we don't want to go there. 

4. Finally ####### Rocks and Tori both gone. I love this cast.

I think the driver's seat for winners are Mike and Omar. They're highlighting too much lack of strategy and relationships for Jonathan (honestly he's starting to look like a final 3 goat). Hai hasn't gotten what he wants too many times to be a great winner story. Lindsay is a dark horse. 90% of Drea's content is because she found advantages. Maryanne is obnoxious and honestly kind of a moron. Romeo clearly not winning either.

Pipes said:
Lyndsay should’ve gone for the shot in the dark as well since her vote didn’t matter either.  Would’ve been the ultimate screw job had she gone home with Tori knowing the votes were going her way.
Can you imagine if he she did and the 1/36 possibility came up that they were both immune?

The thing about Tori's shot in the dark is that she got the benefit of asking to play it AFTER she knew the tribe was going to vote her out, and it was practically official at that point. Normally, she plays it and doesn't vote, but she still doesn't know the outcome of the vote. Maybe she's in trouble, maybe not. To be able to take the shot in the dark when you know 99% sure it's you, that's pretty huge and had she "won", that could have been a problem for the show.
This disruption of the "normal" game flow was one of my issues with two players over-reacting and declaring their intentions to play idols early.

you led off your post with Jonathan's comment and didn't include the context of Drea being the one who actually brought "aggressive" into the conversation in the first place....and then you doubled down by trying to say she was "calmly" talking to him....which she absolutely was not....she was being aggressive at the moment with her attitude and use of profanity as well as interrupting and talking over Jonathan and not allowing him to speak about his perspective like everyone had just let her and Maryanne do....

and then your post went on to talk about the idea of "blacks being aggressive" on the show in the past and how that attitude comes into play....Jonathan probably wouldn't have even said anything if Drea doesn't first say "don't act like I'm being aggressive" while in the middle of talking over him and interrupting him....you are putting the same spin on Jonathan that Drea was and was indicated by them immediately panning over to see Channel reaction after Jonathan repeated the word "aggressive"....like "oh my god....!!!!....did you hear that....did you hear that....did you hear what Jonathan just said"..."see we all told you, everybody thinks black people are aggressive and they hold it against us..."...Drea created that situation.....that is exactly the narrative they and you in your post were trying to sell....and I am simply saying Drea drove that bus....she was being aggressive, but all anybody wants to walk away from it saying is "see Jonathan is just like everybody else, he thinks blacks are aggressive"....and I'm simply saying thats not the case, and it's unfortunate Drea created that situation and put Jonathan in it....

my point is he said "you are being aggressive" after she said "don't act like I'm being aggressive"....when she was being aggressive....she was not calmly taking to him....so the spin of "black people are aggressive" is something she created here....not Jonathan by accurately describing what she tried to say she wasn't doing....Channel's reaction was like "there we caught you, now we have something to throw you under the bus with....you said she was being aggressive"....people get triggered because of the false narrative that was trying to be perpetuated...which your post was seeming to support...
It's just Pinky's unconscious bias...

I think it's a bit overblown. Some thoughts:

1. These contestants haven't seen Season 41. I think that matters here.

2. If I were Mike and I came in and the first two on the jury had been Rocks because nobody likes him and Jonathan totally unexpectedly...I think I react the same way as Drea, right? Do we all feel it's too woke and can't believe they went there if Mike is all "gosh darn man we just vote out anybody who actually takes care of their body and isn't weak af. I'm playing my idol no matter what and it's such bull#### that people keep doing this and dont give someone who's a standout leader a fair shot."

3. All she really said was "#### they voted out a person who looks like me AND it's not the person I thought my alliance would vote out...I better be safe." We only recoil because "looks like me" means black, but would we have the same reaction if it was women or men getting picked off one by one? I doubt it. Race is just ickier to talk about than gender or height or strength or whatever so we don't want to go there. 

4. Finally ####### Rocks and Tori both gone. I love this cast.
Jonathan being voted out would have been the most expected thing in Survivor as players most likely to win immunity ALWAYS have a target on their backs.    Rox, or anyone else really, going home, especially from a small subset of five, shouldn't have been unexpected either.  A good player should be able to deal with the unpredictability of the game, control their emotions and move on.   

For your second point, Drea helped vote out the person who looked like her the previous episode (as did Rox).  I recoil because of the hypocrisy.   We've seen people voted out because they're strong or old... does anyone believe these two were on the jury because of skin color?

Agree on this cast composition.  I've liked it from the start.  The core of this game is social dynamics.  How people bond (or not) based on common traits, values, etc. is fascinating.  

Look often times people are concerned about their perception.  Many women in the work place are concerned about how they are perceived.  I know many women in leadership who have dealt with being perceived as aggressive when doing the same things as their male counterparts.   I have seen a number of survivors over the years worry about their perception.  This is no different for people of color.  Oftentimes we have to worry about how we are perceived or if we are perceived negatively for doing normal things.  And if you don’t have this worry, consider yourself privledged.

my point.  She asked because of this.  Not because she felt she was being aggressive.  
people have to watch every word they say and every little thing that comes out of their mouth with worry about how they are "perceived"....its not just women....its not just black people...in fact it may be worse the other way around....often people of color can get away with saying things that people not of color can't....its like walking on egg shells and you better edit and filter every thing you are about to say a couple times before you open your pie hole.......so lets relax with the privileged thing ....when it comes to having to watch what you say and how you are "perceived" the pendulum has swung in the other direction more than you think...

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people have to watch every word they say and every little thing that comes out of their mouth with worry about how they are "perceived"....its not just women....its not just black people...in fact it may be worse the other way around....often people of color can get away with saying things that people not of color can't....its like walking on egg shells and you better edit and filter every thing you are about to say a couple times before you open your pie hole.......so lets relax with the privileged thing ....when it comes to having to watch what you say and how you are "perceived" the pendulum has swung in the other direction more than you think...
Just stop. Please.

I'm just glad Tori got voted out. Did you see it when she did her sneering eye roll flutter that looked like her eyes were rolling into the back of her head? It would've been something had they gotten stuck like that.
my wife:  "when she asked everyone why they wanted to vote her out i would have just told her straight up 'it's your face. the way you roll your eyes and just look irritated and annoyed all the time. i hate it.'  and i bet other people on the tribe would at least laugh even if it cost me the game. god i hate her."

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does Drea have advantages to get her to the 6? and then they become void after that?

or does she have enough idols, etc. to get her further?

I mean, I'm asking you to stop because I don't need this crap in the Survivor thread. Take it to the politics forum.
ftr....I didn't start the trip down the rabbit hole...other posters brought up race/aggression/perceptions....and kept moving the goal posts when confronted and didn't like what they were hearing....and we can't ignore the fact that this cast brought race back up and to the forefront to the point of mentioning injustices being done and not perpetuating the problem...and then turning around and doing the exact thing they are complaining about to the point they were willing to become completely hypocritical and burn idols, announce they aren't writing another black persons name down,  and change the game to prove a point....if we want to bury our head in the sand and not talk about what became a huge part of the show (which is supposed to be a microcosm of the real world).... we can do so...and "move this "CRAP" as you call it to the political forum" if it makes you feel uncomfortable....but like it or not, it's still a big part of the show....

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ftr....I didn't start the trip down the rabbit hole...other posters brought up race/aggression/perceptions....and kept moving the goal posts when confronted and didn't like what they were hearing....and we can't ignore the fact that this cast brought race back up and to the forefront to the point of mentioning injustices being done and not perpetuating the problem...and then turning around and doing the exact thing they are complaining about to the point they were willing to become completely hypocritical and burn idols, announce they aren't writing another black persons name down,  and change the game to prove a point....if we want to bury our head in the sand and not talk about what became a huge part of the show (which is supposed to be a microcosm of the real world).... we can do so...and "move this "CRAP" as you call it to the political forum" if it makes you feel uncomfortable....but like it or not, it's still a big part of the show....
It doesn't really make me uncomfortable, I just don't think you're making any good points. 

It's one thing to talk about how it affects the game, it's another for 8 people to whine about being woke and then to talk about the injustices themselves, as opposed to just how the cast member actions affect the game. Make more sense?

I'm not here for a discussion about inequity, racial/gender/otherwise, in the world. Quite frankly, I can have those discussions with people who are much more eloquent and educated than I am on the topic where I can learn a lot. I'm here to talk with my iFriends about Survivor, a game show I've loved since I was literally a ten-year old. In that context, it feels like fair game to discuss whether what Drea did was smart or not, but I don't really care to focus on the reasoning. 

The impact of "not letting one of the remaining black folks go home" is one thing, the whining about how the cast or show is woke or the world is fair or not or whether or not I as a white dude should feel extra caution in my speaking today are all irrelevant and we have another forum for those things.

the reasoning behind players actions and decisions are literally the core of the game whether we want to focus on them or not...and inequity/race/gender/etc. obviously play a role in this game, as evidenced by this tribal, so probably worthy of discussion....I thought Maryanne did an excellent job of expressing how important all of those things are when she talked about how different people come into the game with different burdens and different privileges and how that can change their actual 1-18 shot at winning...but anyway...

Drea needed to play her idol no matter what.... whether she announced it or not....Maryanne, not so much...but she expressed why she felt the need to do it, so good for her....she will leave with no regrets and the "I would do it all over again the same way" and be applauded for it, even though it may cost her from advancing at some point...

I am interested to see how the "not writing another black persons name down until I have too and not letting another one of us go home" affects the game moving forward....while I'm sure they will try to minimize it back at camp as just standing up for a good cause and hope that it blows over....the tooth paste is out of the tube and the "other" players will have to decide the seriousness of that attitude and what they said when working with them moving forward...

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In case you dont want to watch the whole thing this is a snippet: https://youtu.be/0kIGRJk2VoY

The whole things is pretty good though. 
Their big conclusion was she was "right" because they were gunning for her?  OK, Let's justify the means...

Prior to the jury, we had a DQ and, to my recollection, four Caucasians, an Asian and an Indian woman voted off. 

Channelle probably doesn't go home then if Tori doesn't win immunity.

I actually have a lot in common with Rocksroy.  However, he was too inflexible and playing a poor social game.  He also got caught in a small subset of five people... a twist of the game.

I'll ask you a direct question.  At that point, with two people on the jury... did you observe any racism in the game play?

ITT a bunch of people argue about a perspective they've never experienced before and pretend they understand


half of you can't last 6 hours without food before cracking under the stress. that woman is 12-14 days or whatever running on high stress, no food, little sleep and cracked the top on something that probably has been wearing on her for her entire life. 

have a little sympathy

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ITT a bunch of people argue about a perspective they've never experienced before and pretend they understand


half of you can't last 6 hours without food before cracking under the stress. that woman is 12-14 days or whatever running on high stress, no food, little sleep and cracked the top on something that probably has been wearing on her for her entire life. 

have a little sympathy
If its me and you, you're the half that couldn't survive.

If its me and you, you're the half that couldn't survive.
What the heck did you just #######’ say about me, you little whiner? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.

I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the frick out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my #######’ words. You think you can get away with saying that crap to me over the Internet?

Think again, buddy. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, buddy.

The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re ####### dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.

Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable butt off the face of the continent, you little poopy-head.

If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your stinking tongue.

But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you big jerk. I will rain fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re in #######’ trouble, mister.

What the heck did you just #######’ say about me, you little whiner? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.

I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the frick out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my #######’ words. You think you can get away with saying that crap to me over the Internet?

Think again, buddy. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, buddy.

The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re ####### dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.

Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable butt off the face of the continent, you little poopy-head.

If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your stinking tongue.

But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you big jerk. I will rain fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re in #######’ trouble, mister.
Username does not check out.

I can't wait for the new episode tonight so we can talk about something else.

for me it will depend on how they deal with the information presented at tribal that two of the players don't want to vote another black player out...did they really mean it and that is how they are going to play and vote moving forward...or is it spun as we didn't really mean it it was just an "reaction" at that particular tribal....so please forget that it happened and what we said...and I am open to working with you and all possibilities even if it means voting out a black person now....because if you know Drea won't consider voting for Maryann and Maryann won't consider voting for Drea....that will impact the game...so while "nobody wants to talk about it"....it may still be a big part of the show/discussion...I'm sure Drea and Maryann are hoping that everybody got the message, but please forget about it now when it comes to working with me....

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Also, both Mr. krista and I gasped at the fact that Omar had a girlfriend?

Pretty sure he's mentioned it before. 

Seems pretty obvious that it's a "he hasn't figured it out yet" situation.  He reminds me of a buddy of mine who didn't come out until we were in our 30's. 

Good to see that Hai wasn't bitter and seems to appreciate a good blindside. 

How long can Maryann keep her idol a secret?  I bet she tells Drea because they're besties and all now and then Drea asks her at TC to take it from her with one of her 13 advantages.  

Nice episode for Lindsey other than whiffing at the HII in the tree. 

Good to see that Hai wasn't bitter and seems to appreciate a good blindside. 

How long can Maryann keep her idol a secret?  I bet she tells Drea because they're besties and all now and then Drea asks her at TC to take it from her with one of her 13 advantages.  

Nice episode for Lindsey other than whiffing at the HII in the tree. 

Agreed.  Her and Omar are really starting to pull away as the leaders for winning it all imo.

I thought for sure after hai said he had an idol drea would hear and ask for it wasting her power.  

im surprised they aren’t worried about Jonathan running the table.  He legit can do that and is one of the biggest challenge beasts we have seen in a while if I’m not mistaken.  They better hope for some puzzles.  

I thought for sure after hai said he had an idol drea would hear and ask for it wasting her power.  

im surprised they aren’t worried about Jonathan running the table.  He legit can do that and is one of the biggest challenge beasts we have seen in a while if I’m not mistaken.  They better hope for some puzzles.  
I get the sense that they don't really care though. Like they think he can't win in the final three anyway (unless maybe it's him, Romeo and Maryanne or something).

I get the sense that they don't really care though. Like they think he can't win in the final three anyway (unless maybe it's him, Romeo and Maryanne or something).
You may be right but that’s a big risk.  Means they can’t control who to take potentially.  Risky for sure.  

i wish at the end of the seasons they released all the footage we didn’t see like the strategy discussions that we missed.  Kind of like big brother and the feeds.  What’s in the feeds is like a different show from the televised version.  

Good to see that Hai wasn't bitter and seems to appreciate a good blindside. 

How long can Maryann keep her idol a secret?  I bet she tells Drea because they're besties and all now and then Drea asks her at TC to take it from her with one of her 13 advantages.  

Nice episode for Lindsey other than whiffing at the HII in the tree. 
Yes, but... distancing herself from Jonathan is likely good strategy but I'm not sure aligning with Omar is in her best interests.

Really good episodes for Lindsay and Omar recently. I think this one hurt Mike, and it's at least two in a row where they've blatantly explained why Jonathan doesn't win. Drea still has zero content outside of finding advantages (kinda like Xander). Romeo feels like a final goat. 

Omar played Mike like a fiddle :lol:

Hai handled that like a pro. Respect to him there. Should be exhibit A and B on how to keep things in perspective. 

Hard to tell with the editing but def looking like Drea, Omar, Lindsey, are the favs and depends on timing of immunity wins. All set up well. Hard not to like Mike a lot. He's a good dude but is fodder to be discarded just before the final 3.

This season's dead weight that will get carried to the end looks to be Romeo or Maryanne maybe both if it the third player gets lucky / plans it perfectly.


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