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The problem with America is God hating Marxists trained in our schools (2 Viewers)


He didn't. It was taught to him as a child, before he knew enough to question it. So he's always accepted it blindly. There's a word that perfectly describes the situation, which has been used against him ironically several times already. 
It might be an interesting thread to ask FBGs how closely their religious beliefs resemble those of their parents. Also, now that we're all old, how much do our kids' beliefs resemble our own.

Some people have been indoctrinated, that's for sure.

The second bolded is highly offensive. More of that Christian superiority. "You don't believe in MY god so you're lesser than me". So arrogant.

Joe called out Tim yesterday (rightfully) for inflammatory statements. Yet this is still here. Unbelievable.

There's way more I'd love to say but not worth the ban that would surely follow. Have a great day and bless your heart.
The single biggest cause of atheism is Christians.

Is GordonGecko Hypocritical When it Comes to Free Speech? (7/22/22 12:59 EST)

Direct Quote: GordonGecko lectures FBG member on Free Speech

"A discussion of free speech that might offend and the suppression of it and the enduring impact that has on First Amendment rights goes beyond your grievance against pinkham13 and his talk about religion.

Many people wanted Margaret Mitchell's Gone With The Wind banned in all forms. It does have racism in it. And how Hattie McDaniel was treated in real life was disgusting and unforgivable. But it also is considered on of the greatest American novels ever written and some argue the film is one of the best films ever made.

GWTW deals with racism. But also it deals with female empowerment, how one measures their place in a shifting society and the casualties inflicted when the accepted social order rapidly changes.

When you silence something, you just don't excise the bad, you slaughter all of the good too. You remove the greater context of how the world got to that place and why it had to one day change. Losing that is a savage price to pay to feed the sealions.

How much good has to die to eliminate what some believe is the bad? That's a complex question. It's one worth investigating.

The exercise of free will and free speech was not designed to make everyone comfortable.

Here are two issues you aren't considering

1) There are lots of Christians in America today who feel their values have been persecuted by way of a larger overall political conflict.  Many Christians have been lumped into "poor white trash hillbilly MAGA White Nationalist cultists who want to go around killing as many minorities as possible" category. For the crime of what exactly? They came out to vote in droves in the 2016 and 2020 cycles and that's just never happened before

2) Someone can be wrong in your eyes but they might still have a point somewhere within the overall discussion. Do I think pinkham13 is totally right? Do I agree with each and every instance in how he presented his viewpoint? My take is simple - He's got some specific points I think are worth further exploration, such as what's happening in our schools and the policies built on clear political motivation that drives them, whether or not people agree with them."

July 22, 2022

Direct Quote: GordonGecko attacks and demeans post and poster he doesn't agree with.

^ This is an egregiously tribalistic gutless low value post.

The activist complicit left leaning MSM will define anything that opposes the current identity politics/intersectional politics matrix as "far right" or "extreme right"

What actually matters in practical public administration is how the Department Of Homeland Security, particularly their OIA branch ( their intelligence wing) defines it. This is for the purposes to effectively deploy law enforcement, the criminal justice system and the judiciary to ensure national security interests.

DHS OIA uses a few simple tests

1) Is there predictive modeling around ethnonational viewpoints?

2) Is there predictive modeling around ideological viewpoints that will lead to organized violence that mirrors asymmetrical warfare methodology?

3) Is there predictive modeling around religious superiority?

What factors into predictive modeling?

- How long has the organization been in existence? The longer the tenure, the greater the practical threat to actual violence

- Has the organization published ideological literature on a broad scale? Those who regularly publish are seen as less of a practical threat to violence.

- Has the organization been in violent conflict with other "vetted" extremist groups? ( Think a street fight between the KKK and Black Panthers)

- Does the "organization" actually deploy in leaderless/zero structure cells, usually with back channel funding? This would be akin to Antifa, which has no formal chain of command and no national platform.

- Where does the organization operate by district/region? DHS OIA and CISA classifies some areas as "hot spots"  For example, Chicago and Philly would be seen as areas with a low boiling point but where these groups could operate with a large tactical foot print.

Matt Gaetz is an idiot. I would personally prefer he not be in elected office as he poorly represents Republicans, and thus by extension, the Conservative base. But nothing in his history or timeline in public office would classify him as "far right" or "extreme right"

What AOC or Bernie Sanders are shouting or what Joy Reid says to gaslight the public or the bizarre idiotic pathological lies of Joe Biden don't automatically castigate their political enemies as actual far right.

Keep in mind there have been previous attempts to try to have DHS classify Mike Rowe and David DeAngelo as "far right" and "ideological extremists"

Mike Rowe? The Dirty Jobs guy? Yes, that guy. The establishment Democrats didn't like his massive outreach to skilled trades to further lean them into Conservative viewpoints. And David DeAngelo? He's a grifter who made millions telling men how to selectively target women with low self esteem in clubs and bars to have as much casual sex as possible ( the archaic PUA movement)

DHS has been pushed so hard by the Biden Administration, that they are more likely to label down on a furry tree hugger chained to a redwood over Marxist anti-establishment black militants that the entire MSM pretends doesn't exist. Then again the the activist complicit MSM pretends the young black Conservative base in America doesn't exist as well.

The "White Evangelical Voter" collective is also not a monolith. Why you would say so or use that as some kind of ugly purity test is disgusting.

I took your low value trolling post, made to fulfill some need to "balance out" that there was a post about the "Extreme Left" hunting down actual sitting Justices on SCOTUS, and dragged it in to a high value discussion point. It was more than you deserve.

Posts like yours sully the entire community. If you want to hard line your tribalism and partisan rage, raise the level of discussion. You can say ugly things about Republicans and Conservatives with actual high value posting, but that would take actual effort. I say things that show the radical left, the Biden Administration and Democrats up and down the ticket in a negative light all the time, the difference is I'm not cheap about it.

Don't be cheap and lazy. Don't backdoor smear poor white rural Christian America because it's trendy to do so. Give this community something better than parroting the lamest parts of Joy Reid. I'll let people decide for themselves if they think you suck on a personal level, but what matters to this community is that your posts, just like this, suck the life out of this place.

May 6, 2022.

@GordonGekko May serve you well to practice what you preach. I'd hate to think you're the tribalist looking to silence differing opinion.

You are my hero and I am want to buy you a drink. 

We have people who think evil is good. It’s due to indoctrination and ignorance. Forgive them Lord because they know not what they do.
Great Lie of Satan #1. Killing unborn babies is considered women’s health care. Too self centered to think about the consequences of having sex so let’s kill babies! Sixty million plus dead since Roe. It was never a right in the constitution. You don’t have the right to kill.  So backwards and so evil. 

Great lie of Satan # 2. You come from monkeys. Darwin believed that blacks were less evolved and very close to apes. He believed whites were more evolved. Stop teaching our kids this racist monkey theory. We were all created in Gods image. Why are there still monkeys? Did they get held back? Are they stuck in a time warp? Wanna stop institutional racism? Start with erasing this stupid racist monkey theory from textbooks. Blacks are just as smart as anyone and Darwin didn’t think so.

Great lie of Satan #3. Fossil fuels will kill us all. I am still waiting for the glaciers to melt and turn Florida into Atlantis. The climate has always changed. So what. Stop scaring our children to death with this alarmist nonsense. Why is the only answer to the fake problem total government control over everything you say or do. Look at Sri Lanka. They bought into the green mafia and they bankrupted the country. No food because nitrogen is now a pollutant same as carbon. Why are the building blocks of life demonized? Because the Davos crowd aren’t powerful enough already? Did you know that the rubber from your tires are more dangerous than tailpipe emissions? Heavy weight electric cars run through tires twice as fast. These cars are devastating to the environment. The mining for lithium alone makes them worse than ICE cars. What about the grid? Why are we paying 100 a barrel and shipping our SPR reserves to China and others?

Great lie from Satan #4. You can choose your gender and you should be proud if you choose homosexual, lesbian.or transgender lifestyles. Talk about giving God the finger. Instead of accepting the XY or XX you were given by our creator you decide what you want to be. And if you don’t teach this to kids we are going to hold back on lunches in school. Why is gender confusion and promoting lifestyles that result in no offspring promoted? Because it’s the exact opposite of what God wants us to do. Be fruitful and multiply.

The problem with America is we deny God in our schools. We raise trained Marxists indoctrinated to believe there is no truth. You can invent it on your own. If you believe you came from an animal and that only the material world exists you do whatever you want to. Killing babies. Destroying the nuclear family. Putting planned parenthood abortion centers near black high schools. Forty percent of all abortions come from just six percent of the population….blacks. Just plain evil institutionalized racist killing.

1. Abortion sucks bad. Especially when seemingly less than necessary. Especially when resultant from poor birth-control choices. Yet scores of unwanted children by less-than-ideal 'adults' isn't great either. Ultimately, save for late-term nonsense, I say leave it up to the mother and hopefully the father, and hopefully their relationship to God or the Universe or whatever polarizes them. On death's day perhaps, we are all judged and if they choose wrong, they will account then.

2. There can be intelligent creation and evolution. You and Darwin could both be right. There's a venn diagram somewhere there that's reasonably worthy of belief. Darwin may have been a racist in a racist time, but that doesn't invalidate his broader ideas. We can certainly however, question his racist leanings on their own.

3. Yeah, I'm not totally convinced that modern climate change is purely man made. There may be a venn here too, which includes some unknown degree of long-term weather cycle change for the Earth. Either way, best approach is to strive for lower carbon and other pollutions, but certainly not at all cost. Sri Lanka is a terrible extreme of unintended consequences gone wrong, and also a great warning about changing too fast.

4. I take the same approach to others' gender and sexuality that I do with abortion - generally Pro Choice... To each his/her own - but within reason - i.e. live and let live but please don't overpush this stuff into the faces of people who aren't as comfortable with LGBTQ+ as the modern mainstream. And for crying out loud, definitely don't push these topics on their underage kids without their awareness and consent. We can slow play this movement a bit more to everyone's benefit.

5. I'm not in favor of teaching any one religion in our American schools. I do like the idea of teaching broader theology, however, including full exposure of positive messaging and histories of all religions and spirituality, so that young people can decide for themselves from a wide-ranging informed standing what is worthy of their faith. 100% with you about the decline of the nuclear family being a nuclear problem.

Don't let detractors keep you from expressing yourself, Pinkham. This world and this forum need to hear and consider your voice as much as any other. Cheers 🍻 

Is GordonGecko Hypocritical When it Comes to Free Speech? (7/22/22 12:59 EST)

Direct Quote: GordonGecko lectures FBG member on Free Speech

"A discussion of free speech that might offend and the suppression of it and the enduring impact that has on First Amendment rights goes beyond your grievance against pinkham13 and his talk about religion.

Many people wanted Margaret Mitchell's Gone With The Wind banned in all forms. It does have racism in it. And how Hattie McDaniel was treated in real life was disgusting and unforgivable. But it also is considered on of the greatest American novels ever written and some argue the film is one of the best films ever made.

GWTW deals with racism. But also it deals with female empowerment, how one measures their place in a shifting society and the casualties inflicted when the accepted social order rapidly changes.

When you silence something, you just don't excise the bad, you slaughter all of the good too. You remove the greater context of how the world got to that place and why it had to one day change. Losing that is a savage price to pay to feed the sealions.

How much good has to die to eliminate what some believe is the bad? That's a complex question. It's one worth investigating.

The exercise of free will and free speech was not designed to make everyone comfortable.

Here are two issues you aren't considering

1) There are lots of Christians in America today who feel their values have been persecuted by way of a larger overall political conflict.  Many Christians have been lumped into "poor white trash hillbilly MAGA White Nationalist cultists who want to go around killing as many minorities as possible" category. For the crime of what exactly? They came out to vote in droves in the 2016 and 2020 cycles and that's just never happened before

2) Someone can be wrong in your eyes but they might still have a point somewhere within the overall discussion. Do I think pinkham13 is totally right? Do I agree with each and every instance in how he presented his viewpoint? My take is simple - He's got some specific points I think are worth further exploration, such as what's happening in our schools and the policies built on clear political motivation that drives them, whether or not people agree with them."

July 22, 2022

Direct Quote: GordonGecko attacks and demeans post and poster he doesn't agree with.

^ This is an egregiously tribalistic gutless low value post.

The activist complicit left leaning MSM will define anything that opposes the current identity politics/intersectional politics matrix as "far right" or "extreme right"

What actually matters in practical public administration is how the Department Of Homeland Security, particularly their OIA branch ( their intelligence wing) defines it. This is for the purposes to effectively deploy law enforcement, the criminal justice system and the judiciary to ensure national security interests.

DHS OIA uses a few simple tests

1) Is there predictive modeling around ethnonational viewpoints?

2) Is there predictive modeling around ideological viewpoints that will lead to organized violence that mirrors asymmetrical warfare methodology?

3) Is there predictive modeling around religious superiority?

What factors into predictive modeling?

- How long has the organization been in existence? The longer the tenure, the greater the practical threat to actual violence

- Has the organization published ideological literature on a broad scale? Those who regularly publish are seen as less of a practical threat to violence.

- Has the organization been in violent conflict with other "vetted" extremist groups? ( Think a street fight between the KKK and Black Panthers)

- Does the "organization" actually deploy in leaderless/zero structure cells, usually with back channel funding? This would be akin to Antifa, which has no formal chain of command and no national platform.

- Where does the organization operate by district/region? DHS OIA and CISA classifies some areas as "hot spots"  For example, Chicago and Philly would be seen as areas with a low boiling point but where these groups could operate with a large tactical foot print.

Matt Gaetz is an idiot. I would personally prefer he not be in elected office as he poorly represents Republicans, and thus by extension, the Conservative base. But nothing in his history or timeline in public office would classify him as "far right" or "extreme right"

What AOC or Bernie Sanders are shouting or what Joy Reid says to gaslight the public or the bizarre idiotic pathological lies of Joe Biden don't automatically castigate their political enemies as actual far right.

Keep in mind there have been previous attempts to try to have DHS classify Mike Rowe and David DeAngelo as "far right" and "ideological extremists"

Mike Rowe? The Dirty Jobs guy? Yes, that guy. The establishment Democrats didn't like his massive outreach to skilled trades to further lean them into Conservative viewpoints. And David DeAngelo? He's a grifter who made millions telling men how to selectively target women with low self esteem in clubs and bars to have as much casual sex as possible ( the archaic PUA movement)

DHS has been pushed so hard by the Biden Administration, that they are more likely to label down on a furry tree hugger chained to a redwood over Marxist anti-establishment black militants that the entire MSM pretends doesn't exist. Then again the the activist complicit MSM pretends the young black Conservative base in America doesn't exist as well.

The "White Evangelical Voter" collective is also not a monolith. Why you would say so or use that as some kind of ugly purity test is disgusting.

I took your low value trolling post, made to fulfill some need to "balance out" that there was a post about the "Extreme Left" hunting down actual sitting Justices on SCOTUS, and dragged it in to a high value discussion point. It was more than you deserve.

Posts like yours sully the entire community. If you want to hard line your tribalism and partisan rage, raise the level of discussion. You can say ugly things about Republicans and Conservatives with actual high value posting, but that would take actual effort. I say things that show the radical left, the Biden Administration and Democrats up and down the ticket in a negative light all the time, the difference is I'm not cheap about it.

Don't be cheap and lazy. Don't backdoor smear poor white rural Christian America because it's trendy to do so. Give this community something better than parroting the lamest parts of Joy Reid. I'll let people decide for themselves if they think you suck on a personal level, but what matters to this community is that your posts, just like this, suck the life out of this place.

May 6, 2022.

@GordonGekko May serve you well to practice what you preach. I'd hate to think you're the tribalist looking to silence differing opinion.
Well Done!!!

The truth just is. There isn’t a variation on 2+2 not equaling four.. How do you feel about what Darwin said about blacks in his book, origin of species? Doesn’t that make you want to question his rationale? Blacks aren’t less evolved as he said. Why are we teaching this? It’s like a Christian opposition religion and it’s racist to boot.

We ignore racists pasts of people who support our agenda and we need to highlight and focus on the racists past of people on the other side.   Since nobody in the past meets today's standards we can selectively dismiss all those people we disagree with. 

Are you trying to say this is bad? Because you do it with white-hot gusto in nearly every post you make.

Bs.  I don't dismiss people simply for being leftist.  I dismiss stupid ideas.  Leftists are the champions at dismissing people for any connection to crazy people.  Maybe 10 percent of leftists in here engage on ideas.  

Bs.  I don't dismiss people simply for being leftist.  I dismiss stupid ideas.  Leftists are the champions at dismissing people for any connection to crazy people.  Maybe 10 percent of leftists in here engage on ideas.  
A.k.a. - ideas from the left? 


We ignore racists pasts of people who support our agenda and we need to highlight and focus on the racists past of people on the other side.   Since nobody in the past meets today's standards we can selectively dismiss all those people we disagree with. 
Except we aren’t doing that.  Pink is. 

Bs.  I don't dismiss people simply for being leftist.  I dismiss stupid ideas.  Leftists are the champions at dismissing people for any connection to crazy people.  Maybe 10 percent of leftists in here engage on ideas.  
The very premise of this thread is dismissing others ideas.  Are you calling Pink a leftist?

Yes...and the point applies as well.
Yet it doesn’t.  You said “We ignore racists pasts of people who support our agenda and we need to highlight and focus on the racists past of people on the other side.”  Those of us in here who are agreeing with Darwinism have also almost to a person admitted his views on black were racist.  Your point only applies to the non leftist OP in this thread. 

Completely incorrect. He thought all races that were not white Europeans were inferior and or savages that would be exterminated by the superior more civilized races just like Hitler. We need to stop this institutionalized racist religion being taught in schools. https://sites.williams.edu/engl-209-fall16/uncategorized/the-dark-side-of-darwinism/

I think we probably should just throw out any scientific discovery pre 1960s or so if we don't have the ability to distinguish between the science and the person behind the science.   Also good thing other scientists, many of which I would assume don't share Darwin's views on race, have been able to verify the science in the last 150 or so years.  

The funny thing is this line of thinking from pinkham sounds exactly like cancel culture, which if I'd have to guess, he hates.   Cancelling evolution because Darwin was racist sounds awful lot like the nutters tearing down statues of founding fathers because they were racist.  

Darwin was racist. He was a man of his time. He believed as the vast majority of white people believed, that some cultures were more advanced than others and that this was largely based on skin color. 
That doesn’t negate any of his scientific discoveries. 
He was a white supremacist. At least someone on here has read enough of his published works to see that. He was no better than Hitler and we treat him like God in our schools. What a joke. We were never animals in the first place. You don’t see any animals evolving to the point of reading and writing do you.? Of course not. That is absurd on its face yet we teach this racist trash as the gospelhttps://sites.williams.edu/engl-209-fall16/uncategorized/the-dark-side-of-darwinism/

He was a white supremacist. At least someone on here has read enough of his published works to see that. He was no better than Hitler and we treat him like God in our schools. What a joke. We were never animals in the first place. You don’t see any animals evolving to the point of reading and writing do you.? Of course not. That is absurd on its face yet we teach this racist trash as the gospelhttps://sites.williams.edu/engl-209-fall16/uncategorized/the-dark-side-of-darwinism/
I’m afraid your information is wrong. Furthermore your application of it is wrong. And you’re also coming off here as quite fanatical. 

He was a white supremacist. At least someone on here has read enough of his published works to see that. He was no better than Hitler and we treat him like God in our schools. What a joke. We were never animals in the first place. You don’t see any animals evolving to the point of reading and writing do you.? Of course not. That is absurd on its face yet we teach this racist trash as the gospelhttps://sites.williams.edu/engl-209-fall16/uncategorized/the-dark-side-of-darwinism/
Herschel Walker posts here?

He was a white supremacist. At least someone on here has read enough of his published works to see that. He was no better than Hitler and we treat him like God in our schools. What a joke. We were never animals in the first place. You don’t see any animals evolving to the point of reading and writing do you.? Of course not. That is absurd on its face yet we teach this racist trash as the gospelhttps://sites.williams.edu/engl-209-fall16/uncategorized/the-dark-side-of-darwinism/
The "Darwin is racist therefore evolution is wrong" card is not played often. I must say that it is fascinating. Theories are either right or wrong regardless of the person who discovered it. It's kind of a fundamental principle of science.

Completely incorrect. He thought all races that were not white Europeans were inferior and or savages that would be exterminated by the superior more civilized races just like Hitler. We need to stop this institutionalized racist religion being taught in schools. https://sites.williams.edu/engl-209-fall16/uncategorized/the-dark-side-of-darwinism/
This is what you wrote: 

Darwin believed that blacks were less evolved and very close to apes.
This is wrong.

He was a white supremacist. At least someone on here has read enough of his published works to see that. He was no better than Hitler and we treat him like God in our schools. What a joke. We were never animals in the first place. You don’t see any animals evolving to the point of reading and writing do you.? Of course not. That is absurd on its face yet we teach this racist trash as the gospelhttps://sites.williams.edu/engl-209-fall16/uncategorized/the-dark-side-of-darwinism/
Pretty sure Darwin didn't kill 6 million people.

Is GordonGecko Hypocritical When it Comes to Free Speech? (7/22/22 12:59 EST)

Direct Quote: GordonGecko lectures FBG member on Free Speech

"A discussion of free speech that might offend and the suppression of it and the enduring impact that has on First Amendment rights goes beyond your grievance against pinkham13 and his talk about religion.

Many people wanted Margaret Mitchell's Gone With The Wind banned in all forms. It does have racism in it. And how Hattie McDaniel was treated in real life was disgusting and unforgivable. But it also is considered on of the greatest American novels ever written and some argue the film is one of the best films ever made.

GWTW deals with racism. But also it deals with female empowerment, how one measures their place in a shifting society and the casualties inflicted when the accepted social order rapidly changes.

When you silence something, you just don't excise the bad, you slaughter all of the good too. You remove the greater context of how the world got to that place and why it had to one day change. Losing that is a savage price to pay to feed the sealions.

How much good has to die to eliminate what some believe is the bad? That's a complex question. It's one worth investigating.

The exercise of free will and free speech was not designed to make everyone comfortable.

Here are two issues you aren't considering

1) There are lots of Christians in America today who feel their values have been persecuted by way of a larger overall political conflict.  Many Christians have been lumped into "poor white trash hillbilly MAGA White Nationalist cultists who want to go around killing as many minorities as possible" category. For the crime of what exactly? They came out to vote in droves in the 2016 and 2020 cycles and that's just never happened before

2) Someone can be wrong in your eyes but they might still have a point somewhere within the overall discussion. Do I think pinkham13 is totally right? Do I agree with each and every instance in how he presented his viewpoint? My take is simple - He's got some specific points I think are worth further exploration, such as what's happening in our schools and the policies built on clear political motivation that drives them, whether or not people agree with them."

July 22, 2022

Direct Quote: GordonGecko attacks and demeans post and poster he doesn't agree with.

^ This is an egregiously tribalistic gutless low value post.

The activist complicit left leaning MSM will define anything that opposes the current identity politics/intersectional politics matrix as "far right" or "extreme right"

What actually matters in practical public administration is how the Department Of Homeland Security, particularly their OIA branch ( their intelligence wing) defines it. This is for the purposes to effectively deploy law enforcement, the criminal justice system and the judiciary to ensure national security interests.

DHS OIA uses a few simple tests

1) Is there predictive modeling around ethnonational viewpoints?

2) Is there predictive modeling around ideological viewpoints that will lead to organized violence that mirrors asymmetrical warfare methodology?

3) Is there predictive modeling around religious superiority?

What factors into predictive modeling?

- How long has the organization been in existence? The longer the tenure, the greater the practical threat to actual violence

- Has the organization published ideological literature on a broad scale? Those who regularly publish are seen as less of a practical threat to violence.

- Has the organization been in violent conflict with other "vetted" extremist groups? ( Think a street fight between the KKK and Black Panthers)

- Does the "organization" actually deploy in leaderless/zero structure cells, usually with back channel funding? This would be akin to Antifa, which has no formal chain of command and no national platform.

- Where does the organization operate by district/region? DHS OIA and CISA classifies some areas as "hot spots"  For example, Chicago and Philly would be seen as areas with a low boiling point but where these groups could operate with a large tactical foot print.

Matt Gaetz is an idiot. I would personally prefer he not be in elected office as he poorly represents Republicans, and thus by extension, the Conservative base. But nothing in his history or timeline in public office would classify him as "far right" or "extreme right"

What AOC or Bernie Sanders are shouting or what Joy Reid says to gaslight the public or the bizarre idiotic pathological lies of Joe Biden don't automatically castigate their political enemies as actual far right.

Keep in mind there have been previous attempts to try to have DHS classify Mike Rowe and David DeAngelo as "far right" and "ideological extremists"

Mike Rowe? The Dirty Jobs guy? Yes, that guy. The establishment Democrats didn't like his massive outreach to skilled trades to further lean them into Conservative viewpoints. And David DeAngelo? He's a grifter who made millions telling men how to selectively target women with low self esteem in clubs and bars to have as much casual sex as possible ( the archaic PUA movement)

DHS has been pushed so hard by the Biden Administration, that they are more likely to label down on a furry tree hugger chained to a redwood over Marxist anti-establishment black militants that the entire MSM pretends doesn't exist. Then again the the activist complicit MSM pretends the young black Conservative base in America doesn't exist as well.

The "White Evangelical Voter" collective is also not a monolith. Why you would say so or use that as some kind of ugly purity test is disgusting.

I took your low value trolling post, made to fulfill some need to "balance out" that there was a post about the "Extreme Left" hunting down actual sitting Justices on SCOTUS, and dragged it in to a high value discussion point. It was more than you deserve.

Posts like yours sully the entire community. If you want to hard line your tribalism and partisan rage, raise the level of discussion. You can say ugly things about Republicans and Conservatives with actual high value posting, but that would take actual effort. I say things that show the radical left, the Biden Administration and Democrats up and down the ticket in a negative light all the time, the difference is I'm not cheap about it.

Don't be cheap and lazy. Don't backdoor smear poor white rural Christian America because it's trendy to do so. Give this community something better than parroting the lamest parts of Joy Reid. I'll let people decide for themselves if they think you suck on a personal level, but what matters to this community is that your posts, just like this, suck the life out of this place.

May 6, 2022.

@GordonGekko May serve you well to practice what you preach. I'd hate to think you're the tribalist looking to silence differing opinion.
I can’t even make it all the way through this post. It’s perfect. 

He was a white supremacist. At least someone on here has read enough of his published works to see that. He was no better than Hitler and we treat him like God in our schools. What a joke. We were never animals in the first place. You don’t see any animals evolving to the point of reading and writing do you.? Of course not. That is absurd on its face yet we teach this racist trash as the gospelhttps://sites.williams.edu/engl-209-fall16/uncategorized/the-dark-side-of-darwinism/
Then you'll probably agree we don't want this racist stuff taught in schools.


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According to Florida law, the bible should be banned in schools. It references rape, bestiality, infanticide, and cannibalism. 

"If you want to teach morality and ethics, do you really want to turn to a book that wants you to dash babies against rocks?" he told NPR, pointing to Psalm 137:9.
What kind of wretched heathens would want such things taught to our impressionable young kids??!!1 This will not stand! I will not allow my kids to be indoctrinated by these groomers that want them to bash babies against rocks, murder first born sons, stone people to death, and unleash plagues against their enemies! This is the reason our country is collapsing!!!

Now look! I've clutched my pearls so hard that the necklace broke and my pearls rolled all over the floor and my dog ate one and I had to take it to the vet then I stepped on one and fell down and got hurt and it's all the Bible's fault!!!!

What kind of wretched heathens would want such things taught to our impressionable young kids??!!1 This will not stand! I will not allow my kids to be indoctrinated by these groomers that want them to bash babies against rocks, murder first born sons, stone people to death, and unleash plagues against their enemies! This is the reason our country is collapsing!!!

Now look! I've clutched my pearls so hard that the necklace broke and my pearls rolled all over the floor and my dog ate one and I had to take it to the vet then I stepped on one and fell down and got hurt and it's all the Bible's fault!!!!
That's why it's so funny when some of these people try to talk about the violent games and rap lyrics on why the country is going to crap.  

ETA:  they would probably protest a horror movie if it came out that featured stoning people, bashing babies, etc..  

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That's why it's so funny when some of these people try to talk about the violent games and rap lyrics on why the country is going to crap.  

ETA:  they would probably protest a horror movie if it came out that featured stoning people, bashing babies, etc..  
I feel like this is veering off into "let's make up an imaginary person and then get mad at that person" territory.  Of course, it's not as if this thread got off to a promising start given the OP or anything, but still.

a) Can you give an example of any horror films that has been protested by religious conservatives recently?  Or ever, even?  I don't recall any particular controversy surrounding The Exorcist, for example, but that was eons ago and I would have been too young to remember much about the launch of that film anyway.  Likewise for The Omen.  In the meantime, I've seen lots of horror films that involve bad things happening to kids, people being murdered in gruesome ways, etc. and none of them attracted anybody's ire that I know of.

b) Many of our common horror stories are unintelligible without access to Christianity.  Dracula and Frankenstein in particular are firmly rooted in Christian tropes.  I would argue that the entire zombie genre owes a debt to Christianity as well, but that's admittedly a little more ephemeral than the other two.  

I'm just amazed this thread is still open.

Believers vs. Non-believers.......both think the other is completely lost.  The end.

I feel like this is veering off into "let's make up an imaginary person and then get mad at that person" territory.  Of course, it's not as if this thread got off to a promising start given the OP or anything, but still.

a) Can you give an example of any horror films that has been protested by religious conservatives recently?  Or ever, even?  I don't recall any particular controversy surrounding The Exorcist, for example, but that was eons ago and I would have been too young to remember much about the launch of that film anyway.  Likewise for The Omen.  In the meantime, I've seen lots of horror films that involve bad things happening to kids, people being murdered in gruesome ways, etc. and none of them attracted anybody's ire that I know of.

b) Many of our common horror stories are unintelligible without access to Christianity.  Dracula and Frankenstein in particular are firmly rooted in Christian tropes.  I would argue that the entire zombie genre owes a debt to Christianity as well, but that's admittedly a little more ephemeral than the other two.  
I will admit I probably took it too far with the horror movies example.      

My point was more overall of people in these threads blaming the violent content in media as big reason why we don't value life or our morals are degrading.    You see violent rap music blamed for shootings and thug life, you seem violent video games blamed for grooming mass shooters, etc.   You see people claiming schools are pushing agendas by books in their library with sexual stuff.    No, I don't specifically ask those people their religious views at the time they are making those posts, but I have interacted with them enough to get a read on their religious leanings.    I would guess if asked near 0% would say they would have an issue with those same people reading and studying The Bible, which as we are joking around about, is every bit as violent and sexual.  

Believers don't bother me, live and let live.  Believers who think we need god(s) in public schools do. A lot.
It's tough though cuz Judeo-Christian belief system is entwined throughout our society....always has been.

I get it....the left hates that legacy.  The left hates our colonial past.  They can't get past it and love to re-hash it 

The problem is the divergence of the two world views gets bigger as time goes on.

It's tough though cuz Judeo-Christian belief system is entwined throughout our society....always has been.

I get it....the left hates that legacy.  The left hates our colonial past.  They can't get past it and love to re-hash it 

The problem is the divergence of the two world views gets bigger as time goes on.
Yet it still holds no place in the public education system. At home is where faith, morals and values should be taught.  

It's tough though cuz Judeo-Christian belief system is entwined throughout our society....always has been.

I get it....the left hates that legacy.  The left hates our colonial past.  They can't get past it and love to re-hash it 

The problem is the divergence of the two world views gets bigger as time goes on.
It's not tough. The first amendment says the government will establish no religion. If you want god(s) and/or prayer in public school you must give everyone's religion equal treatment. What prayers would you like to see in schools? What about atheists? They get the same equal treatment as any other religion. Would be ok with a Satanic prayer? They're a real religion.

So no, Christians do not have a monopoly on what religions and prayers public schools can offer. Offer one, offer all. It's in the first amendment.

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My point was more overall of people in these threads blaming the violent content in media as big reason why we don't value life or our morals are degrading.    You see violent rap music blamed for shootings and thug life, you seem violent video games blamed for grooming mass shooters, etc.   
According to the Bible, the 3rd person killed the 4th person. We have been violent from the beginning. 

It's not tough. The first amendment says the government will establish no religion. If you want god(s) and/or prayer in public school you must give everyone's religion equal treatment. What prayers would you like to see in schools? What about atheists? They get the same equal treatment as any other religion. Would be ok with a Satanic prayer? They're a real religion.

So no, Christians do not have a monopoly on what religions and prayers public schools can offer. Offer one, offer all. It's in the first amendment.
Totally get ur point.  I'm just looking at the reality of our society.

Im ok with people praying to whoever or whatever the hell they want.  In public school I agree with you.....no organized prayer

Isn't there a Psalm by David talking about jacking it to the stories of Lot's daughters?  

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