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TRUMP TO INFINITY AND BEYOND HQ - The Great and Positive Place (4 Viewers)

GREAT Analogy   


October 31, 2020

High Noon in America: Will You Fight or Hide?

By Jeffrey Folks

By coincidence, I was watching High Noonthis week, just as polls showed President Trump trailing Biden by 9 to10 pointsnationally.  Like the hero of High Noon, the president sometimes seems to be fighting alone.  It's high noon in America, and after the election, only one man will be left standing.

For anyone who hasn't seen it, High Noon is the story of Will Kane (Gary Cooper) and his bride, Amy (Grace Kelly), who are married just as the vicious Miller gang returns to town seeking revenge against Kane for sending their leader to prison.  Though he is free to leave town, Marshall Kane decides that he must remain until the next day, when the new marshal takes over.  A devout Quaker, Amy declares that she will leave her husband if he decides to fight.

Though painful, Will Kane's position is not impossible.  His path is clear because he lives by an unwavering code of values.  He remains in town to defend his fellow citizens, even the many who don't appreciate his efforts.  When everyone abandons him, he faces overwhelming odds — four to one — with only the help of his wife, who returns without his knowledge and saves his life in the shootout.

President Trump faces the same overwhelming odds.  The political establishment, the Deep State, practically the entire media, academe, unions, minorities, environmentalists, foreign nations, and special interests of all stripes have piled on, outraged that the president would actually stand up for ordinary Americans.  They thought Trump's promise to "drain the swamp" was just words — the usual political rhetoric that would be forgotten as soon as the candidate took office.  That's what Joe Biden —" friend of the working man" — has been doing for 47 years.  But President Trump is not a typical politician, and the establishment hate him for it because he exposes what they are.

The question is whether the American people will back the president by getting out to vote.  In High Noon, a crucial point was that the citizenry of the fictional Hadleyville were too timid and afraid to join in the town's defense.  Now is the time to defend America, and the only way to do so is by casting a vote for President Trump. 

Believing itself to be so superior, the left now routinely resorts to tactics of suppressing news and opinion, lying, shoving, blocking access, rioting, and other actions of the mob.  These are the tactics of the brownshirts and the blackshirts of the 1930s.

Notice that nearly all the verbal abuse, lying, shoving, and rioting comes from the left.  Obama's nomination of Sonia Sotomayor did not spark a bitter confirmation hearing or the period of rioting, confrontation of senators, and media barrage that the Kavanaugh hearing did — or the threat to delay the confirmation vote and subsequent boycott of the hearings that the Barrett nomination did.  Yet, in the judgement of many, Judge Kavanaugh and Judge Barrett were better qualified and less partisan than Judge Sotomayor.  Anyone who has read Sotomayor's autobiography, My Beloved World, knows that she applies an ideological perspective rooted in a sense of youthful victimization.  And yet conservatives did not resort to mob tactics in opposing Sotomayor's nomination.  In fact, nine Republicans voted to confirm her.    

Most Americans, and the Republicans who represent them, cling to the values of an older America in which political differences are resolved by democratic means and in which civility is still possible.  They believe in the Golden Rule — how many on the left even know what that is?  — and in patriotism, God, and family.  They believe that capitalism works, but they are not out to destroy those who don't.  They have never accepted the credo "by any means necessary," one that the left has long embraced.  They are a different kind of human being than what exists on the left in the coastal cities and the university towns.

Now the left is out to reverse the Trump victory of 2016 and erase the accomplishments of Trump's presidency, which they see as a minor setback on the relentless march toward collectivism.  Like the Miller gang, who believe they have a right to terrorize the sheepish citizenry of Hadleyville, the left believes that it has a right to permanent rule — because it is "better," more righteous, and more compassionate than the right.  In fact, the left is merely more ruthless, selfish, and power-hungry.

When Will Kane stepped out to face the Miller gang, everyone knew how it must end.  The 2020 election offers a similar choice between good and evil.  President Trump is running not to enrich himself or his family.  He is running not so that his son can earn huge "access" fees while performing no actual labor.  The president is not a career politician who wishes to add eight more damaging years to a record of 47 years of failure.  He does not seek permanent rule for his party by undermining his successor's administration.  He seeks to reduce the burden of government on ordinary Americans and to ensure the freedom of all citizens.

At the end of High Noon, those who abandoned him now gather round and praise Will Kane, but Kane tosses his badge in the dust, and he and Amy ride away in disgust.  His neighbors turned their backs on him at the crucial hour, and they've lost his respect.  

Today, it's time for Americans to come to the president's aid.  Don't abandon this extraordinary president, who has done so much to defend our national culture.  The citizens of Hadleyville sat in their houses with drapes pulled and doors locked until the contest was over.  Don't hide yourself away during this great presidential contest.  Your most important responsibility as a citizen is to vote.

It is high noon in America, and today one champion stands between us and socialism.  This time, we can't let our champion down.  Don't let President Trump fight this battle alone.  Stand by the president who's defending you.
This is the worst thing I've ever read.

I personally don't think covid-19 is as dangerous as we're led to believe. I dont think schools and businesses should be closed over this. That is doing more harm than good imo.

People going to the rallies know the risk and made the same determination. People should be allowed to assemble. Same thing with all the protests or marches. Was the women's march a political statement that endarged lives or was it applauded? 
Should Trump have required people who attended his rallies to wear masks, instead of practically discouraging them in the beginning (RIP Herman Cain), or simply handing them out for more recent rallies? Most political marches are in a different category, they're organic, grassroots up,  unlike a Trump rally which starts at the top. Further, the organizers of these rallies, based on the "invites" I saw in the Miami area, ask protesters to bring masks and to refrain from violence.  My daughter who's been to several protest marches in both Miami and LA says mask compliance is 95+% in the marches she's been been involved with.

Question: Do you require passengers in your car to wear seatbelts?

We are dealing with COVID better now than in the beginning (early diagnosis, less intubation, etc) and I think some states should open more quickly if they expand testing and isolation, mainly to reduce multi-generational spread. But, look at the graphs from Covid Actnow from South Dakota and tell me if you think we're "rounding the final turn." Deaths, which are a lagging metric, look like they're increasing exponentially.


Use of mask and social distancing is what’s creating these low numbers for the record, showing once again it works.  Just imagine if this was pushed and actually supported from the top how effective these 2 simple things could have been. 
Support for mask wearing in the US has on average been as high as other industrialized nations (and a good deal higher than some) if you believe this chart


I'm not sure how many people make their mask wearing decisions specifically based on what Trump does, I wouldnt think statistically many, maybe enough to bump the 80% to 85%?  It makes for a good political talking point, but the narrative that Trump caused the US to not wear masks (at least at a meaningfully different rate than other nations) seems sketchy.

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Support for mask wearing in the US has on average been as high as other industrialized nations (and a good deal higher than some) if you believe this chart


I'm not sure how many people make their mask wearing decisions specifically based on what Trump does, I wouldnt think statistically many, maybe enough to bump the 80% to 85%?  It makes for a good political talking point, but the narrative that Trump caused the US to not wear masks (at least at a meaningfully different rate than other nations) seems sketchy.
I never said nor claimed “caused”. But it’s undeniable he has a very strong following of people and if he had been very strong on facemasks the percentage of wearers would absolutely be higher. I know it’s a narrative a lot of people don’t like to say but people do follow leaders hence the term “leader”.  

Support for mask wearing in the US has on average been as high as other industrialized nations (and a good deal higher than some) if you believe this chart


I'm not sure how many people make their mask wearing decisions specifically based on what Trump does, I wouldnt think statistically many, maybe enough to bump the 80% to 85%?  It makes for a good political talking point, but the narrative that Trump caused the US to not wear masks (at least at a meaningfully different rate than other nations) seems sketchy.
I've lost count of how many Trump supporters during interviews point out that because he doesn't wear one, why should they?  Causing many more deaths than necessary.

I've lost count of how many Trump supporters during interviews point out that because he doesn't wear one, why should they?  Causing many more deaths than necessary.
I appreciate the anecdotes and Im sure there are people that don’t wear a mask because trump didn’t, and only because trump didn’t.

However, if the data is the chart is accurate US mask wearing in public is essentially as high as other nations where the leader supports masks or has even implement a national mask wearing mandate.  This would seem to indicate the anecdotes are not statistically significant or at least not as much as implied.

Does the data lie?

I appreciate the anecdotes and Im sure there are people that don’t wear a mask because trump didn’t, and only because trump didn’t.

However, if the data is the chart is accurate US mask wearing in public is essentially as high as other nations where the leader supports masks or has even implement a national mask wearing mandate.  This would seem to indicate the anecdotes are not statistically significant or at least not as much as implied.

Does the data lie?
You know what would be nice?  Not to have to try and prove anything because he just did it. 🤷‍♂️     But I will leave it at that and respect the thread.  

I appreciate the anecdotes and Im sure there are people that don’t wear a mask because trump didn’t, and only because trump didn’t.

However, if the data is the chart is accurate US mask wearing in public is essentially as high as other nations where the leader supports masks or has even implement a national mask wearing mandate.  This would seem to indicate the anecdotes are not statistically significant or at least not as much as implied.

Does the data lie?
You're trusting a chart on someone's twitter account for your evidence.  That's like trusting what our President says on his.  No thanks.  I prefer trusting science, doctors, and the people who actually know what they're talking about (not saying you, just the data on a random twitter account).

You know what would be nice?  Not to have to try and prove anything because he just did it. 🤷‍♂️     But I will leave it at that and respect the thread.  
Hey dkp.  I wish he did it more often too because I think it’s the right thing to do.  That doesn’t make data any less relevant though.

Have a good one.

I appreciate the anecdotes and Im sure there are people that don’t wear a mask because trump didn’t, and only because trump didn’t.

However, if the data is the chart is accurate US mask wearing in public is essentially as high as other nations where the leader supports masks or has even implement a national mask wearing mandate.  This would seem to indicate the anecdotes are not statistically significant or at least not as much as implied.

Does the data lie?
there is a Danish study being  suppressed by the major publicati0ons that will show masks are less than super duper in stopping the transmission of the virus

Study of the effect of Tump rallies from Stanford economics professor. RIP Herman Cain.

>>We investigate the effects of large group meetings on the spread of COVID-19 by studying the impact of eighteen Trump campaign rallies. To capture the effects of subsequent contagion within the pertinent communities, our analysis encompasses up to ten post-rally weeks for each event. Our method is based on a collection of regression models, one for each event, that capture the relationships between post-event outcomes and pre-event characteristics, including demographics and the trajectory of COVID-19 cases, in similar counties. We explore a total of 24 procedures for identifying sets of matched counties. For the vast majority of these variants, our estimate of the average treatment effect across the eighteen events implies that they increased subsequent confirmed cases of COVID-19 by more than 250 per 100,000 residents. Extrapolating this figure to the entire sample, we conclude that these eighteen rallies ultimately resulted in more than 30,000 incremental confirmed cases of COVID-19. Applying county-specific post-event death rates, we conclude that the rallies likely led to more than 700 deaths (not necessarily among attendees).<<

One thread was left up to mock the President for 4 years and the other about Biden  2 weeks 

Let's be honest.  Everything that flew around here for 4 years will not be allowed as soon as Biden wins. 

And you know the "no victory laps" thing right?  If Biden wins, how many of these guys are going to take victory laps Tuesday night?  Trump wins and one person celebrates and it's probably 3 months off.  Just look at Megla vs GM earlier this week.

Let's be honest.  Everything that flew around here for 4 years will not be allowed as soon as Biden wins. 

And you know the "no victory laps" thing right?  If Biden wins, how many of these guys are going to take victory laps Tuesday night?  Trump wins and one person celebrates and it's probably 3 months off.  Just look at Megla vs GM earlier this week.
Lighten up on the victim playing. We want everyone to be cool after this. Regardless of who wins. TIA. 

Let's be honest.  Everything that flew around here for 4 years will not be allowed as soon as Biden wins. 

And you know the "no victory laps" thing right?  If Biden wins, how many of these guys are going to take victory laps Tuesday night?  Trump wins and one person celebrates and it's probably 3 months off.  Just look at Megla vs GM earlier this week.
I’m certain there are other fantasy football message boards you can post on that cater to free speech, regardless of bigotry or false content, and where you can pretty much call anyone any names you want. You can even start a thread to piss and moan about how unfair it is here and how overrun with liberals it has become. 

What’s wrong with the tweet? Our education system has been in the dumpster for decades. 
Besides the low hanging fruit of that man talking about education?

As far as we need improvement in science, math, critical thinking, reading comprehension, etc..  I would agree with that.   Unless you have a different interpretation of what Patriotic Education would look like, it seems to me like it would be the opposite of a couple of the things I just listed.  

Ramblin Wreck said:
Let's be honest.  Everything that flew around here for 4 years will not be allowed as soon as Biden wins. 

And you know the "no victory laps" thing right?  If Biden wins, how many of these guys are going to take victory laps Tuesday night?  Trump wins and one person celebrates and it's probably 3 months off.  Just look at Megla vs GM earlier this week.
Wait, what now? :confused:

Widbil83 said:
Joe, as somebody who has a lifetime FBG subscription and promotes the hell out of you guys at every turn this is ridiculous. 
In their defense the Trump bashing thread was only 2850 pages, 142,456 posts and over 2.5 million views.  

Driving traffic to another FF board? Is that acceptable here?
I’ll take my lumps if so. I think my initial post is harsh and not productive in retrospect. There is a contingent of people who get banned here and get together to coordinate trolling, and then whine when they get timeouts here and claim they aren’t trolling. One guy bragging about having 40 alt accounts banned. As I think it pertains to and affects discussion here, and this particular timeout was brought up by someone upthread, I figured I’d point this out. 

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I’ll bow out of this thread, as I’m probably just adding snark and I truly don’t want to be part of the problem. Regardless of who wins this election, we need to find a way to come together, because we will continue to have some of the biggest issues this country has had to face in a long time. The pandemic isn’t going to disappear, the economic toll will take years to recover from, inequities in wealth will become more and more apparent, and whether you believe it’s man made or not, we have an existential threat of a changing climate to react to. Plus China Russia Iran domestic terrorists another novel virus etc. 

I’ll take my lumps if so. I think my initial post is harsh and not productive in retrospect. There is a contingent of people who get banned here and get together to coordinate trolling, and then whine when they get timeouts here and claim they aren’t trolling. One guy bragging about having 40 alt accounts banned. As I think it pertains to and affects discussion here, and this particular timeout was brought up by someone upthread, I figured I’d point this out. 
Also the irony of in the few posts I scrolled through i saw people calling each other the R word and other things while claiming what a horrible place this is seems to be lost on them.  

Seem like lovely folks over there.  ;)


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