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Ultra-MAGA Agenda 2022- We ❤️The Great MAGA King!!—-It was a good day! (1 Viewer)

Based on your political philosophy as you’ve stated in this forum, which I would call a pretty consistent modern day conservative, I can’t see you getting excited about too many Democrats ever. They would have to reverse themselves on several issues to attract your support (at which point they might lose mine, LOL). 

I like Joe Manchin, but I don't think he'd run. 

I thought, from the debates, Pete Buttigeig has a presence about him.  He was the best debater and was calm under pressure, but I never got to the point of looking further into his policy positions.  

After that, Tulsi Gabbard peeked my interest after she decimated Kamala Harris, but she was another one I never got to the point of looking at their policy positions.

Kamala Harris, hard pass. 

Corey Booker came and spoke at my law firm, didn't like him when I met him in person, total fake.  Another hard pass.

Elizabeth Warren, no thanks.  She doesn't sound like she understands economics and tax policy very well.  

Amy Klobuchar was another candidate that came to my law firm.  I didn't look into her any further, but the way she speaks just reeks of someone who couldn't be a leader in a room full of leaders.  She sounds scared all the time.  

My policy positions are pretty simple. 

1. Low taxes, smaller government, minimal national debt

2. Support police and military

3. Energy independence

4. Enforce all current laws (that means at the border too) 

He presented links to TWENTY (20) articles and this is the response?  You clicked and read all of them?  Grooming is an issue in Education today to many Americans and he more than proved his point.  Ridiculous.  
There are around 14,000 school districts in the US with nearly 131,000 schools. 

If someone posted 20 articles about how the GOP are actually the "groomers", would you believe it? 

"Grooming" is an issue in education today because it's been shown that if something gets repeated over and over again often enough, it doesn't even need to be true to become an "issue". This "grooming" nonsense is a perfect example of that. 

At least be honest about the intentions. The intentions are to smear liberals with "CRT" and "grooming" (oh and next it will be pedophilia that's not far behind). And the way this gets accomplished is to repeat it over and over again. It's pretty transparent to people paying attention. Pretty much the only reason I engage on this topic at all is to call out the BS repetition of this nonsense so hopefully fewer people fall for this tactic, which is basically akin to brainwashing IMO. 

There are around 14,000 school districts in the US with nearly 131,000 schools. 

If someone posted 20 articles about how the GOP are actually the "groomers", would you believe it? 

"Grooming" is an issue in education today because it's been shown that if something gets repeated over and over again often enough, it doesn't even need to be true to become an "issue". This "grooming" nonsense is a perfect example of that. 

At least be honest about the intentions. The intentions are to smear liberals with "CRT" and "grooming" (oh and next it will be pedophilia that's not far behind). And the way this gets accomplished is to repeat it over and over again. It's pretty transparent to people paying attention. Pretty much the only reason I engage on this topic at all is to call out the BS repetition of this nonsense so hopefully fewer people fall for this tactic, which is basically akin to brainwashing IMO. 
Telling the truth is now a “tactic.”   Good stuff

Telling the truth is now a “tactic.”   Good stuff
You may believe (from your mostly bias sources) that you are truthful in claiming CRT and "grooming" are real issues Democrats are pushing and need to be squashed immediately. I disagree, as I believe @Grace Under Pressure does also. He is stating quite clearly that Republicans are making an issue out of the idea that these things are rampant throughout the country, which they definitely are not. As such, he asked you this simple question which you conveniently chose not to answer.

There are around 14,000 school districts in the US with nearly 131,000 schools. 

If someone posted 20 articles about how the GOP are actually the "groomers", would you believe it? 
I'm interested in your response to this question. Seriously, if I found and posted 20 articles from left leaning media that claimed the GOP are actually pushing CRT and "grooming," would you believe it? I'm positive if it was repeated enough, I could get quite a few liberals to begin to believe the issue is real.

I'm not interested in your subtle tactics to change or sidestep the narrative of the discussion folks would like to have with you. If you do so again, I will be left with only one conclusion, that you truly are not interested in civil discussion and are only interested in your partisan talking points.

You may believe (from your mostly bias sources) that you are truthful in claiming CRT and "grooming" are real issues Democrats are pushing and need to be squashed immediately. I disagree, as I believe @Grace Under Pressure does also. He is stating quite clearly that Republicans are making an issue out of the idea that these things are rampant throughout the country, which they definitely are not. As such, he asked you this simple question which you conveniently chose not to answer.

I'm interested in your response to this question. Seriously, if I found and posted 20 articles from left leaning media that claimed the GOP are actually pushing CRT and "grooming," would you believe it? I'm positive if it was repeated enough, I could get quite a few liberals to begin to believe the issue is real.

I'm not interested in your subtle tactics to change or sidestep the narrative of the discussion folks would like to have with you. If you do so again, I will be left with only one conclusion, that you truly are not interested in civil discussion and are only interested in your partisan talking points.
Doesnt matter what you think, it's a losing issue in November.  :yes:

Let it come already, I’m sick of hearing about it. 

Yes it’s going to be a red wave of Republicans in November. Yes some of these MAGA types, perhaps a lot of them, will be part of that victory, and will take their places in the new House and Senate. And then America will reap what it sowed. I don’t relish how awful it’s going to be, but if this is what voters want, bring it on. 

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Let it come already, I’m sick of hearing about it. 

Yes it’s going to be a red wave of Republicans in November. Yes some of these MAGA types, perhaps a lot of them, will be part of that victory, and will take their places in the new House and Senate. And then America will reap what it sowed. I don’t relish how awful it’s going to be, but if this is what voters want, bring it on. 
More awful than the left establishing a Ministry of Truth, empty shelves, rampant inflation, urban lawlessness, human traffickers and drug cartels waltzing across our open borders, sending a fortune to Ukraine, exorbitant gas prices and OPEC not taking Biden’s calls?

Trump can't remember which candidate he endorsed in Ohio.

And "dementia" is trending right now on Twitter, probably because before he forgot J.D. Vance's name, he bragged again about passing a dementia test, which he incorrectly calls an IQ test.

https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1520897233121853440 (video clip at link)

Trump: I said “How tough is this test Ronny? Because these people are calling me bad names. They calling me stupid. They’re stupid Ronny and we gotta end this bull####”

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More awful than the left establishing a Ministry of Truth, empty shelves, rampant inflation, urban lawlessness, human traffickers and drug cartels waltzing across our open borders, sending a fortune to Ukraine, exorbitant gas prices and OPEC not taking Biden’s calls?
This post is telling.  It's telling that the Dems are going to get slaughtered in November.

There are around 14,000 school districts in the US with nearly 131,000 schools. 

If someone posted 20 articles about how the GOP are actually the "groomers", would you believe it? 

"Grooming" is an issue in education today because it's been shown that if something gets repeated over and over again often enough, it doesn't even need to be true to become an "issue". This "grooming" nonsense is a perfect example of that. 

At least be honest about the intentions. The intentions are to smear liberals with "CRT" and "grooming" (oh and next it will be pedophilia that's not far behind). And the way this gets accomplished is to repeat it over and over again. It's pretty transparent to people paying attention. Pretty much the only reason I engage on this topic at all is to call out the BS repetition of this nonsense so hopefully fewer people fall for this tactic, which is basically akin to brainwashing IMO. 
Both sides are guilty of this type of crap and it’s tearing apart the country. 

I was at Walmart today.

Everything seemed fine.
Drove to work, didn’t have to dodge any bullets or drive through any Bomb created potholes. At work today, talked to many people, all seemed happy and healthy.  Went to lunch with some colleagues laughed and enjoyed the food. Drove home from work today again not having to dodge any bullets or bombs. I’m now sitting at my daughters softball game enjoying a wonderful weather watching her laugh and have fun.

Sure sounds “completely destroyed” 🙄

Drove to work, didn’t have to dodge any bullets or drive through any Bomb created potholes. At work today, talked to many people, all seemed happy and healthy.  Went to lunch with some colleagues laughed and enjoyed the food. Drove home from work today again not having to dodge any bullets or bombs. I’m now sitting at my daughters softball game enjoying a wonderful weather watching her laugh and have fun.

Sure sounds “completely destroyed” 🙄
DKPs day?

I was at Walmart today.

Everything seemed fine.
Must have walked there, needed nothing that is of short supply, and bought nothing.  Lol. 

There are many of us that are fortunate enough to recognize that we are "fine" and "doing ok still" and would be pretty petty to act as if the worst of times are upon us, personally, but it is also apparent that for anyone who is aware of their surroundings, there has been a lot of harm done in a very short amount of time.

Whether we choose to aknowledge it or not probably depends to what direct extent we have struggled if we are more financially vulnerable, more in the direct line of fire of being overwhelmed by border issues, issues with drugs flooding our communities, have had to juggle multiple issues on the school front with children still in school, etc.  

Perception of degree of inconvenience depends on who's ox is getting gored a lot of the time. 

Ohio Primary Voter Turnout

Republicans 2018: 827,000

Republicans 2022: 1,200,000

Democrats 2018: 680,000

Democrats 2022: 600,000

Also in Ohio, AOC and Bernie Sanders backed candidate loses to incumbent Dem.  Trump-backed GOP candidates clean sweep,

Ohio Primary Voter Turnout

Republicans 2018: 827,000

Republicans 2022: 1,200,000

Democrats 2018: 680,000

Democrats 2022: 600,000

Also in Ohio, AOC and Bernie Sanders backed candidate loses to incumbent Dem.  Trump-backed GOP candidates clean sweep,
Turnout is interesting but also dependent upon what is on the ballot...or who is running unopposed and so on.  But that is a large difference in favor of the GOP.

As to who backed who...seems to indicate what people are saying here....the AOC side is not the face or control of the democratic party as much as Trump is the head of the GOP still.

Ohio Primary Voter Turnout

Republicans 2018: 827,000

Republicans 2022: 1,200,000

Democrats 2018: 680,000

Democrats 2022: 600,000

Also in Ohio, AOC and Bernie Sanders backed candidate loses to incumbent Dem.  Trump-backed GOP candidates clean sweep,
For those of us who are moderate/centrist, the Democratic Party news is positive: as usual, the extremist candidate was defeated. But the Republican Party news is negative: as usual, the extremist candidates are victorious. 

Turnout is interesting but also dependent upon what is on the ballot...or who is running unopposed and so on.  But that is a large difference in favor of the GOP.

As to who backed who...seems to indicate what people are saying here....the AOC side is not the face or control of the democratic party as much as Trump is the head of the GOP still.

As those of us who are Democrats have been saying for quite awhile.

Ohio Primary Voter Turnout

Republicans 2018: 827,000

Republicans 2022: 1,200,000

Democrats 2018: 680,000

Democrats 2022: 600,000

Also in Ohio, AOC and Bernie Sanders backed candidate loses to incumbent Dem.  Trump-backed GOP candidates clean sweep,
My confirnation bias has been tickled throughout this process. 

Both Shontel Brown and Nina Turner are from Cleveland and I don't recall seeing any ads from either until the last week or so. Similar story with Tim Ryan - I don't even know who he ran against. The GOP ad campaign has been furious for months. Every single one of them attaching Trump to their ads. And the one who was trailing in April came back and won easily on the heels of being endorsed by...you guessed it.

I think that paints a relatively clear picture for battlegrounds many of us already expected - want to win a primary? Kiss Trump's ring. On the other side? There is no funding coming in for the progressive wing, so moderate dems only have to not screw up. Unfortunately, I expect Vance to win Ohio, but think this dynamic will lead to tighter races in less red states. 

We all reap what we sow.

For those of us who are moderate/centrist, the Democratic Party news is positive: as usual, the extremist candidate was defeated. But the Republican Party news is negative: as usual, the extremist candidates are victorious. 
Trump is the GOP and the GOP is Trump.

This shouldn't be news.  This is the same party that didn't bother creating a platform in 2020 and instead went with "whatever that dude says".

Went from polling in third place to winning by 8%.

MSM leading headlines were all about this being a real test, until the results came out.

Let the regulars keep flooding the thread with memes and hot takes while we keep posting winners.
22-0 for Trump endorsed candidates last night?  

I really hope he embraces this kingmaker role and defers to a younger MAGA candidate in 2024.  

Went from polling in third place to winning by 8%.

MSM leading headlines were all about this being a real test, until the results came out.

Let the regulars keep flooding the thread with memes and hot takes while we keep posting winners.

The NYT thinks it was pretty significant.

From a free daily email I get from them which I can't link to:

By David Leonhardt

Good morning. We look at last night’s election results.

Still around

Most one-term presidents recede from the political scene, with their party’s voters happy to see them go. But Donald Trump continues to dominate the Republican Party a year and a half after he lost re-election.

Yesterday’s Republican Senate primary in Ohio confirmed Trump’s influence. J.D. Vance — the author of the 2016 book “Hillbilly Elegy” — won the nomination, with 32 percent of the vote in a primary that included four other major candidates.

Vance trailed in the polls only a few weeks ago, running an uneven campaign that suffered from his past negative comments about Trump. But after apologizing for them, Vance received Trump’s endorsement two and a half weeks ago. Vance quickly surged in the polls and will now face Representative Tim Ryan, a moderate Democrat, in the general election this fall.

“J.D. Vance’s win shows that Donald Trump remains the dominant force in the Republican Party,” Blake Hounshell, who writes The Times’s On Politics newsletter, said.

Finishing second, with 24 percent of the vote, was Josh Mandel, a former state treasurer who has drifted toward the far right since Trump’s election. Matt Dolan, a member of a wealthy Ohio family and the least pro-Trump candidate in the race, finished third with 23 percent.

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