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Ultra-MAGA Agenda 2022- We ❤️The Great MAGA King!!—-It was a good day! (1 Viewer)

Ditkaless Wonders said:
No.  DW is my brother.  I am accessing his account.  DW had cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy, all now corrected.  He could not see to post.  He also has dementia with Lewy bodies.  Fortunately, or unfortunately, we don't know, those cells which normally proliferate and spread seem to have perhaps been contained or retained by some noncancerous encapsulating tumors.  He has had some removed, those impinging on other structures.  That process has left him searching to rebuild neural pathways, similar to the experiences a stroke victim might experience upon rehab.  I read him this site from time to time to see if he remembers people from here.  It aggravates him but he sometimes comments and when he does I sometimes post them.  I read him legal opinions and memos he wrote years ago to see if he remembers them.  That frustrates him as he often does not, but occasionally he does.  We play chess and I now beat him which also aggravates him.  Sometimes I read him the news.  He hates Fox, CNN, less so Reuters.  He seems to enjoy the BBC and Al-Jazeera. He is back working on a limited basis.  Sometimes it seems he is still there or almost all the way back and sometimes not.

As to third person, that would not be his schtick. 
Damn. I recall he mentioned some health issues. Wish him all the best.

Democrats are pedophiles and groomers

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green, a Georgia Republican who continuously expresses support for a number of QAnon theories, called Democrats "the party of killing babies, grooming and transitioning children, and pro-pedophile politics" in April.
If a Party actually were pro pedophile and grooming, wouldn't they be Pro-Life?

If we're really going down this stupid sadistic rabbit hole, it would seem that more unwanted neglected wayward poor children would be good for the "pro pedophile agenda".

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Democrats are pedophiles and groomers

In a tweet, DeSantis's press secretary, Christina Pushaw, claimed that anyone who opposes the Parental Rights in Education bill was "probably a groomer." 

Shortly after, in April, a so-called "anti-grooming" protest by far-right extremists and conspiracy theorists took to the Disney World grounds where protestors falsely accused Disney, the parent company of ABC News, of helping groom children after the company criticized Florida legislators for implementing the so-called "Don't Say Gay" bill.

In Michigan, state Republican Sen. Lana Theis falsely claimed in April her Democratic colleague Sen. Mallory McMorrow wants to "groom" and "sexualize" kindergartners and teach "that 8-year-olds are responsible for slavery" in a fundraising email, according to Traverse City ABC affiliate WGTU.

In New Jersey, the National Republican Congressional Committee claimed Democratic Rep. Tom Malinowski was protecting pedophiles, an accusation he told Yahoo News was a ploy to rile up their QAnon base.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green, a Georgia Republican who continuously expresses support for a number of QAnon theories, called Democrats "the party of killing babies, grooming and transitioning children, and pro-pedophile politics" in April.
Outstanding response.  I believe the young kids call it pownage.

"The House GOP leadership has enabled white nationalism, white supremacy, and anti-semitism. History has taught us that what begins with words ends in far worse. 

GOP leaders must renounce and reject these views and those who hold them."

-Liz Cheney

Daily Beast Article:

GOP Senate Candidate Kathy Barnette Spotted Marching With Proud Boys on Jan. 6

Photos from Jan. 6 reveal that “ultra-MAGA” Pennsylvania Senate candidate Kathy Barnette marched alongside Proud Boys toward the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. Though there has been no evidence that Barnette ever entered the Capitol building, some Proud Boys in the photo were later arrested and indicted for breaking in and assaulting police, NBC News reports. 

I think we can categorize Barnette as “pro seditious conspiracy.”

Ditkaless Wonders said:
No.  DW is my brother.  I am accessing his account.  DW had cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy, all now corrected.  He could not see to post.  He also has dementia with Lewy bodies.  Fortunately, or unfortunately, we don't know, those cells which normally proliferate and spread seem to have perhaps been contained or retained by some noncancerous encapsulating tumors.  He has had some removed, those impinging on other structures.  That process has left him searching to rebuild neural pathways, similar to the experiences a stroke victim might experience upon rehab.  I read him this site from time to time to see if he remembers people from here.  It aggravates him but he sometimes comments and when he does I sometimes post them.  I read him legal opinions and memos he wrote years ago to see if he remembers them.  That frustrates him as he often does not, but occasionally he does.  We play chess and I now beat him which also aggravates him.  Sometimes I read him the news.  He hates Fox, CNN, less so Reuters.  He seems to enjoy the BBC and Al-Jazeera. He is back working on a limited basis.  Sometimes it seems he is still there or almost all the way back and sometimes not.

As to third person, that would not be his schtick. 
He and I attended the same law school and he helped me over the years. I wish him the best. 

On second thought, it's probably not the worst thing in the world if he forgets where we attended; tell him he went to the other law school that started with "H-A"... :lmao:  

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A big night for Trump Endorsed candidates last night.  Dr Oz looks to have won despite the fact that my endorsement was put out after many mail-in ballots had already been sent.  It's called a come from behind victory.  Looks to be, over the last few weeks, 85 and 3.  Big victory for Ted Budd, Doug Mastriano, all of Arkansas, etc.  Big races next week!

💥The WIZARD and the OZ💥 

Cawthorn and McGeachin were ultra-MAGA losers last night. That's a real shame.
Sorry but you don’t get to categorize from the outside looking in .  Cawthorn was a glam-MAGA , certainly not Ultra

McGeachin had a tough job to unseat the incumbent , she came in 2nd in a 7 candidate race.


A big night for Trump Endorsed candidates last night.  Dr Oz looks to have won despite the fact that my endorsement was put out after many mail-in ballots had already been sent.  It's called a come from behind victory.  Looks to be, over the last few weeks, 85 and 3.  Big victory for Ted Budd, Doug Mastriano, all of Arkansas, etc.  Big races next week!

💥The WIZARD and the OZ💥 
I thought come from behind victories were all fraudulent in MAGA land. Now he's celebrating them? You guys must have a helluva time keeping the talking points straight. 

Ultra maga sounds well-reasoned and moderate; where do I learn more?
The 6 month research project that led to the term "ultra-MAGA" was led by Biden adviser Anita Dunn and by the liberal group, the Center for American Progress Action Fund, the Washington Post reported.

They thought it would scare swing voters.   MAGA ran with it. 

The 6 month research project that led to the term "ultra-MAGA" was led by Biden adviser Anita Dunn and by the liberal group, the Center for American Progress Action Fund, the Washington Post reported.

They thought it would scare swing voters.   MAGA ran with it
Not something to be proud of.

Not something to be proud of.
The outfit named Center for American Progress Action Fund, snore, decided to coin a term to discredit MAGA.  Apparently they don't have an ounce of marketing sense.




Just Do It!

Where is the beef?

Cold as the Rockies

A diamond is forever

Be all you can be

We deliver

Can you hear me now?

Latest from the king weighing (heavily) on the PA race today: “Dr. Oz should declare victory. It makes it much harder for them to cheat with the ballots that they ‘just happened to find."


A tin foil hat nut job Looney Tunes goofy goober of a knockoff fake tan least common denominator stale take. Thanks for expanding the perpetual lie. Your consistency is noted.

Non-maga posters should not post in this thread anymore.  His influence is diminishing and even parts of gop are done with him.

Let these guys have their safe space and let the thread die

knowledge dropper said:
Many still look to him as the spiritual leader of our country and will be sure to tune in for his message.  
This is just pathetic.

He’s just a man and he can’t come up with a single bible quote. 

What does the Bible say about false prophets?


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