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Unvaccinated Players - On your Do Not Draft List? (2 Viewers)


We all know Cole Beasley is not vaccinated...are you putting him on your DND list? Are there any others? Do you care? Is it a factor in your draft strategy?

The thought popped into my head recently with certain players and public personas who are anti-vax catching the disease,

SI article with some high profile names

Are you considering not taking CMC, Lamar, Josh Allen, Najae?  Or dinging them down your list at all? 

Please don't make this "one of those" threads. I'm just talking purely about whether this is a factor to consider and if so...how much?

I'm personally torn. If I had the 1.01 pick, I'm still taking CMC. Some of the others in the SI article though...I might look at others in their tier instead.

Definitely worth a second thought. Could mean missing 2 games with a positive test or even a close contact, as compared to missing no time at all if vaccinated & 2 negative tests that week.

Its a thing. I don’t know who it might prevent me from taking - at some point you factor the risk in if a player is good enough.

Fantasy baseball players are definitely sheepish about it, considering the last 2 seasons. I have Kyle Tucker on my bench right now out of the blue. As the second place team fighting the 1st place team this week with 1st place in the division on the line, that’s some crap timing for sure. 

I'm not interested in drafting any unvaccinated players, although we don't know the status of lots of them. Unnecessary risk if you know they aren't.

Are you guys not aware of how many people have gotten this virus who also were vaccinated? Why this would have any merit in your drafting is beyond my understanding. 
I understand what you're saying. I think at least some of the issue is the NFL said that unvaccinated players will be required to sit out X number of days as a close contact of someone who tests positive, whereas vaccinated players will not. So the unvaccinated players are more likely to miss games.

Are you guys not aware of how many people have gotten this virus who also were vaccinated? Why this would have any merit in your drafting is beyond my understanding. 
The league is making it difficult for the non vaccinated. This will affect those players way more, that is a 100% guarantee. The close contact thing is where it is such a huge difference. 

Missed the point but this ok, I’ll play…

The players will miss the same amount if they’re vaccinated or not.

• If a vaccinated person tests positive and is asymptomatic, he or she will be isolated and contact tracing will promptly occur. The positive individual will be permitted to return to duty after two negative tests at least 24-hours apart and will thereafter be tested every two weeks or as directed by the medical staffs. Vaccinated individuals will not be subject to quarantine as a result of close contact with an infected person.

• If an unvaccinated person tests positive, the protocols from 2020 will remain in effect. The person will be isolated for a period of 10 days and will then be permitted to return to duty if asymptomatic. Unvaccinated individuals will continue to be subject to a five-day quarantine period if they have close contact with an infected individual.


• If a vaccinated person tests positive and is asymptomatic, he or she will be isolated and contact tracing will promptly occur. The positive individual will be permitted to return to duty after two negative tests at least 24-hours apart and will thereafter be tested every two weeks or as directed by the medical staffs. Vaccinated individuals will not be subject to quarantine as a result of close contact with an infected person.

• If an unvaccinated person tests positive, the protocols from 2020 will remain in effect. The person will be isolated for a period of 10 days and will then be permitted to return to duty if asymptomatic. Unvaccinated individuals will continue to be subject to a five-day quarantine period if they have close contact with an infected individual.

And if the vaccinated person shows symptoms?

Simple logic says of course.  Nothing personal or nothing to do with my non-FF opinion on the subject.  Protocols make it more likely the unvaccinated will miss games.  FF is hard enough trying to cover for injuries in competitive leagues.  If I know they are unvaccinated (appreciate the link), they drop a round or maybe to the bottom of a tier in my drafting.  Which means I probably won't draft them, because not all 12-14 owners will make the same adjustments.

Probably won't give it much thought to late round guys, but I was thinking the other day that it'd probably be a good idea to know vax status of the first ~3 rounds worth of guys, and that I'd maybe use that as a tiebreaker.  But if I'm the 1.01 and CMC is not but Dalvin is, can I pull that trigger?  Oof, I dunno....

Hot Sauce Guy said:
Tell me you haven’t been paying any attention to the rules this offseason without telling me you haven’t been paying any attention to the rules this offseason.

Lol. I won’t. 

They both miss “about a week”. 

Lol. I won’t. 

They both miss “about a week”. 
not necessarily.  A vaccinated player who tests negative twice won’t miss any time.

An unvaccinated player may miss up to two weeks of games if they either test positive or have a contact situation on say, a Friday or Saturday. 

any way you slice it, non-vaccinated players are at an added risk of missing time vs vaccinated players. 

enough to not draft them? Eh - personal preference. Enough to be a potential issue? Absolutely. What if those 1-2 games hit in the FF playoffs. 

It’s a thing. 

Im vaccinated and I got Covid last week.

100% non factor in drafts. 
The risk of getting covid after getting vaccinated is clearly not zero, but still way lower than if you are unvaccinated. 

For fantasy football purposes though the NFL protocol for unvaccinated players is probably the bigger reason to consider passing on drafting unvaccinated players. Not only may players miss games due to being close contacts, but you might not find out until Sunday 

non-factor. people are going to miss games with injuries b/c we're doing 17 games now. I'm concerned that coaches might give players more time off , less use and abuse during the season. oh we're playing houston this week? piece of cake game.Miles Sanders gets the day off, Boston Scott you're our RB1 now. I think this is the bigger issue here. 

non-factor. people are going to miss games with injuries b/c we're doing 17 games now. I'm concerned that coaches might give players more time off , less use and abuse during the season. oh we're playing houston this week? piece of cake game.Miles Sanders gets the day off, Boston Scott you're our RB1 now. I think this is the bigger issue here. 
I think you're confusing the NFL for the NBA.

I don't see any one giving an actual answer so I will. Lamar Jackson. I have drafted the last two years. Has had Covid twice, won't get a vaccine. Has not shown me he can be dependable.

Sam Quentin said:
One thing this pandemic has taught me is that a lot of people are not good at understanding the concept of probability.  
Like it’s literally 99.5% of the country. 

As others have said it would be a tie-breaker for me but I doubt I think much about it. 

Are you guys not aware of how many people have gotten this virus who also were vaccinated? Why this would have any merit in your drafting is beyond my understanding. 

Probably not the right thread, but ICU nurse here. Not one COVID death in my hospital this year is in a vaccinated person. It's been months since we even intubated a vaccinated person. The vaccine isn't perfect, but it's pretty darn effective at preventing serious illness....and vaccinated folks are catching covid at a significantly lower rate, and recovering from it when they do at a significantly quicker pace.

Like it’s literally 99.5% of the country. 

As others have said it would be a tie-breaker for me but I doubt I think much about it. 
Haven't thought about it much to this point because I assumed most of them will be or already are vaccinated. If I know a guy is refusing the vaccine, he would absolutely move down in his tier, but probably not into another tier

Probably not the right thread, but ICU nurse here. Not one COVID death in my hospital this year is in a vaccinated person. It's been months since we even intubated a vaccinated person. The vaccine isn't perfect, but it's pretty darn effective at preventing serious illness....and vaccinated folks are catching covid at a significantly lower rate, and recovering from it when they do at a significantly quicker pace.
Thank you for staying with that job. Heroic. My friend is a nurse and said many had to walk away from it. 


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