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What the F is this shoulder pain? (1 Viewer)


So several months back (maybe 9 months) my shoulder was hurting when I would lift my arm up to the side or right in front of me. I didn't keep me from any normal activities or even exercising.

It went away for a few months.

Yesterday I wake up and it was hurting worse than before, but again, it doesnt keep me from doing anything. I played golf yesterday and was fine. Did pushups and it was fine.

However, if I life my arm to the side SLOWLY, or up slowly, or in front of me slowly, it feels like I am being stabbed with a butcher knife. Yet still, I can move around fast and can lift things with zero pain or discomfort.

I am a nurse, and can't figure this out at all. Lot of inconsistencies. I had thought rotator cuff, but since I can life things in all directions with no pain, it makes no sense.

Nerve issue???????? Who the F knows. It just makes no sense to have piercing paid moving slowly in several directions, yet I am totally fine movign faster with or without weight in my hand.

Oh, I guess I never mentioned exactly WHERE the pain is. It is just under my deltoid muscle, above bicept, and feels deeper inside the arm.

Go see your PCP, make sure it isn't a herniated disc in your neck.

Your PCP will examine and refer you to the right doctor, who will further examine and possibly get an MRI authorized. If it's on and off for a long time you really should get it checked out.

Good luck!

Go see your PCP, make sure it isn't a herniated disc in your neck.

Your PCP will examine and refer you to the right doctor, who will further examine and possibly get an MRI authorized. If it's on and off for a long time you really should get it checked out.

Good luck!
Getting it checked out is definitely going to happen, got nice insurance.

Just wont be doing it for a few more days, will be out of town.

I was thinking of milking the pain quite a bit to try and force their hand to give me an MRI, which is likely the only good way to diagnose this anyway.

Go see your PCP, make sure it isn't a herniated disc in your neck.

Your PCP will examine and refer you to the right doctor, who will further examine and possibly get an MRI authorized. If it's on and off for a long time you really should get it checked out.

Good luck!
Getting it checked out is definitely going to happen, got nice insurance.

Just wont be doing it for a few more days, will be out of town.

I was thinking of milking the pain quite a bit to try and force their hand to give me an MRI, which is likely the only good way to diagnose this anyway.
Your doctor should be able to get an MRI authorized fairly easy if you have good insurance.

I had some issues a few years back where it hurt to lift my arm above my shoulder, and I had good luck going to a chiropractor. Lots of stuff going on in the shoulder area and sometimes just getting things all back in their proper position is all it takes. Not saying that it will work for all issues, but worth a shot before taking a more drastic solution.

shoulder impingement ...may need acromion procedure
Sounds like it. Frozen shoulder.
Definitely not frozen shoulder. The issue came on right away, not slowly, and I dont have limited range of motion.
Might want to investigate this route, anyway. I went through something similar about a year ago. No pain or limited range of motion, and then BAM.

PCP recommended PT for about two months and I've been fine ever since.

Have you taken on any new activities lately? My physical tjerapist said mine may have coincided with the birth of my son and the sudden need to lift, carry, put down, etc.

shoulder impingement ...may need acromion procedure
This was my first thought too. I had this several years ago and wound up having to get surgery. I took the rehab seriously and now my shoulder feels great.

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Sounds a lot like what I'm battling. Inflamed muscle under the shoulder blade. He gave me some Celebrex which I have no intention of using.

It's been about two months and I'm slowly getting better. The pain you're describing went away.

If you have insurance, go see a doctor.

I had a sore shoulder for a while. I figured out it was because of the way I was sleeping. I had gotten into the habit of sleeping with my arms over my head. I fixed it by simply laying flat on my back with arms at my sides when I fell asleep. I think it took a month or two for it to completely heal.

Bursitis? Just throwing things against the wall.

Had an issue for about a year with my shoulder. It was so bad I couldn't get a basketball to the hoop from the freethrow line. Just didn't have the strength. It went away and I'm back to working out. :shrug:

I had a sore shoulder for a while. I figured out it was because of the way I was sleeping. I had gotten into the habit of sleeping with my arms over my head. I fixed it by simply laying flat on my back with arms at my sides when I fell asleep. I think it took a month or two for it to completely heal.
I think Ive got this going on right now. I self-diagnosed it as bursitis caused by the way I was sleeping. Problem is I cant sleep flat on my back. :wall:

I am a nurse, and can't figure this out at all. Lot of inconsistencies. I had thought rotator cuff, but since I can life things in all directions with no pain, it makes no sense.
Sounds like either bursitis or an impingement due to a muscle imbalance to me. These things can come from sleeping wrong, falling and getting a sudden jolt in the shoulder, lifting improperly, or ignoring muslces in your shoulders and back while focusing on the chest. The tendons that make up the rotator cuff are extremely weak and only come into play when lifting less than 2 pounds, anything above that and the muscles do all the work by the time you'll get to the pain point. I've been dealing with what your describe off and on for almost 20 years (volleyball player). I'd nip this in the bud and take it seriously or it might become a chronic thing.

I am a nurse, and can't figure this out at all. Lot of inconsistencies. I had thought rotator cuff, but since I can life things in all directions with no pain, it makes no sense.
Sounds like either bursitis or an impingement due to a muscle imbalance to me. These things can come from sleeping wrong, falling and getting a sudden jolt in the shoulder, lifting improperly, or ignoring muslces in your shoulders and back while focusing on the chest. The tendons that make up the rotator cuff are extremely weak and only come into play when lifting less than 2 pounds, anything above that and the muscles do all the work by the time you'll get to the pain point. I've been dealing with what your describe off and on for almost 20 years (volleyball player). I'd nip this in the bud and take it seriously or it might become a chronic thing.
This. Do you play golf regularly? This could have triggered an inflammatory process. If you get to the point you can play golf or lift again make sure you ice the shoulder down afterwards.

I play golf once a week. I haven't lifted weights at all lately.

Again, I have ZERO restrictions. I have FULL range of motion with NO pain, unless I move my arm slowly, then it hurts bad.

No pain when Golfing, no pain doing pushups, no pain running with my arms swinging.

I had done literally NOTHING the few days before Tuesday morning when i woke up and it hurt bad.

Definitely made it a point to not sleep on my left side last night, and there is some clear improvement. Will be hitting the doctor in about a week, maybe a bit longer depending on availability.

Some NSAIDS and not doing anything stupid till then..

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Similar thing happened to me. No pain working out or running, but hurt when I lay on that side or put traction on my arm (holding heavy grocery bags). No injury. Seems like the signs of a AC sprain without the trauma. NSAID and not sleeping on that side for a week worked for me.

I play golf once a week. I haven't lifted weights at all lately.

Again, I have ZERO restrictions. I have FULL range of motion with NO pain, unless I move my arm slowly, then it hurts bad.

No pain when Golfing, no pain doing pushups, no pain running with my arms swinging.

I had done literally NOTHING the few days before Tuesday morning when i woke up and it hurt bad.

Definitely made it a point to not sleep on my left side last night, and there is some clear improvement. Will be hitting the doctor in about a week, maybe a bit longer depending on availability.

Some NSAIDS and not doing anything stupid till then..
The 4 tendons that make up the rotator cuff all do something different. In my case it's the supraspinatus which doesn't kick in until my arm is about 60 degrees from my body and hurts until my elbow is above the shoulder. It doesn't limit me per say...but it affects me, I feel it every time I lift my arm above my shoulder.

Pretty textbook case of slow-developing shoulder-impingement related castration syndrome in its early stages.

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pain in the front or top or back of shoulder? worse at night? dead arm feeling? if it's behind the shoulder it's rotator cuff tear or tendinitis. front or top is acromion impingement. this could be worse because it will tear the cuff........

skip pcp and go directly to orthopedist, do not pass go nor collect 200-. don't panic, man up and get a cortisone shot.

Side of the arm. Like if someone went to punch me in the shoulder but missed a couple inches lower, just above the bicept and tricept.

And crazily, it feels 10x better today. I hate this ####### thing. It's like arm herpes.

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I had a sore shoulder for a while. I figured out it was because of the way I was sleeping. I had gotten into the habit of sleeping with my arms over my head. I fixed it by simply laying flat on my back with arms at my sides when I fell asleep. I think it took a month or two for it to completely heal.
I think Ive got this going on right now. I self-diagnosed it as bursitis caused by the way I was sleeping. Problem is I cant sleep flat on my back. :wall:
I had the same sort of thing due to how I was sleeping. When I was sleeping on my stomach I'd have my arms over my head, more or less like I was using them as a pillow. Realized the way I was lying, my right torso was propped up by my arm, and my shoulder had to support the weight all night. Took me a long time to realize what it was. When on my stomach now I just extend my arm to the side or down my body so my torso is lying flat. It went away immediately and hasn't come back.

ETA: Had an MRI when it was at its worst, no damage found.

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Greg Russell said:
I had a sore shoulder for a while. I figured out it was because of the way I was sleeping. I had gotten into the habit of sleeping with my arms over my head. I fixed it by simply laying flat on my back with arms at my sides when I fell asleep. I think it took a month or two for it to completely heal.
I think Ive got this going on right now. I self-diagnosed it as bursitis caused by the way I was sleeping. Problem is I cant sleep flat on my back. :wall:
I had the same sort of thing due to how I was sleeping. When I was sleeping on my stomach I'd have my arms over my head, more or less like I was using them as a pillow. Realized the way I was lying, my right torso was propped up by my arm, and my shoulder had to support the weight all night. Took me a long time to realize what it was. When on my stomach now I just extend my arm to the side or down my body so my torso is lying flat. It went away immediately and hasn't come back.

ETA: Had an MRI when it was at its worst, no damage found.
Several years ago I forced myself to stop sleeping on my stomach because it was causing lower back pain. Now Ive got shoulder pain from sleeping on my side. Who knew sleeping was so strenuous? Getting old is the suck.

Greg Russell said:
I had a sore shoulder for a while. I figured out it was because of the way I was sleeping. I had gotten into the habit of sleeping with my arms over my head. I fixed it by simply laying flat on my back with arms at my sides when I fell asleep. I think it took a month or two for it to completely heal.
I think Ive got this going on right now. I self-diagnosed it as bursitis caused by the way I was sleeping. Problem is I cant sleep flat on my back. :wall:
I had the same sort of thing due to how I was sleeping. When I was sleeping on my stomach I'd have my arms over my head, more or less like I was using them as a pillow. Realized the way I was lying, my right torso was propped up by my arm, and my shoulder had to support the weight all night. Took me a long time to realize what it was. When on my stomach now I just extend my arm to the side or down my body so my torso is lying flat. It went away immediately and hasn't come back.

ETA: Had an MRI when it was at its worst, no damage found.
Several years ago I forced myself to stop sleeping on my stomach because it was causing lower back pain. Now Ive got shoulder pain from sleeping on my side. Who knew sleeping was so strenuous? Getting old is the suck.
I dont know what my exact issue is, but I am pretty confident sleeping a certain way exacerbates the problem quite a bit.

Might be time for the ol recliner for night night time.

After being 6 month pain free from what I thought was bursitis, it's back this morning. A few days ago I woke up with a sore neck, and thought I had slept wrong. Now the pain has seemed to have moved down to the back of my shoulder.


Figured I would post this here and update the thread, with a different pain.

---the shoulder pain is totally gone, and was actually gone within afew days of me posting about it on here-----

I must be breaking down or some sort of brain issue going on, but I have a new pain to discuss, though this was actually there far before the shoulder pain.

Anyway, about a year ago a developed a pretty damn painful, VERY sharp kind of pain, deep inside my right hip area. I did not do anything to injure myself, at least not that I know of, and it just came out of nowhere. Now for about a year, this pain is very sharp, very sudden, and ONLY occured when I was laying flat on my back and relaxed all muscles, or when I was laying flat on my back and stretching, tensing all my muscles, and then I would feel it. Also sometimes when I was standing and turned `my body a certain way. When the pain came it was sharp, sudden, felt like I was being literally stabbed in the deepest part of my hip, but the pain would last like half a second and go away as soon as I changed positions. It never hurt when I was running, playing basketball, or anything.

Now, about 3-4 days ago, the pain is there seemingly most of the time. It still doesnt hurt any worse when running (in fact I dont feel it at all when running, I feel it more when walking). The pain now is not that bad, just kind of an annoying throbbing type of pain that is fairly easy to deal with, doesnt keep me from doing anythign, but is just annoying, especially when trying to get some sleep.

Setting up an appointment with an orthopedic doctor, hopefully this week.

I have a feeling this one is much more legit than the shoulder pain given that it has been there for quite a while now.

God my body is stupid.

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I have shoulder impingement issues in both shoulders and regular rotator cuff exercises has helped tremendously.

I get occasional pain later in the day if I do a lot of lifting, but other than that it doesn't really affect anything anymore.

Go see your PCP, make sure it isn't a herniated disc in your neck.

Your PCP will examine and refer you to the right doctor, who will further examine and possibly get an MRI authorized. If it's on and off for a long time you really should get it checked out.

Good luck!
That's putting a lot of faith in a pcp.
Shoulder pain rarely goes away for good. It will likely come back at some point. If it wasnt caused by a sudden injury, there's likely an imbalance and some restrictions around the shoulder and neck. Get it checked out further to correct the problem.

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How old are you? My body feels the best when I'm exercising or playing sports. You always feel the odd pains when doing nothing or mundane stuff once you get to a certain age. If the shoulder pain was alarming to you then went away I would say this is from the same family of stuff.

How old are you? My body feels the best when I'm exercising or playing sports. You always feel the odd pains when doing nothing or mundane stuff once you get to a certain age. If the shoulder pain was alarming to you then went away I would say this is from the same family of stuff.
34. And yeah, I feel good and fine running, throwing, golfing...........whatever.

How old are you? My body feels the best when I'm exercising or playing sports. You always feel the odd pains when doing nothing or mundane stuff once you get to a certain age. If the shoulder pain was alarming to you then went away I would say this is from the same family of stuff.
34. And yeah, I feel good and fine running, throwing, golfing...........whatever.
Welcome to middle age. I got new shoes last summer and my hip has hurt ever since. Not when I'm fighting bulls though.

How old are you? My body feels the best when I'm exercising or playing sports. You always feel the odd pains when doing nothing or mundane stuff once you get to a certain age. If the shoulder pain was alarming to you then went away I would say this is from the same family of stuff.
34. And yeah, I feel good and fine running, throwing, golfing...........whatever.
Welcome to middle age. I got new shoes last summer and my hip has hurt ever since. Not when I'm fighting bulls though.
Thanks. BUt I am pretty sure this particular hip issue isnt normal for middle age, or anyone for that matter.

How old are you? My body feels the best when I'm exercising or playing sports. You always feel the odd pains when doing nothing or mundane stuff once you get to a certain age. If the shoulder pain was alarming to you then went away I would say this is from the same family of stuff.
34. And yeah, I feel good and fine running, throwing, golfing...........whatever.
Welcome to middle age. I got new shoes last summer and my hip has hurt ever since. Not when I'm fighting bulls though.
Thanks. BUt I am pretty sure this particular hip issue isnt normal for middle age, or anyone for that matter.
No pain like that seems normal but there will be more, especially if you are active. Where exactly in your hip? the ball and socket pain that is the troubling pain for docs would be in the front of your body near the groin area. If it's on your side it's muscular and not a big deal (like a hip replacement thing). Go to the doctor and they will likely prescribe physical therapy. while you are in physical therapy mentally prepare for the next thing.


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