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Why was DeSean Jackson's touchdown celebration a penalty? (2 Viewers)


We routinely see players break long touchdown runs and dive over the goalline, usually rolling over in a somersault. No penalty has ever been called for that. So tell me why this is a penalty?

While you are allowed to put a little mustard on the hot dog you are not allowed to park yourself in front of the condiment bar. I think it was the extra helping of punk that he piled on the hotdog which got the flag.

BTW I own him in several leagues and dig his production. I just wish his number and Macklin's did not look so much alike. Everytime one of them gets a catch I have to do a double take of the number to be sure who made the catch.

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With his history he should just get his butt safely in the end zone and not release the ball to anyone other than an official, and only after he has seen the T.D. signal given.

Shouldn't have been a penalty, one of many bad calls in favor of the Cowboys in the game. Trent Cole got facemasked to the ground, no call. Vick got hit late out of bounds, or at least unnecessary roughness, no call. The refs gave the Cowboys a FG before the half by ruling Ogiltree caught a ball that clearly hit the ground.

I don't know if I can say taunting because Jackson could not see who was behind him when he turned to do it. Jackson clearly tried to stay within the rules and was penalized anyway on reputation.

Taunting, excessive celebration, childlike behavior, unnecessary stupidity, blatant display of ignorance, being a D-bag, take your pick.

I've always thought the refs should throw the being a D-bag flag more often.

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I understand the notion that technically it wasn't a penalty, but as an Eagles fan watching that game...it certainly FELT like it should have been. To come to a complete stop, hold the ball out like that, and do a splash backward was just incomprehensible to me especially for a player that has had issues near the goal line in his past. It wasn't out of the realm of possibility that a Cowboys DB could've been able to punch the ball out of his hand and then what?

Kid is unbelievably talented, and believe me I am quite happy he's making plays for my team, but he has to smarten up.

He's just fortunate that Dallas only returned the ensuing kickoff to only the 25 yd line and it didn't end up giving the Cowboys any points b/c of his stupidity.

This one is on Andy Reid, too...........Do you really think that a Bill Belichick, or Tom Coughlin player would even THINK about doing something like this?

He didn't point out any player or spike the ball at anyone. Wasn't taunting by any standard I've ever seen in the NFL. Other than awful defense, I didn't see anything wrong with the play. The NFL, as with many of their rules, needs to get some consistency instead of each crew treating each penalty different depending on which player did it. If they don't want players celebrating then just make that the rule.

I understand the notion that technically it wasn't a penalty
I believe it "technically" wasn't a penalty either. I'm no pro but I've watched enough replays and debates over the most ridiculous aspects of fumble or no fumble and penalties that refs are suppose to call it "black and white" to the letter of the "law". If a running back sprints into the endzone and does a summersault to celebrate, to me, it is no different.That said, taunting maybe would have been more appropriate if the refs felt the Cowboys feelings were hurt over the celebration. This is all nonsense considering after every "meaningless" (compared to a TD) first down an offensive player jumps up and emphatically makes the first down signal.PS I wish he didn't do it cause his celebration is also nonsense that could have cost the Eagles the game and at this juncture possible a playoff spot.
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What an ###. Too bad Newman didn't continue on and just drill him while he was doing his taunting.

Make these celebration penalties part of the play, nullify the TD. That will stop this crap.

Just play the damn game. Act like you have been there before.

I personally enjoyed it as an Eagle fan but as an NFL fan I think stuff like this is fun and refreshing. Is he really doing anything that bad? I think the league just needs to lighten up a bit. That's all.

BTW to the Cowboy fans who hated it. According to D Jax he was only running at 60%. :tfp:

Refs blew that penalty call. Celebration was during play, not after.

But DJax looks & sounds like a 12 year old the way he acted after the game during Vick interview. :mellow:

The rules state that any celebration involving the player and the ground is unsportsmanlike conduct. That's the rule (as dumb as it may be). I suspect the issue was that he had already extended the ball over the goal line, so anything after that was just mustard and relish on the hot dog.

One year, Wes Welker got the same penalty for making a snow angel (which I thought was actually kind of funny). LINK I agree, all these penalties are pretty stupid.

I have a somwhat different perspective on this. I'm a high school/small college basketball official who also officiated some football a few years ago. I also am of the personal opinion that the NFL is too strict on TD celebrations and am a D-Jax owner.

All that said, his act was definitely worthy of a penalty as either taunting or unsportsmanlike behavior. People keep talking about people diving into the endzone when you don't have to but DeSean took it to another level. He turned around held the ball out and fell backwards into the endzone. It was entertaining and I guess worth the 15 yards to him to have his moment, but it's an easy call for an official to make.

When guys feel like there is taunting and they are being blatantly shown up that leads to fights and other things that you really don't want in the game. Like I said before, I think the NFL is too strict on TD celebrations in general but there is no doubt in my mind that was an EASY flag last night by the letter, intent, and spirit of the rules.

Someone needs to take this clown out.
Did you see when they were interviewing Vick after the game? Jackson is standing next to Vick acting like a complete tool. The guy acts like he is 12 years old.Love his talent but he does seem quite immature.
One year, Wes Welker got the same penalty for making a snow angel (which I thought was actually kind of funny). LINK I agree, all these penalties are pretty stupid.
Thanks for the link. I forgot about that. :unsure: Celebrating a TD doesn't hurt the league in any way.

Sometimes I don't think the NFL understands its product.

I don't have a problem with what he did but it is a taunting/unsportsmanlike penalty. I wish the NFL wasn't so particular about touchdown celebrations but that is they way they are.

He doesn't seem to have the same panache as TO or Ocho but I like the celebrations.

I have mixed feelings on the issue of celebraton.

I'm all for celebration that isn't premeditated or over the top.....a celebration definately shouldn't affect the outcome of the game via awarding the offended team yards. If it's over the top then maybe the NFL could fine the player after the game as to not affect the game's outcome.

From now until the end of civilization only a few thousand of people on earth will have dedicated themselves enough to score a touchdown in the NFL -- it's a pretty special accomplishment and a certain amount of celebration is fairly deserved. With the violent nature of football it also could be his last celebration -- gotta live in the moment. Further what goes up must come down -- it enriches the competition level -- meaning -- as bad as the team on the losing end feels seeing the TD scored and subsequent celebration -- imagine the equal and opposite of how GOOD it will feel when or if the tables are turned. The only time a celebration bothers me is when the game is on the line and MY team is losing (admittedly a selfish feeling). But like I said -- what goes up must come down -- whether it's the next game or next year or next decade. So while it may bother me short term it enriches the future competition.

You could even make the argument that a player ACTING as if he could care less is a COCKY display unto itself.

In an AMATEUR blowout scenario, I believe excessive celebration has no place -- a blowout with non paid professionals is a scenario I feel a excess celebration is bad sportsmanship but in the Pro's I do believe they are paid to play every down like it means something. If you don't like getting beat then get better.

Lastly, in opposition of excessive celebration, in our society we need to show bit more RESPECT for each other. In politics, entertainment, internet blogs, media and direct human contact mean spiritedness and lack of respect is getting out of hand. So if penalizing a football player of all things helps deter this, maybe it's worth it but I doubt it's going to help a situation that could have only been avoided by a backhand to the face the first time Jackson disrespected someone -- probably his parents fault.

He is a d-bag. Incredibly talented, but a d-bag anyway.

The problem of these kinds of penalties is: Where do you draw the line? Because each unsportsmanlike action is marginally better or worse than another one.

The refs were right, even though they might have expressed it improperly. There is no d-bag penalty in the game. And if they hadn't called this one, then the next one (by DeSean or someone else), would have been just marginally more unsportsmanlike. It is a continuum, not a bright line.

By the way, he won me my FF game. I love his talent.

I think it's great when players get excited and pumped after making a big play.

But it seems the shift has gone from celebratory excitement to "celebrate me".

Football is a team game, and every time I see one of those guys to a dance, pump their arms, make a "Look at me" pose, I think... is this really what we want the NFL to be about?

Not me.

I'm glad the ref threw a penalty; it was taunting.

Your Mileage May Vary.

I can't determine DeSean's motivation but after having being concussed I believe it was purely and simply a celebration of the action of scoring a TD not intended to rub salt in the defender -- more like a marathoner finishing a race who collapses. Ok so a marathoner runs 26 miles but Jackson runs thru 200 pound men trying to take his head off. If his intentions were negative then that's on him.

I laughed AT HIM not even thinking about the Cowboys. DeSean's a goof with great talent.

Those 15 yards could have easily accounted for the field goal which would have tied the game SO I'd advise him to desist the celebrations.

I think it's great when players get excited and pumped after making a big play.But it seems the shift has gone from celebratory excitement to "celebrate me".Football is a team game, and every time I see one of those guys to a dance, pump their arms, make a "Look at me" pose, I think... is this really what we want the NFL to be about?Not me.I'm glad the ref threw a penalty; it was taunting.Your Mileage May Vary.
I agree with this. Which is why the NFL's worst celebration rule recently was to get rid of group celebrations.
It shouldn't have been a penalty. Typical No Fun League stuff.
I agree. Why is a somersault bad but standing in the end zone and shaking your ### and pumping your fists ok? The NFL is so inconsistent with rules it drives me crazy. You don't want players celebrating then make it NO celebration of any kind--you score and you simply hand the ref the ball. No hugging no slapping no dancing no nothing. Or else give them a certain amount of time to do anything they want short of pushing the other team (real taunting) or something obscene.
Yeah, I'm probably getting to be an old fart by the standards of most FBGs, but the NFL is losing my interest, and a lot of it has to do with the "look at me" attitude of way too many players. Celebrating big hits 30 yards down the field when you are losing by 3 TDs, acting like you scored a TD after a first down, stuff like Jackson pulled last night...

Makes me feel like I'm watching a bunch of selfish, spoiled children running around.

If it wasn't such a big part of my childhood I probably would have already stopped watching.

I think it's great when players get excited and pumped after making a big play.But it seems the shift has gone from celebratory excitement to "celebrate me".Football is a team game, and every time I see one of those guys to a dance, pump their arms, make a "Look at me" pose, I think... is this really what we want the NFL to be about?Not me.I'm glad the ref threw a penalty; it was taunting.Your Mileage May Vary.
I agree with this. Which is why the NFL's worst celebration rule recently was to get rid of group celebrations.
The problem with your post is that dancing, pumping their arms and saying "look at me" is allowed in most cases. The problem is lack of clarity and consistency.

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