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Will Peyton Break the TD record? (1 Viewer)

Denver completely exploited Baltimore's 3-4 scheme and lack of personnel to defend against both Welker and J.Thomas in a hurry-up offense. Then D.Thomas got going after the Ravens made in game adjustments. Other teams will make adjustments based on the tape but I also don't see how the Chargers, Chiefs, or Oakland will be able to match up.

He looked on a mission last night. If he and his receivers stay healthy all year I wouldn't put it past him to beat the record.

cstu said:
ghostguy123 said:
60 is crazy talk though, lol..
If he got 7 TD's once he could do it again, right? 3 games of 7 TD's only leaves him averaging 3 TD's a game for 13 games.

Again, not saying that this is likely but I think it's hardly crazy talk in today's NFL.
51 is the record.....................he just threw for 7..............1 less game, and he would still have 53 to go to get to 60. Crazy things DO happen, but this is still crazy talk.

[icon] said:
15 games to go... 44 TDs to break the record. He must average 3TD/game to do it.

Peyton's career average is 1.96 TD/GM.

Peyton averaged 2.31 TD/GM last year with Denver.

Peyton has only ONCE in his career averaged a sufficient pace to reach that goal.. his legendary 2004 season where he threw 49 TD passes.

He might make it but the odds definitely aren't with him.

IMO he finishes with 43-45 TDs this season.
Keep in mind what was said earlier in this thread, in wk 17 of his record season he didn't really play (2 pass attempts & no TDs). So he did 49 TDs in 15 games. That is averaging 3.2/game. If he does that for the rest of this season he will end with 56.

[icon] said:
15 games to go... 44 TDs to break the record. He must average 3TD/game to do it.

Peyton's career average is 1.96 TD/GM.

Peyton averaged 2.31 TD/GM last year with Denver.

Peyton has only ONCE in his career averaged a sufficient pace to reach that goal.. his legendary 2004 season where he threw 49 TD passes.

He might make it but the odds definitely aren't with him.

IMO he finishes with 43-45 TDs this season.
He never had WRs/TEs this good. I won't even entertain the argument that Harrison/Wayne/Clark was as good as he has now.

I think he has a decent shot at it and I'm pretty mad at myself for not drafting him despite thinking he was the QB1 this season. I never expected him to come out the gate on fire.

I think going into this year everyone saw the potential for a huge year. To predict breaking the all time Td record after 1 game just doesn't seem smart. Who's to say the Broncos haven't wrapped up home field with 2 or 3 games to go and Manning plays sparingly.

Manning is good enough, he's thrown 49 before. So he could do it if everything fell perfectly but I don't feel comfortable saying it now after we saw him throw 7 in week 1 like that's what I was thinking for him all along.

The truth is when I saw that windstorm 30 mins before kickoff I was thinking of who my backup was to see if that would be a better situation but decided not to get cute.

Winning a SB is the only thing on his mind, my answer is no to breaking the td record.

He threw for 6 in a game in 2003. He finished with 29.

On the other hand, he threw for 6 in a game in 2004 and finished with 49. Add the one more and he ties the record.

So there you have it. 50-50 shot.

manning was shaking off the preseason rust with just two TDs in first half...

once he returned to form, five TDs in second half...

30 halfs left in 15 games...

30 X 5 (+ 7) = 157 TDs in 2013!

* of which demaryius will have 62...

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"The league will just align for Brady to rebreak it."

How quickly some of us forget the truth. The rules limiting contact downfield were pushed through the competition committee by a group led by Bill Polian and opposed by tradionalists like parcells, belichick, coughlin and the rooney family. Subsequently manning gets 48 tds and wins ONE ring. Subsequently NE acquires Moss and crushes the td mark. Later belichick innovates with two TE sets and new levels of hurry-up and the lemmings follow. The league wants parity but the dark lord and anakin brady keep messing with their vision. Manning is a career 50% playoff survivor and in the final analysis not that different from vinnie testaverde or any other journeyman after you factor out the leagues efforts to dress up the pig.

How many more years does he have at this high level of play?
I am only counting on this year and next. Anything after that is just icing on the cake.

And realistically I don't think he'll beat the TD record, but I'm not saying he can't, because obviously he could. As an owner, I hope he does.

Candy ### schedule + stat whore QB = new singel season TD record. Factor in the fact that Brady took it from Manning. 100% guarantee. Not even John Fox can stop the Stat Whore.
If he was a stat whore, what's up with his 49 TD season? Week 17: 2 pass attempts, 0 TD.

Brady's 50 TD season: Week 17: 42 pass attempts, 2 TD.

The record could be his to re-break if he was a stat whore.
Manning had broke the record the week before though. and Brady was still going after it in Week 17 plus Pats were still playing for a perfect season.
Didn't think there was a human on the planet that didn't know that info. He had already completed his stat whoredom and no doubt, felt that 49 was not going to be touched. ffninja was on a roll of complete cluelessness.
I obviously saw the dates in which those seasons were played, d**che. The fact remains that he wasn't solely playing for stats. Why not go for an even 50 if that's what you're about? Peyton has shown previously that he's not a stat whore. The pats however...

I am not predicting he breaks it. I think its definitely less than 50-50.

If I could get 10-1 odds on it I would bet a chunk of change.

How many more years does he have at this high level of play?
As long as his body can take the beating. I think if you could let him stand in the pocket untouched he could play until he's 80. It is, however, a long season.

He threw 49 before, yet people think he can't throw 51?

People, you can keep doubting Manning, I won't. I have learned not to.

He threw 49 before, yet people think he can't throw 51?

People, you can keep doubting Manning, I won't. I have learned not to.
You could have made the same argument for Manning's last 7 seasons, and you'd have been wrong every time. 49 TDs is his career high, as in the highest by far of his 14 season career, so I don't see why people feel it's so easily attainable. In every other season, he hasn't even been within 10 TDs of 49.

And no one has said Manning can't do it, but some feel that it will be a much bigger challenge than others seem to.

He played most of his career in a climate controlled atmosphere also. Ask this question in 3-4 weeks, not after the first game (a game in which they had circled in their calenders for quite a few months).

He threw 49 before, yet people think he can't throw 51?

People, you can keep doubting Manning, I won't. I have learned not to.
He hasn't thrown more than 37 in the last 7 seasons, and people think he's going to reach 50?

I can play that game too.

Ironically, Manning's, and the Broncos' best chance to get to the Super Bowl is to not have home field advantage in the playoffs. Manning does not have a game conducive to playing outdoors in cold weather in January.

They should hope the Texans play well this year.
How conducive is it to cold weather in New York in February?

He threw 49 before, yet people think he can't throw 51?

People, you can keep doubting Manning, I won't. I have learned not to.
I doubted his ability to break the single season yardage record, and I've been right every season of his career.

To take the absurdity a bit further, I doubted his ability to break the single season TD record, and I've been right every season of his career except one.

It's one thing to believe in a guy. It's quite another to believe he's going to do something that's never been done in history.

He threw 49 before, yet people think he can't throw 51?

People, you can keep doubting Manning, I won't. I have learned not to.
I doubted his ability to break the single season yardage record, and I've been right every season of his career.

To take the absurdity a bit further, I doubted his ability to break the single season TD record, and I've been right every season of his career except one.

It's one thing to believe in a guy. It's quite another to believe he's going to do something that's never been done in history.
The yardage record isn't a good comparison because it depends on a lot of factors. Stafford has already had two seasons with more yards than the most Peyton has in his entire career - by quite a margin I might add. He could break the TD record and still not have a top 10 all time yardage season.

It seems we have a slew of people bashing others for saying Manning WILL break the record................has anyone actually said they think he WILL????? Or are they saying they think he has a decent shot to do it? I would say 10-1 is a "decent" shot, which is about the odds I give him of doing it.

Fair?? Crazy??

The offense runs through Peyton, and he's got four legitimate weapons at his disposal. He's making quick decisions on his feet and under pressure (see the first TD to Julius Thomas), which were once arguably his greatest weaknesses. We obviously have a small sample size to judge from, but I think it's a potent one... from what I saw, Manning appears to be compensating for his diminishing physical abilities with the right combination of poise, Terminatoresque reading ability, and touch/accuracy (which he's never lacked, but has refined to an incredible extent).

When considering the lack of a running game, superb blocking and easy schedule, I think he's got a serious shot at surpassing 50 TD's. If Peyton ******* Manning can't do it under these auspicious circumstances, then who the hell ever can?

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cstu said:
Man of Zen said:
Phenix said:
He threw 49 before, yet people think he can't throw 51?

People, you can keep doubting Manning, I won't. I have learned not to.
I doubted his ability to break the single season yardage record, and I've been right every season of his career.

To take the absurdity a bit further, I doubted his ability to break the single season TD record, and I've been right every season of his career except one.

It's one thing to believe in a guy. It's quite another to believe he's going to do something that's never been done in history.
The yardage record isn't a good comparison because it depends on a lot of factors. Stafford has already had two seasons with more yards than the most Peyton has in his entire career - by quite a margin I might add. He could break the TD record and still not have a top 10 all time yardage season.

Refined his touch to an incredible extent? Terminatoresque reading ability? The first TD to Thomas was a designed fake peel route exploiting what the ravens thought would happen based on stokeley intel. It wasnt even a read.

It seems we have a slew of people bashing others for saying Manning WILL break the record................has anyone actually said they think he WILL????? Or are they saying they think he has a decent shot to do it? I would say 10-1 is a "decent" shot, which is about the odds I give him of doing it.

Fair?? Crazy??
There was at least one early in the thread who said he will. But yeah, he has a shot. It's not a record that anyone should consider "unbreakable", since it's been broken twice in the last decade, it's only been broken by 1 each time, and the game is still trending toward more passing. I'd be very surprised if the current record lasts another decade. But that doesn't mean it's likely to happen with Peyton this year.

He threw for 6 in a game in 2003. He finished with 29.

On the other hand, he threw for 6 in a game in 2004 and finished with 49. Add the one more and he ties the record.

So there you have it. 50-50 shot.
Outstanding avatar! is that John Bigbooty?

still on track. Averaging 4 per game, or a 64 TD season pace. from here on out he needs to average 3 per game to hit 51 this season.

Even more impressive is that this is happening in halves of games mostly. 5 TD's in 2nd half vs Balt, 3 in 2nd half vs Giants, and now 3 in 1st half. One half of football is enough for Peyton to get his. If things are rolling in the first half and they #### it down at halftime, well, that first half explosion is enough. If things are stale in the first and the game is close, half-time adjustments will get 3 TD's in the 2nd half.

I know - it's still early but this is starting to feel historic.

still on track. Averaging 4 per game, or a 64 TD season pace. from here on out he needs to average 3 per game to hit 51 this season.

Even more impressive is that this is happening in halves of games mostly. 5 TD's in 2nd half vs Balt, 3 in 2nd half vs Giants, and now 3 in 1st half. One half of football is enough for Peyton to get his. If things are rolling in the first half and they #### it down at halftime, well, that first half explosion is enough. If things are stale in the first and the game is close, half-time adjustments will get 3 TD's in the 2nd half.

I know - it's still early but this is starting to feel historic.
like you said, he needs to average three per game for the balance of the season.

if he gets two in a game, he needs to make up for it with a four TD game...

the way he has been playing, if he doesn't get three, with all the weapons, it actually looks like he will have more four than two TD games.

Well, a record like this might be more about the flow of the game and opportunity than his actual ability to do it.

He could have thrown 3 more TDs in the 2nd half last night easily.

It will take a pretty substantial luck factor to get it, and closer games would also help.

That said, I put him at about a 1 in 5 chance of at least doing it.

Wait. Are we allowed to talk about this yet? I got jumped on for throwing this out after that historic week 1 game... Do we need to wait to the halfway mark before we bump or is this discussion allowed now? I'll hang up and wait for the board police to chime in...

Wait. Are we allowed to talk about this yet? I got jumped on for throwing this out after that historic week 1 game... Do we need to wait to the halfway mark before we bump or is this discussion allowed now? I'll hang up and wait for the board police to chime in...

I think it's safe to say by now that we are witnessing a pretty special season in the making for Peyton and the Denver offense.

It's pretty crazy if you think about it...

Peyton is on pace for the single season TD record. Eli is actually on pace for the single season INT record.

Peyton has 0 interceptions. Eli has the most INTs in the league.

Peyton's team is undefeated. Eli's team is winless.

Yet, Eli has more rings and is younger.

Eli also has the higher passing yardage season of the two.

Also, Peyton is actually the active NFL leader for INTs in a single season, which Eli is now on pace to be.

It's pretty crazy if you think about it...

Peyton is on pace for the single season TD record. Eli is actually on pace for the single season INT record.

Peyton has 0 interceptions. Eli has the most INTs in the league.

Peyton's team is undefeated. Eli's team is winless.

Yet, Eli has more rings and is younger.

Eli also has the higher passing yardage season of the two.

Also, Peyton is actually the active NFL leader for INTs in a single season, which Eli is now on pace to be.
Eli's Secretary of State was named Adam Johnson, Peyton's was named Johnson Adams.

I have him. And as much as I'd obviously love to have him break the TD record, he broke the 3 week mark record because of his 7TD game. He then followed that up with 2 and then 3. There will be more games where he gets 2 or 3 rather than 7. It's way too early to say it's such a lock for him to break it.


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