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WR Josh Gordon, KC (1 Viewer)

Based on what I understand of his youth, I think its extremely likely he'd be in jail or dead if not for football. I re-read this article on him yesterday. Bad news almost from the get-go. Of course, that's if you can believe everything he says.

Agree re: second bolded.
Yeah, I skipped the article at the time but was planning on reading it this weekend.

Thinking about it some more, it may not be a matter of people trying to create psychological distance from him, although I'm sure that's a factor for some. It may just be a case of rationalizing the inevitable: "Gordon's NFL career is over, and maybe that's for the best." Which is a noble instinct, and I hope it's true. But none of us really knows whether it is or not.

Yeah, I skipped the article at the time but was planning on reading it this weekend.

Thinking about it some more, it may not be a matter of people trying to create psychological distance from him, although I'm sure that's a factor for some. It may just be a case of rationalizing the inevitable: "Gordon's NFL career is over, and maybe that's for the best." Which is a noble instinct, and I hope it's true. But none of us really knows whether it is or not.
I honestly don't think it is. He's got financial troubles, and those are legally very real. The NFL provides him with luxury, which he no longer has. 

Maybe I missed it, but is it actually confirmed that Gordon has mental issues. Or is he just a guy who can't stop getting high and uses the mental health excuse every time he fails another test with the NFL? 

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If you played dynasty you did.  That is all I talk about.  Redraft is lame
my main league is partial dynasty (keep 6/7). He'd have been borderline 6 or 7.

But its not about that. Its about the simple fact that this is a person's life. I get that you see it as nothing but faceless stats, but that's like an almost sociopathic level of removal from the reality of what this is based on. (to be clear, I'm not saying you're a sociopath, its just the best way to describe how it reads when you're saying this stuff)

There comes a point where distancing yourself from the reality of what is happening and how it is not a good or happy or pleasant thing. No one should be celebrating, no matter what. I get it, you only care about yourself and how this effects you and the seeming joy this real human's life tragedy's effect on fake football teams has had...But there is a real life tragedy and a real sickness and real hurt that is far more important than those fake football laughs.

Maybe I missed it, but is it actually confirmed that Gordon has mental issues. Or is he just a guy who can't stop getting high and uses the mental health excuse every time he fails another test with the NFL? 
That is an excellent question that I have as well. I think a lot of people believe its the former but I am not convinced its not the latter.

Maybe I missed it, but is it actually confirmed that Gordon has mental issues. Or is he just a guy who can't stop getting high and uses the mental health excuse every time he fails another test with the NFL? 
I think it's a bit of both.  Truth usually lies in the middle.

I honestly don't think it is. He's got financial troubles, and those are legally very real. The NFL provides him with luxury, which he no longer has. 
Agree and why I think people say football is not the best place for him should try to imagine themselves in his situation and honestly tell me that drawing an NFL paycheck would not what is best for you.  If he had a massive heroin addiction where money made was spent on that then I  might agree it's not best for him but don't think that's the case. Money is not cure all but it can help plus the structure is generally good for him. Maybe I'm not recalling an incident but I think this was his first failed test in season while active.

One thing about this I was a little surprised about was that the Patriots knew about this for a month(makes me wonder if he failed his test during bye week 11). Maybe they thought he'd win an appeal, maybe they just rationalized that they'd just use him as much as they could and deal with it if/when he is out but I'm still a little surprised, had them pegged as more of a zero tolerance type.

I keep hearing this, and it may be true, but none of us has any idea what's going on in Gordon's head or what he needs. It may well be that if he had never made it to the NFL he'd be dead now. I feel like that sentiment is more a reflection of people who are sick of thinking about the whole issue and want to be done with him (which is a totally understandable response, BTW).

Ultimately, it doesn't matter. Whether it's good for him or not, he will almost certainly be out of the NFL from now on and will need to figure out his life accordingly.
I'm more so saying we keep giving guys like Gordon a 2nd chance without batting an eye lash when it's come to the point it doesn't seem like it's working but a player commits a crime or beats his wife you have the people saying he should be gone. You play and represent a professional organization. He's lucky I wasn't in charge of Cleveland because he would've been well gone form the NFL bt now. THat's not to say I wouldn't have had the team help him as much as it could but it gets to a point where someone can only help someone so much before it becomes apparent the person with the issues just doesn't care. Gordon given the NFL guidelines should be right now banned from the NFL for life. It's that simple. The NFL needs to follow their own rules or they have egg on their face again. But we all know the NFL rules are just pandering for PR Reasons. I wish Josh Gordon the best in his recovery but it's time IMHO if the NFL won't crack down on their own by laws then someone needs to tell him I don't think the NFL is the best place for you and your deamons. He might be dead if it weren't for the NFL which is possible true but there comes a time where the individual wants to help themselves and beat it. It's a shame but I wasn't excited with him being back because I knew it was only a matter of time this would happen again. 

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One thing about this I was a little surprised about was that the Patriots knew about this for a month(makes me wonder if he failed his test during bye week 11). Maybe they thought he'd win an appeal, maybe they just rationalized that they'd just use him as much as they could and deal with it if/when he is out but I'm still a little surprised, had them pegged as more of a zero tolerance type.
the terms of his reinstatement were pretty strict, it could have been something "zero tolerance" doesn't apply to and thus they were waiting to hear the ruling from the league.

No one is ever going to publicly come out and say what he violated the terms doing (unless he does and even then we won't know if its true or not since the league won't confirm).

While you are likely correct on that, his issues reportedly started back in middle school and followed to HS and college. Long before the bright lights and pressure of the NFL. So I suspect those things (pressure, spotlight, etc) don't help, but I am not sure removing NFL football from the equation does him a lot of good. I think he would/will struggle each day whether there is football on his schedule or not. Any relief he may experience with the pressure of pro ball lifted is likely offset by the added anxiety of not knowing what he's going to do from here.

Would be curious to know if he really got into substance abuse so young to cope with legit mental issues (self medicating, if you will) or if that is just what him and his crew did because it was easier doing gang stuff while goofed-up on something. After years of abusing chemicals, he probably doesn't feel "right" unless he's stoned. I can buy that. But did the mental health issues help lead him down that road or are they kind of a symptom now that he's got several years of substance abuse under his belt? Maybe its moot at this point. But if we could go back in time and meet the middle school Josh Gordon, what would we find? A young person with legit mental health issues that turned to drugs/alcohol to cope or someone from a broken environment who lacked structure/direction, ran with a bad crowd, and got into substance abuse because that's what they did? Either way, what a waste.
I can see many sides to this. However at this point the Patriots are a public enterprise associated with one of the biggest well known companies world wide the NFL. One of the issues for me is people trying to deflect some responsibility of these guys with the age excuse and all. There comes a place and time in addiction you yourself need to admit your issues and get the help and keep with it. Yes there's relapses but in a professional setting like the NFL it's easier to relapse. I think the best place for him is leave the NFL for good and get himself into a clinic. Somewhere he doesn't feel the pressure to need to rush back. I think being in the NFL pressured him to rush back more. If Gordon was really truthful with himself he wouldn't have lied to the Browns about his injury or how it happened either. Could he have serious mental issues? Most likely and why I believe it'd be best for him not to be in the NFL. Sometimes people aren't diagnosed correctly with their issues and all. Maybe Gordon didn't have the resources as a kid to get that help either. 

That is an excellent question that I have as well. I think a lot of people believe its the former but I am not convinced its not the latter.
The obvious answer is that none of us really know, and we're unlikely to find out the answer from an Adam Schefter tweet.

I said earlier that I am giving him the benefit of the doubt, mostly because it ultimately doesn't matter what any of us think, so why waste time hating or passing judgment on a person?

One of the issues for me is people trying to deflect some responsibility of these guys with the age excuse and all. There comes a place and time in addiction you yourself need to admit your issues and get the help and keep with it. 
I don't see anyone making excuses for him in the sense of arguing he shouldn't face consequences for his behavior. I think we all agree he should get a lengthy, if not permanent, ban from the league. It's more a question of how we should judge him as a person.

I think being in the NFL pressured him to rush back more.
This is exactly what I was referring to earlier. You may be right about this, but none of us has any idea what was going through his head or whether being in the NFL was helpful or harmful to whatever issues he was dealing with.

I think 10 years down the line, when there's no special teams or hits on the QB, noone would blink an eye about this guy or his off field behavior.  It sucks that in a league, basically known for drug abuse and domestic violence for so many years, that puffing blunts basically gets you a lifetime ban.

Maybe I missed it, but is it actually confirmed that Gordon has mental issues. Or is he just a guy who can't stop getting high and uses the mental health excuse every time he fails another test with the NFL? 
If you've got the whole world in front of you, and you keep throwing it away because of booze or pot or partying, I think that's a mental health thing. Like, you're effing up your life and you can't stop it.

Interesting to see the direction this thread takes every time there is news on Gordon. I used to be of the mindset of "These stinkin addicts did it to themselves!".  Then the heroin epidemic hit our area HARD.  To see people I knew throw EVERYTHING away for an addiction is eye opening.  Of course Gordon has been known to have issues with marijuana (not heroin) and the argument I've heard many times is that marijuana is not addictive.  Which it isn't... physically...  But an addict is an addict.  Doesn't matter what it is.  While the average person isn't going to get "hooked" on weed like say cocaine, someone who has a predisposition to addiction will find themselves addicted to many things.  It's very sad to see.  

We've all made stupid, stupid decisions in our lives.  Most of the time they aren't life wrecking decisions and become life lessons.  In Gordon's case, it has gone beyond a life lesson.  Hoping he can find some way to beat the demons inside.  From all reports, he is a decent person.  

If you've got the whole world in front of you, and you keep throwing it away because of booze or pot or partying, I think that's a mental health thing. Like, you're effing up your life and you can't stop it.

This was an interesting interview from a year ago.  At one point he says he was scared for himself after walking around late at night desperately looking for drugs.  

I think 10 years down the line, when there's no special teams or hits on the QB, noone would blink an eye about this guy or his off field behavior.  It sucks that in a league, basically known for drug abuse and domestic violence for so many years, that puffing blunts basically gets you a lifetime ban.
Reminder that, in addition to not knowing about what's going on in Gordon's head, we also don't know (and almost certainly never will) exactly how he violated the league's substance-abuse policy.

Reminder that, in addition to not knowing about what's going on in Gordon's head, we also don't know (and almost certainly never will) exactly how he violated the league's substance-abuse policy.
Right. He still can't drink, which is legal. We have to assume a lot when talking about his suspension. 

My heart truly goes out to this kid. He seems very intelligent and sweet. I really hope he turns his life around because he seems like the type of person who will pay it forward 

There comes a point where distancing yourself from the reality of what is happening and how it is not a good or happy or pleasant thing. No one should be celebrating, no matter what. I get it, you only care about yourself and how this effects you and the seeming joy this real human's life tragedy's effect on fake football teams has had...But there is a real life tragedy and a real sickness and real hurt that is far more important than those fake football laughs.
There are many, many addicts in the world. Many have costs themselves their homes, their families, etc. I simply feel Gordon doesn't deserves any more sympathy than any of these other addicts simply because he's an NFL player.

My heart truly goes out to this kid. He seems very intelligent and sweet. I really hope he turns his life around because he seems like the type of person who will pay it forward 
I don’t know, man. Read that interview I linked above. This “intelligent and sweet” kid admits to stealing (from kids at school, then cars, breaking into homes), being in a gang, doing/selling drugs, money fraud, shooting his way out of situations, etc. Perhaps the part that really bothered me most (and, IMO, gives a glimpse into his true self) is this:

”He mentions that he was also grappling with the reality of being insolvent for years and facing the realization that he had a daughter to support. (Gordon fails to mention a second, as-of-yet-unresolved paternity case that was raised in April.) “Obviously these motherf------ are going to lock me up, if they want to,” Gordon says. “If you’re not paying child support, you’re going to jail. I’m not down for that s---, so let’s figure out how to keep myself sober.” “

Even if I give him the benefit of the doubt that there is some context missing, that doesn’t strike me as the kind of thing a guy who cares about being a good father would say. Nor as the kind of thing a guy who truly accepts responsibility for his choices would say. 

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If you've got the whole world in front of you, and you keep throwing it away because of booze or pot or partying, I think that's a mental health thing. Like, you're effing up your life and you can't stop it.
But he may be thinking "I've got the whole world in front of me. I could be living my life and be happy, but I've been throwing it away trying to appease the NFL just to play football. It's miserable." 

DallasDMac said:
There are many, many addicts in the world. Many have costs themselves their homes, their families, etc. I simply feel Gordon doesn't deserves any more sympathy than any of these other addicts simply because he's an NFL player.
100% I get that. I have no problem with people feeling he’s run out of chances.

My response only came because of this sense of celebration that was had by one poster because he found it funny and wonderful that so many lost Gordon from their fantasy teams. Just a weird way of responding, you know?

By all means, there is nothing wrong with feeling like this should be Gordon’s last chance.



Bleacher Report NFL‏Verified account @BR_NFL

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Patriots are looking to package high draft picks for a “premium” wide receiver at trade deadline, per @JayGlazer

9:38 AM - 28 Oct 2018


Glazer is about the only reporter if he says it then I'm buying.  

This makes limited sense. They just had a premium WR and shipped him to Rams.

Anything that happens with Josh Gordon fits into the context of possibility unless you think taking training camp and preseason off to deal with stress is normal or doing a midnight self promotional photo-shoot and coming in 'appearing' out of sorts to his team is normal when he said he pulled his hammy during the photo-shoot.  Or... heck this entire thread shows this moron makes no sense in anything he does.  

The fact Belichick takes no premadonna guff or slackers and that he's shopping for a legit premium WR makes a ton of sense on every single level.  Glazer doesn't make things up.
Jay Glazer is the only source I trust.

If he's reporting smoke you can bet that their is fire somewhere.

Jay reported this back in October when everything 'appeared' to honky dory.

Give Glaze his props and in the future if he reports something step back and give it the weight it deserves. 

Jay Glazer is the only source I trust.

If he's reporting smoke you can bet that their is fire somewhere.

Jay reported this back in October when everything 'appeared' to honky dory.

Give Glaze his props and in the future if he reports something step back and give it the weight it deserves. 
Yup. Glazer is the anti-rappaport. Glazer only opens his mouth when something is legit. Rappaport only closes his mouth when he's asleep.

100% I get that. I have no problem with people feeling he’s run out of chances.

My response only came because of this sense of celebration that was had by one poster because he found it funny and wonderful that so many lost Gordon from their fantasy teams. Just a weird way of responding, you know?

By all means, there is nothing wrong with feeling like this should be Gordon’s last chance.
Yea, I get that. My post wasn't directed at you in particular. Rather, just a general post.

Jay Glazer is the only source I trust.

If he's reporting smoke you can bet that their is fire somewhere.

Jay reported this back in October when everything 'appeared' to honky dory.

Give Glaze his props and in the future if he reports something step back and give it the weight it deserves. 
My statement was in regards to the act of the Pats shopping for a premium WR making limited sense. They had traded for a premium WR under contract who did well so they then traded him, and then half a season later they're looking to trade for a premium WR again. Nothing to do with Glazer or the Gordon signing. That's just dumb GMing.

Wasn't refuting the veracity of the report. At least I don't think I was. :)

Was more a gripe against Pats management.

Reminder that, in addition to not knowing about what's going on in Gordon's head, we also don't know (and almost certainly never will) exactly how he violated the league's substance-abuse policy.
You're right.  I was mistaken.   I assumed it was cannabis usage that had gotten him in all this trouble, but I read how he was doing shots before practice and stuff and how he feels he is killing himself.   I think in time research will show alcohol is especially bad for concussed brains (deprives the brain of oxygen, c'mon)... whereas cannabis/CBD is actually beneficial (to the symptoms at the very least) to CTE.

Either way,  I hope Gordon can get it together and be the example for other players down the line facing substance abuse issues of how to get back on track.

Sebowski said:
But he may be thinking "I've got the whole world in front of me. I could be living my life and be happy, but I've been throwing it away trying to appease the NFL just to play football. It's miserable." 
Metta World Peace is well known for being vocal about his mental health issues.  He had a recent interview where he talked about hating basketball and not wanting to play because "he felt something was wrong with him". 

99% of people dream of being a professional athlete, but there is definitely some subset of athletes who have made it that hate it.  

Just heard on the NFL channel that the violations were not just marijuana and they were multiple. Not sure if that meant alcohol or any other substance. They think if Josh wants another chance it isn't out of the question but needs to prove he can stay clean.

Not sure if there's a team out there willing to take a chance on him. To me, he just wasn't that good this year. Lots of up and coming young guys I'd rather see get a chance.

Realistically, if JG moved to a state where recreational MJ was legal and could manage his mental health adequately using it, I'd say that wouldn't be a terrible outcome for him. He's smart and can open a gym, or work in the fitness/personal trainer industry. If the worst thing he does to his body is smoke a little I'd say he was doing just fine.

Pats had round the clock security

Unless you are looping addiction into “mental health issues”, I think this has been an insult to people with mental health issues. He’s an addict, this is his excuse. He’ll be back on drugs without the support and the only reason people make excuses for him is his talent. Without a doubt he needs help but he doesn’t need sympathy, he needs a hard line. 

Josh Gordon came to the league about 10 years too early.  Smoking weed will be  legal in the NFL very soon IMO.
His problems are more  than weed. Reports are that he tested positive for far more than just weed.  I've said it before several times this thread.  This is the same dude that abandoned his baby and baby's mother to party in Mexico and do drugs with Manziel in the off season.  The only reason he came back into their lives is because a court ordered him to do so--and an arrest warrant would be issued if he didn't. He was forced to take a paternity test and only after that did he show any interest in being involved in their lives.  This dude also dealt drugs growing up--so god knows how many addictions he created or fed outside of his own in his lifetime. Don't kid yourself--Gordon is not a victim of the leagues substance abuse policy.   This is a guy that has hurt the lives of countless people around him.  I hope and pray that he gets better and I know it will not be an easy thing for him to do.  However--it will never happen if he doesn't learn to love himself, his family, and his friends more than he loves drugs.  

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Josh Gordon came to the league about 10 years too early.  Smoking weed will be  legal in the NFL very soon IMO.
I agree. But being late for meetings, flights, etc and doing other dumb stuff (ie injuring yourself at a midnight photo shoot for your clothing line the night before a game) will still be frowned upon by NFL coaches/GMs. It wasn't a failed test that was the final straw that broke the camel's back in Cleveland. Just saying...

Banner day for Gordon owners.  Rather than watching him crap the bed in my starting lineup, J. Williams posted exceptional numbers.

Who did you start in place of Gordon?

Iceman03 said:
Pats had round the clock security

Unless you are looping addiction into “mental health issues”, I think this has been an insult to people with mental health issues. He’s an addict, this is his excuse. He’ll be back on drugs without the support and the only reason people make excuses for him is his talent. Without a doubt he needs help but he doesn’t need sympathy, he needs a hard line. 
Yeah, I felt sympathetic for him based on some of his prior interviews, but stuff like this makes me believe he is just a smooth talker making excuses.  I don't know - never really know what's going on in someone's head.

Josh Gordon came to the league about 10 years too early.  Smoking weed will be  legal in the NFL very soon IMO.
"According to Ian Rapoport of the NFL Network, Gordon had multiple violations of the league's substance abuse policy that was more than just marijuana."

Josh Gordon came to the league about 10 years too early.  Smoking weed will be  legal in the NFL very soon IMO.
"According to Ian Rapoport of the NFL Network, Gordon had multiple violations of the league's substance abuse policy that was more than just marijuana."
Yea, read the GQ article/interview from last year that someone posted.  He was doing shots before practice.  Gordon has more in common with Justin Blackmon than we think.

Suspended Patriots WR Josh Gordon is receiving in-patient treatment at a Gainesville facility after receiving his latest ban for diluted drug-test samples.

The Patriots are paying for Gordon's treatment, and NESN's Doug Kyed reports Gordon returning to the team at some point "is still possible." Gordon, in fact, will receive a Super Bowl ring if the Patriots beat the Rams on Sunday.

Source: NESN 

Jan 28 - 4:55 PM
squistion said:
Ian Rapoport‏ @RapSheet 5h5 hours ago

While the #Patriots play today in Super Bowl LIII, suspended WR Josh Gordon will watch from an in-patient rehab facility in Fla. After some of his darkest times in NE, he’s now making progress. My story:

but what about the narrative that Cleveland wasn’t doing enough to help him and that the Patriots were the supportive force that would stabilize Gordon?

oh, right.  it was bull because the Browns did everything they could to get Gordon better. 

Can Rappaport get word to Gordon that I’ll give him two grand or a 1/4 lb. of weed for his Super Bowl ring? His choice.

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