Several of you have been in this. Brackets are open. $5/sheet enter as often as you'd like. Feel free to share with others. Bigger the better type thing. The pool has grown to over $12k on $5 sheets. I pay out 30 places. All the particulars are on the site - invite from the site cut n' pasted below..
Participants choose the winners of this year's NCAA college basketball tournament. To join, click here:
You'll be asked for your name and email address and to create a new user password for yourself. Bracket entry starts Sunday, March 13th at 11:00pm EDT Online bracket entry closes Thursday, March 17th at 12:15pm EDT Be sure to get your brackets in early.
Participants choose the winners of this year's NCAA college basketball tournament. To join, click here:
You'll be asked for your name and email address and to create a new user password for yourself. Bracket entry starts Sunday, March 13th at 11:00pm EDT Online bracket entry closes Thursday, March 17th at 12:15pm EDT Be sure to get your brackets in early.
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