269 - @BassNBrew
264 - @cdwood
245 - @scoobus
238 - @Ruffrodys05
237 - @Neil Beaufort Zod
230 - @Galileo
218 - @Chaka
213 - @bro1ncos @dude
211 - @jabarony
209 - @Deamon
208 - @kajaet
201 - @Keith R @QuizGuy66
200 - @Rubi
198 - @Godsbrother
184 - @Riffraff
180 - @Gally
175 - @J Rod
170 - @abfthomp
169 - @SoBeDad @TheWinz
165 - @nysfl2
162 - @Nugget
161 - @Hatch
154 - @32 Counter Pass @kupcho1
151 - @Utter Chaos
142 - @Pip's Invitation
141 - @Ardbeg4ever
126 - @needanap
125 - @-OZ-
121 - @RLHIV @Timmay
98 - @RandyDB
5 - @heckmanm
Congratulations to @IHEARTFF with the highest score ever in this contest! I will pass your info to @Hot Sauce Guy
Congratulations to @BassNBrew for hanging on to 2nd place. Please PM your address to @Hot Sauce Guy and @TheWinz
I also want to give a shout out to everyone that continued playing the entire season. @heckmanm almost managed to return to ZERO, but came up short, hahah! I think everyone liked the rule about not using the same team for O/D in a week. I would assume that rule will remain for next year. Any volunteers to run this next year?
@Deamon - are you going to run the playoff version of this?
269 - @BassNBrew
264 - @cdwood
245 - @scoobus
238 - @Ruffrodys05
237 - @Neil Beaufort Zod
230 - @Galileo
218 - @Chaka
213 - @bro1ncos @dude
211 - @jabarony
209 - @Deamon
208 - @kajaet
201 - @Keith R @QuizGuy66
200 - @Rubi
198 - @Godsbrother
184 - @Riffraff
180 - @Gally
175 - @J Rod
170 - @abfthomp
169 - @SoBeDad @TheWinz
165 - @nysfl2
162 - @Nugget
161 - @Hatch
154 - @32 Counter Pass @kupcho1
151 - @Utter Chaos
142 - @Pip's Invitation
141 - @Ardbeg4ever
126 - @needanap
125 - @-OZ-
121 - @RLHIV @Timmay
98 - @RandyDB
5 - @heckmanm
Congratulations to @IHEARTFF with the highest score ever in this contest! I will pass your info to @Hot Sauce Guy
Congratulations to @BassNBrew for hanging on to 2nd place. Please PM your address to @Hot Sauce Guy and @TheWinz
I also want to give a shout out to everyone that continued playing the entire season. @heckmanm almost managed to return to ZERO, but came up short, hahah! I think everyone liked the rule about not using the same team for O/D in a week. I would assume that rule will remain for next year. Any volunteers to run this next year?
@Deamon - are you going to run the playoff version of this?