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2024 OFFENSE/DEFENSE Contest - Week 1 (1 Viewer)

Do I still get a free bottle of hot sauce when I win?
I didn’t offer this yet, but sure - I’ll do what I’ve done in years past.

• 4-pack of Award-Winning hot sauce to the 1st place team
• 2-pack to the runner up.

If somehow I win, I’ll content myself getting the respect of my peers. :oldunsure:

I tell you what, HSG...if you win, I'll send you a bottle of your hot sauce!
Do I still get a free bottle of hot sauce when I win?
I didn’t offer this yet, but sure - I’ll do what I’ve done in years past.

• 4-pack of Award-Winning hot sauce to the 1st place team
• 2-pack to the runner up.

If somehow I win, I’ll content myself getting the respect of my peers. :oldunsure:

I tell you what, HSG...if you win, I'll send you a bottle of your hot sauce!
It would save me some packing. 💡
A small handful of first-timers. I love it! Enjoy, and don't give up if you have a single bad week. Who else is in?
I guess I can't do much worse than last year.

Off -
Def -

Week 1
OFF - MIA Dolphins
DEF - CIN Bengals
38 people have entered their guess so far. It's not too late. Remember though, if you want KC or BAL, you need to submit your picks before kickoff in about 5 hours. Game almost on!
Briefly debated trying to nail a zero every week (which I did fairly well by accident last year). But where's the fun in that?

Used O -
Used D -

Week 1
O - Lions
D - Bengals
Briefly debated trying to nail a zero every week (which I did fairly well by accident last year). But where's the fun in that?

Used O -
Used D -

Week 1
O - Lions
D - Bengals
If you want zero every week then pick one teams defense and their opponents offense.
42 guessers thus far. Still waiting on 5 from last year, and welcoming all newbies. Nobody chose BAL or KC, and with good reason, as the scores were middle of the road. 3 have went with tonight's teams, and if you want to choose GB or PHI, better get your guesses posted in the next 4 hours. Hopefully we have more people waiting until the last minute to post. Remember, you cannot choose a team that's already kicked off.
Lots of games kicking off tomorrow. Get those guesses in on time! Also, if you decide to change your picks, just create a new post please. I always come back to the thread before final scoring.
Since nobody chose the teams playing Monday Night, this week is done. Even if someone wants to join now, they can't choose the same O and D, so they would be wasting picks just to score a zero. FYI - the leader after the first week has +31, and only 1 person is in the negative.

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