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Anyone waiting out Hixon Tonight? (1 Viewer)


Keeping Anthony Gonzales, Bryant Johnson and Mike Walker on the bench waiting out Hixon tonight. Anyone else doing the same?

NFL.com's Bob Papa reports that Domenik Hixon will start Sunday night against Dallas.

Hixon is a decent WR4 play against a banged up Cowboys secondary, but there's no telling how healthy he is after a week in which he did very little practicing.

Source: NFL.com

I would LOVE to play Hix but all my other wr's play at noon and I can't take a chance on limited or no production.

I just plugged in Walter and prayed.

Keeping Anthony Gonzales, Bryant Johnson and Mike Walker on the bench waiting out Hixon tonight. Anyone else doing the same?
I'm waiting it out. I'm trying to decide between Hixon and Berrien. It will come down to the lesser of two evils - Hixon's health vs. T. Jackson throwing to Berrien. At least I have until 4PM to think it!!!

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