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As commissioner, what do I do? (1 Viewer)


I am commissioner of a 10-team family league... not that serious, and not for that much money.

Our league is set so that whenever a trade is accepted, a poll is automatically generated. Owners have 48 hours to vote. 4 reject votes automatically vetoes the trade.

The following trade was accepted Wednesday night:

Owner #1 (4-8 record) gives up Marion Barber III

Owner #2 (6-6 record) gives up Jason Elam

To me, this was an obvious case of collusion, where Owner #1, who has almost no chance of finishing in the money is tanking his season for a better draft position next year. He offers the trade to Owner #2 (his father) in order to give him a better chance of winning down the stretch. I completely expected the trade to be vetoed because it was so lopsided.

Currently, the voting stands at 6-3, approving the proposed trade.

I haven't personally spoken with any of the owners that approved the trade yet, but I can imagine their response will be something like, "If both people agree to the trade, who am I to vote against it?"

I am frustrated by this to the point that I'm considering no longer participating in the league.

I would like opinions or advice from other league commissioners. What would you do in this situation?


I am commissioner of a 10-team family league... not that serious, and not for that much money.

Our league is set so that whenever a trade is accepted, a poll is automatically generated. Owners have 48 hours to vote. 4 reject votes automatically vetoes the trade.

The following trade was accepted Wednesday night:

Owner #1 (4-8 record) gives up Marion Barber III

Owner #2 (6-6 record) gives up Jason Elam

To me, this was an obvious case of collusion, where Owner #1, who has almost no chance of finishing in the money is tanking his season for a better draft position next year. He offers the trade to Owner #2 (his father) in order to give him a better chance of winning down the stretch. I completely expected the trade to be vetoed because it was so lopsided.

Currently, the voting stands at 6-3, approving the proposed trade.

I haven't personally spoken with any of the owners that approved the trade yet, but I can imagine their response will be something like, "If both people agree to the trade, who am I to vote against it?"

I am frustrated by this to the point that I'm considering no longer participating in the league.

I would like opinions or advice from other league commissioners. What would you do in this situation?

The bolded part is the key. If the other owners approve, your hands are basically tied.
Family League for Money? Sounds strange. . . . .

If the policy is ruled by vote, you have to stick with it and try to get the remaining vote to vote no.

We have a rule that overrides all rules that are included or not included. Basically says that if the integrity of the league is in jepordy for this year or in the future because of an event where there's a loop hole or lack of rule, anything can be modified or changed.

That includes trades. . . .if the trade goes through, and the league doesnt care. . .then you have to leave it. . .but if it goes through and it ruins it for the rest of the season and everyone quits, then you have to veto the trade.

I see the vote is 6-3

Are you the lone non-vote?

If you think it's a bad trade(it is imo) veto it then.

Hunt down the person that hasn't voted and beg them to vote against it. I'd be very tempted to veto it regardless of the league vote. No way that trade should go through.

Family league... just for fun ....

either way , letting a trade like this go through kinda takes the fun out of the league.

reminds me of the over-competitive uncle at the BBQ volley ball game that keeps spiking on the 10 year old kids..after awhile, they dont want to play becasue its not fun.

Offer your sister Dante Rosario for Adrian Peterson and Anquan Boldin.
LOL :thumbup: :thumbup: I am not the lone last vote, and I haven't been able to get in touch with the last voter... but I don't think he'll vote against a trade that helps Grandpa!!
...reminds me of the over-competitive uncle at the BBQ volley ball game that keeps spiking on the 10 year old kids..after awhile, they dont want to play becasue its not fun.
Off topic - Reminded me of a family cookout 20-some years ago where the kid (an 8-9 year old girl) knocked it back over the net for a point when the uncle did that. Thanks for making me laugh!
sorry but I don't care what type of fantasy league this is....trades like this should not happen...

why even play?

Slightly lopsided if at all. Elam's schedule is pretty soft. I think he'll finish down the stretch as a top 3 kicker and Barber's schedule is brutal.

Trade should stick.

Wu-banger said:
Family league... just for fun ....

either way , letting a trade like this go through kinda takes the fun out of the league.

reminds me of the over-competitive uncle at the BBQ volley ball game that keeps spiking on the 10 year old kids..after awhile, they dont want to play becasue its not fun.
Doesn't matter. According to the rules of his league, the trade has to stand. He chose to have a league vote for trade approval and this is the repercussion. He has to live with it now.
I am commissioner of a 10-team family league... [snip]I would like opinions or advice from other league commissioners. What would you do in this situation?Thanks
I'd go talk to the father and son and point out how if this trade goes through, it's very possible others will start doing the same thing in the future. And that I'd rather not see our family league degenerate into a bunch of people banding together to beat other groups of people rather than just everyone competing on their own.In short, try to point out the decent thing for them to do is to withdraw the trade, and see if they do.
I am commissioner of a 10-team family league... [snip]I would like opinions or advice from other league commissioners. What would you do in this situation?Thanks
I'd go talk to the father and son and point out how if this trade goes through, it's very possible others will start doing the same thing in the future. And that I'd rather not see our family league degenerate into a bunch of people banding together to beat other groups of people rather than just everyone competing on their own.In short, try to point out the decent thing for them to do is to withdraw the trade, and see if they do.
Well... I'm sad to say things have taken a turn for the worse.

I talked to the final owner before the deadline, and he agreed the trade was completely ridiculous... but Grandpa had been calling him to get him to vote FOR the trade. He didn't want to be the one who kept Grandpa from getting Marion Barber III.

The trade was approved by a vote of 7-3, and a new trade was just accepted:

Owner #1 (same owner that had Marion Barber III) gives Ladainian Tomlinson

Owner #2 (the deciding vote on the Barber trade) gives Jonathan Vilma

I think I have 2 options at this point:

1. Give all owners their money back and scrap the league

2. Veto the trades as commissioner, and tell everyone they have to play fair

Well... I'm sad to say things have taken a turn for the worse. I talked to the final owner before the deadline, and he agreed the trade was completely ridiculous... but Grandpa had been calling him to get him to vote FOR the trade. He didn't want to be the one who kept Grandpa from getting Marion Barber III. The trade was approved by a vote of 7-3, and a new trade was just accepted: Owner #1 (same owner that had Marion Barber III) gives Ladainian TomlinsonOwner #2 (the deciding vote on the Barber trade) gives Jonathan VilmaI think I have 2 options at this point:1. Give all owners their money back and scrap the league2. Veto the trades as commissioner, and tell everyone they have to play fair
I think you go ahead and make yourself a side deal with one of the owners and get a piece of the pie before its all gone. :unsure:
Pick a bottom feeder and talk with them and try to get all their studs for your kicker. That should teach 'em...

Seriously though, it's a "family" league, but who wants to be in a league where this kind of crap goes on, anyway?

Where's the fun in all that? I'd personally be done with this league either NOW or right after the season. And if

there's money involved...? Pfft, not a chance...

I wonder what the topic will be on Thanksgiving Day, eating and watching football with family ............
Great point. How mnay of these people in the so-called family league will all be in a room together sometime soon? My question would be "why are we doing this and why is there money involved?"If you're playing head to head golf with someone does your opponent get to just drop their ball on the green on a par 5 and say "here's my drive, I'm hitting two now?" It's kind of like that trade to me......... :confused:
Gramps doesn't like to lose. Maybe you should just let it go. Not sure you want to get gramps pissed.

What kind of people would collude against their family?

You have bigger problems there than fantasy football.

Not only would i drop out of the league, i would drop out of the family.

I wonder what the topic will be on Thanksgiving Day, eating and watching football with family ............
Oh it would be one fun day of ball breaking for me if I was in that league. :thumbup:But someone else said it, get invovled. Start trading your 2011 draft picks and an xtra xmas present for stars. Make the league an even bigger joke to prove a point. :(
Is your cousin's wife hot? :lmao:

Normally I wouldn't go there but this family as less morals than the Sopranos.

Its a shame that someone in a family pool would take advantage of the rules this way. Thats why leagues have rules and structure.

Talk to the other owners and see how they feel. Can you call an emergency owners meeting? You don't change rules mid season but in any fair league neither of these should have stood.

Commissioner should always have final say and be able to override any rule. And the only time a commissioner should exercise that power is to enforce the spirit of fair play.

Family is tough.

You have to really understand the effects of your options.

I'ld start with calling grandpa adn explaining this needs to be resolved now.

If not, lock them out, return their money, run their teams as dummies, reverse the trades, and make them prize ineligible.

or suck it up, let their actions and the leagues approval stand for themselves and walk away.

I had a relative drop a player so another relative could pick him up for the championsip.

I mentioned that it was unethical.

He asked what I would do about it.

I said if your player affects the outcome of the championship, I will declare the winner prize ineligible.

They still test me. I stay as firm, fair, and transparent as I can be.

Less hard feelings when they know what to expect.

Well... I'm sad to say things have taken a turn for the worse. I talked to the final owner before the deadline, and he agreed the trade was completely ridiculous... but Grandpa had been calling him to get him to vote FOR the trade. He didn't want to be the one who kept Grandpa from getting Marion Barber III. The trade was approved by a vote of 7-3, and a new trade was just accepted: Owner #1 (same owner that had Marion Barber III) gives Ladainian TomlinsonOwner #2 (the deciding vote on the Barber trade) gives Jonathan VilmaI think I have 2 options at this point:1. Give all owners their money back and scrap the league2. Veto the trades as commissioner, and tell everyone they have to play fair
:popcorn: :lmao: Let's see if I've got this--the first two owners worked a deal, and then one bribed the last voter for approval on that deal?!! :P Just how much is "not too much money involved"? Family league, they're dealing....sounds like you're going to have to get with the new program! There's no winning on this; you're going to have to establish your own bloc, imo, and make it part of the game!jmo :thumbup:
You should trade your best players to gramps, then urge others to do the same. When he has his team completely stacked, just give all the money back and end the league. That should teach gramps a lesson about being greedy. You are the commish, and by the way you worded a previous post, I assume you have everyone's entry fee. I know one thing - my entry fee would go right back into my wallet if I were in your shoes.


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