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(Baby Formula Shortage): Biden ADMITS He Knew Of Crisis In Early April (4/27/22 23:53 PST) (3 Viewers)

The Scandinavian countries have solved the baby formula issue. By cultural and political means. In the USA, black mothers have the lowest rates of breast feeding, partly attributed to the need to work outside the home after just 2 weeks.

I feel lucky. My first born was breast-fed at 14 months at Notre Dame during a childrens choir recital and other places in Europe. Her mom didn't work outside the home for 3 years. Come on conservatives, help our children breastfeed.

>>In Norway, where there are 36 weeks of paid maternity leave, 99% of mothers ever breastfeed and 80% breastfeed in some way at 6 months. (Pew Research Center).<<

77 Surprising Breastfeeding Facts for Moms
I'm having a hard time keeping up with things.  Is "moms should stay home with the kids" a liberal position opposed by conservatives now? 

I would have voted against this bill too.  Increasing the FDA's budget without firing the people involved in this is just bad policy-making.  

Not sure what's evil about that, but whatever.
Why would you fire people for doing their jobs?

Would you prefer the FDA look the other way when companies ship bacteria laden formula?

Why would you fire people for doing their jobs?

Would you prefer the FDA look the other way when companies ship bacteria laden formula?
I'd prefer that the FDA not ban people from buying products because they're not labeled exactly the way the FDA would like.  

Until we start imposing professional consequences on people for making this type of neurotic decision, they'll keep making them.

I'd prefer that the FDA not ban people from buying products because they're not labeled exactly the way the FDA would like.  

Until we start imposing professional consequences on people for making this type of neurotic decision, they'll keep making them.
So label it a "supplement" at sell it at GNC.  

I'd prefer that the FDA not ban people from buying products because they're not labeled exactly the way the FDA would like.  

Until we start imposing professional consequences on people for making this type of neurotic decision, they'll keep making them.
They did relax labeling requirements.

Working moms getting more than 2 weeks of paid maternity is supported by many on both sides, but some conservatives think working moms should just take out a loan!

The Conservative Argument Over Paid Family Leave
Yes, that's fine.  I was more interested in this part:

I feel lucky. My first born was breast-fed at 14 months at Notre Dame during a childrens choir recital and other places in Europe. Her mom didn't work outside the home for 3 years. Come on conservatives, help our children breastfeed.
That's cool that your wife stated at home for three years.  Once upon a time, it was considered a "conservative" position to advocate for this, and it was considered "liberal" to argue that women should work outside the home.  I never really got into the so-called mommy wars, and my wife has had her own job for as long as we've been married.  She took a few weeks off for each of our kids, but never had the long hiatus that your wife had.

Those both seem like fine choice to me.  Having a stay at home mom worked for you guys.  Having both parents working worked for us.  I just think it's weird that you see "mom stays at home with the kids" as a liberal lifestyle choice.  I've never seen it coded that way before.

Is this a fair assessment of the problem?  Genuine question...I don't know much about this.  Shockingly, this isn't a concern in the rest of the world:

I've been trying to explain this to people for weeks, and nobody wants to hear it.  Everybody wants this story to either be about Biden or corporate greed, when it's really just the same regulatory incompetence that has been on full display for the past couple of years.

For example:

So what can be done? To start with, the tariffs and tariff-rate quotas should obviously be lifted. There’s no economic benefit to forcing consumers to pay more for imported formula. Beyond that, the FDA should embrace a version of what economists call “reciprocal approval.” What that means is that when a product—or drug—has been approved by regulators (or meets their standards) in developed countries with high standards, it automatically would be approved for sale here. Regulatory agencies don’t like this idea because they, of course, insist that their standards are the correct ones and must be met. But German babies are not keeling over from consuming HiPP. If American parents want to give it to their kids, they should be able to. 

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I've been trying to explain this to people for weeks, and nobody wants to hear it.  Everybody wants this story to either be about Biden or corporate greed, when it's really just the same regulatory incompetence that has been on full display for the past couple of years.
And end any and all tariffs related to baby formula.  Really no economic benefit to them.  

Are there that many mothers that can't produce milk?  What kind of a sick God creates all these miracles in vessels that can't support these miracles?  
My wife couldn't for a variety of reasons. Both kids.  It upset and frustrated her to no end.      

Her sister is going through the same thing now, and sent us a text with what formula to keep an eye open for because she couldn't find any around there.  

My wife couldn't for a variety of reasons. Both kids.  It upset and frustrated her to no end.      

Her sister is going through the same thing now, and sent us a text with what formula to keep an eye open for because she couldn't find any around there.  
Similar here.  One kid, everything went great.  Other, not so much.  

I've been trying to explain this to people for weeks, and nobody wants to hear it.  Everybody wants this story to either be about Biden or corporate greed, when it's really just the same regulatory incompetence that has been on full display for the past couple of years.

For example:
Tangent question - Can the Fed be saved or is every dept and administration controlled by the Fed mismanaged and corrupted to the point that only the States can save us?

Everybody wants this story to either be about Biden or corporate greed, when it's really just the same regulatory incompetence that has been on full display for the past couple of years.
Not sure everybody wants it to be one way or the other...I'm more than comfortable gathering stones for casting at the FDA. 

Tangent question - Can the Fed be saved or is every dept and administration controlled by the Fed mismanaged and corrupted to the point that only the States can save us?
US DOT doesn't operate this way.  There will always be some political agendas.  That's politics.  But the large majority of transportation federal aid is dictated by how states want to use them.  

US DOT doesn't operate this way.  There will always be some political agendas.  That's politics.  But the large majority of transportation federal aid is dictated by how states want to use them.  
How can you say that when they have authority over how the infrastructure package is being spent?

Tangent question - Can the Fed be saved or is every dept and administration controlled by the Fed mismanaged and corrupted to the point that only the States can save us?
Why would anyone think the states are any less corrupt or qualified?

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How can you say that when they have authority over how the infrastructure package is being spent?
Because it's true.  Congress authorized the amount in the Authorization Act, and then yearly limits during the Appropriations Act.  Some parts have limits or specific purposes, but it makes up a very small portion of what states actually get in fed aid.  Just like everything in politics, the small, partisan, parts get assumed as the majority.  

The largest pool of fed aid for infrastructure comes in Highway Performance, Surface Transportation and Highway Safety.  These areas have a ton of flexibility to them.  Read through the CFRs and Fed Aid Program Guide. Problem is no one want to actually read this stuff.  They'd rather get their "news" from the opinion shows and take their BS as 100% truth.  

I've been trying to explain this to people for weeks, and nobody wants to hear it.  Everybody wants this story to either be about Biden or corporate greed, when it's really just the same regulatory incompetence that has been on full display for the past couple of years.

For example:
So this is a decent summary?  I ask because I think it's smart to have some common ground to start from in terms of analyzing the problem.  If I take the summary as gospel, then I change my position from before a little bit.  It's still my belief that the government is NOT the primary problem here.  It continues to be the operations group of the companies who felt it was acceptable to set up a supply chain with a single point of failure.  I don't fault the government for sticking to their regulations and making sure the company does exactly what is required of them by law.  I believe the timeline on which that is done should be driven by the urgency of the company, not the government.  I also believe the FDA is well within their jurisdiction to make sure anything coming into the country is up to the standards we put on companies making things in this country.  I do NOT believe it's acceptable to use "it's the wrong label" as an excuse for anything as there are plenty of ways to validate what is in a product.  They should be talking with these other manufacturers real time to make educated decisions.  It should be rather easy for these companies to provide a comprehensive ingredient list.  If they don't want to, it's not on the FDA to change their position.  

The major thing I would change moving forward as a result of this incident is to improve the relationship between the FDA and the EU regulators and make sure they are generally on the same page.  Of course, this PROBABLY becomes pretty tricky knowing the EU is likely more stringent across the board on what passes as "acceptable" and business lobbies in this country will fight tooth and nail to avoid the increase in standards.

I've been trying to explain this to people for weeks, and nobody wants to hear it.  Everybody wants this story to either be about Biden or corporate greed, when it's really just the same regulatory incompetence that has been on full display for the past couple of years.
I appreciate your stuff even if it goes unnoticed by most. 👍

Kind of like most things here and in the "news" and social medias.  The truth is often boring and not finger pointing enough.  People like extreme, radical and lumping the majority into the pool with the 5-10% radicals and force everyone to pick a side.  Keeps the 2 party system alive and thriving.  Which is maybe the biggest shame of all.  

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Because it's true.  Congress authorized the amount in the Authorization Act, and then yearly limits during the Appropriations Act.  Some parts have limits or specific purposes, but it makes up a very small portion of what states actually get in fed aid.  Just like everything in politics, the small, partisan, parts get assumed as the majority.  

The largest pool of fed aid for infrastructure comes in Highway Performance, Surface Transportation and Highway Safety.  These areas have a ton of flexibility to them.  Read through the CFRs and Fed Aid Program Guide. Problem is no one want to actually read this stuff.  They'd rather get their "news" from the opinion shows and take their BS as 100% truth.  
Ad-hominem attack aside, If states get flexibility in how and where they spend our transportation dollars them why do we have a US DOT? Isn’t that completely redundant and kind of proves our point?

Ad-hominem attack aside, If states get flexibility in how and where they spend our transportation dollars them why do we have a US DOT? Isn’t that completely redundant and kind of proves our point?
Speaking more from  FHWA side since they oversee road and bridge infrastructure.  Simply put, because of stewardship and oversight.   Congress doesn't trust giving money directly to States from the US Treasury without a little oversight.  When they have questions, they don't call governors and state DOT secretaries to hearings.  Nor does Congress want to provide stewardship with helping states understand the laws they created or even properly explain how to use these funds.   Someone also has to do reviews and audits that Congress and laws require too.  Make sure funds are being obligated and expended properly. 

Not joking, FHWA once had to make sure roads lined up across state lines so when you leave NY to go to PA the road would continue.  Or where a bridge should be placed over river state lines.  Sadly, you sometimes need the Feds to step in when a state tries to build a road through someones land and take it from them or not pay fair market.  Or worse yet, ensure safety rails being installed are actually safe, or proper materials are being used under roads or being mixed into concrete.  You might be surprised how many shady contractors there are out there and state DOTs don't have the manpower to oversee all these projects.  Plenty of contractor fraud cases out there, it's really a shame.

FHWA isn't a very big agency compared to others.  Probably way fewer FHWA employees than infrastructure related lobbyists.  

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A military cargo plane carrying the first shipment of infant formula from Europe has landed in Indianapolis.

The plane had 78,000 pounds of specialty infant formula. That's enough formula for about half a million bottles, according to the White House.

Great job Joe!!  Gotta love how he creates a problem, waits way too long to address it, and then does something insignificant to appease people like you.  Just like releasing a bunch of oil from our emergency reserves.  Such a great leader!!!

Speaking more from  FHWA side since they oversee road and bridge infrastructure.  Simply put, because of stewardship and oversight.   Congress doesn't trust giving money directly to States from the US Treasury without a little oversight.  When they have questions, they don't call governors and state DOT secretaries to hearings.  Nor does Congress want to provide stewardship with helping states understand the laws they created or even properly explain how to use these funds.   Someone also has to do reviews and audits that Congress and laws require too.  Make sure funds are being obligated and expended properly. 

Not joking, FHWA once had to make sure roads lined up across state lines so when you leave NY to go to PA the road would continue.  Or where a bridge should be placed over river state lines.  

FHWA isn't a very big agency compared to others.  Probably way fewer FHWA employees than infrastructure related lobbyists.  
Stewardship and Oversight.  Same reason why getting rid of the IRS will always be a silly political talking point but never actually happen.  

Great job Joe!!  Gotta love how he creates a problem, waits way too long to address it, and then does something insignificant to appease people like you.  Just like releasing a bunch of oil from our emergency reserves.  Such a great leader!!!
Wasn't this problem created during the Trump administration?  You know, when he put 17% tariffs on Canadian formula and vendors stopped purchasing it because the end customer was unwilling to pay the extra amount.


I know this is a simplistic approach, but one of the other things that could be done to help this mess is to have Ebay and other such on-line marketplaces prohibit listing formula for sale. It is very clear from a quick search on Ebay, that people are hording these items and attempting to profit off them. 

I know during Covid, efforts were made by several on-line companies to limit profiteering by not allowing listings for cleaning supplies and PPE items. The same should happen here.

I think this is a pretty big problem because I have seen multiple TikTok videos where people are going from store to store bragging about all the cans these are getting and what they are selling them on-line for.

I know this is a simplistic approach, but one of the other things that could be done to help this mess is to have Ebay and other such on-line marketplaces prohibit listing formula for sale. It is very clear from a quick search on Ebay, that people are hording these items and attempting to profit off them. 

I know during Covid, efforts were made by several on-line companies to limit profiteering by not allowing listings for cleaning supplies and PPE items. The same should happen here.

I think this is a pretty big problem because I have seen multiple TikTok videos where people are going from store to store bragging about all the cans these are getting and what they are selling them on-line for.
There are discord groups that buy the on-line supplies the minute Target, WalMart, and others list them.  They do it with Nike, baseball cards, basically anything that is in demand.   They use bots to get around it.  

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This is coming from Europe, not Canada.  :shrug:
I know the solution is coming from Europe.  But there wouldn't have been this problem (at east to this extent), if Trump wouldn't have slapped tariffs on Canadian baby formula.  By doing that, he increased  profits for the US companies, but also put the industry at risk by having less suppliers.

I know the solution is coming from Europe.  But there wouldn't have been this problem (at east to this extent), if Trump wouldn't have slapped tariffs on Canadian baby formula.  By doing that, he increased  profits for the US companies, but also put the industry at risk by having less suppliers.

So if it's Trump's fault for not knowing the future, why can't we blame Biden for the same thing?  Should he not have already known this and reversed/changed everything?  He's been in office for how long now?  Why did he sit on it this entire time?  He waited until the #### hit the fan and then blamed it on Trump and/or Putin?

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So if it's Trump's fault for not knowing the future, why can't we blame Biden for the same thing?  Should he not have already known this and reversed/changed everything?  He's been in office for how long now?  Why did he sit on it this entire time?  He waited until the #### hit the fan and then blamed it on Trump and/or Putin?
Biden already prevented the giant oil spill in Nebraska by killing Keystone IV expansion, but  you don’t give him credit for that. 

Biden already prevented the giant oil spill in Nebraska by killing Keystone IV expansion, but  you don’t give him credit for that. 

Oh, it's funny now?

I'm not the one making claims about "Trump fault - he should've known" type arguments.  Well, that can be turned on Biden as well. 

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Oh, it's funny now?

I'm not the one making claims about "Trump fault - he should've known" type arguments.  Well, that can be turned on Biden as well. 
Most free trade folks are anti tariff. It used to be a cornerstone of the Republican Party that I grew up with. 

So if it's Trump's fault for not knowing the future, why can't we blame Biden for the same thing?  Should he not have already known this and reversed/changed everything?  He's been in office for how long now?  Why did he sit on it this entire time?  He waited until the #### hit the fan and then blamed it on Trump and/or Putin?
But you're expecting Biden to see the future?

Trump actually had this right in front of his face when he was doing the free trade agreement.  With a little insight, or advise from his administration, they could have probably predicted what would happen if one of the big producers ran into any issues.

Oh, it's funny now?

I'm not the one making claims about "Trump fault - he should've known" type arguments.  Well, that can be turned on Biden as well. 
Aren't you the one that's screaming how Biden dropped the ball on this.  I guess it turns out, that there's more blame for Trump.

But you're expecting Biden to see the future?

Trump actually had this right in front of his face when he was doing the free trade agreement.  With a little insight, or advise from his administration, they could have probably predicted what would happen if one of the big producers ran into any issues.
No, i'm not expecting biden to predict the future. Just like I wouldn't expect Trump to.

Your post is speculative at best. You have no idea what they could or could not have predicted.

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Aren't you the one that's screaming how Biden dropped the ball on this.  I guess it turns out, that there's more blame for Trump.
Listen, whether you admit it or not the current president gets all the blame and all the credit. It's part of the job

I'm not so sure that I'm blaming Biden for dropping the ball on this more than I'm fighting against those of you that are trying to put the blame on Trump.

do you recognize that there are operations managers out there who don't see things that way?  ....

This is a pretty definitive response.  How long have you been an expert in the field of infant formula production?....

some of you guys have never dealt with manufacture of a regulated product or non-ISO9001 suppliers and it shows. ....

what other industries are you in favor of the government socializing?  This is quite an interesting take.....

yeah, once again, you guys seem to want to blame the federal government for a private companies failure to deliver product.  That's the part I don't understand.  How is it the FDA's responsibility to ensure supplies are met? 

I struggle to understand how this could be accomplished without adding more regulation and oversight, and we all know how conservatives feel about regulations and oversight.   I mean, it's not the FDA's responsibility to direct Abbott how to fix their problems, just to verify the problems are fixed.  If Abbott was incapable (or unwilling) to do so (as the FDA claimed), should the FDA have socialized the Sturgis facility?  Installed their own guys to oversee the means of production?  .....

Direct Headline: Abbott CEO apologizes for the formula shortage as the first overseas shipment arrives

"We're sorry to every family we've let down since our voluntary recall exacerbated our nation's baby formula shortage," wrote CEO Robert Ford in an op-ed published Saturday in the Washington Post....

Children in Tennessee, Georgia, Wisconsin and other states have reportedly been hospitalized as a result of the formula shortage. Some of the products affected by the shortage are hypoallergenic formulas designed for children with milk allergies or other difficulties digesting food normally....

Abbott's plant in Michigan will reopen the first week of June. The company reached an agreement with the Food and Drug Administration last week to reopen the shuttered plant...

Production of Elecare and other hypoallergenic formulas will be prioritized, Ford said. "By the end of June, we will be supplying more formula to Americans than we were in January before the recall," he said.....

Becky Sullivan May 22, 202212:42 PM ET


VIDEO: New York City declares state of emergency over nationwide baby formula shortage May 22, 2022

The order empowers the city to prevent price gouging as inventory continues to decline.



Don't care about your excuses. Don't care about Abbott's excuses. Don't care about the FDA's excuses. And especially don't care about Biden's excuses ( Well, Susan Rice, but that's another story for another thread)

When you are Commander In Chief and the de facto "leader of the entire free world", you don't get to hide behind the excuse that your hands were tied.

The job is to deliver wins for the American people. The job is to make the lives of every day working class American citizens better. The job is to defend our Republic and our way of life.

This administration has plenty of people who like to make excuses but apparently no one who can solve problems and has any clue about practical public administration and functional governance. Amy Klobuchar. That's it. That's the only hope the American people have in the next two and a half years. She's the only high ranking establishment Democrat who has any clue in how to achieve ground level functional governance. And she's not in any real position of power in this current administration. Because it's just easier to control caricatures instead of people who understand how to deploy common sense level public policy.

I have some employees with infants. They needed baby formula like everyone else. I didn't hide behind excuses about what Abbott and the FDA and Biden were not doing. I went and figured it out. I got formula, cost and red tape be damned.  I don't care what people say can't be done. I don't care what you say can't be done. My job is to deliver wins. For my clients but also for the people who work for me and are loyal to me. I certainly didn't have to solve the problem in a scale like the entire country, but just don't make excuses. No one wants to hear it.

Funny how this problem started tracking in projections in November of 2021, then the MSM caught wind of it and started running caution in February of 2022, then store chains started sending out alerts not long after. But magically, after waiting until this all turned into yet ANOTHER DISASTER from this idiotic administration, now the plant is going to reopen in a week. Imagine that. Urgency. How about urgency back in November and February?

Real leaders operate with extreme ownership. Deliver wins or get out of the way.

He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else. - Benjamin Franklin

Direct Headline: Abbott CEO apologizes for the formula shortage as the first overseas shipment arrives

"We're sorry to every family we've let down since our voluntary recall exacerbated our nation's baby formula shortage," wrote CEO Robert Ford in an op-ed published Saturday in the Washington Post....

Children in Tennessee, Georgia, Wisconsin and other states have reportedly been hospitalized as a result of the formula shortage. Some of the products affected by the shortage are hypoallergenic formulas designed for children with milk allergies or other difficulties digesting food normally....

Abbott's plant in Michigan will reopen the first week of June. The company reached an agreement with the Food and Drug Administration last week to reopen the shuttered plant...

Production of Elecare and other hypoallergenic formulas will be prioritized, Ford said. "By the end of June, we will be supplying more formula to Americans than we were in January before the recall," he said.....

Becky Sullivan May 22, 202212:42 PM ET


VIDEO: New York City declares state of emergency over nationwide baby formula shortage May 22, 2022

The order empowers the city to prevent price gouging as inventory continues to decline.



Don't care about your excuses. Don't care about Abbott's excuses. Don't care about the FDA's excuses. And especially don't care about Biden's excuses ( Well, Susan Rice, but that's another story for another thread)

When you are Commander In Chief and the de facto "leader of the entire free world", you don't get to hide behind the excuse that your hands were tied.

The job is to deliver wins for the American people. The job is to make the lives of every day working class American citizens better. The job is to defend our Republic and our way of life.

This administration has plenty of people who like to make excuses but apparently no one who can solve problems and has any clue about practical public administration and functional governance. Amy Klobuchar. That's it. That's the only hope the American people have in the next two and a half years. She's the only high ranking establishment Democrat who has any clue in how to achieve ground level functional governance. And she's not in any real position of power in this current administration. Because it's just easier to control caricatures instead of people who understand how to deploy common sense level public policy.

I have some employees with infants. They needed baby formula like everyone else. I didn't hide behind excuses about what Abbott and the FDA and Biden were not doing. I went and figured it out. I got formula, cost and red tape be damned.  I don't care what people say can't be done. I don't care what you say can't be done. My job is to deliver wins. For my clients but also for the people who work for me and are loyal to me. I certainly didn't have to solve the problem in a scale like the entire country, but just don't make excuses. No one wants to hear it.

Funny how this problem started tracking in projections in November of 2021, then the MSM caught wind of it and started running caution in February of 2022, then store chains started sending out alerts not long after. But magically, after waiting until this all turned into yet ANOTHER DISASTER from this idiotic administration, now the plant is going to reopen in a week. Imagine that. Urgency. How about urgency back in November and February?

Real leaders operate with extreme ownership. Deliver wins or get out of the way.

He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else. - Benjamin Franklin
Damn, GG.  

You bring the heat.  👍


Nearly 200 Republicans vote against bill to ease baby formula shortage. Starving babies to own the libs. 👍 Your party is gross. And by and large, evil. 

H.R.7790 - Infant Formula Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022117th Congress (2021-2022)

Making emergency supplemental appropriations to address the shortage of infant formula in the United States for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for other purposes.For an additional amount for “Salaries and Expenses”, $28,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2023, shall be available to address the current shortage of FDA-regulated infant formula and certain medical foods in the United States and to prevent future shortages...



Did you actually read HR 7790?

Now it's there and laid plain so you can't hide behind not reading it anymore.

HR7790 does nothing to force the FDA to come up with a specific functional plan to address the shortage. The core opposition to the bill is that it gives the FDA an additional $28 million, when two months ago,  FDA’s operating budget increased by $102 million. The sub-package included an $11 million increase specifically for maternal and infant health and nutrition. This also doesn't count the distributions from the $1 billion that the Department of Agriculture was allotted to address supply chain issues.

The Democratic Party wasted 28 million for failed media optics. If Republicans voted with it, then Team Blue could say it's not their fault and not Biden's fault, the FDA didn't have the money. See the Republicans implicitly agree since they voted to give the needed money! If the Republicans voted against it, then you get the cheap shock marketing low value click bait social media outrage porn that you are trying to shovel right now.

You've castigated half the country as evil because you couldn't be bothered to read a one page bill. Lovely. Amazing. Thanks for enriching this entire community.


Nearly 200 Republicans vote against bill to ease baby formula shortage.

Starving babies to own the libs. 👍

Your party is gross. And by and large, evil. 

Direct Headline: Biden's response to the baby formula shortage is disappointing — and disingenuous

President Joe Biden announced last week that his administration would take a variety of steps to help parents who are struggling amid a nationwide shortage of baby formula. .... But when a reporter asked, “Should you have taken those steps sooner before parents got to these shelves and couldn’t find formula?” the president was indignant.....“If we’d been better mind readers, I guess we could have,” Biden snapped.

...The claim that he couldn’t have anticipated a particular crisis is an excuse the president and his allies reach for often when they are confronted with the consequences of their own actions. That excuse, however, is never convincing....These disasters were as predictable as the baby formula shortage — because they were predicted.....

......“Baby formula shortages are worsening throughout the United States, causing parents to be increasingly concerned about how they will feed their infants,” The New York Times had reported in January. That same month, a Wall Street Journal report had listed many contributing factors for the scarcity of baby formula, but no one disputed that formula was becoming hard to find. Well before it reached crisis proportions, local media outlets from San Antonio, Texas, to Knoxville, Tennessee, to Columbus, Ohio described how shortages were impacting parents.....

Biden didn’t have to read anyone’s mind to know the situation was becoming unsustainable. He only had to read the news. On Monday, his administration and Abbott Labs reached an agreement to resume production of baby formula. The speed with which the administration worked to resolve the bottleneck of formula supplies after it found itself under fire for not acting fast enough suggests these actions could have been taken much earlier......

....When it finds itself in a bind of its own making, the Biden White House would like you to believe that it is woefully bereft of good advice and sound advisers. That isn’t exactly exculpatory, but administration officials appear to believe it is preferable to the truth: that lethargy and overconfidence within the administration’s ranks has often led them to dismiss the prospect of looming crises until those crises become real.....

By Noah Rothman, MSNBC May 18, 2022, 2:29 AM PDT


Stefanik, Hinson Demand Answers from Biden Administration on Baby Formula Shortage

"We have heard from constituents about this issue – parents who are unsure how to provide this essential sustenance for their babies and worried about the nutritional impacts of this supply chain shortage. As moms ourselves, we know the stress this is causing in so many households," wrote the Congresswomen. "The infant formula shortage is yet another example of how this Administration’s supply chain crisis is harming working families. This crisis has now come home to America’s kitchen tables, as families do not know how to feed their children....." 

“Bare Shelves Biden’s failed policies have created a panic for families by failing to address a baby formula shortage," Stefanik said. "Hardworking parents are already paying the price for Biden’s inflation and supply chain crises. They can’t wait weeks for formula. As a new mother, I sounded the alarm on this previously and, after the Biden Administration did absolutely nothing to address this crisis, I’m continuing to bring the concerns of parents to the highest levels by demanding answers from Biden’s FDA to address this crisis. This can never happen again and needs to be addressed....” 

Stefanik HouseGov May 11, 2022



MSNBC takes the role of "hard left" for the activist complicit left leaning MSM that's just a soft cover propaganda arm for the DNC.

So why are they hammering down on Biden now? Because suburban women voters are a powerful but unpredictable voting block and they carry massive purchasing power. Which means they are critical to advertisers and brands and corporations. MSNBC does not want to further incite the critical 25-34 women's demographic, mothers implied, by attempting to do some kind of pathetic spin control for Biden's failures when it comes to starving infants.

This is the same reason the GOP is sending Elise Stefanik, a mother and in that age range, into the fray as the tip of the spear to criticize the current administration's most recent scandal after disaster after disaster for the last year and a half.

You know what sounds evil to me?

You are the presumed "leader of the free world" with massive power and influence, and you are asked why are infants starving and you start yelling that you aren't a mind reader.

Do you think Biden is thinking about the infants in hospitals right now? Or his duty to this Republic and it's mothers?  Or is Susan Rice working a flow chart to determine how many suburban women voters are going to lost over every dead child from this baby formula crisis?


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