Year Age Tm Pos G GS Att Yds TD Y/A Y/G Rec Yds Y/R TD Lng R/G Y/G YScm RRTD Fmb
BARRY SANDERS- rookie year
1989 21 DET RB 15 13 280 1470 14 5.3 98.0 24 282 11.8 0 46 1.6 18.8 1752 14 10
JEROME BETTIS- rookie year
1993 21 RAM RB 16 12 294 1429 7 4.9 89.3 26 244 9.4 0 28 1.6 15.3 1673 7 4
MARSHALL FAULK- rookie year
1994* 21 IND RB 16 16 314 1282 11 4.1 80.1 52 522 10.0 1 85 3.3 32.6 1804 12 5
TERRELL DAVIS- rookie year
1995 23 DEN RB 14 14 237 1117 7 4.7 79.8 49 367 7.5 1 31 3.5 26.2 1484 8 5
CURTIS MARTIN- rookie year
1995* 22 NWE RB 16 15 368 1487 14 4.0 92.9 30 261 8.7 1 27 1.9 16.3 1748 15 5
EDDIE GEORGE- rookie year
1996 23 HOU RB 16 16 335 1368 8 4.1 85.5 23 182 7.9 0 17 1.4 11.4 1550 8 3
WARRICK DUNN-rookie year
1997* 22 TAM RB 16 10 224 978 4 4.4 61.1 39 462 11.8 3 59 2.4 28.9 1440 7 4
COREY DILLON-rookie year
1997 23 CIN RB 16 6 233 1129 10 4.8 70.6 27 259 9.6 0 28 1.7 16.2 1388 10 1
FRED TAYLOR-rookie year
1998 22 JAX RB 15 12 264 1223 14 4.6 81.5 44 421 9.6 3 78 2.9 28.1 1644 17 3
ROBERT EDWARDS-rookie year
1998 24 NWE RB 16 15 291 1115 9 3.8 69.7 35 331 9.5 3 46 2.2 20.7 1446 12 5
MR EDGE JAMES!!- rookie year
1999 21 IND RB 16 16 369 1553 13 4.2 97.1 62 586 9.5 4 54 3.9 36.6 2139 17 8
JAMAL LEWIS-rookie year
2000 21 BAL RB 16 14 309 1364 6 4.4 85.3 27 296 11.0 0 45 1.7 18.5 1660 6 6
MIKE ANDERSON-rookie year
2000 27 DEN RB 16 12 297 1487 15 5.0 92.9 23 169 7.3 0 18 1.4 10.6 1656 15 4
2001 22 SDG RB 16 16 339 1236 10 3.6 77.3 59 367 6.2 0 27 3.7 22.9 1603 10 8
CLINTON PORTIS-rookie year
2002 21 DEN RB 16 12 273 1508 15 5.5 94.3 33 364 11.0 2 66 2.1 22.8 1872 17 5
2007 22 MIN RB 14 9 238 1341 12 5.6 95.8 19 268 14.1 1 60 1.4 19.1 1609 13 4
I see its gonna take all helleva lot more for these current rookies to jump into these guys league.
Those are some great rookie performances.
BARRY SANDERS- rookie year
1989 21 DET RB 15 13 280 1470 14 5.3 98.0 24 282 11.8 0 46 1.6 18.8 1752 14 10
JEROME BETTIS- rookie year
1993 21 RAM RB 16 12 294 1429 7 4.9 89.3 26 244 9.4 0 28 1.6 15.3 1673 7 4
MARSHALL FAULK- rookie year
1994* 21 IND RB 16 16 314 1282 11 4.1 80.1 52 522 10.0 1 85 3.3 32.6 1804 12 5
TERRELL DAVIS- rookie year
1995 23 DEN RB 14 14 237 1117 7 4.7 79.8 49 367 7.5 1 31 3.5 26.2 1484 8 5
CURTIS MARTIN- rookie year
1995* 22 NWE RB 16 15 368 1487 14 4.0 92.9 30 261 8.7 1 27 1.9 16.3 1748 15 5
EDDIE GEORGE- rookie year
1996 23 HOU RB 16 16 335 1368 8 4.1 85.5 23 182 7.9 0 17 1.4 11.4 1550 8 3
WARRICK DUNN-rookie year
1997* 22 TAM RB 16 10 224 978 4 4.4 61.1 39 462 11.8 3 59 2.4 28.9 1440 7 4
COREY DILLON-rookie year
1997 23 CIN RB 16 6 233 1129 10 4.8 70.6 27 259 9.6 0 28 1.7 16.2 1388 10 1
FRED TAYLOR-rookie year
1998 22 JAX RB 15 12 264 1223 14 4.6 81.5 44 421 9.6 3 78 2.9 28.1 1644 17 3
ROBERT EDWARDS-rookie year
1998 24 NWE RB 16 15 291 1115 9 3.8 69.7 35 331 9.5 3 46 2.2 20.7 1446 12 5
MR EDGE JAMES!!- rookie year
1999 21 IND RB 16 16 369 1553 13 4.2 97.1 62 586 9.5 4 54 3.9 36.6 2139 17 8
JAMAL LEWIS-rookie year
2000 21 BAL RB 16 14 309 1364 6 4.4 85.3 27 296 11.0 0 45 1.7 18.5 1660 6 6
MIKE ANDERSON-rookie year
2000 27 DEN RB 16 12 297 1487 15 5.0 92.9 23 169 7.3 0 18 1.4 10.6 1656 15 4
2001 22 SDG RB 16 16 339 1236 10 3.6 77.3 59 367 6.2 0 27 3.7 22.9 1603 10 8
CLINTON PORTIS-rookie year
2002 21 DEN RB 16 12 273 1508 15 5.5 94.3 33 364 11.0 2 66 2.1 22.8 1872 17 5
2007 22 MIN RB 14 9 238 1341 12 5.6 95.8 19 268 14.1 1 60 1.4 19.1 1609 13 4
I see its gonna take all helleva lot more for these current rookies to jump into these guys league.
Those are some great rookie performances.