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Cam Bailing on that Fumble... (1 Viewer)

Cam was exposed. Great when things are going great, shrivels up when things get tough. The Broncos got into Cam's head last night. Cam is going to need to learn how to deal with adversity.

But to walk out on the media last night was very bush league. Act respectful when you lose. Sure it's sucks to lose (tough to watch Norman cry on the sidelines), but it happens....DEN deserved to win, and CAR should be Super Bowl contenders again next year.

The media is going to eat him alive this offseason.

Not a Cam fan, but I know that there's been plenty of examples from various players (QB's in particular) very similar to this one. To me, this isn't that big a deal. Would it have been better to throw himself on that ball, sure it would. But I think anyone using this as a sign that his career just peaked and it's all down hill from here is really, really reaching. His career from this point forward is whatever he makes of it.

Quarterbacks have lost the Super Bowl 50 times. 49 others knew how to act with some class and dignity. Giving Cam a pass because he lost the big game is a joke. Bottom line is, he was embarrassed. He acted like a fool all season. And did more and more boastful clowning as the season went on and his confidence grew. Getting punched in the nose in front of the entire world was very humbling and he wanted to just hide. League rules said he had to do a presser and he couldn't deal. I hope he comes back next season knowing he ain't all that and that the world doesn't revolve around him.

Quarterbacks have lost the Super Bowl 50 times. 49 others knew how to act with some class and dignity. Giving Cam a pass because he lost the big game is a joke. Bottom line is, he was embarrassed. He acted like a fool all season. And did more and more boastful clowning as the season went on and his confidence grew. Getting punched in the nose in front of the entire world was very humbling and he wanted to just hide. League rules said he had to do a presser and he couldn't deal. I hope he comes back next season knowing he ain't all that and that the world doesn't revolve around him.
In one of the articles I read this morning it said this was not a mandatory presser.

You might have noticed the large offensive lineman diving in. Seemed to me Cam was trying to not get hit by his own guy. Cam was on the ground trying to get the ball.
Agreed. Saw that when I saw the replay, looked like the lineman was diving in and he was stepping back to see if he got it or it was punched backward, it went backward and he dived for it then.
But that's exactly the point. The ball was right there in front of him in a crucial situation and he thought more about self-preservation than doing whatever is necessary to try to win. If there was a point in the game for anyone/everyone to give up their body, that was it.

What he did at first was instinct. What he eventually did was thought out.

Draw whatever conclusions you like from that. But that's what happened.

yea he didn't want the ball, he didn't want anymore, he was beaten, they rattled him. Cam is emotional and the denver D can attest. Harris,talib, ware, miller, jackson all know this and they rattled that little punk... Cam proceeded to act like an 8 year old girl in the post game presser and walk off after 2:30 minutes saying the same stuff repeatedly. I never liked Cam and I think he is a girl/cross dresser and would make a good gay clothes salesman or hair dresser. I called that game was plain to see, seen it coming a mile away. The white horse (Peyton Manning) against the Black panthers (Cam Newton). Remember Huey P???? also 58 is an important number..... lots of numerology my friends... anyways that's for a different meeting. Just want to say Cam is a weasel and doesn't have the heart to be a champion.

When the play happened, it was SO obvious that he wasn't reacting the way everyone who is even a casual football fan thought he would that it makes me think that anyone who wants to bring this point of the game up can do so without it being a "you're just nit picking" thing.

Where I was, everyone in the house was like "what is he (not) doing? Get the ball!"

That play strikes me very odd because anyone who plays sports, even as a recreational amateur, develops a strong reaction sense for certain things. If you are playing basketball, don't you always find your hand is reaching for the ball as it goes out of bounds, even if you know you can't get to it? Losing the ball as an offensive player is almost 100% instinctive that you lunge for it when you lose it. It is very hard for me to think that first quarter or 4th quarter and the game on the line either one, if you lose the ball, you move towards it.

Meh, his ### had already been kicked up and down the field. It's not like he was going to do something spectacular if he got the ball back.
Punt it, get a stop, and get the ball back. DO NOTHING WITH IT. PUNT AGAIN. Was a HUGE recovery.
So you're saying that despite being down only 6 points with plenty of time left, he had already decided it was a lost cause and therefore it was OK to think about preserving his body for 2017 and beyond rather than trying to score 7 points and win a Super Bowl.

Anyone know what Dan Marino's take is on this situation?

Cam was exposed. Great when things are going great, shrivels up when things get tough. The Broncos got into Cam's head last night. Cam is going to need to learn how to deal with adversity.

But to walk out on the media last night was very bush league. Act respectful when you lose. Sure it's sucks to lose (tough to watch Norman cry on the sidelines), but it happens....DEN deserved to win, and CAR should be Super Bowl contenders again next year.

The media is going to eat him alive this offseason.
Agreed, this is how you handle a presser with class after a tough loss.

JuniorNB said:
Quarterbacks have lost the Super Bowl 50 times. 49 others knew how to act with some class and dignity. Giving Cam a pass because he lost the big game is a joke. Bottom line is, he was embarrassed. He acted like a fool all season. And did more and more boastful clowning as the season went on and his confidence grew. Getting punched in the nose in front of the entire world was very humbling and he wanted to just hide. League rules said he had to do a presser and he couldn't deal. I hope he comes back next season knowing he ain't all that and that the world doesn't revolve around him.
Yeah giving footballs to kids and celebrating big plays is acting like a fool. Cam's one of the most charitable guys in the NFL. Did he act like a baby last night? Absolutely he did. He definitely has some growing up to do and maybe he'll learn from that. But the guy had an incredible season this year and I completely disagree that he acted like a fool all season. God forbid a guy have some fun playing a kids game. I do agree that if you play like Cam, then you need to handle the tough moments a hell of a lot better than he did last night.

T with T said:
Just want to say Cam is a weasel and doesn't have the heart to be a champion.
Holy #### the guy carried Auburn on his back to a national championship a few short years ago. He had a terrible night and the Broncos defense clearly had him rattled (props to them) but come on with this nonsense.

Rove! said:
I thought he was getting out of the way of the OL who was diving and had a clean shot at the ball...
Because that's how they coach you up from Pop Warner on up...stand around and calculate which guy has the best chance of recovering the loose ball and then let him go for it.

I generally like Cam but man- he needed to dive for that ball. I can understand during regular season to pull up and save yourself as the QB and franchise player of the team. However, this is the SB. You go all out.

Now, generally he takes a number of hits and doesn't shy away from them in the pocket or on the run. So, I am doubtful it will be an issue for his teammates moving forward.... and for anyone not on the team- who cares?

Cam looked phenomenal all season long, but this just proves everybody has room for improvement.

Cam should hire Mike Glennon in the off season to coach him how to take a sack and not fumble. Nobody can protect a ball with a bad line line Mike Glennon.

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JuniorNB said:
Quarterbacks have lost the Super Bowl 50 times. 49 others knew how to act with some class and dignity. Giving Cam a pass because he lost the big game is a joke. Bottom line is, he was embarrassed. He acted like a fool all season. And did more and more boastful clowning as the season went on and his confidence grew. Getting punched in the nose in front of the entire world was very humbling and he wanted to just hide. League rules said he had to do a presser and he couldn't deal. I hope he comes back next season knowing he ain't all that and that the world doesn't revolve around him.
Yeah giving footballs to kids and celebrating big plays is acting like a fool. Cam's one of the most charitable guys in the NFL. Did he act like a baby last night? Absolutely he did. He definitely has some growing up to do and maybe he'll learn from that. But the guy had an incredible season this year and I completely disagree that he acted like a fool all season. God forbid a guy have some fun playing a kids game. I do agree that if you play like Cam, then you need to handle the tough moments a hell of a lot better than he did last night.
That's all I'm saying. If that's going to be your act all year, you better come up with something better than the sulking school girl at your post game presser.

All week I read articles about how Cam was being vilified because of his race. I found it to be a fascinating discussion and one with merit.

It also was a narrative that did not tell the entire story.

It turns out that some people hate Cam because of racial bias against African-American quarterback.

Most, however, dislike him because he pouts, throws temper tantrums and is sorely lacking in leadership at the one position where it is a must. Sunday was a disaster, one that could possible cement his legacy unless he does a complete 180 regarding how he carries himself in the remainder of his career.

I knew the internet wouldn't let me down today.

Waking up and rewatching it after a nights sleep, and it's even worse this time around. Everyone in that locker room gave 110%, and then you have Cam.. more worried about being able to dab and make commercials after the game then doing whatever it takes to get his team the win.

As a teammate, I'd be absolutely livid with him. Sure... He's a big reason why they got to the SB, but NOTHING angered me more than saying he completely carried them on his back. Please. Their offense ain't THAT bad, and the defense? ELITE.

Cam lost the SB. Plain and simple.

JuniorNB said:
Quarterbacks have lost the Super Bowl 50 times. 49 others knew how to act with some class and dignity. Giving Cam a pass because he lost the big game is a joke. Bottom line is, he was embarrassed. He acted like a fool all season. And did more and more boastful clowning as the season went on and his confidence grew. Getting punched in the nose in front of the entire world was very humbling and he wanted to just hide. League rules said he had to do a presser and he couldn't deal. I hope he comes back next season knowing he ain't all that and that the world doesn't revolve around him.
Yeah giving footballs to kids and celebrating big plays is acting like a fool. Cam's one of the most charitable guys in the NFL. Did he act like a baby last night? Absolutely he did. He definitely has some growing up to do and maybe he'll learn from that. But the guy had an incredible season this year and I completely disagree that he acted like a fool all season. God forbid a guy have some fun playing a kids game. I do agree that if you play like Cam, then you need to handle the tough moments a hell of a lot better than he did last night.
Easy to look good when you win. A true sportsman knows how to do it when he loses as well.
JuniorNB said:
Quarterbacks have lost the Super Bowl 50 times. 49 others knew how to act with some class and dignity. Giving Cam a pass because he lost the big game is a joke. Bottom line is, he was embarrassed. He acted like a fool all season. And did more and more boastful clowning as the season went on and his confidence grew. Getting punched in the nose in front of the entire world was very humbling and he wanted to just hide. League rules said he had to do a presser and he couldn't deal. I hope he comes back next season knowing he ain't all that and that the world doesn't revolve around him.
Yeah giving footballs to kids and celebrating big plays is acting like a fool. Cam's one of the most charitable guys in the NFL. Did he act like a baby last night? Absolutely he did. He definitely has some growing up to do and maybe he'll learn from that. But the guy had an incredible season this year and I completely disagree that he acted like a fool all season. God forbid a guy have some fun playing a kids game. I do agree that if you play like Cam, then you need to handle the tough moments a hell of a lot better than he did last night.
That's all I'm saying. If that's going to be your act all year, you better come up with something better than the sulking school girl at your post game presser.
Yes, we tend to damn those who aren't consistent enough to take the bad with the good.

It is easy to be a front-runner, as we say. What's the old saying about how true character is revealed during times of adversity? I think that is what people are getting at here.

Personally, I have not liked Cam in the past but I said a week or so ago that I really have a lot of respect for the charity and the joy he has brought to fans, especially the kids. I think I can separate the various thoughts on him but I will say, at that position especially, you simply MUST be able to stand there and take the bad with some class or otherwise people will burn him to the stake.

His behavior last night with that play and then the press conference might haunt him for a long time unless he gets a chance to act more dignified again soon. Otherwise, I'm afraid all the success short of winning a SUperBowl will carry an * for him, as that is how people will see him until he proves them wrong.

All week I read articles about how Cam was being vilified because of his race. I found it to be a fascinating discussion and one with merit.

It also was a narrative that did not tell the entire story.

It turns out that some people hate Cam because of racial bias against African-American quarterback.

Most, however, dislike him because he pouts, throws temper tantrums and is sorely lacking in leadership at the one position where it is a must. Sunday was a disaster, one that could possible cement his legacy unless he does a complete 180 regarding how he carries himself in the remainder of his career.
This. People crucified Ryan Mallet when he sulked on the sideline after being pulled for Brian Hoyer in that Thursday night game earlier in the year. People dislike selfish 'me" guys. Cam acted like a child last night. It's not just a problem to people because he's black. The public generally tend to dislike self absorbed people.

The ball often pops out of a pile. I thought he was ready for that. It did, went backward, he didn't pounce on it or move toward it though.

I'll be curious if it has to do with coaches telling him to not risk getting injured. I do understand it's the Superbowl and different, but if he heard the same thing for years over n over, that could be hard to unlearn for a game.

I think it's nonsense that it would have mattered if he got it. Panthers let the last two teams take away Olsen yet all year found creative ways to incorporate him into the offense. They didn't run well. They usually had something up their sleeve where a WR broke open deep for a big play. That never happened. They had nothing going to indicate they would have driven the field and scored.

Oher was cut from the Ravens and Titans for allowing a zillion sacks, IIRC Remmers got cut from the Broncos and a few other teams for doing the same. Those two Ts held up during the year but they were awful yesterday. I've never understood why NFL coaches don't sub in backups and/or have a capable backup T. It's garbage to not react when a player has a bad game. Have the QB take a shotgun unusually deep? Try two backs in backfield to pick them up? Do something anything other than keep watching it happen over n over.

No way in HELL, are coaches telling him not to dive for a fumble, but to dive at the goal-line, headfirst, for TDs.

Makes literally negative sense.

Barnwell's take:

On that second strip-sack, Newton was criticized for choosing not to dive to the ground for the ball while it was rolling around the ground. The argument has been that Newton somehow chose in the moment to avoid diving for the football because he had given up on the game or didn't have the heart to sell out for his team, which is absurd, lowest-common-denominator fodder.

This is the same Newton who clearly played through injuries behind a porous offensive line last year for a Panthers team that was falling rapidly out of playoff contention, the one who rushed back from a car accident to suit up for a 5-8-1 team. The one who screwed up his Florida career so badly that he had to transfer to a junior college before working his way back into becoming the first overall pick. Does anybody really think that a veteran team with Thomas Davis -- who suited up with an arm that looked like a football yesterday -- would get behind a quarterback and treat him like an unquestioned leader if he was a fraud? The idea that Newton is soft or unable to overcome adversity is unsupported by his entire career up to that one play.

Why didn't Newton dive for the football, then? It's hard to say. Football's a fast game, and fumbles aren't exactly the easiest things to recover. Maybe he got caught thinking the ball was about to move as DeMarcus Ware dove toward it. That's exactly what happened, which would have rendered a Newton dive worthless, but that's been lost in the discussion. Maybe he froze, in the same way that Bill Belichick might have frozen when he didn't call a timeout before the Malcolm Butler interception in last year's Super Bowl. Maybe Newton was injured and couldn't move the way he wanted to. There's no obvious explanation, but that doesn't justify pushing some lack of intestinal fortitude to the top of the excuse pile because it fits a pithy storyline. It's far more likely to be a football mistake than a sign of emotional weakness.

It didn't help when Newton basically sulked his way through his postgame news conference, giving curt answers to several questions before walking out. It's reasonable to criticize Newton for acting grouchy and not taking the game stoically because that has become the ideal, but it's also a case of perpetually moving the goalposts. How would people have reacted if the famously happy-go-lucky Newton showed up to the news conference smiling and suggesting that the Panthers would come back and return to the Super Bowl next year?

For a guy who was criticized as fake before the 2011 draft, Newton sure seems very happy when things are going well and despondent when he loses in the biggest moment of his life, which makes him a lot like everybody else on the planet. He wears his heart on his sleeve; when that heart gets broken, it doesn't mean Cam will -- or should -- suddenly retreat into becoming a professional cliche. It was a disappointing performance from the league MVP, but it wasn't nearly as destructive as some will suggest this morning.

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The ball often pops out of a pile. I thought he was ready for that. It did, went backward, he didn't pounce on it or move toward it though.

I'll be curious if it has to do with coaches telling him to not risk getting injured. I do understand it's the Superbowl and different, but if he heard the same thing for years over n over, that could be hard to unlearn for a game.

I think it's nonsense that it would have mattered if he got it. Panthers let the last two teams take away Olsen yet all year found creative ways to incorporate him into the offense. They didn't run well. They usually had something up their sleeve where a WR broke open deep for a big play. That never happened. They had nothing going to indicate they would have driven the field and scored.

Oher was cut from the Ravens and Titans for allowing a zillion sacks, IIRC Remmers got cut from the Broncos and a few other teams for doing the same. Those two Ts held up during the year but they were awful yesterday. I've never understood why NFL coaches don't sub in backups and/or have a capable backup T. It's garbage to not react when a player has a bad game. Have the QB take a shotgun unusually deep? Try two backs in backfield to pick them up? Do something anything other than keep watching it happen over n over.
That may be the part we are entirely overlooking here when we should be studying more closely. Why wasn't there an adjustment made, like you suggest? We see it all the time.Should Rivera's coaching be criticized? Now, with that being said, The Patriots didn't seem able or willing to make that adjustment either and we think of Belichick as being MISTER change-uup on the fly. So maybe there is just something to that particular TEAM of defenders...like the Ravens in 2000..like the Bears in 1985 (Not saying that the Broncos are legendary defense this year, just saying that sometimes it all comes together in a way to where you just have to play it a certain way).

Cjw_55106 said:
The point that really turned me off is when the defense got a penalty in the end zone and he was rolling around on the sidelines.

This stuck out to me too. Particularly after his disregard for the fumble, the "OMG how could you do that?" theatrical falling to the ground reaction was eyeball rolling to say the least.

All week I read articles about how Cam was being vilified because of his race. I found it to be a fascinating discussion and one with merit.

It also was a narrative that did not tell the entire story.

It turns out that some people hate Cam because of racial bias against African-American quarterback.

Most, however, dislike him because he pouts, throws temper tantrums and is sorely lacking in leadership at the one position where it is a must. Sunday was a disaster, one that could possible cement his legacy unless he does a complete 180 regarding how he carries himself in the remainder of his career.
This. People crucified Ryan Mallet when he sulked on the sideline after being pulled for Brian Hoyer in that Thursday night game earlier in the year. People dislike selfish 'me" guys. Cam acted like a child last night. It's not just a problem to people because he's black. The public generally tend to dislike self absorbed people.
That's all garbage. We like our smiley cheery QBs so much we act like it's wrong when they don't behave as such. He lost. He was upset. He acted like a guy that lost.

Mallett should be upset he gets pulled.

If either of these QBs weren't upset then that would be a problem.

All these people this morning...such hypocrites. How many people in America play sports? You gonna tell you were all smiley, tipping your hat "good game sir" after each game? Cmon. Some of the time, most of the time you can be all cordial and "they beat us, good game, they were the better team" after the game, but who doesn't get upset sometimes?

Manners are important. They should make a good impression upon everyone, sure, so should everyone all the time. Who does that though?

The people that claim Cam and some defensive guys let kids down by not behaving right...if your kid's good behavior is tied to whether a 250-300 pound beast that knocks people senseless for a living behaves, yeah that guy is the problem.

This is so overblown this morning. Newsflash, Cam is a person that's imperfect

All week I read articles about how Cam was being vilified because of his race. I found it to be a fascinating discussion and one with merit.

It also was a narrative that did not tell the entire story.

It turns out that some people hate Cam because of racial bias against African-American quarterback.

Most, however, dislike him because he pouts, throws temper tantrums and is sorely lacking in leadership at the one position where it is a must. Sunday was a disaster, one that could possible cement his legacy unless he does a complete 180 regarding how he carries himself in the remainder of his career.
I mentioned earlier- I generally like Cam. The negatives to me are sometimes you comes off as being fake to me. As if he is trying to play the role of a spokesperson and then be a QB. It is a minor irritation to me. The other thing is maturity issues when taking into consideration his history and then minor things like I heard he walked out of the after game press conference after giving mostly one word answers. Now, sure, you lost the SB so there is some grace to be given there but there are many more small examples of lacking in maturity that generally is off putting.

The only thing for me that has anything to do with race is his statements earlier in the week bringing race into it. Generally, I am pretty tired of that kind of crap and it is a strike to me for him to bring that up.

I was hoping he would win. Not even so much being a Raider fan against the Donkeys but I thought they could win. Von Miller deserved the MVP because he was disruptive all day long with a very dang good D behind him. The Panther D had more opportunities but didn't make the game changing plays like they are capable of (how many dropped INT's were there?). Manning managed the game and allowed his D to win it for him. Newton tried to win the game- had accuracy issues but his feet kept them in the game.... right up to the point where his feet didn't leave the turf to dive after that fumble. That was the play where the game was over. He may or may not have recovered but he didn't try and I don't see any reason why he shouldn't have tried.

Newsflash, Cam is a person that's imperfect
I don't think anyone wants him to be perfect, but I think we all look to professional athletes hoping they will inspire us. When the chips are down and things are going poorly teammates look to a leader. Cam Newton isn't that guy. We want him to be that guy, but he isn't...yet. Perhaps some day he will be that guy.

I could see Russell Wilson and Cam Newton facing off in playoff games quite a few times in the near future. Newton is ten times that athlete that Wilson is, but one tenth of the man. Its not a shocker that Wilson will have a lot more people pulling for him unless Newton learns some humility.

T with T said:
yea he didn't want the ball, he didn't want anymore, he was beaten, they rattled him. Cam is emotional and the denver D can attest. Harris,talib, ware, miller, jackson all know this and they rattled that little punk... Cam proceeded to act like an 8 year old girl in the post game presser and walk off after 2:30 minutes saying the same stuff repeatedly. I never liked Cam and I think he is a girl/cross dresser and would make a good gay clothes salesman or hair dresser. I called that game was plain to see, seen it coming a mile away. The white horse (Peyton Manning) against the Black panthers (Cam Newton). Remember Huey P???? also 58 is an important number..... lots of numerology my friends... anyways that's for a different meeting. Just want to say Cam is a weasel and doesn't have the heart to be a champion.
See? Not all of Cam's critics are racists. Some of them are homophobes, too!

(Unless that post was meant to be a parody of a know-nothing hot take, in which case, well played, sir!)

All week I read articles about how Cam was being vilified because of his race. I found it to be a fascinating discussion and one with merit.

It also was a narrative that did not tell the entire story.

It turns out that some people hate Cam because of racial bias against African-American quarterback.

Most, however, dislike him because he pouts, throws temper tantrums and is sorely lacking in leadership at the one position where it is a must. Sunday was a disaster, one that could possible cement his legacy unless he does a complete 180 regarding how he carries himself in the remainder of his career.
This. People crucified Ryan Mallet when he sulked on the sideline after being pulled for Brian Hoyer in that Thursday night game earlier in the year. People dislike selfish 'me" guys. Cam acted like a child last night. It's not just a problem to people because he's black. The public generally tend to dislike self absorbed people.
That's all garbage. We like our smiley cheery QBs so much we act like it's wrong when they don't behave as such. He lost. He was upset. He acted like a guy that lost.

Mallett should be upset he gets pulled.

If either of these QBs weren't upset then that would be a problem.

All these people this morning...such hypocrites. How many people in America play sports? You gonna tell you were all smiley, tipping your hat "good game sir" after each game? Cmon. Some of the time, most of the time you can be all cordial and "they beat us, good game, they were the better team" after the game, but who doesn't get upset sometimes?

Manners are important. They should make a good impression upon everyone, sure, so should everyone all the time. Who does that though?

The people that claim Cam and some defensive guys let kids down by not behaving right...if your kid's good behavior is tied to whether a 250-300 pound beast that knocks people senseless for a living behaves, yeah that guy is the problem.

This is so overblown this morning. Newsflash, Cam is a person that's imperfect
My Mallet example was for the clowns who wanted to make it about race. As if Newton was the first sulky manchild to be criticized.

Newsflash, Cam is a person that's imperfect
I don't think anyone wants him to be perfect, but I think we all look to professional athletes hoping they will inspire us. When the chips are down and things are going poorly teammates look to a leader. Cam Newton isn't that guy. We want him to be that guy, but he isn't...yet. Perhaps some day he will be that guy.

I could see Russell Wilson and Cam Newton facing off in playoff games quite a few times in the near future. Newton is ten times that athlete that Wilson is, but one tenth of the man. Its not a shocker that Wilson will have a lot more people pulling for him unless Newton learns some humility.
Well, there's your first mistake.

The ball often pops out of a pile. I thought he was ready for that. It did, went backward, he didn't pounce on it or move toward it though.

I'll be curious if it has to do with coaches telling him to not risk getting injured. I do understand it's the Superbowl and different, but if he heard the same thing for years over n over, that could be hard to unlearn for a game.

I think it's nonsense that it would have mattered if he got it. Panthers let the last two teams take away Olsen yet all year found creative ways to incorporate him into the offense. They didn't run well. They usually had something up their sleeve where a WR broke open deep for a big play. That never happened. They had nothing going to indicate they would have driven the field and scored.

Oher was cut from the Ravens and Titans for allowing a zillion sacks, IIRC Remmers got cut from the Broncos and a few other teams for doing the same. Those two Ts held up during the year but they were awful yesterday. I've never understood why NFL coaches don't sub in backups and/or have a capable backup T. It's garbage to not react when a player has a bad game. Have the QB take a shotgun unusually deep? Try two backs in backfield to pick them up? Do something anything other than keep watching it happen over n over.
That may be the part we are entirely overlooking here when we should be studying more closely. Why wasn't there an adjustment made, like you suggest? We see it all the time.Should Rivera's coaching be criticized? Now, with that being said, The Patriots didn't seem able or willing to make that adjustment either and we think of Belichick as being MISTER change-uup on the fly. So maybe there is just something to that particular TEAM of defenders...like the Ravens in 2000..like the Bears in 1985 (Not saying that the Broncos are legendary defense this year, just saying that sometimes it all comes together in a way to where you just have to play it a certain way).
I dunno, I think they were pretty legendary. I'd put them up there with the two teams you mentioned, plus the 2013 Seahawks, as the best defenses I've seen in my lifetime.

The ball often pops out of a pile. I thought he was ready for that. It did, went backward, he didn't pounce on it or move toward it though.

I'll be curious if it has to do with coaches telling him to not risk getting injured. I do understand it's the Superbowl and different, but if he heard the same thing for years over n over, that could be hard to unlearn for a game.

I think it's nonsense that it would have mattered if he got it. Panthers let the last two teams take away Olsen yet all year found creative ways to incorporate him into the offense. They didn't run well. They usually had something up their sleeve where a WR broke open deep for a big play. That never happened. They had nothing going to indicate they would have driven the field and scored.

Oher was cut from the Ravens and Titans for allowing a zillion sacks, IIRC Remmers got cut from the Broncos and a few other teams for doing the same. Those two Ts held up during the year but they were awful yesterday. I've never understood why NFL coaches don't sub in backups and/or have a capable backup T. It's garbage to not react when a player has a bad game. Have the QB take a shotgun unusually deep? Try two backs in backfield to pick them up? Do something anything other than keep watching it happen over n over.
That may be the part we are entirely overlooking here when we should be studying more closely. Why wasn't there an adjustment made, like you suggest? We see it all the time.Should Rivera's coaching be criticized? Now, with that being said, The Patriots didn't seem able or willing to make that adjustment either and we think of Belichick as being MISTER change-uup on the fly. So maybe there is just something to that particular TEAM of defenders...like the Ravens in 2000..like the Bears in 1985 (Not saying that the Broncos are legendary defense this year, just saying that sometimes it all comes together in a way to where you just have to play it a certain way).
He rolled out some. I guess some QBs do perform better if they see the guy in front of them rather than almost a surprise when he gets past the T. Has more of a one on one feel and he knows how long he's got. I don't think Brady has that athleticism. It didn't seem like a solution to me.

You're right, BB did same.

It's like a total concession, you won this matchup and will continue to.

BB might be even worse, such a student of the game n all. Parcells' teams that he was a part of used to have a TE that genuinely hit the DE (not this almost tag you're it, tap they do today) before his route and a blocking TE if need be. Against BBs defense, Gibbs used an H-back to hit the DE or LT.

Doubling doesn't seem to work against the best. Feels like every team tries and fails. These blocks like hits make em' pause and seem more effective.It doesn't have to be dirty, just alter his momentum.

The Titans this past year took 10 weeks or so to put in a 6-7 350lb guard. LB Mercilus lined up on the line(what LB lines up opposite a G with regularity?) and just off it, Watt would steal that spot, they were chomping at the bit to get there and no one thought to put the mammoth mean blocker type in? Last year they had this Terren Jones cut from Buffalo or Baltimore that was a backup T maybe 400 pounds, 380? I don't know but he was gigantic. He allowed one sack where the QB ran right into the defender. Otherwise, they were almost running this half circle to get around him and suddenly they had time to throw. It was end of game, 4th Q but it still worked. They never played him significant minutes again. If teams are going to have zero game-planning, coaching improvement/adjustment well then at least have some mammoth human that isn't a turnstile. Same with Nose tackles. You're pushing every defender out of the way like a rag-doll, try moving this guy. Sure I'm all for game planning and scheming and better talent most of all.

Again with Parcells but...he used to say a line like if he can't have the stereotypical linemen he at least wanted street fighters.

Shanahan did that garbage chipping that upset everyone.

Do something, anything other than watch it continue.

I knew the internet wouldn't let me down today.

Waking up and rewatching it after a nights sleep, and it's even worse this time around. Everyone in that locker room gave 110%, and then you have Cam.. more worried about being able to dab and make commercials after the game then doing whatever it takes to get his team the win.

As a teammate, I'd be absolutely livid with him. Sure... He's a big reason why they got to the SB, but NOTHING angered me more than saying he completely carried them on his back. Please. Their offense ain't THAT bad, and the defense? ELITE.

Cam lost the SB. Plain and simple.
So dumb...yes he had a terrible game but so did the offensive line, Tolbert with a big fumble and the coaching staff with a terrible game plan against Miller and Ware and not adjusting during the game. Denver's defense played lights out and deserves all the credit.

I knew the internet wouldn't let me down today.

Waking up and rewatching it after a nights sleep, and it's even worse this time around. Everyone in that locker room gave 110%, and then you have Cam.. more worried about being able to dab and make commercials after the game then doing whatever it takes to get his team the win.

As a teammate, I'd be absolutely livid with him. Sure... He's a big reason why they got to the SB, but NOTHING angered me more than saying he completely carried them on his back. Please. Their offense ain't THAT bad, and the defense? ELITE.

Cam lost the SB. Plain and simple.
So dumb...yes he had a terrible game but so did the offensive line, Tolbert with a big fumble and the coaching staff with a terrible game plan against Miller and Ware and not adjusting during the game. Denver's defense played lights out and deserves all the credit.
Cam w an even bigger and worse fumble.

Cam not going after a fumble, which cost them the chance at a comeback.

Cam overthrowing every WR, even when he wasnt under pressure.

He's a pretty solid reason why they lost.

A bunch of clowns in here.

Cam got 48 out of 50 MVP votes, carried his team to a SB against the best pass defense in the NFL with a bunch of subpar WR's who made about one contested catch the entire game and zero running game.

He had a bad game, most Qb's did against Denver this year.

I don't know why he did not dive on the fumble, maybe he thought it would bounce out and he'd have a better play on it. Maybe the dude was just so physically and mentally beaten up by that point he made a dumb judgment. I thought rolling on the ground after the holding call was not a good look, he made some mistakes for sure.

But he's the reason they lost????? Like any old QB could have done better, like maybe Rodgers could have thrown down another 70 something yard passing day against them or something. Just dumb.

^^^ How many open receivers did he miss yesterday? And not under any special pressure either.

He didnt make MVP plays yesterday, Not one.

My mom watches soap operas. I watch football. Carolinas offense played like ####. Now let's all get dramatic about their quarterbacks personality. In the words of my children, haters gunna hate.

^^^ How many open receivers did he miss yesterday? And not under any special pressure either.

He didnt make MVP plays yesterday, Not one.
Agree. There were 3-4 situations where Panthers were wide open and the throws just sailed on him. That's something he's done since he's been a rookie. He's been rock solid all year though.

He just missed on the few opportunities he did have. Can't blame him though he didn't have a "pocket" the entire 2nd half. I figured if Tom Brady couldn't figure it out, neither would Cam.

I dislike Cam just as much as most here but I wouldn't blame the loss solely on him. He didn't play all that well but I give the Denver D all the credit. The Panther's WRs are also terrible and dropped too many passes. The OL sucked as well. The Panthers just looked bad all around other than their defense.

Shlon said:
When he's winning, he's got the biggest smile on his face and dabbin' non-stop. Tonight you saw his true character, a Punk. Little kid who pouts when he can't get his way, was served humble pie. He needs to learn class and how to be respectful.

I dislike Cam just as much as most here but I wouldn't blame the loss solely on him. He didn't play all that well but I give the Denver D all the credit. The Panther's WRs are also terrible and dropped too many passes. The OL sucked as well. The Panthers just looked bad all around other than their defense.
The loss isn't SOLELY on him... But when you're the MVP and acting like hot #### all year, you at least better be giving 110% out there, on EVERY SINGLE SNAP.

Would you say that?

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fightingillini said:
Cam was exposed. Great when things are going great, shrivels up when things get tough. The Broncos got into Cam's head last night. Cam is going to need to learn how to deal with adversity.

But to walk out on the media last night was very bush league. Act respectful when you lose. Sure it's sucks to lose (tough to watch Norman cry on the sidelines), but it happens....DEN deserved to win, and CAR should be Super Bowl contenders again next year.

The media is going to eat him alive this offseason.
Agree. Not going to talk about his body language and the look on his face because that's silly. You can not walk out on a press conference when you lose.


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