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Chris Perry vs the Giants (1 Viewer)


Over or Under

50 yards combined -Over

0.5 TD -Under

I see him running for 42 yards and recieving about 21 yards.


50 yards combined -Over

0.5 TD -Under

I think the Bengals will focus much of their game plan on getting the passing game going even though the Giants have a very strong pass rush. They need to pass to set up the run because the passing game has not gotten on track yet (and the Oline has not run blocked well as of yet).

I started Andre Hall over him this week in a PPR league. I have no confidence in that offense to get yards for him against the Giants defense.

Tatum Bell said:
I started Andre Hall over him this week in a PPR league. I have no confidence in that offense to get yards for him against the Giants defense.
Not looking good at the moment. I was hoping for a Denver blowout which would cause them to run the ball more, but . . . :goodposting:
I definitly did not expect the Bengals defense to play the run nearly as well as they did in this game.

The defense being somewhat respectable helped the offense get enough possesions to get their passing game somewhat on track. Still no 85 but at least they got Housh going. Chatman as a possesion WR helps also.

Chris Perry continues to play very well and he exceeded my expectations. If he can do this against a solid Giants defense he is going to have to be considered a start for many owners who have him when their other RB options do not look more favorable.

This is the 2nd week I have had him outscore one of my starters. I won't be waiting to see anymore.

The schedule is still tough. But Perry has shown me enough now.

I definitly did not expect the Bengals defense to play the run nearly as well as they did in this game.The defense being somewhat respectable helped the offense get enough possesions to get their passing game somewhat on track. Still no 85 but at least they got Housh going. Chatman as a possesion WR helps also.Chris Perry continues to play very well and he exceeded my expectations. If he can do this against a solid Giants defense he is going to have to be considered a start for many owners who have him when their other RB options do not look more favorable.This is the 2nd week I have had him outscore one of my starters. I won't be waiting to see anymore.The schedule is still tough. But Perry has shown me enough now.
I'm in the same boat. He's now a weekly start for me as my RB2 unless someone else on my roster emerges.

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