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Covid Vaccination: Florida-52% of Seniors in Palm Beach already received theirs AND now 18+ ONLY a Dr's Note like when you are late for work or want m (1 Viewer)

Ministry of Pain

As you can tell by the thread title there is going to be a mega push from the MoP for folks to start thinking about how we are going to move forward because it seems crystal clear in some fortunate areas like South Florida that we are going to have most of the high risk folks vaccinated over the next couple months, we should be planning a big celebration and kick off for the Summer. 

-It is arrogant of me to assume everyone has the same environment around them right now as I do...because clearly it's not. I don't hear about other cities or areas where they are making huge progress. But I hope others will post some good news to add in here. 

An area of deep disturbance from my eyes is the following: We were told we were gonna put Grandma and Grandpa in the grave early and most folks understood and we shut down a lot of things and pushed people into poverty almost overnight by closing Restaurants and nobody wants to hear about the millions of people out of work, I think I saw a number of over 10 million people forced into poverty or having to beg for unemployment checks, that's horrible. 

Is anyone asking when we are going to open back up to the point folks can relax and not feel like they are being stared at or persecuted when they re out an about?

-If we have 75-80% of the Senior vaccinated down here and believe me WE WILL very soon, I can't see any reason to not go back FULLY to things as they were in Feb 2020, it's been about a year now. Are folks really wanting to shut things down to vaccinate everyone, all ages from Children to Seniors? Even if this entire board said they wanted 100% vaccination before they put a toe out...that's no way to actually govern so let's deal with the reality that we are closer to opening than closing but I see a push back already locally at the ground level and I don't understand why? 

Are we really going to keep places in a lock down state of mind until the entire population has had the vaccine? That is Crazyville but that seems to be what is being broadcast out of the leadership positions in this country. Plus if you have gotten the vaccination...these 52% should be able to run around maskless now, regardless of anything posted on the windows to these local businesses. 

-Few things to keep in mind...MoP has not watched TV since before the election...I watch Antiques Roadshow on DVR if that counts but no news or programs that have commercials that remind you of the current pandemic, who needs to see that stuff? I am now encountering folks out there in the real world who you can tell instantly just got done watching CNN/FOX, whatever and they are loaded with fear and anger and you want to simultaneously laugh and cry with these people. I know many of you are "those people" and I am not better than anyone for not watching much news BUT MoP's weight is in check, find time to exercise daily now, have a great relationship with my son, marriage is still a work in progress 🤣  but it's usually my fault and even if it's not, it really is.

Share what is really happening in your neck of the woods if you can. You can poke directly at me, that's fair but please leave the politics out of this so we can get some dialogue by people who are choosing not to pick jersey colors right now. What can we do down here in Florida to help some of you in other parts of the country?


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I got the call from our Health Clinic at work about getting the vaccine today.  Unfortunately I don't quite qualify under current Louisiana guidelines yet, but I will with the next expansion. So I'm on the list, but not scheduled.  One of my co-workers got scheduled for Tuesday because she is 65.

I can see that more stuff is opening here and people are starting to do things that they haven't been able to do. I think the restrictions will slowly go away over the next several months.  Normal by mid July.   

I thought you were in Florida, the least-"locked down" state in the union, no?


Anyway, I think you're looking through the binoculars the wrong way: commerce in full, especially in the service industry, returns when the customers as a collective feel comfortable enough to come back in numbers. It's not simply the government or some overarching power forcing consumers to stay home en masse -- the issue of returning back to 2019 normal has a lot more to do with getting a sense of ease out there among a strong majority of the body public.

As an aside: more individuals than you might imagine were and have been concerned about putting themselves in a grave just as much as "Grandma and Grandpa". I think more Americans that work hard to avoid COVID are motivated internally than motivated externally (by mandates, "lockdowns", etc.).

I got the call from our Health Clinic at work about getting the vaccine today.  Unfortunately I don't quite qualify under current Louisiana guidelines yet, but I will with the next expansion.
I don't know your age ... but I'm hoping the next expansion is down to 45 or more. That will allow my wife and I to sign up.

I thought you were in Florida, the least-"locked down" state in the union, no?


Anyway, I think you're looking through the binoculars the wrong way: commerce in full, especially in the service industry, returns when the customers as a collective feel comfortable enough to come back in numbers. It's not simply the government or some overarching power forcing consumers to stay home en masse -- the issue of returning back to 2019 normal has a lot more to do with getting a sense of ease out there among a strong majority of the body public.

As an aside: more individuals than you might imagine were and have been concerned about putting themselves in a grave just as much as "Grandma and Grandpa". I think more Americans that work hard to avoid COVID are motivated internally than motivated externally (by mandates, "lockdowns", etc.).
I agree with this.  I just hope by the end of Q2 once it appears that everyone who wants the vaccine has gotten it, that we open things up to allow those of us who are ready to go out again or open up our businesses again to be able to do so.

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As you can tell by the thread title there is going to be a mega push from the MoP for folks to start thinking about how we are going to move forward because it seems crystal clear in some fortunate areas like South Florida that we are going to have most of the high risk folks vaccinated over the next couple months, we should be planning a big celebration and kick off for the Summer. 

-It is arrogant of me to assume everyone has the same environment around them right now as I do...because clearly it's not. I don't hear about other cities or areas where they are making huge progress. But I hope others will post some good news to add in here. 

An area of deep disturbance from my eyes is the following: We were told we were gonna put Grandma and Grandpa in the grave early and most folks understood and we shut down a lot of things and pushed people into poverty almost overnight by closing Restaurants and nobody wants to hear about the millions of people out of work, I think I saw a number of over 10 million people forced into poverty or having to beg for unemployment checks, that's horrible. 

Is anyone asking when we are going to open back up to the point folks can relax and not feel like they are being stared at or persecuted when they re out an about?

-If we have 75-80% of the Senior vaccinated down here and believe me WE WILL very soon, I can't see any reason to not go back FULLY to things as they were in Feb 2020, it's been about a year now. Are folks really wanting to shut things down to vaccinate everyone, all ages from Children to Seniors? Even if this entire board said they wanted 100% vaccination before they put a toe out...that's no way to actually govern so let's deal with the reality that we are closer to opening than closing but I see a push back already locally at the ground level and I don't understand why? 

Are we really going to keep places in a lock down state of mind until the entire population has had the vaccine? That is Crazyville but that seems to be what is being broadcast out of the leadership positions in this country. Plus if you have gotten the vaccination...these 52% should be able to run around maskless now, regardless of anything posted on the windows to these local businesses. 

-Few things to keep in mind...MoP has not watched TV since before the election...I watch Antiques Roadshow on DVR if that counts but no news or programs that have commercials that remind you of the current pandemic, who needs to see that stuff? I am now encountering folks out there in the real world who you can tell instantly just got done watching CNN/FOX, whatever and they are loaded with fear and anger and you want to simultaneously laugh and cry with these people. I know many of you are "those people" and I am not better than anyone for not watching much news BUT MoP's weight is in check, find time to exercise daily now, have a great relationship with my son, marriage is still a work in progress 🤣  but it's usually my fault and even if it's not, it really is.

Share what is really happening in your neck of the woods if you can. You can poke directly at me, that's fair but please leave the politics out of this so we can get some dialogue by people who are choosing not to pick jersey colors right now. What can we do down here in Florida to help some of you in other parts of the country?

I haven't seen a single stat that tells me Florida has vaccinated people more rapidly than the rest of the country.   What are you basing this on?

Florida Man here. Where is this lockdown you speak of? In Citrus County we are a long way from vaccinating the 65+ and we are one of the oldest demographic counties. All I hear is nightmares of folks trying to get the shots. I'm 62 and immuno challenged and have 2 documents from 2 different doctors stating I need the vaccine asap. Sorry, must be 65. 

Without getting political our gov is the only one in the country who will not lay out his plan. "We don't need no stinkin' plans"! There are rumblings he's going to lower the age limit to 60 in March but who knows?

Half our county commissioners don't even wear masks at the meetings. At Walmart early this morning I noticed that almost everyone under 30 was maskless. Bars are packed. Outdoor restaurants are also packed, and indoors are staying afloat. St. Paddy's day parade is going forward, the strawberry festivals in Plant City and Floral City are going off as if biz as usual.

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I know about a dozen people in Florida so this is anecdotal. But in their opinion, Democrat run states are locked down, Florida is wide open, people elsewhere are locked in their houses by the government and Florida is the best of all worlds vis-a-vis Covid.

Meanwhile, my daughter has been is school all year since September, I can go to a Knicks game, will be able to go to a Yankees game when they start, eat in a restaurant and go to a museum, but don't let facts get in the way of a good story.

I know about a dozen people in Florida so this is anecdotal. But in their opinion, Democrat run states are locked down, Florida is wide open, people elsewhere are locked in their houses by the government and Florida is the best of all worlds vis-a-vis Covid.

Meanwhile, my daughter has been is school all year since September, I can go to a Knicks game, will be able to go to a Yankees game when they start, eat in a restaurant and go to a museum, but don't let facts get in the way of a good story.
Well, the restaurants were of about two weeks ago and the Knicks game was as of when? A couple of days ago?

Cuomo did a horrible job and severely damaged NYC.

I know about a dozen people in Florida so this is anecdotal. But in their opinion, Democrat run states are locked down, Florida is wide open, people elsewhere are locked in their houses by the government and Florida is the best of all worlds vis-a-vis Covid.

Meanwhile, my daughter has been is school all year since September, I can go to a Knicks game, will be able to go to a Yankees game when they start, eat in a restaurant and go to a museum, but don't let facts get in the way of a good story.
If you're a season ticket holder don't get your hopes up.  I'm being told from my MLB teams we are looking at 20-25% optimistically to start the season.  Teams have no idea right now how they are going to choose winners and losers for the seats. I'm willing to volunteer my seats back to them at cost for the indefinite period but they won't even agree to that because they have the revenue in house now.  They may want to force everyone into taking so many to the games they decide and force that square peg into the round hole.  Hello Wednesday night versus the Marlins.

My family is voluntarily locked down to protect a high risk person and even I agree that the vast majority of people who CANT get covid without major problems have been offered the vaccine and it’s about time to not expect everyone else to stay restricted. 

My family is voluntarily locked down to protect a high risk person and even I agree that the vast majority of people who CAN'T get COVID without major problems have been offered the vaccine ...
Even for middle-aged folks ... there's no way to know if you're the one who'll be hit hard by COVID. I could never get around to the general thought that non-elderly people are pretty much safe. When you count in long-haulers (whose numbers are exaggerated in the media, but still) and people who recover after a few uncertain weeks of hell ... it all feels too much like Russian Roulette.

I thought you were in Florida, the least-"locked down" state in the union, no?


Anyway, I think you're looking through the binoculars the wrong way: commerce in full, especially in the service industry, returns when the customers as a collective feel comfortable enough to come back in numbers. It's not simply the government or some overarching power forcing consumers to stay home en masse -- the issue of returning back to 2019 normal has a lot more to do with getting a sense of ease out there among a strong majority of the body public.

As an aside: more individuals than you might imagine were and have been concerned about putting themselves in a grave just as much as "Grandma and Grandpa". I think more Americans that work hard to avoid COVID are motivated internally than motivated externally (by mandates, "lockdowns", etc.).
This. I've seen plenty of restaurants at less than the allowable capacity in the recent months.

Los Angeles area....got my 1st dose of Moderna last Friday. Go back for the 2nd on 3/19.

Vaccination site was CSUDH near the LA Galaxy stadium. Long lines, but it was a smooth process and all the volunteers were very pleasant to deal with. Took about 1-1/2 hours total, including the 15 minute wait after my shot. Never exited my vehicle.

Just got my second Pfizer dose this morning.  I'm not frontline healthcare, >65, or any of the at risk groups but apparently they had a surplus of shots last month so they opened up a 3 day window to the "general public" for anyone that wanted one.  Once you get the first, you've got priority to get the second.  

Both doses I drove up, waited about 10 minutes, got the shot, waited for 15 minutes for side effects, then drove out.  Everything is administered by the National Guard here, medics/doctors in full uniform giving the shots.

Even for middle-aged folks ... there's no way to know if you're the one who'll be hit hard by COVID. I could never get around to the general thought that non-elderly people are pretty much safe. When you count in long-haulers (whose numbers are exaggerated in the media, but still) and people who recover after a few uncertain weeks of hell ... it all feels too much like Russian Roulette.
Fair. I guess what I mean is, if we offered protection to the elderly and the high risk individuals, other people should be allowed to take their chances at some point soon. Could they get sick and die? Yes. Could they infect others around them that thought they would be fine? Yes. I feel that could be a reasonable risk to tolerate as opposed to letting people spread things when we had months of months of very vulnerable people with no options. The risk level is not gone, but I’m open to the idea that SOME risk may have to be tolerated at some point and we may be there. 

Los Angeles area....got my 1st dose of Moderna last Friday. Go back for the 2nd on 3/19.

Vaccination site was CSUDH near the LA Galaxy stadium. Long lines, but it was a smooth process and all the volunteers were very pleasant to deal with. Took about 1-1/2 hours total, including the 15 minute wait after my shot. Never exited my vehicle.

If you don't mind me asking, are you high-risk?  65+?  Teacher, or front-line healthcare?  I am also in the LA area and was told to not expect someone in my age range (late 40's) to be able to get the shot until summer at earliest.

in OH - who knows what the plan is  - age 52 - not in any high risk group... so yea, good luck to me. 
Ohio also. Seems like every business is being deemed essential for this, if you want it. Not sure your work situation, but any chance you can bag groceries at Kroger or work in a plant for a week? 🤷‍♂️

If you don't mind me asking, are you high-risk?  65+?  Teacher, or front-line healthcare?  I am also in the LA area and was told to not expect someone in my age range (late 40's) to be able to get the shot until summer at earliest.
I put "critical manufacturing" as the reason in their online drop down menu questions. Bit of a loop hole as this is the reason my company has stayed open. I'm 55, but a stage IV cancer survivor, so I wanted to be a bit more proactive. My wife (elementary school principal) got hers the day before I did.

I can't get it here and it's going to be a long time before it's open to me.  My state is opening up to teachers, uber drivers, grocery workers, mink industry workers and prisoners next week.  They still say 6 more weeks before we get to high risk under 65. 

BTW, they really punted the high risk groups down the line.  I just don't get it.  Not all comorbidities are equal, some of these things are terribly high risk.  Like this one

Data were inputted by the CLL doctors about their patients with confirmed CLL who tested positive for COVID-19.

90% were hospitalized.

79% of those hospitalized presented with severe COVID-19, defined as needing oxygen and/or intensive care admission.

Severe COVID-19 was more common in those > 65 years old.

Hospitalizations were less frequent for those on ibrutinib, a BTK inhibitor.

Age and comorbidities did not impact the mortality rate. This is surprising.

The overall mortality rate was 30% for all the patients and 32.5% among those in hospital.

I got the call from our Health Clinic at work about getting the vaccine today.  Unfortunately I don't quite qualify under current Louisiana guidelines yet, but I will with the next expansion. So I'm on the list, but not scheduled.  One of my co-workers got scheduled for Tuesday because she is 65.

I can see that more stuff is opening here and people are starting to do things that they haven't been able to do. I think the restrictions will slowly go away over the next several months.  Normal by mid July.   
That's awesome, wife and I turned down a very hard offer from the Ochsner Outift in Louisiana but they would not fly us in or even do anything beyond a Zoom call and when we saw that Bourbon Street was empty(probably a good call) we felt it wasn't going to work for us, in fact we now realize how blessed we are to be in Florida and have no plans to leave..except that my wife is highly sought out in the field of Fundraising and specifically Blackbaud and Raizer's Edge, she runs laps around most folks who can't hardly figure out how to use the software. 

I thought you were in Florida, the least-"locked down" state in the union, no?


Anyway, I think you're looking through the binoculars the wrong way: commerce in full, especially in the service industry, returns when the customers as a collective feel comfortable enough to come back in numbers. It's not simply the government or some overarching power forcing consumers to stay home en masse -- the issue of returning back to 2019 normal has a lot more to do with getting a sense of ease out there among a strong majority of the body public.

As an aside: more individuals than you might imagine were and have been concerned about putting themselves in a grave just as much as "Grandma and Grandpa". I think more Americans that work hard to avoid COVID are motivated internally than motivated externally (by mandates, "lockdowns", etc.).
I like your post, you're right on with Florida but so many come here and cry on our shoulders from where they arrived, it's kind of startling and I am in a high tourist area, Palm Beach in general. We are pretty empty in the summer, right now it's full season and this place is packed. 

Knowing that the vaccine makes it unlikely for me to get it and makes it near impossible to get severely ill if I do means once I am vaccinated I will be ok going back to my normal. I will still wear masks around if they are still saying that vaccinated people can still transmit but that’s no big deal at all. 

I agree with this.  I just hope by the end of Q2 once it appears that everyone who wants the vaccine has gotten it, that we open things up to allow those of us who are ready to go out again or open up our businesses again to be able to do so.
Amen Shula, and a lot of folks I am already finding WILL NOT take this vaccine and we cannot hold anyone back because of human arrogance or just not wanting to go with the crowd. 

-I have driven as many folks as I can as far as needed to get the vaccine, many outlets down here in Florida including Publix where you can get vaccinated. 

-Wife and I are 47 and 46, she's older ;)   and she was vaccinated today at the hospital where she works, I work major events for them and will likely have to be vaccinated at some point although personally I am trying to get everyone around me vaccinated so I don't have to right away. I have also encountered folks in the age range that should be vaccinated that refuse to...oh well their loss I guess.

I haven't seen a single stat that tells me Florida has vaccinated people more rapidly than the rest of the country.   What are you basing this on?
Palm Beach Post Feb 17th, you can Google, it was in print on their newspaper, wife and many reported it to me as I am avoiding most news but I also checked on line and its true. 

-Why you mad Alex?  The first thing out of your mind is that you cannot believe what I am writing here, that makes me think you are really stuck or rigid in whatever you believe and I really don't know what side you fall on but you sound upset that I am reporting this, maybe I am misreading it and I hope I am. Do i really have to link it for you, if you doubt me that's fine. My question would be, assuming what I wrote is correct according to the left leaning Palm Beach Post, what does that change for you? It must loosen up soemthing you hold true to and have tied a rope to for the last year.

-I really hope I'm wrong Alex because I know you in general or the log in, usually someone even if I differ from I want to see their post, and by that I just mean I'm a friend so don't clam up, lay it out there if you need to. My threads are always a free place to speak thy mind. 👍

Florida Man here. Where is this lockdown you speak of? In Citrus County we are a long way from vaccinating the 65+ and we are one of the oldest demographic counties. All I hear is nightmares of folks trying to get the shots. I'm 62 and immuno challenged and have 2 documents from 2 different doctors stating I need the vaccine asap. Sorry, must be 65. 

Without getting political our gov is the only one in the country who will not lay out his plan. "We don't need no stinkin' plans"! There are rumblings he's going to lower the age limit to 60 in March but who knows?

Half our county commissioners don't even wear masks at the meetings. At Walmart early this morning I noticed that almost everyone under 30 was maskless. Bars are packed. Outdoor restaurants are also packed, and indoors are staying afloat. St. Paddy's day parade is going forward, the strawberry festivals in Plant City and Floral City are going off as if biz as usual.
Drive down to the Jupiter Medical Center, I'll get you a vaccination friend. 

You are right in most of what you are saying, I agree that things here compared to the rest of the country are pretty incredible but again we are comparing life here to lockdowns in Cali and New York, there needs to be a push as to why they are not rapidly opening, seems very politically motivated so they don't look foolish for all the crying that has gone on for months and months, but maybe that's me and I don't want t get off topic. 

Florida Rocks right now and we are just the right State to take this to it's final stages. I want to be the first State to be WIDE OPEN beyond even what it is now, back to early 2020 and nothing is going to derail my cheerleading. I've had quite enough of fake and BS science that is based on things that are even leaps of faith for those who study the Bible. 

Time to get moving and stop making people feel like the beaches could be taken away at any moment...that's another thing I want to actually get my hands around when we get out of this. I am going to run for a local office, as much as I hate politics I need to be a fly in the ointment on some fo these Boards. I don't really want to hold a big public office but I would like to have say or voice to some of the tomfoolery of the last 12 months...like closing the beaches. Someone has to be held accountable locally for doing that here where I am. 

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Los Angeles area....got my 1st dose of Moderna last Friday. Go back for the 2nd on 3/19.

Vaccination site was CSUDH near the LA Galaxy stadium. Long lines, but it was a smooth process and all the volunteers were very pleasant to deal with. Took about 1-1/2 hours total, including the 15 minute wait after my shot. Never exited my vehicle.
We have a few Spocks around here, were you a big advocate of Roku and cutting the cable many years back before it was even a trendy thing like now? 

I'm happy for anyone that can get the vaccine and feel empowered to get back out there and show folks how it's done. 

WTG Spock!

Palm Beach Post Feb 17th, you can Google, it was in print on their newspaper, wife and many reported it to me as I am avoiding most news but I also checked on line and its true. 

-Why you mad Alex?  The first thing out of your mind is that you cannot believe what I am writing here, that makes me think you are really stuck or rigid in whatever you believe and I really don't know what side you fall on but you sound upset that I am reporting this, maybe I am misreading it and I hope I am. Do i really have to link it for you, if you doubt me that's fine. My question would be, assuming what I wrote is correct according to the left leaning Palm Beach Post, what does that change for you? It must loosen up soemthing you hold true to and have tied a rope to for the last year.

-I really hope I'm wrong Alex because I know you in general or the log in, usually someone even if I differ from I want to see their post, and by that I just mean I'm a friend so don't clam up, lay it out there if you need to. My threads are always a free place to speak thy mind. 👍
Hey man, first, I’m not even remotely angry.  Super excited about vaccines and ready to live life!

Second, sorry if it came off angry, rather than curious or causally skeptical.  Was just asking questions to gain info. No malicious intent.

Hope the tennis game is going well!

Ventura County. I’m eligible as a 50-64 with a preexisting condition starting 3/15. They moved faster to the previous stage (teachers, farm workers) so I’m hoping mine is moved up too 

Drive down to the Jupiter Medical Center, I'll get you a vaccination friend.  
I hate to say it but you sound like a gov moRon disciple.

I'm flashing back to the '70's, "psssst, hey hippie- I know what you're looking for."

How can you promise a vac when the medical pros from Gainesville to Inverness cannot get me one? My GI is the lead at Shands and he can't get me one although he has given me documentation stating I need it bad. I'll tell him, well there's a FBG online that can get one, why can't you?

I've lived in Juno and Jensen Beach and a trip to Jupiter would be like 3.5 hours for me.

Can you get the J/J yet? I like it since you not only need one inoculation but it is supposed to help the high riskers (me) very effectively.

We have a few Spocks around here, were you a big advocate of Roku and cutting the cable many years back before it was even a trendy thing like now? 

I'm happy for anyone that can get the vaccine and feel empowered to get back out there and show folks how it's done. 

WTG Spock!
Thanks MOP. 

As for cutting the cable, must've been one of my vulcan relatives here.

Hey man, first, I’m not even remotely angry.  Super excited about vaccines and ready to live life!

Second, sorry if it came off angry, rather than curious or causally skeptical.  Was just asking questions to gain info. No malicious intent.

Hope the tennis game is going well!
You Rock!

I hate to say it but you sound like a gov moRon disciple.

I'm flashing back to the '70's, "psssst, hey hippie- I know what you're looking for."

How can you promise a vac when the medical pros from Gainesville to Inverness cannot get me one? My GI is the lead at Shands and he can't get me one although he has given me documentation stating I need it bad. I'll tell him, well there's a FBG online that can get one, why can't you?

I've lived in Juno and Jensen Beach and a trip to Jupiter would be like 3.5 hours for me.

Can you get the J/J yet? I like it since you not only need one inoculation but it is supposed to help the high riskers (me) very effectively.
If you have an pre-existing condition you jump to the front, it's pretty simple. You got a doctor's note and you go(obesity works well)...I'm sorry you are stuck in your head. It's OK, good luck up in Citrus County, it's possible things are a little slower there compared to Palm Beach where I am at, just is what it is. 

Washington State. Under 50, no conditions, no work reason to get it early. Have no clue when I will get it, or how I will be notified. Also haven’t looked too closely. Am assuming when it gets closer to me getting it, I’ll start hearing about it.

If I haven’t heard any news by April I’ll start looking into it much more proactively. 

As to your question about how we open back up I believe it’s just all data driven. When hospitalizations and cases drop, stuff will open back up. The more people that get vaccinated the quicker these numbers are reached. 

If things aren’t significantly more open by late summer I will be disappointed.

If you have an pre-existing condition you jump to the front, it's pretty simple. You got a doctor's note and you go(obesity works well)...I'm sorry you are stuck in your head. It's OK, good luck up in Citrus County, it's possible things are a little slower there compared to Palm Beach where I am at, just is what it is. 
Yeah, but you said "cmon down I'll get you a shot". 

Uh, pretty much BS on your part and you need to zip it. This is real survival for some of us and not a BS matter. 

Lol you live in Florida bro. There is literally nothing you couldn’t do. 
I knew you would find your way in here so let's discuss. In regular terms i would agree but are we going to go on forever wearing masks inside Publix? Do we have to wrap a pair of underwear around our face to walk to a dining room table in public? When will this nightmare end? 

For the first time since the Covid I got kidnapped and taken to the Square Grouper here in Jupiter, anyone who has been here knows the spot...my goodness you could barely move in there. Honestly, 1st place I've been outdoors where I thought oh my holy god I might need a daggum mask tonight. Yet almost everyone as you might imagine in this mostly outdoor spot were crawling all over each other with very few masks on, I was a bit shocked although a man with my background should not have been the least bit surprised by human nature. Live band and the alcohol was flowing, stayed about 30-45 minutes tops and just had to get out of there. You really couldn't social distance.

80 degrees today, biked 15 miles, went from an outdoor happy hour to the last place I mentioned, c'mon Caps, when are we going to open?  

Yeah, but you said "cmon down I'll get you a shot". 

Uh, pretty much BS on your part and you need to zip it. This is real survival for some of us and not a BS matter. 
No it's not BS, it was my 2nd post to you and you decided to go a different way, I don't want to stop you, it seems agenda driven and obvious if you go back thru the posts. I'm sorry you feel that way, as I said good luck in Citrus County, hope you find your way to be vaccinated. 

My mother-in-law has to go from Brooksville to Gainesville in a few days for her shots, it's inconvenient but things have been arranged and again I wish everyone out there the best of luck but my experience where I am so far is most who want it are getting it.

All jokes and jabs aside, if you have 2 doctors notes, find your way out of Citrus County to somewhere else, find a bigger hospital, I know for a fact they are taking folks who have actual doctor notes or whatever you want to refer to it but they have to be from real doctors and can't be the equivalent of those folks who write marijauna prescriptions as an example. I have no doubt you have the proper paperwork, I would seriously reach out beyond your area or start thinking outside the box a little. 

-Cheers! You're going to get the vaccine soon, there's no doubt in my mind. 

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I knew you would find your way in here so let's discuss. In regular terms i would agree but are we going to go on forever wearing masks inside Publix? Do we have to wrap a pair of underwear around our face to walk to a dining room table in public? When will this nightmare end? 

For the first time since the Covid I got kidnapped and taken to the Square Grouper here in Jupiter, anyone who has been here knows the spot...my goodness you could barely move in there. Honestly, 1st place I've been outdoors where I thought oh my holy god I might need a daggum mask tonight. Yet almost everyone as you might imagine in this mostly outdoor spot were crawling all over each other with very few masks on, I was a bit shocked although a man with my background should not have been the least bit surprised by human nature. Live band and the alcohol was flowing, stayed about 30-45 minutes tops and just had to get out of there. You really couldn't social distance.

80 degrees today, biked 15 miles, went from an outdoor happy hour to the last place I mentioned, c'mon Caps, when are we going to open?  
Florida is wide open. I truly don’t know what you mean. The beaches here are packed. Ybor is shoulder to shoulder. 

I don’t consider wearing a mask to Publix a hindrance at all. If you do, I’ll guess you can stop sometime around August.  

I knew you would find your way in here so let's discuss. In regular terms i would agree but are we going to go on forever wearing masks inside Publix? Do we have to wrap a pair of underwear around our face to walk to a dining room table in public? When will this nightmare end? 

For the first time since the Covid I got kidnapped and taken to the Square Grouper here in Jupiter, anyone who has been here knows the spot...my goodness you could barely move in there. Honestly, 1st place I've been outdoors where I thought oh my holy god I might need a daggum mask tonight. Yet almost everyone as you might imagine in this mostly outdoor spot were crawling all over each other with very few masks on, I was a bit shocked although a man with my background should not have been the least bit surprised by human nature. Live band and the alcohol was flowing, stayed about 30-45 minutes tops and just had to get out of there. You really couldn't social distance.

80 degrees today, biked 15 miles, went from an outdoor happy hour to the last place I mentioned, c'mon Caps, when are we going to open?  
Jeebus, be thankful you don't live in other areas that have been less impacted than yours but shut down way more severely. To say you are being inconvenienced as to say, most of the rest of the country is laughable.

No it's not BS, it was my 2nd post to you and you decided to go a different way, I don't want to stop you, it seems agenda driven and obvious if you go back thru the posts. I'm sorry you feel that way, as I said good luck in Citrus County, hope you find your way to be vaccinated. 

My mother-in-law has to go from Brooksville to Gainesville in a few days for her shots, it's inconvenient but things have been arranged and again I wish everyone out there the best of luck but my experience where I am so far is most who want it are getting it.

All jokes and jabs aside, if you have 2 doctors notes, find your way out of Citrus County to somewhere else, find a bigger hospital, I know for a fact they are taking folks who have actual doctor notes or whatever you want to refer to it but they have to be from real doctors and can't be the equivalent of those folks who write marijauna prescriptions as an example. I have no doubt you have the proper paperwork, I would seriously reach out beyond your area or start thinking outside the box a little. 

-Cheers! You're going to get the vaccine soon, there's no doubt in my mind. 
Dude one of my notes is from SHANDS, you don't know wtf you are talking about and you need to quit spewing misinformation. Is there a bigger hospital than SHANDS?

I will get the vac eventually. But listening to dipships like you are not going to do anybody any good so please stop spreading misinformation. Cheers is BS!

As to your question about how we open back up I believe it’s just all data driven. When hospitalizations and cases drop, stuff will open back up. The more people that get vaccinated the quicker these numbers are reached. 

Although cases are dropping, a lot of hospitals are still bursting at the seams - this website is a bit behind, but paints a decent picture how our healthcare infrastructure is faring.

Vaccine coverage is also variable by region. Ideally, it would be nice if we approached the herd immunity threshold across the country (50-75% immune) before we really “open up”. Why not just the old folks? The more circulating virus, the greater potential for vaccine resistant mutants to emerge. And international travel will likely require some proof of vaccination or quarantine protocol for the foreseeable future.

A half million are dead + many, many others have suffered directly or indirectly because of this virus. Is it really that unbearable to wear a mask in public places and avoid large groups for a few more months?

I knew you would find your way in here so let's discuss. In regular terms i would agree but are we going to go on forever wearing masks inside Publix? Do we have to wrap a pair of underwear around our face to walk to a dining room table in public? When will this nightmare end? 
I have no dog in this fight and could care less about what goes on in FL. That being said, wearing a mask is a nightmare? Really? I don't even really notice it anymore. You seem like a bit of a drama queen. 

I have no dog in this fight and could care less about what goes on in FL. That being said, wearing a mask is a nightmare? Really? I don't even really notice it anymore. You seem like a bit of a drama queen. 
I try to empathize, but any time I hear people complaining about masks or “lockdowns” it’s hard not to roll my eyes. I’m sure it’s legitimately rough for some, but histrionics drown out the true suffering.

In regular terms i would agree but are we going to go on forever wearing masks inside Publix? Do we have to wrap a pair of underwear around our face to walk to a dining room table in public? When will this nightmare end? 
This whole "OMG HaViNg a DiApEr oN mY FacE iS a NiGhTmArE" shtick is really bizarre. 

It's a mask... The majority of the world has figured out how to wear one in public buildings without throwing a tantrum. It's not a nightmare. 

This whole time the folks fighting masks have also been the ones fighting lockdown... yet  are the ones causing the country to need to stay locked down.

That subset of the morons keeps ####ting their pants, making all of us wear diapers. 

Thankfully this should be behind us by April/may. 

I was vaccinated in early / mid February. Moderna. Very happy about it. 


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