Here's the latest. My credit card dispute went my way, and the service company was officially denied payment from my account. As expected, the company started invoicing me instead. On the back of their statement, it says if you disagree with the amount due, you have to notify them in writing. I sent them a letter indicating I never agreed to the services that were completed, they have nothing to show I agreed to the charges, and I would not be paying any of the amount they claim I owe. Taking things one step further, I said if they continued to bill me, I would take things to the state attorney general's office, file a formal credit card fraud complaint, and take to social media and public forums to reflect on my negative experience. The owner of the company has called me twice to discuss things, which I have let go to voicemail. Every time they told me things verbally, they did the complete opposite, so I am not all that keen on them keeping their word. Thoughts on how to play things moving forward?