Trump got the mentally ill to incite violence without paying them. He truly is a great businessman.
Anti-abortion group headquarters burned, vandalized in Madison May 8, 2022 WISN 12 News
Anti-abortion group headquarters burned, vandalized in Madison
Former Supreme Court clerks speak out against Left's violent rhetoric May 7, 2022
Former Gorsuch Supreme Court clerk, Mike Davis: They need to start making arrests for conspiracy, for obstruction, for assault… If you're making threats against Supreme Court justices, you are violating federal law.
VIDEO: Rigging the Election - Video I: Clinton Campaign and
DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies •Oct 17, 2016
... a Democratic dirty tricks operative unwittingly provides a dark money trail to the DNC and Clinton campaign. The video documents violence at Trump rallies that is traced to the Clinton campaign and the DNC through a process called birddogging. A shady coordinated communications chain between the DNC, Clinton Campaign, Hillary Clinton’s Super PAC (Priorities) and other organizations are revealed. A key Clinton operative is on camera saying, “It doesn’t matter what the f******** legal and ethics people say, we need to win this mother*********."
"......(Scott Foval, former National Field Director for Americans United For Change, a consulting group funded by the DNC )....'we call this "conflict engagement" at Trump rallies (via a preprogrammed script that Foval has been using for the last 20 years)..... (I'm) starting anarchy here (i.e. the 2016 POTUS election).... we have mentally ill people (as well as homeless) we pay (to start confrontations and commit violence)...... we are contracted by the DNC (and the Clinton 2016 campaign both)...we have to be (very very very) careful...we don't need (this story/scandal) on CNN....that the DNC paid for this ( Foval and Creamer coordinating the attack on Republicans)'....."
"...(Foval on Republicans, who show indicators of being good targets, at Trump rallies in 2016).... 'you will be attacked ... that's what we want (to develop our Anti-Trump media narrative)....the point is to get (Trump supporters).... to lose their sh******t'...."
"....(Foval on formally training agitators on how attack Republicans) ...'we have a built in group ( of trainers/coordinators) who (teach people how to attack Trump rallies) in New York...(also) in D.C., Vegas, Colorado and Minneapolis'..."
“....(Bob Creamer, Founder & Partner of Democracy Partners, a consulting group funded by the DNC, as well as the husband of Democratic Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, as well as a convicted felon for bank fraud - on whether the Hillary Clinton campaign was aware of his actions/behavior/tactics).....'The campaign (Hillary Clinton 2016) fully into it...Hillary knows ( through the chain of command)....what we are doing (and what is going on here)'......"
" ....(Foval).... the (2016 Hillary Clinton) campaign and DNC....cannot (by law) coordinate with the Super PACs... but we (Foval and Creamer) are the hub where the Super PACs talk ( and coordinate these attacks on Republicans)....and we ( are the double blind) where the DNC and campaign can plausibly deny ( the attacks on Republicans)' ....."
"....(Foval)....'I am contracted ( to Bob Creamer) who is (clearly) diabolical and I love that (about him)....but I (ultimately) answer to the heads of the DNC Special Events (and) Campaign Special Events And Political (for Hillary Clinton 2016)...the (Clinton via Priorities Super PAC) campaign pays the DNC, who pays Democracy Partners, who pays the Foval Group...and (I) execute this sh****t (on the ground as the tip of the spear)' ..."
"......(Foval, on issues/future criticism of whether his actions are legal or ethical)...... 'It doesn't matter (what people say or do to us) .... we need to win this m***ther f***cker ( the 2016 election against Trump, at all costs)...I once got a priest to cry ( on camera).. it's not hard (to incite Republicans with paid mentally ill attackers) draw them out (with a Planned Parenthood and/or Trump Is A Nazi T Shirt based on Foval's agitator training)...we (DNC/Clinton campaign/Super PACs/Creamer & Foval) update Trump/Pence events every morning ( to target)'........”
"....(Foval, on 69 year old Shirley Teter, an elderly woman who needs an oxygen tank for COPD, who was claimed in the press/MSM as being attacked by Trump supporters).... 'She (Teeter was one of our (paid) activists..... who had been trained to "Bird Dog"....(Teeter was paid) to get at the Trump rally early, to get in the front near the cameras (to be visible when the false attack happened)...other people ( like me) can make (these) things happen, things you ( the general public) don't need to know about'....."
“.....(Aaron Minter, Deputy Rapid Response Director for the DNC, using the fake name "Aaron Black" to conceal his real identity).....'No one is supposed to (openly) know (that I even exist). .....we started a Chicago protest (that shut down a Trump rally).....we don't want it coming back to the (Democratic) Party ( in public for accountability/scandal)'.......”
"....(Foval, on the risk of getting caught by the press or state investigators).....if you get caught ( for voter/election fraud), does it matter?..... in this state, they don't have the power ( to stop me and/or the DNC) ....(the plan) is to implement ( this fraud strategy) on a much larger scale.... you (do it) with state legislatures and Congress...(and then) you use this strategy in every Republican dominated state....the best places to start would be Michigan and Indiana (via weak campaign finance laws and investigative reputation)....if you had enough money (in these states) could f*****k your mother in front of the (state) governor and not be sent to prison'....."
"...(Foval, formerly employed by George Soros' People For The American Way)... 'I think in reverse ....thinking how (the DOJ/FBI) would prosecute ( out of state voter fraud) and a (counter) strategy to avoid that...and (seek to) implement it in every Republican held state/district..."
"...(Foval on voters in general)...'(we) beat the sh**t out of them and....(we) make (those) voters do what we tell them to do...not asking them nor expecting them...but making them'...."
It's a good time to revisit this thread because
it discusses how "political violence" is actually coordinated and funded up the chain of command for the DNC and with the various campaign strategists for those in current power.
Scott Foval, a former black bag political mercenary, funded by Soros and the DNC itself, via laundered campaign dollars,
discusses how he will use the mentally ill and/or homeless to attack Republicans at their rallies. And how
he will use "trained agitators" wearing a Planned Parenthood T shirt to attempt to incite others, trigger a fight and get the rallies/events shut down to the detriment of all Conservatives and Republicans.
Again, I say this because it can no longer be denied -
There is a clear pattern of political violence, coordinated violence, agitator training, violent threats, violent rhetoric and outright attacks funded by the radical left and the core of the establishment Democrats in power.
If they are willing to go to these lengths, including pushing public policy that has created out of control crime and lawlessness on the streets and unchecked rioting and looting in 2020/2021,
then what exactly is going to stop them from attempting to incite fringe Pro Choice extremists to go and assassinate SCOTUS Clarence Thomas or Samuel Alito or their respective families to get the desired judicial outcome?