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Establishment Democrats talking points 2020 (1 Viewer)


2016 - Bernie Sanders should go away because his ideas are too unrealistic for Democrats to champion.

2018 - Bernie should go away because his ideas are now popular and mainstream Dem Party orthodoxy.


Bernie supporters attack Beto.

Yes, reciting Beto's voting records is now an attack.

Beto supported Wall Street deregulation, fast tracking TTP,  also supported a Republican bill that gets rid of your internet privacy rights, that bill had an approval rating of 6%.  


Bernie Sanders lost his 2016 mojo.

Yet still most popular politician in the country and highest favoritablity rating in the country.  

Robby Mook who ran HRC's campaign:

(he lost to Trump, lol)

Russian operatives will try to divide Democrats again in 2020, making activists unwitting accomplices.

2020 resolution think before you like or share.  It might be a foreign propaganda not "news".


I guess you got this when you can't attack Bernie policies.

Don't vote white or male in 2020.  Of course this has nothing do with policy.

Trump get this?
Trump get what?

Trump picked off his GOP counter-parts, one-by-one.  He did not need big donors because he had deep pockets, and because the media gave him so much free publicity.  

Bernie had neither of those things last year when he started his run.  He had a platform, and he captured the hearts of many young democrats - and he had ACT BLUE - and they proved they could compete with big donors, by raising millions in small dollar contributions.

Fast-forward to this year - Bernie is not the only one targeting those small dollar donations.  Lets assume that there are roughly the same dollars available - adjusted for inflation if you want.  Instead of all of that going to Bernie - it will go to several candidates - until the Dems narrow the field.  Bernie will get a smaller piece of the pie - and it not that he did anything wrong, its that others have caught up.

Trump get what?

Trump picked off his GOP counter-parts, one-by-one.  He did not need big donors because he had deep pockets, and because the media gave him so much free publicity.  

Bernie had neither of those things last year when he started his run.  He had a platform, and he captured the hearts of many young democrats - and he had ACT BLUE - and they proved they could compete with big donors, by raising millions in small dollar contributions.

Fast-forward to this year - Bernie is not the only one targeting those small dollar donations.  Lets assume that there are roughly the same dollars available - adjusted for inflation if you want.  Instead of all of that going to Bernie - it will go to several candidates - until the Dems narrow the field.  Bernie will get a smaller piece of the pie - and it not that he did anything wrong, its that others have caught up.
Tell me something, it's all nonsense.  

Tell me who has better policy positions this year than Bernie had in 2016.  You think it's about people, real progressives can give a crap less.  It's about policy.

HRC rigged the system, lost 40 points and couldn't beat Trump and Bernie just filled the vacuum.  Got it.

Its about people.

Its always about people.

Every presidential election, from the time you first voted for a class president, is about the person.  Do you fundamentally like them.  It does not matter if they are promising pizza for lunch everyday and no homework - if you don't like them, you are not voting for them.

That was Hillary's fundamental flaw.  Too many people did not like her, and she could never change that.


When Cavalier talks about actual issues I agree with him very regularly. But when he talks about meta #### like this Cavalier is waaaay closer to ren than anyone else and it drive me up the damned wall. Hey buddy, If you hate the Democrats, then just root for Trump and the Republicans.

Hillary is the most well-liked women ever who is brilliant and experienced and is simply unbeatable.  Really the only candidate who can win.   

He beat Bernie, lol.
For the record, I don't hate Bernie. He doesn't do it for me as a candidate, but I recognize that he has a lot of attractive qualities. Still, the thing that absolutely drives me nuts is the notion that he somehow "won" in 2016. No, he didn't. He put up a good race against Hillary, much better than most people expected, but ultimately he lost by a lot more than she lost to Obama by in '08. And it's not because the DNC rigged the primary against him (those Keystone Kops were too incompetent to rig a mousetrap, much less a bunch of presidential primaries that they don't even control). He lost because he couldn't convince African Americans to vote for him. He basically re-assembled the Obama coalition without black people, which is not a winning formula.

And don't tell me he "definitely" would have beaten Trump based on a couple polls taken in the spring of 2016 testing hypothetical match-ups. Those are about as meaningless as the current polls showing Biden as the Democratic frontrunner. Maybe Bernie would have held Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Or maybe, facing the first truly competitive race of his career with an electorate far more conservative than anything he ever faced in Vermont, he would have done worse. Ultimately, we have no idea what would have happened, and anyone who says they know for sure is either a liar or a fool.

Bernie’s policies were worth attacking- not all of them, but some. They still are. The Democrats are not going to win pushing Medicare for All, free college, and a clampdown on Wall Street. The only thing that will accomplish is pushing moderates to the right. 

Worst of all, Bernie shares many of Trump’s views on trade. We need a pro free trade candidate to contrast against Trump. If Beta pushed for TPP more power to him. 

Russian operatives will try to divide Democrats again in 2020, making activists unwitting accomplices.
I'm sorry this strategy is successful against you. It took me a while to realize it with regard to myself too.

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Bernie’s policies were worth attacking- not all of them, but some. They still are. The Democrats are not going to win pushing Medicare for All, free college, and a clampdown on Wall Street. The only thing that will accomplish is pushing moderates to the right. 

Worst of all, Bernie shares many of Trump’s views on trade. We need a pro free trade candidate to contrast against Trump. If Beta pushed for TPP more power to him. 
Do you ever get tired of being so wrong?

2016 - Bernie Sanders should go away because his ideas are too unrealistic for Democrats to champion.

2018 - Bernie should go away because his ideas are now popular and mainstream Dem Party orthodoxy.


Bernie supporters attack Beto.

Yes, reciting Beto's voting records is now an attack.

Beto supported Wall Street deregulation, fast tracking TTP,  also supported a Republican bill that gets rid of your internet privacy rights, that bill had an approval rating of 6%.  


Bernie Sanders lost his 2016 mojo.

Yet still most popular politician in the country and highest favoritablity rating in the country.  

Robby Mook who ran HRC's campaign:

(he lost to Trump, lol)

Russian operatives will try to divide Democrats again in 2020, making activists unwitting accomplices.

2020 resolution think before you like or share.  It might be a foreign propaganda not "news".


I guess you got this when you can't attack Bernie policies.

Don't vote white or male in 2020.  Of course this has nothing do with policy. 
Rock over London

Rock on Chicago

Blockbuster Video ... wow what a difference

Bernie’s policies were worth attacking- not all of them, but some. They still are. The Democrats are not going to win pushing Medicare for All, free college, and a clampdown on Wall Street. The only thing that will accomplish is pushing moderates to the right. 

Worst of all, Bernie shares many of Trump’s views on trade. We need a pro free trade candidate to contrast against Trump. If Beta pushed for TPP more power to him. 

Do you really think running against Wall Street is an unpopular position? Especially given that it was a major element of Trump's appeal to downscale voters in '16 and he then proceeded to sell them out with a huge corporate tax cut and slavishly pro-business agenda?

I don't care if the Democratic nominee is Bernie or Warren or Biden or Joe Freakin' Lieberman, I guarantee you he or she will be running as an economic populist.


Do you really think running against Wall Street is an unpopular position? Especially given that it was a major element of Trump's appeal to downscale voters in '16 and he then proceeded to sell them out with a huge corporate tax cut and slavishly pro-business agenda?

I don't care if the Democratic nominee is Bernie or Warren or Biden or Joe Freakin' Lieberman, I guarantee you he or she will be running as an economic populist.
To some extent yes. But the key is the level of vitriol, and the specific policies being demanded. 

This is all true, but being female was a large part of her likeability problem. 
Oh, please.  HRC is, as a singular person, incredibly unlikeable.  Same camp as Ted Cruz.  

Next election, if Harris gets by Biden (he's very likeable, so tough to beat), she'll get 320+ EVs vs DJT.  


Do you really think running against Wall Street is an unpopular position? Especially given that it was a major element of Trump's appeal to downscale voters in '16 and he then proceeded to sell them out with a huge corporate tax cut and slavishly pro-business agenda?

I don't care if the Democratic nominee is Bernie or Warren or Biden or Joe Freakin' Lieberman, I guarantee you he or she will be running as an economic populist.
I assume Bloomburg would not be. I would absolutely hate a libertarian running for the Ds.

Bernie’s policies were worth attacking- not all of them, but some. They still are. The Democrats are not going to win pushing Medicare for All, free college, and a clampdown on Wall Street. The only thing that will accomplish is pushing moderates to the right. 

Worst of all, Bernie shares many of Trump’s views on trade. We need a pro free trade candidate to contrast against Trump. If Beta pushed for TPP more power to him. 
Funny that each of those issues are supported by a majority of voters. If any person runs on that platform, they'll get plenty of support.

Right now all the dems have to do is lay low and not do or say anything stupid to energize trump voters.  If they keep it cool it will be a cakewalk.

When Cavalier talks about actual issues I agree with him very regularly. But when he talks about meta #### like this Cavalier is waaaay closer to ren than anyone else and it drive me up the damned wall. Hey buddy, If you hate the Democrats, then just root for Trump and the Republicans.
I'm getting there with the passing of Paygo.  Why do support people that believe in Republican policies but have a D next to their name with such passion?  To me having Democrats in office passing policy influenced by corporations is no different than Republicans passing policy influenced by corporations.  Both don't represent the middle class and make their lives harder.  

I'm getting there with the passing of Paygo.  Why do support people that believe in Republican policies but have a D next to their name with such passion?  To me having Democrats in office passing policy influenced by corporations is no different than Republicans passing policy influenced by corporations.  Both don't represent the middle class and make their lives harder.  
Who? I voted for Bernie. I want Bernie in 2020. What do you want from me?

Who? I voted for Bernie. I want Bernie in 2020. What do you want from me?
Nothing, you came at me because I see how establishment media comes at progressives and plus how corporate dems really are, which are really republicans fiscally and more.  I just want Democrats that support the middle class.  

Nothing, you came at me because I see how establishment media comes at progressives and plus how corporate dems really are, which are really republicans fiscally and more.  I just want Democrats that support the middle class.  
Okay. I understand. Sometimes I'm a total jerk.


Do you really think running against Wall Street is an unpopular position? Especially given that it was a major element of Trump's appeal to downscale voters in '16 and he then proceeded to sell them out with a huge corporate tax cut and slavishly pro-business agenda?

I don't care if the Democratic nominee is Bernie or Warren or Biden or Joe Freakin' Lieberman, I guarantee you he or she will be running as an economic populist.
100% wrong IMO.  Okay maybe they will run on it, then not follow through.

Padding post count?

The main reason candidates rarely carry through with populist anti-Wall Street campaigns isn’t because they’re bought and sold by Wall Street, it’s because it’s bad for the country. The prosperity of Wall Street is vital to the prosperity of America. 

Donald Trump, however, is an exception: he really has hurt Wall Street. They loved his tax cut even though it really didn’t help them in the long run: cutting taxes while raising the deficit isn’t going to save anyone any money. But more importantly, Trump’s trade negotiations and tariffs have been terrible for the establishment. 


The main reason candidates rarely carry through with populist anti-Wall Street campaigns isn’t because they’re bought and sold by Wall Street, it’s because it’s bad for the country. The prosperity of Wall Street is vital to the prosperity of America 
This is just gross and ignorant.  Is wall street is being greedy and not just prosperous.  Are you paid shill?  Have you ever met fbg irl?


The main reason candidates rarely carry through with populist anti-Wall Street campaigns isn’t because they’re bought and sold by Wall Street, it’s because it’s bad for the country. The prosperity of Wall Street is vital to the prosperity of America. 

Donald Trump, however, is an exception: he really has hurt Wall Street. They loved his tax cut even though it really didn’t help them in the long run: cutting taxes while raising the deficit isn’t going to save anyone any money. But more importantly, Trump’s trade negotiations and tariffs have been terrible for the establishment. 
Not sure he has hurt them that much.

No you just questioned why I made the thread, it's fair.
I actually have to apologize to you about this, not because I was a jerk (although I am often here) but because I have the same thoughts sometimes too. I would prefer less corporate D reps in our government. I think my first reaction was my fear of people like you walking away from voting for a D running for office if they aren't perfect as far as this host of issues which will just walk us further away from solving our corporate/government relationship. I'll vote for whichever D is on the ballot (unless it's an autowin, then I will consider further left which candidates is how I vote prior to 2016), and I hope you do too, even if it's a less appealing candidate.

This is just gross and ignorant.  Is wall street is being greedy and not just prosperous.  Are you paid shill?  Have you ever met fbg irl?
You know I love you man - fight the good fight - but the bolded has me :lmao:  - what they hell does that have to do with anything?

You know I love you man - fight the good fight - but the bolded has me :lmao:  - what they hell does that have to do with anything?
Possibly not my finest hour.  But you did read up enough to know why?  He asked how I talked to people IRL.  And a FBG I never met before was just at my house IRL.  He posted about his encounter with me and how big of an ### I am.  

So it is what it is.


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