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FBG Gardening Thread - 2024 (1 Viewer)

Just repotted my avocado and lemon trees into 7 gallon air pruning pots. There's only 1 avocado left (started with 6) and if it drops, no biggie...next season it should be big enough both above and below the soil line to produce. It was in a pretty small pot from the nursery, so repotting should really help.

My meyer lemon tree was a bit root bound, so I untangled the circling roots prior to repotting and expect to see new growth soon. None of the lemons have dropped, so I'm excited about that.

I made my own soil mix out of sand, peat moss, and perlite (2:2:1 ratio), added mycorrhizae, top dressed with organic worm castings, and mulched with dead leaf matter. This particular soil recipe drains so well it's almost impossible to overwater, which I need here in Florida. For now I'll hand water, and if all goes well, I'll switch to an automatic timer in a week or so.
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Almost done with my garden, it’s been warm enough that I’m a few weeks behind because it has rained every weekend for what seems like for ever 🙄


Jimmy Nardello
Yum yum
Hungarian hot

Giant Belgium
Big Beef
Better boy
Big Boy
Early Girl

Little Gem

Yellow Squash
Spaghetti Squash
Acorn Sqash
12 plants then 12 seeds peaches n cream sweet corn (never grew corn)
Sugar snap peas

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Anyone here have a rain barrel? Thinking about adding one but I don't know if it's really necessary in Florida. It'd be nice to have in the non rainy season, I've read that they can collect 50-55 gallons during 1/2" of rainfall.

Our downspouts flood one of our side yards and part of the backyard every time we have a heavy rain. It doesnt last though, and soaks into the ground in 10-15 minutes once the rain stops, but Im not sure if it would even make a dent during the rainy season, or if it's worth it.

Wow. How long do those pineapple trees take from growth to harvest!

Did I hear that right? “one avocado last year”, and this year it looks like a dozen or so?

Too cold here do most of that so it’s super interesting for this zone 7 guy.
Yep. Last year was the second year that tree was in the ground. I bought it as a 2 year graft so it's now about 5 years old and this is the third year in the ground. It was a bummer that the one avocado it produced last year I harvested too early and it didn't ripen properly. But it was huge and beautiful. and I learned a lesson.
This year is my first try at sweet corn also. They’ve grown a foot in 2 weeks lol.

We’ll see if the deer find them or not
I wish I could grow sweet corn. Just not enough space that is wind protected.
99% chance the deer will eat mine but we thought we’d try

I put in 12 plants then 12 seeds for an attempt at 2 rds

We had to install a 8’ deer fence but a lady a few houses down has had good luck with just a barrier of string and tying some plastic ribbon every 4’ or so.
Transplanted my dwarf banana plant into the ground a few days ago. My backyard soil is clay heavy so I dug a 5 foot wide hole about a foot deep, tilled what was underneath, added gypsum to help break it down a bit...then filled the hole with a mix of about 1/3 peat moss, 1/3 fresh compost, 1/4 perlite, and some worm castings. Also added mycorrhizae and humic acids for conditioners.

Once it was in the mound, it pushed out a huge leaf the first 24 hours. It should only get 6-8 feet tall before flowering and producing its first rack. These things grow fast, so I'm sure I'll be updating again soon.

Shes looking happy in her new home:

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Transplanted my dwarf banana plant into the ground a few days ago. My backyard soil is clay heavy so I dug a 5 foot wide hole about a foot deep, tilled what was underneath, added gypsum to help break it down a bit...then filled the hole with a mix of about 1/3 peat moss, 1/3 fresh compost, 1/4 perlite, and some worm castings. Also added mycorrhizae and humic acids for conditioners.

Once it was in the mound, it pushed out a huge leaf the first 24 hours. It should only get 6-8 feet tall before flowering and producing its first rack. These things grow fast, so I'm sure I'll be updating again soon.

Shes looking happy in her new home:

Do those spread out like other bananas?
Transplanted my dwarf banana plant into the ground a few days ago. My backyard soil is clay heavy so I dug a 5 foot wide hole about a foot deep, tilled what was underneath, added gypsum to help break it down a bit...then filled the hole with a mix of about 1/3 peat moss, 1/3 fresh compost, 1/4 perlite, and some worm castings. Also added mycorrhizae and humic acids for conditioners.

Once it was in the mound, it pushed out a huge leaf the first 24 hours. It should only get 6-8 feet tall before flowering and producing its first rack. These things grow fast, so I'm sure I'll be updating again soon.

Shes looking happy in her new home:

Do those spread out like other bananas?
They make pups like all bananas, but they can be managed/removed to keep it from getting crazy. I'll probably have to expand the mound at some point, but prob not for a couple years.
Just picked and ate our first Cucumber of the season. Was delicious. Have been drowning in sweet peas, lettuce and green beans (already in the give to neighbors phase). Our cherry tomato has a bunch of tomatoes on it, but nothing ripe yet. Had our first strawberry of the season but right before we are about to pick up a critter got to it. Off to a good start this year.
This year is my first try at sweet corn also. They’ve grown a foot in 2 weeks lol.

We’ll see if the deer find them or not
Corn on the cob is my absolute favorite side. Have always wanted to plant some but once I learned it’s 1 cob per stock I knew I’d never have enough room to grow anything worth the effort.
This year is my first try at sweet corn also. They’ve grown a foot in 2 weeks lol.

We’ll see if the deer find them or not
Corn on the cob is my absolute favorite side. Have always wanted to plant some but once I learned it’s 1 cob per stock I knew I’d never have enough room to grow anything worth the effort.
I’ve never heard of this before. A short google search says 1 or 2 per plant? Idk

Either way, we planted ours this year on a whim and don’t plan to freeze or can any. Just hoping to get a few ears to eat fresh and share with family
This year is my first try at sweet corn also. They’ve grown a foot in 2 weeks lol.

We’ll see if the deer find them or not
Corn on the cob is my absolute favorite side. Have always wanted to plant some but once I learned it’s 1 cob per stock I knew I’d never have enough room to grow anything worth the effort.
I’ve never heard of this before. A short google search says 1 or 2 per plant? Idk

Either way, we planted ours this year on a whim and don’t plan to freeze or can any. Just hoping to get a few ears to eat fresh and share with family
Yeah I was shocked, and bummed, when I learned. I easily eat 4 or 5 cobs at a time when it’s good and I probably only have room for 4-6 plants. Then math just didn’t work for me. Good luck to you and let us know how it comes out!
Container gardening because I don't have much space.
3 tomato plants (cherry, better boy and Roma)
Jalapeno peppers
Red peppers
Brussel sprouts (first time) love them on the grill
Several herbs
Basil, thyme, sage, cilantro, lavender
Also container gardening due to lack of space. This year we have some squash, cucumbers, green onions, and herbs (sage, rosemary, thyme, sweet basil, thai basil, and spearmint). So far, so good, but last year's cucumber attempt failed miserably so I'm hoping this year will be different.
last year's cucumber attempt failed miserably so I'm hoping this year will be different.
What went wrong?
It was our first try and I think we had too many plants in the container. They started to flower, we got a few cukes start growing well, then everything just stopped growing. The varmints got to the few we had growing and that was all she wrote. We have no idea what we're doing in regard to cucumbers, so I'm sure it was our fault.
last year's cucumber attempt failed miserably so I'm hoping this year will be different.
What went wrong?
It was our first try and I think we had too many plants in the container. They started to flower, we got a few cukes start growing well, then everything just stopped growing. The varmints got to the few we had growing and that was all she wrote. We have no idea what we're doing in regard to cucumbers, so I'm sure it was our fault.
I can grow cucumbers like weeds. Then after we have them for a month they just die immediately. I have not figured that out yet. I do know they need tons of water and food.
Are you growing a bush variety since they’re in containers?
last year's cucumber attempt failed miserably so I'm hoping this year will be different.
What went wrong?
It was our first try and I think we had too many plants in the container. They started to flower, we got a few cukes start growing well, then everything just stopped growing. The varmints got to the few we had growing and that was all she wrote. We have no idea what we're doing in regard to cucumbers, so I'm sure it was our fault.
I can grow cucumbers like weeds. Then after we have them for a month they just die immediately. I have not figured that out yet. I do know they need tons of water and food.
Are you growing a bush variety since they’re in container
The wife just told me that we're not growing cucumbers this year and that she got a couple zucchini plants instead, so that shows you how much I was paying attention! We also have what she called a "patty pan" squash. I just Googled them and am hopeful we can get both to grow. I'll take any hints for those or the zucchini - they're both in containers and on the back porch so they'll get the later sun, whereas the front of the house gets the direct sun most of the day. We moved the herbs to the back porch and they're growing fantastically well. Our friends and neighbors will be getting a lot of fresh herbs this summer.
last year's cucumber attempt failed miserably so I'm hoping this year will be different.
What went wrong?
It was our first try and I think we had too many plants in the container. They started to flower, we got a few cukes start growing well, then everything just stopped growing. The varmints got to the few we had growing and that was all she wrote. We have no idea what we're doing in regard to cucumbers, so I'm sure it was our fault.
I can grow cucumbers like weeds. Then after we have them for a month they just die immediately. I have not figured that out yet. I do know they need tons of water and food.
Are you growing a bush variety since they’re in container
The wife just told me that we're not growing cucumbers this year and that she got a couple zucchini plants instead, so that shows you how much I was paying attention! We also have what she called a "patty pan" squash. I just Googled them and am hopeful we can get both to grow. I'll take any hints for those or the zucchini - they're both in containers and on the back porch so they'll get the later sun, whereas the front of the house gets the direct sun most of the day. We moved the herbs to the back porch and they're growing fantastically well. Our friends and neighbors will be getting a lot of fresh herbs this summer.
I’ve never grown patty pan.

Zucchini in my experience is as set it and forget it as they come. Pick them when they’re small
I may try to cook some blossoms this year, I never did before

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