Un-freaking believable! 10 copies at the Coles bookstore in downtown Regina, Saskatchewan. Needless to say I was shocked.Still 10 because I didn't think any were coming north, so I ordered one from the site, had it shipped to the brother-in-law in San Jose, who is mailing it to me this week!Have any copies made it across the 49th parallel yet? A nation awaits...
Tough competition from the 'doghouse FF' magazine which was next to the FBG stack. They seem to have forgone analysis altogether in exchange for d-list bikini babes. I can't see any of my league mates picking FBG projections over "doghouse" projections + hooters.
Fellow Canucks -- I'm willing to bet the coles/chapters/indigo chain will have them. If 10 made it to my local Coles I'll bet they're all over. But if not, let me know and I can set up as the prairie distributor
Edited to add: June 30 - Found 3 more at the Book End -- independent downtown magazine shop. Hidden at the back so I brought them to the front row.
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