I would never have guessed that this was a linklater movie visually. So much cleaner and more still. Still don’t understand the exactly tie-in with last detail, as these are not the same characters. I guess in the book they were the same characters but linklater changed the names and backstory for the movie? It was a good watch and hard to go wrong with those 3 actors. Certainly a similar style of relating to one another as the guys in the last detail.The books are sequels. It involves the same 3 characters and set decades in the future. Similar "road trip" feel and structure. I didn't know that before doing research for this, have never seen The Last Detail, and thought it would be a good reason to do a book tie in to DotM.I am interested, but how exactly does it relate to last detail?Yeah, that's what I kept coming back to as I read them. I thought both books were decent, but had a few issues with each, especially Laat Flag as it had too much sequelitis. Both were quick reads though.Thanks for pointing this out. I’ve had it on my IMDb watchlist for a while and never had seen it show up on a streamer but it is on prime.Lol.Is the last detail streaming anywhere?I finished The Last Detail and I'm about 2/3 through Last Flag Flying. One of the questions I had when I looked at the list of Linklater movies is what drew him to some of these drama movies that I wouldn't normally associate with him. These read like road movies with few characters and anti-establishment undercurrent that populates the movies I do associate with him, so it makes more sense. We are off for a few days this weekend so the plan is to finish the last little bit of the book and watch both of those movies next week. Then finish off the month by watching his newest 4.
God help you if you say criterion channel.
Looks like it might be on Prime/Showtime. I ordered them through my library.
I can definitely see the tie ins to linklater. It is basically people doing relatively ordinary things and talking a lot, but also doing things that are somewhat interesting and sometimes out of their comfort zone. Felt like cuckoos nest a few times with the way Nicholson acted with the other two who were kind of mild mannered but he pushed them to do some different things. Enjoyable watch even though there was really no arc for anyone.
If you have interest, it looks like Last Flag Flying is also on Prime. Not sure who else was in Detail, but Carrell, Fishburn, and Cranston is not what was in my mind as I read.
@Long Ball Larry
I started watching this on break, and the switch is a bit weird.
In the books, the characters in Last Flag are the same 3 people as in The Last Detail. In the movie for whatever reason they switched the names of the characters, but all the plot point are the same.
Larry = Steve Carrell = the soldier they were escorting to prison in the first movie.
Cranston is a stand in for Billy (Nicholson) in the first movie. In the book Billy owns a bar and Larry shows up one day...
Fishburne is a stand in for Mule in the first movie. In the book, after he visits Billy, he gets him to drive him to meet Mule on a Sunday - he is now a preacher.
After I finish the movie I will see if I can find some info on why it was done this way. I imagine it's probably as simple as not having the rights to the character names or something.