Half way through this year's draft @ Hooters I realized my first 4 picks all had the same bye week. In my blurry, distracted state I decided this was good and I'll be 6-0 and take the loss week 7 and not worry about all those bye week add/drops. Here we are and I almost made it - I've lost 1 game (via league tie-breaker) so am 5-1 and points leader but can barely field a team this week. If I'm lucky I can grab Dom Rhodes off WW otherwise I'm gonna let it go as is. I'm afraid the other teams are going to be mad at my apparent lack of effort or think I'm a deadbeat owner even though I'm not. Should I be worried about their opinions? It's a 12 team league and I only know 1 guy. I just don't want to trade away my guys for 1 week when I probably won't win this week anyway and risk not getting them back. Curious what you guys thought about this...