Some people are saying that Obama is using the NSA to spy on Wall Street to amass a vast fortune, and that Obama is the one that's secretly hiding 21 trillion dollars offshore, and that he's going to use it to buy America and make it One Nation Under Sharia (ONUS). This is known as the POTUS-ONUS Machination.Now, a friend told me that he'd heard that the first two thirds of this are actually true, but that he's running a double-cross on the Muslim world, enlisting their support in this connivance, but that the trillions and trillions of dollars will be used to destroy the Federal Reserve, in a manner much like when Eddie Murphy and Dan Ackroyd turned the tables on the Duke brothers, and we'll live happily ever after once the Fed is dissolved.What if Obama is the one spying on them, reading their emails, etc?
I'm not sure which one to believe.