Grantland, Sept. 10, 2013: #HotSportsTakes: It's Time for RG3 to Step Up and Sit Himself Down
ProFootballTalk, Nov. 1, 2013: Washington Post calls out RG3
For those who don't know, #hotsportstakes is a recurring feature parodying bad sportswriting. I defy you to read those two articles and tell me the difference. It's all there: the vague, unspecified criticisms of RG3's behavior, the assumption that Kirk Cousins would be better, the overwrought closing line. We often hear the phrase "beyond parody", but int his case it's literally true.
ProFootballTalk, Nov. 1, 2013: Washington Post calls out RG3
For those who don't know, #hotsportstakes is a recurring feature parodying bad sportswriting. I defy you to read those two articles and tell me the difference. It's all there: the vague, unspecified criticisms of RG3's behavior, the assumption that Kirk Cousins would be better, the overwrought closing line. We often hear the phrase "beyond parody", but int his case it's literally true.