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Has Fanstasy Football Become Too Influential (1 Viewer)


First of all I mean no disrespect to the Footballguys and their profession. I love fantasy football. And even though I've been involved in it for over 17 years now, I certainly was not a trail-blazer nor a pioneer of the game. But a few things entered my thought process yesterday while viewing the Lions vs. Cowboys game. First of all was the constant comparison of Calvin to Dez. And after viewing some of Dez's sideline antics yesterday, I just wondered if "stats" where at the root of some of his angst. After the game on the radio broadcast, I heard the announcers mention that during the 4th quarter the jumbo board at Ford Field listed the top fantasy performers of the day...and at the top of the list was Matthew Stafford. It caused a bit of a grumble in the crowd when it appeared as if he had another great statisical day but yet another heart breaking loss (obviously before the late comeback). This season in particular, it seems there have been some monstrous fantasy days for players. Maybe it's an anomoly, but it just seems like there have been way more days like that this year. So I'm left to ponder....has fantasy football become so influential (much like gambling, point spreads, the number, etc.) that it actually may be having some slight affect to the actual game going on down on the field of play? Maybe it's far-fetched....I don't know. But players openly talk about fantasy stats and numbers where to me it seemed a decade ago....that would NEVER be discussed.

I'm not necessarily looking for moral or ethical implications of this mind-set. I guess I was just wondering if others had similar thoughts cross their minds from time to time.

I'm not sure what you specifically mean by "influence".

I think if players have any interest in "stats for stats' sake", it would be because they influence their compensation (current and future).

I honestly had this thought last night and I'll explain.

I had Lacy in one of my fanduel lineups for big $$$.

Greenbay was up by 21 with around 4-5 minutes left. They were at the goal line. On 1st down they attempted a quick pass out to Jordy Nelson.

I said to my wife, that sometimes I feel like it's influenced by Fantasy Football and/or stats. For instance Rodgers was in the huddle and said, "OK Jordy, be ready, I know my friend has you on his fantasy football team, lets get you another TD!"

I'm partially joking, but it's a thought. Or maybe Rodgers wanted another TD to bolster his stats. Either way, I simply couldn't understand why you would pass at that point being on the 3 yard line, with minutes left and a 21 point lead?

I don't think the situation has changed but the attention to it has.

More than ever,and especially with Twitter, etc, people have more direct access to athletes to keep performance and non-performance remaining on the front burner of the stove.

So, in short, I think it is marketed more and noticed more and that does have some effect because some players (not all, maybe not many, but some) ARE paying attention to that as a status indicator.

I honestly had this thought last night and I'll explain.

I had Lacy in one of my fanduel lineups for big $$$.

Greenbay was up by 21 with around 4-5 minutes left. They were at the goal line. On 1st down they attempted a quick pass out to Jordy Nelson.

I said to my wife, that sometimes I feel like it's influenced by Fantasy Football and/or stats. For instance Rodgers was in the huddle and said, "OK Jordy, be ready, I know my friend has you on his fantasy football team, lets get you another TD!"

I'm partially joking, but it's a thought. Or maybe Rodgers wanted another TD to bolster his stats. Either way, I simply couldn't understand why you would pass at that point being on the 3 yard line, with minutes left and a 21 point lead?
Count me in as having lacy in fanduel and having similar thoughts. Manning throwing passes from the one yard line more than he calls a run also leaves me scratching my head.

I honestly had this thought last night and I'll explain.

I had Lacy in one of my fanduel lineups for big $$$.

Greenbay was up by 21 with around 4-5 minutes left. They were at the goal line. On 1st down they attempted a quick pass out to Jordy Nelson.

I said to my wife, that sometimes I feel like it's influenced by Fantasy Football and/or stats. For instance Rodgers was in the huddle and said, "OK Jordy, be ready, I know my friend has you on his fantasy football team, lets get you another TD!"

I'm partially joking, but it's a thought. Or maybe Rodgers wanted another TD to bolster his stats. Either way, I simply couldn't understand why you would pass at that point being on the 3 yard line, with minutes left and a 21 point lead?
Count me in as having lacy in fanduel and having similar thoughts. Manning throwing passes from the one yard line more than he calls a run also leaves me scratching my head.
Not sure on GB, but Manning has been doing that for years. The Saints throw when they should run. The Patriots never let up the throttle.

It is part of what makes them (usually) great fantasy players.

I imagine every player is actually in some massive interactive high stakes, survival dynasty fantasy league, with one-man rosters and their actual skin in the game. It's probably PPR, because they score literally everything.

Hey Peyton, who's on your fantasy team?

"Same roster as before: Me."

Oh nice! You winning?

"Crushing it. We do six points per TD, so it's totally a QB league. But dude, my brother's team stinks this year. He's stuck with Eli Manning...forever."

Fantasy football lost something when it got so mainstream that the NFL itself acknowledges its existence -- let alone directly catering to FF.

Buried deep within the bowels of this forum in the older posts there were complaints that FF never got any mainstream attention, funny.

I think it's warped media coverage a good deal, and its has changed fans' perception of the game, somewhat positively and somewhat negatively.

On the media side several analysts just care about the stats, and I'm starting to wonder if it's not just because they're trying to appeal to the FF viewers out there but also because they themselves are caught up in FF.

The fans: I can tell you from kids to elders people who follow FF seem to have a deeper insight into several aspects of the game and understand some minutiae of what's going on (you can talk to a guy from Montana or England and they can have just as much insight into what's going on with the Pittsburgh running game as someone from Pittsburgh...); but with that is lost the big picture, rooting for their team above all and an obsessiveness with game day performance that clouds out all other things. I see people go to Saints games and they hang out in the concourse or in the bunker trying to get internet connections or watch the tv banner so they can see what AJ Green is doing and meanwhile they're missing live football they paid for and the Saints are playing lights out in a way that everyone should realize is special.

It kind of reminds me of the people who would go out to smoke or drink during games, and that would be called...

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Fantasy football is part of the reason Football is now our national sport.

Baseball is just to stupid to grasp this

Fantasy football has become the consolation prize game for fans who know their team is going to suck year in and year out, or for the frontrunning bandwagon fans who want to jump all over the next thing.

True loyalty to a team, suffering thru the bad to get to the good is gone. Fantasy stat checking has replaced watching the entire game anymore. A lot of the "analysis" you hear anymore comes right off the stat page, rather than a first person opinion.

I'm into fantasy football myself, but the game was better back when it was not so popular.

Fantasy football is part of the reason Football is now our national sport.

Baseball is just to stupid to grasp this
Footballs also lost something because of it. I wonder what % of fans arent really fans at all but instead just worried about their fantasy stats. Just seems like somethings wrong from within when a good % of your fan base could care less who wins or loses a game.

I honestly had this thought last night and I'll explain.

I had Lacy in one of my fanduel lineups for big $$$.

Greenbay was up by 21 with around 4-5 minutes left. They were at the goal line. On 1st down they attempted a quick pass out to Jordy Nelson.

I said to my wife, that sometimes I feel like it's influenced by Fantasy Football and/or stats. For instance Rodgers was in the huddle and said, "OK Jordy, be ready, I know my friend has you on his fantasy football team, lets get you another TD!"

I'm partially joking, but it's a thought. Or maybe Rodgers wanted another TD to bolster his stats. Either way, I simply couldn't understand why you would pass at that point being on the 3 yard line, with minutes left and a 21 point lead?
Rodgers sat there all day and watched Manning, Stafford, Brees, etc put up huge days throwing and he wanted to pad his stats a little. Did you see how upset he was when Jordy didnt get in? The good QB's have the right to audible out of runs to call passes down there... Peyton does it all the time too.

Fantasy football lost something when it got so mainstream that the NFL itself acknowledges its existence -- let alone directly catering to FF.
As simply as this was stated....I feel very much those same thoughts.
Fantasy football was certainly a lot more fun when it wasn't everywhere
Fantasy football lost something when it got so mainstream that the NFL itself acknowledges its existence -- let alone directly catering to FF.
Answer: Hipsters.

I don't think it has any effect on play on the field. I don't think it ever will.

It sure does change football discussion online though. It used to be that people got mad at the performance of players on their team or the opponents' team. Now they get mad at players from teams all over the league. And fantasy results (wrongly) color some people's assessment of NFL abilities.

I don't think it has any effect on play on the field. I don't think it ever will.
I'd like to believe this 100% myself. But don't you think gambling has had some minor influence on sports over the century affecting some on the field play? While it may be a stretch to equate FF with gambling....but it sure is definitely high stakes when it comes to public knowledge and awareness. In the age of self-promotion, stat-padding to gain multi million dollar contracts, whatever the high stakes cause may be....don't you think there may come a time when some sort of game outside of the actual game "may" have some influence on the field of play itself? I sure hope not....but I believe it could creep in at some point.

Well, for one thing fantasy football has expanded the number of people qualified to be a GM or coach in the NFL by 10,000-fold. So, we can expect to see that influence pretty soon.

I don't think it has any effect on play on the field. I don't think it ever will.
I'd like to believe this 100% myself. But don't you think gambling has had some minor influence on sports over the century affecting some on the field play? While it may be a stretch to equate FF with gambling....but it sure is definitely high stakes when it comes to public knowledge and awareness. In the age of self-promotion, stat-padding to gain multi million dollar contracts, whatever the high stakes cause may be....don't you think there may come a time when some sort of game outside of the actual game "may" have some influence on the field of play itself? I sure hope not....but I believe it could creep in at some point.
:confused: why do you think it is a stretch? Fantasy football is gambling - dumbed down so the moral majority can't protest in the streets.

:confused: why do you think it is a stretch? Fantasy football is gambling - dumbed down so the moral majority can't protest in the streets.
Very true. Fantasy Football related services are advertising like crazy on my local sports talk radio station. So yes, it's become a major big business....such as gambling on sporting events. We're getting closer to the essence of the OP in question. Could the payoff EVER get so large....that it influence's the play on the field - no matter how minute? I realize players want to do as best they can 100% of the time. But those very few instances, as in blow out games already determined and such - or other instances, couldn't that ever come into play? Or has it already??

I don't think it has any effect on play on the field. I don't think it ever will.
I'd like to believe this 100% myself. But don't you think gambling has had some minor influence on sports over the century affecting some on the field play?
The only way I can see fantasy football affecting play on the field is if some individual person offers some individual player(s) lots of $$$$ to tank a Monday night game.

Offering $$$$ to a player for good performance would be foolish; players can't fully control that. Offering $$$$ to a player for a bad performance in an earlier game (Thursday or Sunday) would be too risky; all the other fantasy results aren't in yet and even if that player tanks it might not result in a win for the person offering the bribe.

And offering $$$$ to a Monday night player to tank couldn't be an organized thing. Point spreads are known before games, and people betting large sums know exactly what they're betting on. In fantasy ball you don't know how many points you need (or how many opponents' points you need to prevent) until all the results but Monday are in. Lineups and scoring and opponenets' scores vary all over the place, so there never will be an organized "hold Knowshon Moreno below 6 points in this scoring system in this game" effort.

I think statistics have always been somewhat important to players especially when it’s time to negotiate contracts or when there are yardage or TD or other bonus’ tied to their statistics

I don’t think that fantasy football hasn’t changed that aspect for the players but for us fans it certainly has

Quite frankly, the payoff may very well be popularity among FF'ers and peers as opposed to $$$. The more popular a player is, the more face time on interviews they get (potentially), thus marketing their names, etc.

Maybe to hone the discussion in some....if fantasy AWARENESS has crept into field-play at all....does this take away some of the enjoyment for us FF players and/or fans of the sport? To some extent...I liked it a little better when stats weren't in my face all game long. But back in the day, I was guilty of wanting such a thing. I guess I never imagined it being as "influential" as I perceive it to be presently.

i think it defintely also has an influence on the average joe fan who thinks well this guy is great because of his fantasy production and this guy sucks cause of his production.

just an example

people will say big ben is just an alright qb cause of his stats but they dont see the intangbles etc

I honestly had this thought last night and I'll explain.

I had Lacy in one of my fanduel lineups for big $$$.

Greenbay was up by 21 with around 4-5 minutes left. They were at the goal line. On 1st down they attempted a quick pass out to Jordy Nelson.

I said to my wife, that sometimes I feel like it's influenced by Fantasy Football and/or stats. For instance Rodgers was in the huddle and said, "OK Jordy, be ready, I know my friend has you on his fantasy football team, lets get you another TD!"

I'm partially joking, but it's a thought. Or maybe Rodgers wanted another TD to bolster his stats. Either way, I simply couldn't understand why you would pass at that point being on the 3 yard line, with minutes left and a 21 point lead?
I bet in this case rodgers had two plays called and he saw one on one coverage on nelson so he thought nelson could beat it and score.... but I'm sure fantasy implications have impacted games over the years although I would argue probably not very many.

I honestly had this thought last night and I'll explain.

I had Lacy in one of my fanduel lineups for big $$$.

Greenbay was up by 21 with around 4-5 minutes left. They were at the goal line. On 1st down they attempted a quick pass out to Jordy Nelson.

I said to my wife, that sometimes I feel like it's influenced by Fantasy Football and/or stats. For instance Rodgers was in the huddle and said, "OK Jordy, be ready, I know my friend has you on his fantasy football team, lets get you another TD!"

I'm partially joking, but it's a thought. Or maybe Rodgers wanted another TD to bolster his stats. Either way, I simply couldn't understand why you would pass at that point being on the 3 yard line, with minutes left and a 21 point lead?
Count me in as having lacy in fanduel and having similar thoughts. Manning throwing passes from the one yard line more than he calls a run also leaves me scratching my head.
Wait, what if their friends actually had Lacy and Moreno and they were just mad at them for something and didn't want their friends to win that week? Just something to think about...
I definitely think fantasy led fans to hugely overvalue RBs. Most important position in fantasy, increasingly one of the least important in real football. Thankfully this is less of a problem nowadays than it was in the era of James Stewart & Domanick Davis; I think people took the hint after Peyton/Rodgers/Brees all won Super Bowls without a star RB. "You have to run the ball and stop the run in the playoffs" just doesn't quite have the pull it used to.

I also agree that fantasy has been a major engine in the NFL's national popularity. There's truth in what fruity pebbles said above, but he's missing a crucial part: those fans at least still watch football. Baseball is no less full of people like that, they just stop watching altogether once their team is out of it. Deadspin had a conversation on this just recently and there were multiple "I watched that crappy Thursday Night Football game over the World Series because I don't care about the Cards or Sox and Cam Newton is my fantasy quarterback" comments.

Personally I think there's still plenty of fun to be had in fantasy, though. Just come up with a scoring system that isn't same old same old! My favorite fantasy league was one some years ago run by a friend who's now an engineering professor. We were both really into advanced stats, so we did things like -1 point for all fumbles and another -1 if the fumble was lost (based on the idea that fumble recoveries are random), fewer points for all TDs than most leagues, and making completion percentage the biggest part of QB scoring. I would also love 1 point per first down (possession receivers are grossly undervalued by traditional fantasy scoring imo), using catch percentage in WR/TE/RB scoring, or anything else like that!

I think the next frontier for fantasy could be the use of game-charting stats from PFF/FO/etc. That would actually make IDP something that remotely resembles real football!

I think the entire landscape of fantasy football has changed in recent years---and this is due to a lot of things. I do think the primary reason is $$$$$-- fantasy sports (and namely football)-- is a giant money making business. It's yet another way to attract people to the NFL--and it's also another legal way of gambling on that same sport. I think that money changes everything--and it certainly has in the fantasy world. I remember when I used to play in leagues where we would draft players from teams that we actually rooted for--and now it's about what numerous experts think. In essence, fantasy football used to be treated as a fun thing to do--and now it feels like more of a "business". I still love it--but it definitely has changed. I also think that this present day narcissistic "me" culture has a lot to do with the fantasy world changing. The world of social media and the internet has basically allowed many of us think of ourselves as if we are almost celebrities (for example--I could care less what kind of coffee people are drinking or what restaurants people are eating at, or if they happen to love their boyfriends or girlfriends--but yet people seem to post these things as if they matter to anybody else)--and I think this really has contributed to the fantasy world changing. A lot of people care more about their fantasy teams than they do about their own citys' team--because of the whole "me" factor. Read through the posts on the Shark Pool. I swear--if somebody makes a less than desirable comment about a player that others have on their fantasy teams-- people almost take it very personally as if it was an insult towards the fantasy owner and not the actual NFL player. It is for these reasons why I still prefer to play in long established leagues among buddies--as I feel it's the only way to still maintain the old fantasy football experience.

agree with some of the other posts I see it makes people who arent really a fan of the game big fans.

also, it does have people lose interest in their own team and have more a broad view of the game.

I know I love the steelers, they lost and I could barely care cause my fantasy teams won.

The steelers dont put food on my table, but if my fantasy teams win it could lead to a nice vacation or whatever.

If that makes me a bad fan then so be it. but its the truth

First of all I mean no disrespect to the Footballguys and their profession. I love fantasy football. And even though I've been involved in it for over 17 years now, I certainly was not a trail-blazer nor a pioneer of the game. But a few things entered my thought process yesterday while viewing the Lions vs. Cowboys game. First of all was the constant comparison of Calvin to Dez. And after viewing some of Dez's sideline antics yesterday, I just wondered if "stats" where at the root of some of his angst. After the game on the radio broadcast, I heard the announcers mention that during the 4th quarter the jumbo board at Ford Field listed the top fantasy performers of the day...and at the top of the list was Matthew Stafford. It caused a bit of a grumble in the crowd when it appeared as if he had another great statisical day but yet another heart breaking loss (obviously before the late comeback). This season in particular, it seems there have been some monstrous fantasy days for players. Maybe it's an anomoly, but it just seems like there have been way more days like that this year. So I'm left to ponder....has fantasy football become so influential (much like gambling, point spreads, the number, etc.) that it actually may be having some slight affect to the actual game going on down on the field of play? Maybe it's far-fetched....I don't know. But players openly talk about fantasy stats and numbers where to me it seemed a decade ago....that would NEVER be discussed.

I'm not necessarily looking for moral or ethical implications of this mind-set. I guess I was just wondering if others had similar thoughts cross their minds from time to time.
It has created a whole new level of Deuchery among football fans.

I have been playing this silly game since 1989......but I am not one of those "guys" that sits with the fella's and cheers my fanstasy guys on the opposing team of a game "our" team is involved in.....nor do I constantly pat myself on the back and enlighten everyone around me how great my fantasy team is doing while watching games with friends.

Can't stand that.

When I am with my leaguemates watching games....yeah...we pour it on.

But I think Fantasy has lost it's luster with pioneer guys like myself.

While I love the advent of the internet and MFL etc etc......there was something charming about calling in our lineups Saturday night. Calling in moves. Waking up on Monday morning with a cup of joe and the USA Today and scoring your teams players and anticipating what you needed on Monday night.

Watching all the games and scouting players.....no internet info at all...you had to do your homework to be a stud owner.

Something about putting the pencil to the paper was part of the "experience"

Now everyone is a fantasy expert.


Anyway.......carry on......just singing some old school blues.

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I honestly had this thought last night and I'll explain.

I had Lacy in one of my fanduel lineups for big $$$.

Greenbay was up by 21 with around 4-5 minutes left. They were at the goal line. On 1st down they attempted a quick pass out to Jordy Nelson.

I said to my wife, that sometimes I feel like it's influenced by Fantasy Football and/or stats. For instance Rodgers was in the huddle and said, "OK Jordy, be ready, I know my friend has you on his fantasy football team, lets get you another TD!"

I'm partially joking, but it's a thought. Or maybe Rodgers wanted another TD to bolster his stats. Either way, I simply couldn't understand why you would pass at that point being on the 3 yard line, with minutes left and a 21 point lead?
I think that was more a function of Lacy seemingly getting stuffed every time MIN sold out on stopping the run last night.

Not sure if you call it "influencing", but FF is certainly benefiting from the NFL's "safety move" towards inflated passing stat's.

I agree with another prior post... I liked it better when the networks tried to pretend that FF was a fad played by a handful of nerds tucked away in a room somewhere. Ever since they embraced it, it does feel a little watered-down.

Watch an episode of Sportscenter 20 years ago and then watch one from today. They never used to sit around and debate legacy of every star athlete after every game like they do now. This is what these players watch and see. It has nothing to do with fantasy... it has to do with Sportscenter culture where everyone makes snap judgements every day on every player. I think it certainly impacts a lot of these guys.

Stat clauses in contracts have infinitely more influence on the game than fantasy. I doubt that any player whatsoever is willing to gamble the outcome if a game and/or their escalation clauses for their ff league.

I forget who the player was years ago who made a comment regarding fantasy football I think pretty much describes the situation. Someone had publicly sneered at the critics who were concerned with his Fantasy value, and basically said: "Pfffft on Fantasy Football--I play Real Football". This player spoke up and said that if it wasn't for the popularity of the Fantasy Football Industry, along with the phenomenal increase in marketing that it engenders--"Players wouldn't be making anywhere near the dollars they do."


Watch an episode of Sportscenter 20 years ago and then watch one from today. They never used to sit around and debate legacy of every star athlete after every game like they do now. This is what these players watch and see. It has nothing to do with fantasy... it has to do with Sportscenter culture where everyone makes snap judgements every day on every player. I think it certainly impacts a lot of these guys.
This is likely due to social media being so instantaneous and containing so much immediate connection to everdyay people.

Twenty years ago, announcers discussed stats in terms of production on the field and left us to digest it and make what we would of it. The big comparisons were made of current players versus the known icons.

Today, a stat is just an additional metric instantly put out there in 100 different ways and the feedback comes swarming in from everyone; you, me, the analysts, the player's peers, etc.

We live in an instantaneous society where information must be fast and furious and the product is judged in part by the speed in which it can be "answered", be that right or wrong. There is no longer patience for people to actually wait five years and then compar the careers of Curtis Martin to MJD. Today, we need to know yesterday. So, part of what we live in is a by-product of the times we live in as much as it is anything else.§

Overheard on the radio this morning, young sports jock claiming Calvin as the best ever. Too young to remember the Jerry Rice era, but "if we were drafting today" he'd take Calvin over Rice with both in their primes. I'm thinking, who the #### cares about 2000 yard receiving seasons if you can't even win one ring, let alone multiple SB rings like the GOAT?

The younger generation is bedazzled by fantasy stats to understand context.

I don't know if it's become too influential, but it has taken some of the enjoyment of the "real" game away from me. Fantasy football added to my enjoyment of the NFL when I first stated playing. As a kid in the late 70's, my dad had a league and it was cool to follow his roster and follow and appreciate players in other cities that I rarely saw on TV. As mentioned, the ritual of checking box scores in the paper was a big part of the fun. And sometimes getting to see a player I followed all year like Brian Sipe or John Jefferson in a playoff game on TV was cool.

In the time before the net and cable, it was a way to connect and broaden my love of the game. All these years later, I do think fantasy has wrecked a certain enjoyment of the game for me. I rarely watch anything but Red Zone, and simply just check my phone for the points in real time. For the most part, I don't care if a team wins or loses as long as I get some points from a player. The way I view and appreciate the game has changed, and not for the better. With NFL Network and the internet, there is no real mystery. Everybody knows all the players in markets small and large.

I also don't like how today's NFL embraces fantasy football. It just seems strange. Pete Rose can get banned from his sport for betting on his teams performance yet players go on NFL Network and get asked about what kind of fantasy stats they'll put up, and interview players who draft themselves in leagues. That has always seemed tone deaf of the NFL. Even my wife who really doesn't gamble or follow football thinks it's weird that there is a show that caters to gamblers on the leagues own network. I get that it brings in more fans, and helps ratings, etc., but in many ways, fantasy football has over taken the game itself which I don't really think is a good thing.

Overheard on the radio this morning, young sports jock claiming Calvin as the best ever. Too young to remember the Jerry Rice era, but "if we were drafting today" he'd take Calvin over Rice with both in their primes. I'm thinking, who the #### cares about 2000 yard receiving seasons if you can't even win one ring, let alone multiple SB rings like the GOAT?

The younger generation is bedazzled by fantasy stats to understand context.
well for one, jerry had a great time around him, calvin not so much

What they need to do to complete fantasy football's influence is let us FF owners make the calls. We should be able to vote in the next plays.

Just kidding.

Actually not influential but perhaps too widespread. Too many casual comments from non-experts get tossed about. Announcers don't know much but chime in, for example. Also, there are lots of radio shows and such that have a fantasy segment that just throws out at best banal opinions and at worst actual misinformation.

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I honestly had this thought last night and I'll explain.

I had Lacy in one of my fanduel lineups for big $$$.

Greenbay was up by 21 with around 4-5 minutes left. They were at the goal line. On 1st down they attempted a quick pass out to Jordy Nelson.

I said to my wife, that sometimes I feel like it's influenced by Fantasy Football and/or stats. For instance Rodgers was in the huddle and said, "OK Jordy, be ready, I know my friend has you on his fantasy football team, lets get you another TD!"

I'm partially joking, but it's a thought. Or maybe Rodgers wanted another TD to bolster his stats. Either way, I simply couldn't understand why you would pass at that point being on the 3 yard line, with minutes left and a 21 point lead?

I honestly had this thought last night and I'll explain.

I had Lacy in one of my fanduel lineups for big $$$.

Greenbay was up by 21 with around 4-5 minutes left. They were at the goal line. On 1st down they attempted a quick pass out to Jordy Nelson.

I said to my wife, that sometimes I feel like it's influenced by Fantasy Football and/or stats. For instance Rodgers was in the huddle and said, "OK Jordy, be ready, I know my friend has you on his fantasy football team, lets get you another TD!"

I'm partially joking, but it's a thought. Or maybe Rodgers wanted another TD to bolster his stats. Either way, I simply couldn't understand why you would pass at that point being on the 3 yard line, with minutes left and a 21 point lead?
I'm a professional lip reader and i could actually see what Rodgers was saying in the huddle. I couldn't make out everything but he definitely said "let's screw DirtyBird".

I honestly had this thought last night and I'll explain.

I had Lacy in one of my fanduel lineups for big $$$.

Greenbay was up by 21 with around 4-5 minutes left. They were at the goal line. On 1st down they attempted a quick pass out to Jordy Nelson.

I said to my wife, that sometimes I feel like it's influenced by Fantasy Football and/or stats. For instance Rodgers was in the huddle and said, "OK Jordy, be ready, I know my friend has you on his fantasy football team, lets get you another TD!"

I'm partially joking, but it's a thought. Or maybe Rodgers wanted another TD to bolster his stats. Either way, I simply couldn't understand why you would pass at that point being on the 3 yard line, with minutes left and a 21 point lead?
I'm a professional lip reader and i could actually see what Rodgers was saying in the huddle. I couldn't make out everything but he definitely said "let's screw DirtyBird".
Oh - see I missed that part. I did catch the "use our accounts as well-thought-of FBGers to deflect attention" ...or he might have dropped an F-bomb instead of saying "deflect" - wasn't really sure.

I am just glad I traded for Gore, as the OC for the Niners clearly owns him too.

I honestly had this thought last night and I'll explain.

I had Lacy in one of my fanduel lineups for big $$$.

Greenbay was up by 21 with around 4-5 minutes left. They were at the goal line. On 1st down they attempted a quick pass out to Jordy Nelson.

I said to my wife, that sometimes I feel like it's influenced by Fantasy Football and/or stats. For instance Rodgers was in the huddle and said, "OK Jordy, be ready, I know my friend has you on his fantasy football team, lets get you another TD!"

I'm partially joking, but it's a thought. Or maybe Rodgers wanted another TD to bolster his stats. Either way, I simply couldn't understand why you would pass at that point being on the 3 yard line, with minutes left and a 21 point lead?
I'm a professional lip reader and i could actually see what Rodgers was saying in the huddle. I couldn't make out everything but he definitely said "let's screw DirtyBird".
Oh - see I missed that part. I did catch the "use our accounts as well-thought-of FBGers to deflect attention" ...or he might have dropped an F-bomb instead of saying "deflect" - wasn't really sure.

I am just glad I traded for Gore, as the OC for the Niners clearly owns him too.
Green Bay has been throwing when they should be running for a couple years now to feed Rodgers ego


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