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Has FBG gone the SJW way of Florio/Berry with the Redskins name? (1 Viewer)

Hey Guys,

Yes, I've asked our guys to not use Redskins for a while now. Going well into last year. It's not something we made a giant stand over. We didn't go back and retroactively change anything. I just asked our guys going forward to use Washington instead. We didn't feel the need to make a lot of fanfare over it. I just did it.

I understand the side that would argue as long as the NFL uses, it's ok. I just don't agree with it. I feel the name is not ok. It's really not a lot more complicated than that.

And like with anything, the rules of the free market have the ultimate say. As an independent business, this is a choice we can make. In turn, our customers choose how they respond to our choices. If we make good choices we'll stay in business. If we choose poorly, we won't. That's business.

For the folks that disagree with us, I hope you can respect our position even if you disagree. Thanks.

So when you became a Social Justice Warrior, were there initiation rites and oaths of fealty to Nancy Pelosi or is it just like a sign-up sheet at the local gay rights visitors center?
What goes on in Social Justice Warrior Initiation stays in the Social Justice Warrior Initiation circle.

Hey Guys,

Yes, I've asked our guys to not use Redskins for a while now. Going well into last year. It's not something we made a giant stand over. We didn't go back and retroactively change anything. I just asked our guys going forward to use Washington instead. We didn't feel the need to make a lot of fanfare over it. I just did it.

I understand the side that would argue as long as the NFL uses, it's ok. I just don't agree with it. I feel the name is not ok. It's really not a lot more complicated than that.

And like with anything, the rules of the free market have the ultimate say. As an independent business, this is a choice we can make. In turn, our customers choose how they respond to our choices. If we make good choices we'll stay in business. If we choose poorly, we won't. That's business.

For the folks that disagree with us, I hope you can respect our position even if you disagree. Thanks.


Raider Nation said:
Bighittz56 said:
So, I was downloading my recent FBG podcasts and I noticed the NFC East team previews. Giants, Eagles, Cowboys... Washington?!?!?

Since when did FBG decide to bow to Pelosi, Reid, Flowerio and Berry and decide to go the PC, SJW route???
Ian Allan, publisher of Fantasy Football Index was a pioneer on this front LONG before the other PC bandwagoners hopped on board. As long as I can remember, the word "Redskins" has not appeared in his magazine. If you are flipping through the team pages, you'll see "Arizona Cardinals", "Detroit Lions", "Pittsburgh Steelers", etc, and then just "WASHINGTON" when you get to their page.

He also doesn't use the word "Chiefs", which is a bit more curious. Not sure how that's offensive.
Whatever you say, Chief.

Hail to the Redskins !

Sounds very derogatory to me. Not.

Maybe we should change it to the Whiteskins. Doubt any white people would get all bent out of shape about it. Name would probably tick of the Natives too. Anything to get them on camera or give Sally Jenkins an easy column to write about so she doesn't have to do any real work.

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Hail to the Redskins !

Sounds very derogatory to me. Not.

Maybe we should change it to the Whiteskins. Doubt any white people would get all bent out of shape about it. Name would probably tick of the Natives too. Anything to get them on camera or give Sally Jenkins an easy column to write about so she doesn't have to do any real work.
Sounds like something my grandfather would say when he was drunk and we told him to stop referring to people as darkies or worse.

Hail to the Redskins !

Sounds very derogatory to me. Not.

Maybe we should change it to the Whiteskins. Doubt any white people would get all bent out of shape about it. Name would probably tick of the Natives too. Anything to get them on camera or give Sally Jenkins an easy column to write about so she doesn't have to do any real work.
Sounds like something my grandfather would say when he was drunk and we told him to stop referring to people as darkies or worse.

The "not" is poetry,

Hail to the Redskins !

Sounds very derogatory to me. Not.

Maybe we should change it to the Whiteskins. Doubt any white people would get all bent out of shape about it. Name would probably tick of the Natives too. Anything to get them on camera or give Sally Jenkins an easy column to write about so she doesn't have to do any real work.
Sounds like something my grandfather would say when he was drunk and we told him to stop referring to people as darkies or worse.

The "not" is poetry,

It's fun to read like SNL's Drunk Uncle

pinequick said:
I am so tired of the "vocabulary police" trying to enforce their sense of what words should be in others' vocabularies!!
You and me both my friend! I think it's ridiculous that a vocal minority is trying to enforce their sense of of what words we should and should not be able to use!
But they allowed you to use the word in your thread title here. You seem upset that they chose not to use it. Which stance seems more "wacky", some one choosing not to use a racial term or some one pissed of at that organization for not using it?

pinequick said:
I am so tired of the "vocabulary police" trying to enforce their sense of what words should be in others' vocabularies!!
You and me both my friend! I think it's ridiculous that a vocal minority is trying to enforce their sense of of what words we should and should not be able to use!
But they allowed you to use the word in your thread title here. You seem upset that they chose not to use it. Which stance seems more "wacky", some one choosing not to use a racial term or some one pissed of at that organization for not using it?
And they did it without fanfare. So they aren't SJW like Florio and Berry.

Bighittz56 said:
So, I was downloading my recent FBG podcasts and I noticed the NFC East team previews. Giants, Eagles, Cowboys... Washington?!?!?

Since when did FBG decide to bow to Pelosi, Reid, Flowerio and Berry and decide to go the PC, SJW route???

I have been a loyal fan for years, but this will definitely change my outlook on FBG in general.
1. Well it turns out you were right. However, it appears in plenty articles and other content. Enforcement is lax and spotty, which is as it should be, it's left to the writers apparently, which is good. I wouldn't want to tell a writer that they can't refuse to say the word either.

2. Apparently a year ago.

3. No. Ridiculous. Can you imagine all the books, music, investment advice, recipes, DIY and other helpful information, art and knowledge you would lose if you premised your decision to access it based on the politics or personal beliefs of the creator? You'd probably lose 90% of everything you ever learned. And it's a private site, you should respect free speech and private property rights.

5 years ago we would never have had a guy drawing pjctures of FBG usernames either riding or holding dongs. Dongs. I'll take this Redskinless FBG approach over the more restrictive Stalin years

:lmao: at people getting genuinely upset at the decision of a private entity which provides us with a free service to decide, based on reports that a subset group takes offense to the name, to simply remove said name while not changing the quality of the private entity's service in any way.

Also :lmao: at the likelihood that the same people upset with fbg probably trumpet "religion freedom" when people knock places like chick-fil-a.

I honestly don't care if footballguys says Redskins or not. My question would be though, why now? Footballguys.com has been using the name for over a decade without giving it a second thought. People like Peter King and Bob costas have been covering the NFL for over a half century combined and never had a problem with the name redskins. Now, suddenly, it's a huge issue and they can't bring themselves to print or speak the name. What changed? This whole phenomenon of being so against something you used to not give a passing thought to is very strange to me. It's like our society is constantly on lookout for something to be outraged over and right now we're in the Redskins era of that. Nobody is really offended, are they? This is only about saying you're offended so you come off morally superior, right? Another question I have is once they change the name what will be the offensive thing that needs to be changed?

I honestly don't care if footballguys says Redskins or not. My question would be though, why now? Footballguys.com has been using the name for over a decade without giving it a second thought. People like Peter King and Bob costas have been covering the NFL for over a half century combined and never had a problem with the name redskins. Now, suddenly, it's a huge issue and they can't bring themselves to print or speak the name. What changed? This whole phenomenon of being so against something you used to not give a passing thought to is very strange to me. It's like our society is constantly on lookout for something to be outraged over and right now we're in the Redskins era of that. Nobody is really offended, are they? This is only about saying you're offended so you come off morally superior, right? Another question I have is once they change the name what will be the offensive thing that needs to be changed?
No, it's all made up by some liberal humanities professor in Berkeley.

I honestly don't care if footballguys says Redskins or not. My question would be though, why now? Footballguys.com has been using the name for over a decade without giving it a second thought. People like Peter King and Bob costas have been covering the NFL for over a half century combined and never had a problem with the name redskins. Now, suddenly, it's a huge issue and they can't bring themselves to print or speak the name. What changed? This whole phenomenon of being so against something you used to not give a passing thought to is very strange to me. It's like our society is constantly on lookout for something to be outraged over and right now we're in the Redskins era of that. Nobody is really offended, are they? This is only about saying you're offended so you come off morally superior, right? Another question I have is once they change the name what will be the offensive thing that needs to be changed?
No, it's all made up by some liberal humanities professor in Berkeley.
Just as I suspected.

I honestly don't care if footballguys says Redskins or not. My question would be though, why now?
Because now is better than in the future, and time travel into the past is currently impossible.

Footballguys.com has been using the name for over a decade without giving it a second thought. People like Peter King and Bob costas have been covering the NFL for over a half century combined and never had a problem with the name redskins. Now, suddenly, it's a huge issue and they can't bring themselves to print or speak the name. What changed?
Increased awareness? Moral progress?

This whole phenomenon of being so against something you used to not give a passing thought to is very strange to me.
"Strange things blow in through my window on the wings of the night wind and I don't worry about my destiny." -- Carl Sandburg

It's like our society is constantly on lookout for something to be outraged over and right now we're in the Redskins era of that.
Absolutely. It's really weird how some people manufacture outrage about whether others continue to use the term 'Redskins.'

Nobody is really offended, are they?
So you think the OP is fishing?

This is only about saying you're offended so you come off morally superior, right?
You think the people saying they're offended that FBG is disinclined to use the word 'Redskins' are just trying to sound morally superior? I don't know.

Another question I have is once they change the name what will be the offensive thing that needs to be changed?
Dressing-room mirrors in department stores should be modified to make people look slimmer.

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Footballguys.com has been using the name for over a decade without giving it a second thought. People like Peter King and Bob costas have been covering the NFL for over a half century combined and never had a problem with the name redskins. Now, suddenly, it's a huge issue and they can't bring themselves to print or speak the name. What changed?
Increased awareness? Moral progress?
Is this what you believe?

Footballguys.com has been using the name for over a decade without giving it a second thought. People like Peter King and Bob costas have been covering the NFL for over a half century combined and never had a problem with the name redskins. Now, suddenly, it's a huge issue and they can't bring themselves to print or speak the name. What changed?
Increased awareness? Moral progress?
Is this what you believe?
Why wouldn't it be?

Footballguys.com has been using the name for over a decade without giving it a second thought. People like Peter King and Bob costas have been covering the NFL for over a half century combined and never had a problem with the name redskins. Now, suddenly, it's a huge issue and they can't bring themselves to print or speak the name. What changed?
Increased awareness? Moral progress?
Is this what you believe?
Sure. I do something that I don't mean in an offensive way. But someone says they are offended. I think about it. Do I change? Not necessarily. It may just be someone who's very sensitive. But if 5 people tell me the same thing I consider not doing it any more. If it keeps coming up I stop doing it. Did I ever intend to offend anyone? No. But if enough people take offense I don't do it any more. It's called personal growth.

Footballguys.com has been using the name for over a decade without giving it a second thought. People like Peter King and Bob costas have been covering the NFL for over a half century combined and never had a problem with the name redskins. Now, suddenly, it's a huge issue and they can't bring themselves to print or speak the name. What changed?
Increased awareness? Moral progress?
Is this what you believe?
Why wouldn't it be?
I just wasn't sure if that's what he believed or he was just throwing out some hypothetical reasons.

Footballguys.com has been using the name for over a decade without giving it a second thought. People like Peter King and Bob costas have been covering the NFL for over a half century combined and never had a problem with the name redskins. Now, suddenly, it's a huge issue and they can't bring themselves to print or speak the name. What changed?
Increased awareness? Moral progress?
Is this what you believe?
Yes. I don't know why it takes time for people to become more considerate of others in certain ways instead of everybody just getting everything right from the outset, but that's the way the world seems to work. There are countless examples of it throughout human history.

Footballguys.com has been using the name for over a decade without giving it a second thought. People like Peter King and Bob costas have been covering the NFL for over a half century combined and never had a problem with the name redskins. Now, suddenly, it's a huge issue and they can't bring themselves to print or speak the name. What changed?
Increased awareness? Moral progress?
Is this what you believe?
Why wouldn't it be?
I just wasn't sure if that's what he believed or he was just throwing out some hypothetical reasons.
Considering he's a main contributor for FBG, I'm guessing he knows the actual reason. Which he provided. Which, of any reason, seems to be the most logical.

I really am not sure what you think this less altruistic reason is that you seem to be implying exists.

Footballguys.com has been using the name for over a decade without giving it a second thought. People like Peter King and Bob costas have been covering the NFL for over a half century combined and never had a problem with the name redskins. Now, suddenly, it's a huge issue and they can't bring themselves to print or speak the name. What changed?
Increased awareness? Moral progress?
Is this what you believe?
Sure. I do something that I don't mean in an offensive way. But someone says they are offended. I think about it. Do I change? Not necessarily. It may just be someone who's very sensitive. But if 5 people tell me the same thing I consider not doing it any more. If it keeps coming up I stop doing it. Did I ever intend to offend anyone? No. But if enough people take offense I don't do it any more. It's called personal growth.
We're not talking about walking up to someone and belching in their face here. Most of the people who are "offended" by this don't care about who the name (thye believe) could possibly be offensive to. They care about themselves and how they come off.

Footballguys.com has been using the name for over a decade without giving it a second thought. People like Peter King and Bob costas have been covering the NFL for over a half century combined and never had a problem with the name redskins. Now, suddenly, it's a huge issue and they can't bring themselves to print or speak the name. What changed?
Increased awareness? Moral progress?
Is this what you believe?
Sure. I do something that I don't mean in an offensive way. But someone says they are offended. I think about it. Do I change? Not necessarily. It may just be someone who's very sensitive. But if 5 people tell me the same thing I consider not doing it any more. If it keeps coming up I stop doing it. Did I ever intend to offend anyone? No. But if enough people take offense I don't do it any more. It's called personal growth.
We're not talking about walking up to someone and belching in their face here. Most of the people who are "offended" by this don't care about who the name (thye believe) could possibly be offensive to. They care about themselves and how they come off.
That's something you've made up to bolster your position.

Footballguys.com has been using the name for over a decade without giving it a second thought. People like Peter King and Bob costas have been covering the NFL for over a half century combined and never had a problem with the name redskins. Now, suddenly, it's a huge issue and they can't bring themselves to print or speak the name. What changed?
Increased awareness? Moral progress?
Is this what you believe?
Yes. I don't know why it takes time for people to become more considerate of others in certain ways instead of everybody just getting everything right from the outset, but that's the way the world seems to work. There are countless examples of it throughout human history.
OK. Thanks for answering

Footballguys.com has been using the name for over a decade without giving it a second thought. People like Peter King and Bob costas have been covering the NFL for over a half century combined and never had a problem with the name redskins. Now, suddenly, it's a huge issue and they can't bring themselves to print or speak the name. What changed?
Increased awareness? Moral progress?
Is this what you believe?
Sure. I do something that I don't mean in an offensive way. But someone says they are offended. I think about it. Do I change? Not necessarily. It may just be someone who's very sensitive. But if 5 people tell me the same thing I consider not doing it any more. If it keeps coming up I stop doing it. Did I ever intend to offend anyone? No. But if enough people take offense I don't do it any more. It's called personal growth.
We're not talking about walking up to someone and belching in their face here. Most of the people who are "offended" by this don't care about who the name (thye believe) could possibly be offensive to. They care about themselves and how they come off.
That's something you've made up to bolster your position.
I haven't made anything up. I'm not outraged either way. I was just curious about the timing.

Footballguys.com has been using the name for over a decade without giving it a second thought. People like Peter King and Bob costas have been covering the NFL for over a half century combined and never had a problem with the name redskins. Now, suddenly, it's a huge issue and they can't bring themselves to print or speak the name. What changed?
Increased awareness? Moral progress?
Is this what you believe?
Sure. I do something that I don't mean in an offensive way. But someone says they are offended. I think about it. Do I change? Not necessarily. It may just be someone who's very sensitive. But if 5 people tell me the same thing I consider not doing it any more. If it keeps coming up I stop doing it. Did I ever intend to offend anyone? No. But if enough people take offense I don't do it any more. It's called personal growth.
We're not talking about walking up to someone and belching in their face here. Most of the people who are "offended" by this don't care about who the name (thye believe) could possibly be offensive to. They care about themselves and how they come off.
I have no idea how you could possibly know this.

Serious question here from someone that hasn't followed this too closely and doesn't have a strong opinion either way. Have Native Americans always taking offense to the Redskins name and is it just recently that non- Native Americans have started to listen?

If "increased awareness" was the cause of the change, what was the cause of this increased awareness? Was it a race of people making their case to the rest of the humanity about how they were being publicly degraded? Or was it a few people not of that potentially degraded race with loud microphones telling everyone else how offensive it is? I haven't talked to all of them but I reckon the majority of Native Americans have no opinion on this whatsoever. From what I have read there is a small portion against using the name and a small portion that are for it.

Thanks for the dialogue all.

Footballguys.com has been using the name for over a decade without giving it a second thought. People like Peter King and Bob costas have been covering the NFL for over a half century combined and never had a problem with the name redskins. Now, suddenly, it's a huge issue and they can't bring themselves to print or speak the name. What changed?
Increased awareness? Moral progress?
Is this what you believe?
Sure. I do something that I don't mean in an offensive way. But someone says they are offended. I think about it. Do I change? Not necessarily. It may just be someone who's very sensitive. But if 5 people tell me the same thing I consider not doing it any more. If it keeps coming up I stop doing it. Did I ever intend to offend anyone? No. But if enough people take offense I don't do it any more. It's called personal growth.
We're not talking about walking up to someone and belching in their face here. Most of the people who are "offended" by this don't care about who the name (thye believe) could possibly be offensive to. They care about themselves and how they come off.
I have no idea how you could possibly know this.
I know it the same way people who believe the opposite.

Footballguys.com has been using the name for over a decade without giving it a second thought. People like Peter King and Bob costas have been covering the NFL for over a half century combined and never had a problem with the name redskins. Now, suddenly, it's a huge issue and they can't bring themselves to print or speak the name. What changed?
Increased awareness? Moral progress?
Is this what you believe?
Sure. I do something that I don't mean in an offensive way. But someone says they are offended. I think about it. Do I change? Not necessarily. It may just be someone who's very sensitive. But if 5 people tell me the same thing I consider not doing it any more. If it keeps coming up I stop doing it. Did I ever intend to offend anyone? No. But if enough people take offense I don't do it any more. It's called personal growth.
We're not talking about walking up to someone and belching in their face here. Most of the people who are "offended" by this don't care about who the name (thye believe) could possibly be offensive to. They care about themselves and how they come off.
I have no idea how you could possibly know this.
I know it the same way people who believe the opposite.
Is this a timscrotch alias?

Serious question here from someone that hasn't followed this too closely and doesn't have a strong opinion either way. Have Native Americans always taking offense to the Redskins name and is it just recently that non- Native Americans have started to listen?
There's some info about that in this WaPo article from June 2014. It traces the public controversy back to the early 1970s.

If "increased awareness" was the cause of the change, what was the cause of this increased awareness?
There are probably a number of causes. Recently, for example, there was the 2013 symposium on the topic at the Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D.C. Also, the Oneida Indian Nation picketed games during the 2013 season, which garnered some media attention. A few members of Congress and President Obama also publicly mentioned the issue, calling for open discussion of the topic.

But it's not a purely recent phenomenon. (See the article linked to in my previous post.) It's been gaining steam over the past few decades, especially in the last few years, though it hasn't yet reached its tipping point.

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