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Hines Ward and Randle-El comment on Plax (1 Viewer)


Peace without Plax

Minus Giant, Steelers see positives



The Steelers don't seem to miss Plaxico Burress.

DETROIT - Plaxi-who?

That's about what the Steelers said yesterday as they sat on their Super Bowl media day podiums, reminded of the main question being asked of them when this season started: "How can you win without Plaxico Burress?"

The answer: Rather easily.

"We're here without him," said Hines Ward. "We never made it to this point with him. So, I don't think that we miss him. That was a big question mark coming into this year: What could we do in the passing game? Well, consequently, our passing game is the reason why we're here in the Super Bowl. So, I can't sit there and say that we miss him."

Somehow, after losing their big downfield threat to the Giants, the Steelers were No. 2 in the league in yards per catch in the regular season. And it wasn't their trademark run game that got them here; it was an efficient passing game that performed best in third-down situations.

"Man, it got so old," Antwaan Randle-El said of the Burress hand-wringing. "I kept telling people, it doesn't matter the number on the jersey. It's the heart inside. People said we couldn't do it without Plaxico. ... That player is gone. We went out and made plays. That's all that matters."

While Burress quickly became Eli Manning's favorite target this year, he virtually disappeared in the playoff game against the Panthers. Meanwhile, Roethlisberger has been spreading it around. Ward made the Pro Bowl, Randle-El thrived in a bigger role, ex-49er Cedrick Wilson contributed after coming on as a free agent and rookie Heath Miller emerged as a tight end who could stretch the field.

"I think the hoopla was that (Burress) was our deep threat but he got all the opportunities to go downfield because we wanted to use his size and speed," Ward said. "But the loss of him just made us a more close-knit group. That was the big question coming into this year, what would the Steeler offense do without Plaxico? Well, I think we proved a lot of naysayers wrong.

"All our averages are up from last year and our all our yards per attempts are up from last year. Being that we're that last team in the league in pass attempts, that speaks volumes for our passing game. It's a great sense of gratification to do what we're doing when people said we couldn't do it without Plaxico."

After complaining that he didn't see the ball in last year's playoff game against the Patriots, Burress obviously wanted out of Pittsburgh, despite Roethlisberger's public pleas to keep him. The Steelers could have franchised him but they let him walk.

"Our priority was to sign Hines Ward," said director of football operations Kevin Colbert.

While outsiders fretted, Burress' departure didn't worry offensive coordinator Ken Wisenhunt, even though it left him without any wide receivers over six-feet.

"I tell you what ... I looked at New England last year and they had four or five receivers who weren't big guys but were good players," Wisenhunt said yesterday. "And I said, 'They've been successful. You can do it with these guys.'"

Ward said that if the Steelers win Sunday, Burress can "feel a part of it.

"He's been through some wars," Ward said. "He's earned that right. Last year, he was a part of the team. He was a reason why we had a lot of success. He brought the best out of me. I hope I brought the best out of him."
daily news
El should keep his mouth shut , the only reason he is in the starting lineup is because they dont have anyone else . On 95% of the other teams in the NFL he would strictly be a returner.

Hines and Co. will probably be saying the same thing about ARE when the latter leaves via free agency next year.

El should keep his mouth shut , the only reason he is in the starting lineup is because they dont have anyone else . On 95% of the other teams in the NFL he would strictly be a returner.
yea o.k.
El should keep his mouth shut , the only reason he is in the starting lineup is because they dont have anyone else . On 95% of the other teams in the NFL he would strictly be a returner.
:confused: He will be a starter somewhere else next season. Bears already made him their #1 priority, no?

El should keep his mouth shut , the only reason he is in the starting lineup is because they dont have anyone else . On 95% of the other teams in the NFL he would strictly be a returner.
:loco: :lmao: There are a few teams where he wouldn't be the #2 guy.

He'd be in the slot for those teams.

He will be starting somewhere next year and that team will be better than the Giants.

I've never been impressed with Randel El, any team that gets him as their #1 WR is going to be very disappointed. As a #2 he is serviceable.

This doesn't seem like the kind of talk I'd expect from a team that's about to win the Superbowl. The combination of Bettis' I'm so happy to be here shtick, these comments, and the way they've come out of the gate poorly the last few times they were favored in playoff games make me think they're going to get out to a bad start on Sunday.

This doesn't seem like the kind of talk I'd expect from a team that's about to win the Superbowl. The combination of Bettis' I'm so happy to be here shtick, these comments, and the way they've come out of the gate poorly the last few times they were favored in playoff games make me think they're going to get out to a bad start on Sunday.
i think the write up of this article is put together to be much more negative than it actually was. cut and paste. you don't blast the guy and then at the end say that if the Steelers win Plax can feel he was a part of it.i mean they didn't say he's got alligator arms, or drops every other pass, or is a jerk ... i'll say all of that :D -orphan

I have heard from some fellow posters that nobody ever has anything bad to say about Plax... this article seems to contradict that

I have heard from some fellow posters that nobody ever has anything bad to say about Plax... this article seems to contradict that
I don't think they said anything bad about Plax. I think they were just tired of hearing from the media and fans how much the passing game would suffer without him.
plax didn't represent himself very well during the giants playoff game this year (tantrums on teh sideline, etc). his character issues going into the draft many seasons ago caused bill cower to test him before the steelers even drafted him...and after seeing him in person for years they elected to let him walk - that said volumes to me. plax is talented but i would rather spend my teams cap space elsewhere

I wouldn't be surprised to see the Steelers re-sign El. Wilson is a solid replacement for him, but will also be a satisfactory replacement for Ward when the time comes. El was a project player to begin with, and has shown good ability and improvement. Just what they expected out of him. Ward on the other hand, is now getting to the downhill side of his career and is probably 4 years from gone (new 4 year deal this year). Makes sense to me to keep him, but WR depth in FA and the draft will drive up the market on him.

I wouldn't be surprised to see the Steelers re-sign El. Wilson is a solid replacement for him, but will also be a satisfactory replacement for Ward when the time comes. El was a project player to begin with, and has shown good ability and improvement. Just what they expected out of him. Ward on the other hand, is now getting to the downhill side of his career and is probably 4 years from gone (new 4 year deal this year). Makes sense to me to keep him, but WR depth in FA and the draft will drive up the market on him.
In my opinion, El is gonna demand way too much money on the market and some team will overpay for him. The Steelers are not known for overpaying replaceable players. If el is the # 1 wr for any team, that team is in trouble. If el is the # 2 wr for any team, that team better be strong in a lot of other areas. His biggest strengths are punt returning and being in the slot. Regardless of how the Steelers played this year, I think they have to go after a # 2 wr in the offseason.
I wouldn't be surprised to see the Steelers re-sign El.  Wilson is a solid replacement for him, but will also be a satisfactory replacement for Ward when the time comes.  El was a project player to begin with, and has shown good ability and improvement.  Just what they expected out of him.  Ward on the other hand, is now getting to the downhill side of his career and is probably 4 years from gone (new 4 year deal this year).  Makes sense to me to keep him, but WR depth in FA and the draft will drive up the market on him.
In my opinion, El is gonna demand way too much money on the market and some team will overpay for him. The Steelers are not known for overpaying replaceable players. If el is the # 1 wr for any team, that team is in trouble. If el is the # 2 wr for any team, that team better be strong in a lot of other areas. His biggest strengths are punt returning and being in the slot. Regardless of how the Steelers played this year, I think they have to go after a # 2 wr in the offseason.
Other than his personality and attitude, he does have very little bargaining power w/ Pitt. Wilson as a good #2, Morgan and rookie Washington look good as #3 and 4. Market will be pretty high for WRs and El will probably command much more than Pitt will offer, but I believe El has finally got his shot in Pitt and loves it there. Maybe even enough to stay for a fair deal rather than an excellent one. I know he and Ward as well as Cowher have a great relationship... will it be enough?
I have heard from some fellow posters that nobody ever has anything bad to say about Plax... this article seems to contradict that
I don't think they said anything bad about Plax. I think they were just tired of hearing from the media and fans how much the passing game would suffer without him.
No chit. Prisco just recently posted an article where he said the Steelers made a mistake by letting Plax go. If getting to the Superbowl is a mistake, I hope they keep making them.
I wouldn't be surprised to see the Steelers re-sign El.  Wilson is a solid replacement for him, but will also be a satisfactory replacement for Ward when the time comes.  El was a project player to begin with, and has shown good ability and improvement.  Just what they expected out of him.  Ward on the other hand, is now getting to the downhill side of his career and is probably 4 years from gone (new 4 year deal this year).  Makes sense to me to keep him, but WR depth in FA and the draft will drive up the market on him.
In my opinion, El is gonna demand way too much money on the market and some team will overpay for him. The Steelers are not known for overpaying replaceable players. If el is the # 1 wr for any team, that team is in trouble. If el is the # 2 wr for any team, that team better be strong in a lot of other areas. His biggest strengths are punt returning and being in the slot. Regardless of how the Steelers played this year, I think they have to go after a # 2 wr in the offseason.
Other than his personality and attitude, he does have very little bargaining power w/ Pitt. Wilson as a good #2, Morgan and rookie Washington look good as #3 and 4. Market will be pretty high for WRs and El will probably command much more than Pitt will offer, but I believe El has finally got his shot in Pitt and loves it there. Maybe even enough to stay for a fair deal rather than an excellent one. I know he and Ward as well as Cowher have a great relationship... will it be enough?
Oh I would like it if they could re-sign him. He's a good fit for this team with his versatility and I have a feeling his talents may go wasted in another system. I just don't see it--especially if he has a decent superbowl game. The Steelers probably feel that Wilson (who is a very similar style of receiver as El) can step right in and replace him. As you said, Morgan and Washington are in the mix as well. If the Steelers can't address wr in free agency, I think it has to be a high priority in the draft.
I have heard from some fellow posters that nobody ever has anything bad to say about Plax... this article seems to contradict that
I don't think they said anything bad about Plax. I think they were just tired of hearing from the media and fans how much the passing game would suffer without him.
No chit. Prisco just recently posted an article where he said the Steelers made a mistake by letting Plax go. If getting to the Superbowl is a mistake, I hope they keep making them.
Yeah please tell me he didn't make that comment after the Denver game? How could anyone call that move a mistake at this point? Yes the Steelers lost their biggest deep threat and a very good wr but they also used that money to improve in other areas. Obviously, it worked.
I have heard from some fellow posters that nobody ever has anything bad to say about Plax... this article seems to contradict that
Reading comprehension down?
I have heard from some fellow posters that nobody ever has anything bad to say about Plax... this article seems to contradict that
I don't think they said anything bad about Plax. I think they were just tired of hearing from the media and fans how much the passing game would suffer without him.
Exactly. Nowhere in the article do his teammates criticize him or call him a bad guy. They are just answering the media's calls from last year that the offense would fall apart without Plax. Big whoop.
Oh I would like it if they could re-sign him. He's a good fit for this team with his versatility and I have a feeling his talents may go wasted in another system. I just don't see it--especially if he has a decent superbowl game. The Steelers probably feel that Wilson (who is a very similar style of receiver as El) can step right in and replace him. As you said, Morgan and Washington are in the mix as well. If the Steelers can't address wr in free agency, I think it has to be a high priority in the draft.
I think his expendability is an argument that denies the need for a WR in the draft. They'll probably take a late flier on one, but depth @ OL, DL, LB, S and a stud RB are much bigger priorities. All of those areas are strong and deep in this year's draft.What do you say to M.McNeil or G.Watson in the 1st, Blue in the 2nd and Humes in the 3rd?

This doesn't seem like the kind of talk I'd expect from a team that's about to win the Superbowl. The combination of Bettis' I'm so happy to be here shtick, these comments, and the way they've come out of the gate poorly the last few times they were favored in playoff games make me think they're going to get out to a bad start on Sunday.
Meh. There are TONS of reporters in Detroit this week, coming up with 100s of stories. They don't add up to a hill of beans come game time. The Super Bowl winner will be the team that plays better Sunday. And why would you attribute more to the way they came out of gate in playoff games in past seasons than the playoff games they've played this season?

As for Burress, he is talented but way too inconsistent for me.

Ward said that if the Steelers win Sunday, Burress can "feel a part of it."He's been through some wars," Ward said. "He's earned that right. Last year, he was a part of the team. He was a reason why we had a lot of success. He brought the best out of me. I hope I brought the best out of him."
Class comment :thumbup:
I have heard from some fellow posters that nobody ever has anything bad to say about Plax... this article seems to contradict that
I don't think they said anything bad about Plax. I think they were just tired of hearing from the media and fans how much the passing game would suffer without him.
No chit. Prisco just recently posted an article where he said the Steelers made a mistake by letting Plax go. If getting to the Superbowl is a mistake, I hope they keep making them.
Yeah please tell me he didn't make that comment after the Denver game? How could anyone call that move a mistake at this point? Yes the Steelers lost their biggest deep threat and a very good wr but they also used that money to improve in other areas. Obviously, it worked.
I believe the article came out right before the Denver game. Of course, I tried repeatedly to reply to it to ask him how he arrived at that conclusion (I worded it a little more harshly than that) and of course, the page came back with submission errors. Now, it is nowhere to be found in his archives because it was too long ago. :wall:
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