Alright, here goes, I know lots of you guys have lots of ideas on this. I'm 46 years old, pretty much started ignoring my health at 30 when I took a desk job. 5'11, a fraction above 260, 42-30 jeans. Inactivity has killed me, graduated high school at 125 lbs, actually used to do some bicycle road racing competitively in my late teens, early 20's. Was around 150 all through my mid 20's, probably about 175 at 30 when I switched jobs. Was pretty consistently between 200-215 up until about 8 years ago when I met my 2nd wife who is a ridiculously good cook, but also works all the time, which means we go out to eat a ton and when we do eat at home, it's usually something ridiculously good, but not necessarily good for me. Our lifestyles aren't good for each other. She was under 140 when we met and she's been pushing up against 200 as well. She is a "diet of the week" girl, although she just started with a personal trainer that we go to church with, so hopefully knowing she has to see her every Sunday will keep her engaged. I've tried tons of different things, weight watchers the only thing that I had moderate success with, but my discipline is severely lacking. Lost a bunch with the Dukan Diet only to put it all back on and then some as soon as I quit. Tried Isagenix most recently. None of those fad diets are going to help me.
A little about my eating habits. Almost always go to work after my wife, so I'd guess 3-4 days a week drive through McD's for breakfast. My main fast food vice. Lunch is often out to eat as well. Subway foot long, Arby's, Tai food usually the most. We go out to dinner often. We usually go nice places, so it's not fast garbage that we're eating, but it's probably larger than normal quantities of good food. I drink too much, but it's kind of a weird "over-drinking" I guess. I don't drink every day, by any means. Maybe 2-3 times a week after golf season, usually with dinner, but when I do drink, it's pretty heavy quantities. Vodka by far the most, followed by scotch, occasionally gin, red wine. Not a ton of beer by any means, usually when golfing or mowing or if we're having pizza or something. I may have 2-3 vodka martinis with a dinner and have a glass of wine after. In the summer during golf season, probably drink 4-5 times a week, and sometimes, more than that. If I'm drinking beer, 6-9 beers is not uncommon. I know there are a ton of guys here who at least TALK like they drink a lot more than that. I've always felt like it's relatively under control, but I will say that it takes a TON to get me drunk. I don't even know if I can get legitimately drunk on beer anymore. Probably 4+ martinis to get me going.
I know that no "jump right in to absolute change" is going to work for me, whatever I do, I have to do gradually. We have a treadmill, and belong to the local Y which is the largest in America and has a GREAT gym, but it's usually occupied by a ton of high school and college kids. Don't tell me to jump right up and walk an hour a day, because that's not going to happen. The thought of a half an hour is something I dread. I could do it, but I'll hate it the whole time. I need (I think) a gradual "get back in to it" type of thing. Both with regards to exercise and changing eating habits. The only truly healthy thing I'd say that I DO do right now is I drink a ton of water. Probably the only thing keeping me alive, lol.
Medical conditions are high blood pressure, high, but improving (with drugs) cholesterol. I take one blood pressure med, two cholesterol meds, acid reflux med, fish oil, two aleve daily, and glucosamine.
I have terrible digestive issues as far as reflux goes, I snore like a mother and have sleep apnea and can't sleep with a mask.
I need help FBG's. I'm all ears. I want to see my grandkids and keep living, ..................go
A little about my eating habits. Almost always go to work after my wife, so I'd guess 3-4 days a week drive through McD's for breakfast. My main fast food vice. Lunch is often out to eat as well. Subway foot long, Arby's, Tai food usually the most. We go out to dinner often. We usually go nice places, so it's not fast garbage that we're eating, but it's probably larger than normal quantities of good food. I drink too much, but it's kind of a weird "over-drinking" I guess. I don't drink every day, by any means. Maybe 2-3 times a week after golf season, usually with dinner, but when I do drink, it's pretty heavy quantities. Vodka by far the most, followed by scotch, occasionally gin, red wine. Not a ton of beer by any means, usually when golfing or mowing or if we're having pizza or something. I may have 2-3 vodka martinis with a dinner and have a glass of wine after. In the summer during golf season, probably drink 4-5 times a week, and sometimes, more than that. If I'm drinking beer, 6-9 beers is not uncommon. I know there are a ton of guys here who at least TALK like they drink a lot more than that. I've always felt like it's relatively under control, but I will say that it takes a TON to get me drunk. I don't even know if I can get legitimately drunk on beer anymore. Probably 4+ martinis to get me going.
I know that no "jump right in to absolute change" is going to work for me, whatever I do, I have to do gradually. We have a treadmill, and belong to the local Y which is the largest in America and has a GREAT gym, but it's usually occupied by a ton of high school and college kids. Don't tell me to jump right up and walk an hour a day, because that's not going to happen. The thought of a half an hour is something I dread. I could do it, but I'll hate it the whole time. I need (I think) a gradual "get back in to it" type of thing. Both with regards to exercise and changing eating habits. The only truly healthy thing I'd say that I DO do right now is I drink a ton of water. Probably the only thing keeping me alive, lol.
Medical conditions are high blood pressure, high, but improving (with drugs) cholesterol. I take one blood pressure med, two cholesterol meds, acid reflux med, fish oil, two aleve daily, and glucosamine.
I have terrible digestive issues as far as reflux goes, I snore like a mother and have sleep apnea and can't sleep with a mask.
I need help FBG's. I'm all ears. I want to see my grandkids and keep living, ..................go