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Is it too soon? Waiver wire defense ? (1 Viewer)

Lmfao there have been FIVE threads on this very topic. If only the mods just pinned the one i asked them to.

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right now I am rolling with the Indy/Buff combo for the 1st 4 weeks

That means I face Oak, Mia, NYJ, and Jac the 1st 4 weeks....this should really test the "average D vs a poor offense is greater than good D vs good offense" theory.

I like Buffalo's D on matchups. They have looked great at getting after the QB in preseason. The acquisition of Jerry Hughes was a good one; he looks great coming off the edge. They also brought in Manny Lawson to lock down the edge in their new, aggressive 34 D.

Pettine plays a very aggressive style with lots of pressure & Bills look like they have the personnel to pull it off: Hughes, Mario Williams, Kyle Williams, Marcel Dareus, Alex Carrington, Kilo Alonso, & Lawson give the Bills one of the most underrated front 7's in the league.

Should see lots of sacks and some more turnovers to go along with added pressure. Don't sleep on their return game either.

Marquise Goodwin, 3rd round pick out of Texas, was a 2012 London Team USA Olympian. He ran a sub 4.30 forty @ combine and supposedly ran a 4.18 at Texas. He ripped a 107 yard TD off against Indy and looked effortless doing it. Right before that TD, he had a 51 yard KR which was only stopped by a last ditch, shoe string tackle.

Don't forget about Leodis McKelvin on punt returns. He was one of the best in the league last season.

Bills are a threat to score on every single kick or punt that is returnable.

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Buffalo's d is in a lot of trouble with the loss of their top corner Gilmore for 6 to 8 weeks and with Jarius Byrd dealing with a case of Plantar Faciitis.


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