Others in here will argue that you put on your directional first, then look to see if there is an opening ... lol.
Some turn signal is better than no turn signal but why "lol"?
Because you worry someone will speed up to prevent you from making your lane change?
because using your signal when there is no opening causes uncertainty in the driver that is overtaking you.
"Oh, dang ... is this guy coming over now? ... does he not see me?? ... I'm bracing for evasive maneuvers just in case he's coming!!"
Look first, wait for an opening, then signal and change lanes.
To be clear I absolutely agree with "Look first, wait for an opening, then signal and change lanes." It's the time allotment for each portion that I am having difficulty with.
So, in this scenario the other driver is assuming that everyone puts on a turn signal only at the last second and is locked into the lane change.
That seems like spurious logic.
What about heavy traffic situations where openings are infrequent? In that scenario you are likely well under the speed limit due to traffic, does the scenario hold?
I give a blink or two before actually sliding over. I'm in no rush since I've already looked and made sure the coast is clear.
Heavy traffic is a different ball game. If it's a tight window, it's gonna be a blink and go scenario where you don't have an opportunity to speed up and shut me down.
buy yeah, when I commit to the lane change, you bet I've got my throttle foot on the other side of the firewall to get going and match the speed of the lane I'm entering.
This obviously requires a little planning in that I give a little distance between me and the car in front of me so I can start to increase speed.
The danger is when someone enters a lane going much slower than the flow of traffic. It's also very annoying to drivers that are already in said lane. Don't do that.