I dunno.
According to Kleck, Sho Nuff & MrPack, the Pack would be re-negotiating Walkers contract right now, but because he went public with wanting a new contract last year, they've decided that now they're not going to re-negotiate, to teach him a lesson.
If that's true, both parties are acting like a couple of spoiled little kindergärtners.
Why don't you think they would be in renegotiations if last years situation never takes place? There would be no hard-feelings or love lost on either side and the team would now have the money to lock him in for a few more years.It's not just last years situation causing this whole thing now. The fact that Walker started it up AGAIN makes this situation much worse and the Packers and Thompson don't want to deal like that. Why is this so hard for some to understand? There are more teams out there than Green Bay that don't like dealing with players in these types of situtaions.
Look, lots and lots and lots of players do what Walker did last year when they're unhappy with their contracts and want them renegotiated. If they don't get what they want they usually come on back in, just like Walker did. It's SOP for the players and their agents. Nothing unusual or unprecedented about it. It's the leverage a player has.Hines Ward did it. Rueben Droughns was threatening a hold out for a little bit with the Browns last year. Rudi Johnson threatened the Bengals with a holdout if his contract wasn't renegotiated and made long term.
The list of players and the league doing business this way, just goes on and on and on.
If the Pack were going to renegotiate Walkers deal this year, they would've done so, regardless of his actions last year. You bring up how he's acting this year and say that's another reason Thompson won't renegotiate Walker's contract. Did you stop and think why Walker is doing this? Do you think Walker just got a wild hair up his butt and out of the blue suddenly began having verbal diarrhea about his animosity for the Pack?
It's because Walker & his agent asked quietly behind the scenes for the contract to be renegotiated and Thompson said no.
But like I said earlier, we can debate this until we're both blue in the face, yet we'll never know the true answer. Just can't be proved one way or the other.
You, Sho Nuff & MrPack want to believe that the only reason Walker hasn't already had his contract renegoitiated this year, is because he publicly pushed for it last year, ya'll go right ahead.
I don't and short of actually proving it
(which is impossible), you won't change my mind.
Why is that so hard for you to understand?