Ummm...he changed his agent...thats about where reality left you. They were not
just blowing him off...and then "sources say". He went to the media...again...and announced that he would not play for Green Bay again.
Let's see Walker said he had no interest in playing for them again. I believe a family member said that Walker would refuse or retire before playing for them. So, although Walker stated that he rather not, please trade me...HE NEVER WENT TO THE MEDIA AND SAID HE WOULD NOT. Just expressed his desire...something that Golden Boy Brett Favre can't seem to do.
Ignorance at its finest. Bubba was not holding out...Bubba was not under contract.
Oh yeah, that is right...he was tagged and would not sign his tender or come in until he got his BIG LONG TERM CONTRACT. I guess refusing to show up is not considered a hold out when you're tagged.
Green Bay would have taken care of this guy barring two things...the offseason idiocy of he and Rosenhaus...and the injury.
So, what was the excuse they had last year when he wasn't injured?
And last year...they did not have the cap room to do anything about his deal anyway.
Possibly the reason, but I'm sure they could have assured him that he would be taken care of behind closed doors.
Back to their horrible is your opinion. and last year was bad...but that is no idication that they will return to the bottom year in and year out...especially with the youth of the team, the high draft choices, and the cap room.
They had cap room this year and did they use any of it to get better? Why do you think Favre will only come back if things look as though they might do better/be competitive? You mention high draft choice, how do you think you got that "high draft choice?" Yeah, by being near the bottom. Do you really think your defense is any better? You offense w/o Favre & Walker is going to be better? Yep, near the bottom again is what it looks like, especially if Favre & Walker are not back. Granted if you get soemthing for Walker and it could pan out and work for you guys.
They are taking care of their own said this was dumb the first time...even worse now.
Ahman Green is being taken care of right now w/ a one year contract, right? M. Mckenzie was taken care of...hey how about Grady Jackson? S. Sharper...he was taken care of too...right out the door when he helped carry the D for yrs.Don't you find it odd how McKenzie, Walker, G. Jackson lately (past year or two) have all made comments that they want to be traded or cut? Since when does an NFL team have starters say this on a year in year out basis? Just seems way to common for the Packers now, so they MUST not be really taking care of their players or at least making them feel worthy. Then again, they are taking care of Favre because they are letting him do wahtever he wants and holding them hostage...what a team guy.
Don't get so emtional because someone points out something negative about your team. If you take off the Green & Yellow glasses, you might be able to see things better.

I really don't care one way or the other what the Packers do and have no bias one way or another.