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Keeper League Opening (1 Viewer)


We have an opening in our league. We only have 9 teams at the moment, looking for at least 1 to 3 more teams. Cost is $110.

We will keep 4 players unless we add more than 1 team, then we will keep 3 players.


Here is the available team:

Kaepernick, Colin SFO QB
Vick, Michael PHI QB
Bradshaw, Ahmad IND RB
Charles, Jamaal KCC RB
Hillman, Ronnie DEN RB
Leshoure, Mikel DET RB
Williams, DeAngelo CAR RB
Bryant, Dez DAL WR
Hartline, Brian MIA WR
Harvin, Percy SEA WR
Chandler, Scott BUF TE
Gates, Antonio SDC TE
Graham, Jimmy NOS TE
Barth, Connor TBB PK
49ers, San Francisco SFO
Dolphins, Miami MIA Def

The other two openings will be expansion franchises.

Any questions you can email me at reedycreekbuc@icloud.com


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