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Kirk Morrison (1 Viewer)


What do you guys think of Kirk Morrison's long term prospects in Oakland? Is he starting this week and if not how much playing time will he see?

He's not listed as a starter on any depth chart I've been able to find, but he shouldn't have too much trouble beating out Grant Irons or Tim Johnson. I've also heard that he has played well enough in coverage to potentially see time in the team's nickel package.

He's not listed as a starter on any depth chart I've been able to find, but he shouldn't have too much trouble beating out Grant Irons or Tim Johnson. I've also heard that he has played well enough in coverage to potentially see time in the team's nickel package.
Thanks. I havent seen him listed as a starter either but wasnt sure because most depth charts arent updated every day.
He added only one assist to those numbers after the half. Good showing for the rookie, though.
looked like the Pats were deliberately targeting him - and he took all they could bring...
I have him on my PS. Looks like he could be a valuable ILB.
Morrison was v good, played OLB and ILB, all nickel and dime situations (huge boost vs. New England's 3 WR sets) and also alongside Clark when they went to 3-4. Their 3-4 alignment failed to register a single sack so hard to say how much they will continue to use it. Seemed S Derek Gibson was put as a linebacker in nickel, boost to him. Bad for D.Clark.

I have him on my PS. Looks like he could be a valuable ILB.
Seemed S Derek Gibson was put as a linebacker in nickel, boost to him. Bad for D.Clark.
IMO if Gibson doesn't play better than he did last night then he may not be a starter for long and he is an almost certain casualty in the off-season.
I don't know what the hell game you were watching, but the patriots continually attacked his area until the Raiders just benched him.These stats are referred to as: "welcome to the NFL rookie."

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I don't know what the hell game you were watching, but the patriots continually attacked his area until the Raiders just benched him.

These stats are referred to as: "welcome to the NFL rookie."
Benched who?From what I saw Morrison replaced mainly Brayton in the lineup, I didn't see Brayton very much at all. I saw Morrison all over the field more than I saw Clark. Perhaps the Pats targeted where he was at but time will tell if that is the case or not. In regards to Gibson that guy needs to learn how to tackle and take on blocks, he seemed to get blown up pretty damned easy.

He definitely has a bright future, but he'll have a little bit of growing pains this year.It doesn't help that he's starting alongside Danny Clark, who is a horrible MLB.He's bread for a 3-4 scheme. It's no coincidence he emerged from relative obscurity last year.If you didn't know, the reason the Jags signed Mike Peterson was because of how poorly Clark played the position in Jacksonville. And we all know how the Raiders love picking up cast-offs.

I have him on my PS. Looks like he could be a valuable ILB.
Morrison was v good, played OLB and ILB, all nickel and dime situations (huge boost vs. New England's 3 WR sets) and also alongside Clark when they went to 3-4. Their 3-4 alignment failed to register a single sack so hard to say how much they will continue to use it. Seemed S Derek Gibson was put as a linebacker in nickel, boost to him. Bad for D.Clark.
Greg, buddy of mine. They were very rarely in a 3-4 but you were correct that Morrison was in when they were in the nickel. He quickly replaced Irons, who finished with 1 tackle, and should as has been rumored assume the OLB spot that Irons started in last night. Once NE started to run more, Morrison was not a factor, evident with the 1 second half tackle. The Raiders will need much more than Morrison tackling a WR downfield, they will need to find two competant safeties or more importantly someone who can draw up a little better game plan.Regarding Gibson, I can't say I saw him playing LB, but then again I did see him running around in circles so who knows what he was playing.



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