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LeBron James (1 Viewer)

Thought it would be interesting to look back on this thread now that LeBron just became the youngest player ever to log a triple double, has his team in first place, and is playing at an MVP level despite being less than two years out of high school.
funny funny threadLeBron may be over-hyped but what he's doing, and will do in the future, is ridiculous.the kid's just amazing.
Does Mr. Testicle even post here anymore? BTW: Did you see that clip where Lebron absolutely broke the defenders ankles, waited a good 3 seconds, and then hit the 3. SICK.No denying he is the shizzzit. :thumbup:

The haters are either Jordan lovers or just jealous that their team does not have him. He is the sickest player I've ever seen and he keeps getting better. What he does have that Jordan did not have at this age.....the body. The dude is ripped solid and big enough to post, and dominate in the post. He still lacks the consistent jumper and defense, but those attributes get better by the day.Funny thing I was just thinking about yesterday....Remember when John Lucas let 'Bron play with the big boys while he was still in high school? The Cavs had to know they would get in trouble with the league, but its not like college where you'd go on probation. I bet this was well thought out by many people in the Cavs organization, and not just a Lucas spur of the moment idea. The Cavs wanted a look at 'Bron that nobody else would get. Once they saw him own NBA players as a high schooler, they knew they'd have to tank out to get this freak.

Bron is off the charts good. Given his age and the unbelievable hype he received as far back as his sophomore year in high school, he could be one of the best examples of someone actually living up to near impossible expectations.I would say Tiger Woods sits atop that list, but Bron Bron is in the conversation behind him.

Bron is off the charts good. Given his age and the unbelievable hype he received as far back as his sophomore year in high school, he could be one of the best examples of someone actually living up to near impossible expectations.I would say Tiger Woods sits atop that list, but Bron Bron is in the conversation behind him.
Lebron is in my opinion the 1st player any gm in the league would take right now if they threw them in into a draft and started over. I don't understand how anyone can question how good this guy is right now.
Does Mr. Testicle even post here anymore? BTW: Did you see that clip where Lebron absolutely broke the defenders ankles, waited a good 3 seconds, and then hit the 3. SICK.No denying he is the shizzzit. :thumbup:
Ya. What about the other night vs Seattle when he was on the break, jumped up for the dunk, turned his whole torso/head around to look at Ridnour (I think), then dunked the ball. That was hilarious. He was laughing running back to the other end, then they showed him defending somebody on that next possession and he was still smiling.
Does Mr. Testicle even post here anymore?

BTW: Did you see that clip where Lebron absolutely broke the defenders ankles, waited a good 3 seconds, and then hit the 3.


No denying he is the shizzzit. :thumbup:
I was under the impression that he was an alias.Oh, and LeBron IS that good.

:rotflmao: at the first 3 guys named in this thread..... one is a potential NBA MVP at age 20, while the other 2 are about to face off in the NFC championship game. Good info here.

The haters are either Jordan lovers or just jealous that their team does not have him. He is the sickest player I've ever seen and he keeps getting better. What he does have that Jordan did not have at this age.....the body. The dude is ripped solid and big enough to post, and dominate in the post. He still lacks the consistent jumper and defense, but those attributes get better by the day.Funny thing I was just thinking about yesterday....Remember when John Lucas let 'Bron play with the big boys while he was still in high school? The Cavs had to know they would get in trouble with the league, but its not like college where you'd go on probation. I bet this was well thought out by many people in the Cavs organization, and not just a Lucas spur of the moment idea. The Cavs wanted a look at 'Bron that nobody else would get. Once they saw him own NBA players as a high schooler, they knew they'd have to tank out to get this freak.
I am a huge fan of Michael Jordan. This doesn't mean that I don't like James. He's a stud and could become the best ever.
great thread and great bump. I stick by what I said a year or so ago in this thread: total fishing trip.And yes, its very humorous that McNabb and Vick were mentioned as overrated players and now they are about to face off in the Championship game.

whether or not James becomes the best ever, depends mostly on if the Cavs can surround him with enough talent. In my mind, Jordan is the greatest ever, but he had alot of key parts around him. (Pippen, Grant/Rodman, Hodges/Paxson,Kerr)It'll be interesting to see if the Cavs resign Big Z after the season. Gooden was a terrific pickup after losing Boozer. Newble is decent at the small forward spot but the Cavs could use someone with more of a perimeter game. Hopefully they make a trade and get someone for the stretch run.

whether or not James becomes the best ever, depends mostly on if the Cavs can surround him with enough talent. In my mind, Jordan is the greatest ever, but he had alot of key parts around him. (Pippen, Grant/Rodman, Hodges/Paxson,Kerr)It'll be interesting to see if the Cavs resign Big Z after the season. Gooden was a terrific pickup after losing Boozer. Newble is decent at the small forward spot but the Cavs could use someone with more of a perimeter game. Hopefully they make a trade and get someone for the stretch run.
Let's keep in mind that Drew Gooden was considered a lottery pick turned nomad and Ira Newble was a minutes eater on a horrendous Hawks team before they started playing with LeBron. What made Jordan great (or ONE of the things that made him great) is that he was able to play with a cast of role players and elevate their games, which is clearly what James is doing with Gooden/Newble/Snow/McGinnis.
The haters are either Jordan lovers or just jealous that their team does not have him. He is the sickest player I've ever seen and he keeps getting better. What he does have that Jordan did not have at this age.....the body. The dude is ripped solid and big enough to post, and dominate in the post. He still lacks the consistent jumper and defense, but those attributes get better by the day.Funny thing I was just thinking about yesterday....Remember when John Lucas let 'Bron play with the big boys while he was still in high school? The Cavs had to know they would get in trouble with the league, but its not like college where you'd go on probation. I bet this was well thought out by many people in the Cavs organization, and not just a Lucas spur of the moment idea. The Cavs wanted a look at 'Bron that nobody else would get. Once they saw him own NBA players as a high schooler, they knew they'd have to tank out to get this freak.
I am a huge fan of Michael Jordan. This doesn't mean that I don't like James. He's a stud and could become the best ever.
:confused: Then you're not a hater. All better. :D
Tiger Woods.He's like Kurt Warner. All that talk about how great he was and how no one like him has ever existed. Now they'd give their left gonad to be mediocre.

Tiger Woods.He's like Kurt Warner. All that talk about how great he was and how no one like him has ever existed. Now they'd give their left gonad to be mediocre.
You can't be serious, right?
There's growing buzz

that the Cavs are interested in acquiring New Orleans Hornets big man Jamaal Magloire and/or teammate guard Baron Davis, and are exploring potential three-way deals to get one or both.

What's the most troubling

stat about Cavs center Zydrunas Ilgauskas, who has been pretty disappointing lately? He's among the NBA's worst-shooting centers, making 44.8 percent of his shots. Top NBA centers like Shaquille O'Neal, Yao Ming, Tim Duncan and Brad Miller - and even journeymen such as former Cav Chris Mihm and Nazr Mohammed - out-shoot Ilgauskas.
Tiger Woods.He's like Kurt Warner.  All that talk about how great he was and how no one like him has ever existed.  Now they'd give their left gonad to be mediocre.
You can't be serious, right?
I'm serious, but not to the extent to what most think I'm claiming.I'm not saying Tiger isn't good. We all know that. What I'm saying is that Tiger is 'rated' much higher than he actually plays. Hence, overrated.
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Tiger Woods.He's like Kurt Warner.  All that talk about how great he was and how no one like him has ever existed.  Now they'd give their left gonad to be mediocre.
You can't be serious, right?
I'm serious, but not to the extent to what most think I'm claiming.I'm not saying Tiger isn't good. We all know that. What I'm saying is that Tiger is 'rated' much higher than he actually plays. Hence, overrated.
Your memory must only go back about a year and half.
Tiger Woods.He's like Kurt Warner.  All that talk about how great he was and how no one like him has ever existed.  Now they'd give their left gonad to be mediocre.
You can't be serious, right?
I'm serious, but not to the extent to what most think I'm claiming.I'm not saying Tiger isn't good. We all know that. What I'm saying is that Tiger is 'rated' much higher than he actually plays. Hence, overrated.
Your memory must only go back about a year and half.
No. My memory goes back to the Mike Douglas show. My point is that Tiger is overrated. Did we all not talk about how he was going to shatter all of Jack's and Arnie's records? Where is he know? OFF THE PACE. That's right. He is no longer on pace to shatter these records. Not even on pace to beat them.Once again, I'm not saying he's not good. I'm saying he is not living up to the hype. Hence, overrated.
,Jan 20 2005, 05:23 PM]

,Jan 20 2005, 04:38 PM]

next year they will be playoff contenders....
Well well well.... :whistle:
FYI, they play in the East. ;)
Never said they'd win it.... just had a feeling last year that they'd be in the playoffs this year. Hell, I don't care WHO'S in the playoffs... I hate the NBA. :thumbdown:
Well, here's an update for you, Superfan . . . the East pretty much sux. So sayin someone will make the playoffs in the East isn't much of a prediction.
great bump. The kid is unreal. They are an allstar guard away from being a beast in the east.(michael Redd? Baron Davis?) LeBron is making everyone better. Gooden is actually playing well. I've been hearing that michael Redd wants to sign with the cavs next summer. They get him, and they could make a serious run at the East. If it werent for the disastrous drafts they had in the seasons leading up to lebron(desagna Diop :X DeJaun Wagner :X ) and the wasted pick this year(who honestly thought luke jackson deserved to be a lottery pick? :no: ) they would have an amazing young nucleus and a legit shot at the # 1 seed in the east. Go Lebron :thumbup:

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Thought it would be interesting to look back on this thread now that LeBron just became the youngest player ever to log a triple double, has his team in first place, and is playing at an MVP level despite being less than two years out of high school.
funny funny threadLeBron may be over-hyped but what he's doing, and will do in the future, is ridiculous.the kid's just amazing.
The guy is playing MVP ball this year. I would take him over Barkley, for sure. (again)
I’m already hoping this guy breaks a knee cap early in the season so that I don’t have to see 12 highlights on sports center every time he dribbles between his legs. Come on, the guy hasn’t done anything and is already being proclaimed the player of the 00’s? This is absurd. I’m sure he is a good player, but he probably was the third best player drafted last year. Bron Bron will heretofore be known as the Garth Brooks of professional sports. He is above average with a great marketing team.

All the hype last night and they didn’t even win the game.

Isn’t sports about winning?

Good luck the rest of the season to Garth Bron Bron.

Two and a half years later...44 against defending champs

> 35 points for the seventh consecutive game...only been done twice before by MJ and Kobe.

LJ is definitely overrated.

And watch out No. 16...

Long after the first-half buzzer sounded, James flung in a 60-footer to the cheers of the crowd.
3 more years and he may be able to hit that BEFORE the buzzer sounds! :own3d:

Tiger Woods.

He's like Kurt Warner. All that talk about how great he was and how no one like him has ever existed.


Now they'd give their left gonad to be mediocre.
You can't be serious, right?
I'm serious, but not to the extent to what most think I'm claiming.I'm not saying Tiger isn't good. We all know that. What I'm saying is that Tiger is 'rated' much higher than he actually plays. Hence, overrated.
Your memory must only go back about a year and half.
No. My memory goes back to the Mike Douglas show. My point is that Tiger is overrated. Did we all not talk about how he was going to shatter all of Jack's and Arnie's records? Where is he know? OFF THE PACE. That's right. He is no longer on pace to shatter these records. Not even on pace to beat them.

Once again, I'm not saying he's not good. I'm saying he is not living up to the hype. Hence, overrated.
Just because some people got carried away with expectations doesn't mean Tiger is over-rated. Since he won his first major he has been the guy everyone has been chasing. His 10 majors are 3rd all-time and he need one more to tie for 2nd place. Nicklaus also only had 7 majors by time he was Woods' age (3 Masters, 2 U.S. Opens, 1 British Open and 1 PGA Championship). In the next 5 years from age 30 to 35 he won 7 more. I don't think it's much of a stretch to think Tiger has win that many in the next 5 years and pass Nicklaus' 18 by the time he's 40 - only 9 majors in the next decade.
I agree with the OP.

Guy still has zero titles. Might be hoping to ride Shaqs coat tails to get one though.

Celtics are still better than the Heat with LeBron in the postseason.

The Heat have no presence inside, which will be masked during the regular season, but painfully exploited in the postseason.


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