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Let's hear your MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) horror story (1 Viewer)


I'm sure I'm not alone in my utter disgust with these people who hound their friends, family and strangers into buying their worthless, overpriced products and actually believe they "own their own business".

Robert Kiyosaki, Robert Allen, Donald Trump, Brian Tracy, and many other 'success' coaches say they are a good idea.

The only fault I see with them is as soon as you sign on, they have you make a list of all your friends and family. They immediately shove a phone in your hands to call them and try to get you to sign your friends and family on. You, the newly minted MLM'r, have no sales experience, no real knowledge of how the company works or its products. As soon as they ask one question, you are at a loss. So, now you burned through your list of those who are not shy about laughing at you, you feel like a failure, and your 'mentor' keeps saying how great it is. The 'business' is built on emotion, which is not the way to go.

Buddy of mine did a few of them, the one I remember was Herbalife. I talked to him until I was blue in the face and he didn't listen until he was 5 or 10K in hole. Those things have a serious brain wash on people when they buy into them.


My buddy got into Amway, basically because he started dating a woman who was doing Amway. He brought her over to the house without putting a double-layer bag over her head OR warning us that a Medusa was entering the room. I swear, heinous was an understatement. Ever heard of an ugly stick? They used her face to temper it. And her face was attractive compared to her nasty, money-grubbing, snotty personality. My friends figure she must have been in the trailer hitch chrome removal business on the side.

Poor guy tried to get every one of our crew to buy in to the scheme about 10 years ago. He invited me up under the "business opportunity" pretense and gave me a presentation at his apartment - thankfully without the Amwitch being present. Showed me a graph with no scale and no data source and said "See how well this system works?" Mentioned all kinds of companies that they "deal with" but never mentioned Amway once. So I listened, then went to go drain the lizard. Saw Amway this, Amway that, Amway the other thing on the 15 foot walk from his kitchen to the bathroom. On the way out to go hit the bar I said "Why didn't you say it was Amway?" "Well, we're not supposed to use the name." "Why the hell would you join up then???" Shrugs.

I swear, one of these days I'm gonna take an Amway tape and splice in some midget porn, rewind it, then return it.


My buddy got into Amway, basically because he started dating a woman who was doing Amway. He brought her over to the house without putting a double-layer bag over her head OR warning us that a Medusa was entering the room. I swear, heinous was an understatement. Ever heard of an ugly stick? They used her face to temper it. And her face was attractive compared to her nasty, money-grubbing, snotty personality. My friends figure she must have been in the trailer hitch chrome removal business on the side.

Poor guy tried to get every one of our crew to buy in to the scheme about 10 years ago. He invited me up under the "business opportunity" pretense and gave me a presentation at his apartment - thankfully without the Amwitch being present. Showed me a graph with no scale and no data source and said "See how well this system works?" Mentioned all kinds of companies that they "deal with" but never mentioned Amway once. So I listened, then went to go drain the lizard. Saw Amway this, Amway that, Amway the other thing on the 15 foot walk from his kitchen to the bathroom. On the way out to go hit the bar I said "Why didn't you say it was Amway?" "Well, we're not supposed to use the name." "Why the hell would you join up then???" Shrugs.

I swear, one of these days I'm gonna take an Amway tape and splice in some midget porn, rewind it, then return it.

i ran into somebody i knew from my street growing up and hadn't seen since high school. after only couple minutes of talking, all he did was try to sell me amway. i did all i could to get out of there.

another friend was suckered into selling quixtar (amway) with the Team of Destiny, and for a couple years, whenever we spoke & i mentioned work he would mention how rich he was going to be while suckers like me worked for a living. eventually, he quit after peaking at only making enough money to cover his costs of the motivational tapes & seminars. he & his wife actually went through the high school yearbook & called people to try and sell them into quixtar.

Near the end of college at the start of my job search, I was solicited by some guy while reading some books at a barnes & noble. One of the books in my stack was a resume/cover letter book and I guess he spotted that. The guy said something vague and mentioned something about start ups and business opportunities. He mentioned he used to be an engineer and made it sound like it was a tech related start up. The guy gave me his card, which had no business affiliation on it, and had me send a resume later. Then more red flags came. The guy wanted me to go over to his place for an interview and wouldn't tell me what the company or position was. By then I figured out that this was either some sort of MLM scheme or he wanted to have gay secks. Neither of which was good.

Near the end of college at the start of my job search, I was solicited by some guy while reading some books at a barnes & noble. One of the books in my stack was a resume/cover letter book and I guess he spotted that. The guy said something vague and mentioned something about start ups and business opportunities. He mentioned he used to be an engineer and made it sound like it was a tech related start up. The guy gave me his card, which had no business affiliation on it, and had me send a resume later. Then more red flags came. The guy wanted me to go over to his place for an interview and wouldn't tell me what the company or position was. By then I figured out that this was either some sort of MLM scheme or he wanted to have gay secks. Neither of which was good.
I had the same thing happen when I was looking at magazines as well. Some dude started talking to me and telling me about Quixtar. I tried getting out of the conversation and then he says he's a cop so I'm forced to listen awhile longer and tell him I'll talk to him about it later. Needless to say I got out of them as soon as possible and never talked to the guy again.
My parents were in Amway for like 10-15 years.

They did it full time for about 3-4 years.

It was pretty cool being able to go to all of the "seminars" in big cities and stay in cool hotels and go sightseeing. Plus they taught a bunch of good stuff about thinking positive and being able to do anything if you worked hard at it.

Then it all went downhill as my parents never really made that much money and worked twice as hard as before Amway. Then they quit over a falling out with my aunt & uncle who were in it with them. And it really sucked when my mom became a greedy gold digger and divorced my father basically because they weren't rich and then married this rich dork for his money who she promptly divorced 3 years later for a nice little prenup settlement and now she tries to buy me and my sister off with crap all of the time. Then my uncle went to jail for fraud (not directly related to Amway).

My take on the whole thing is that it is like Communism. The whole thing sounds great in theory, but when you try to put it into practice it falls apart because it relies on people who tend to be selfish and greedy. A few talented people make the big bucks while the rest end up killing themselves just so they can fake that they are really rich and happy and until it all comes crumbling down around them.

Easy.My buddy got into Amway, basically because he started dating a woman who was doing Amway. He brought her over to the house without putting a double-layer bag over her head OR warning us that a Medusa was entering the room. I swear, heinous was an understatement. Ever heard of an ugly stick? They used her face to temper it. And her face was attractive compared to her nasty, money-grubbing, snotty personality. My friends figure she must have been in the trailer hitch chrome removal business on the side.Poor guy tried to get every one of our crew to buy in to the scheme about 10 years ago. He invited me up under the "business opportunity" pretense and gave me a presentation at his apartment - thankfully without the Amwitch being present. Showed me a graph with no scale and no data source and said "See how well this system works?" Mentioned all kinds of companies that they "deal with" but never mentioned Amway once. So I listened, then went to go drain the lizard. Saw Amway this, Amway that, Amway the other thing on the 15 foot walk from his kitchen to the bathroom. On the way out to go hit the bar I said "Why didn't you say it was Amway?" "Well, we're not supposed to use the name." "Why the hell would you join up then???" Shrugs. I swear, one of these days I'm gonna take an Amway tape and splice in some midget porn, rewind it, then return it.
I might have you beat.I was involved in a singles group at church. This one chick - attractive but not smoking hot - starts talking to me. Nothing pushy, just getting to know you kind of stuff. She even started flirting with me while we're having a movie night at somebody's house. :eek: I'm thinking, "chick digs me, this could go somewhere." :banned: Later on, she asks to come over and see me :D But would I also want to listen to a tape as well. I plug in the car stereo at lunch one day and... :yucky: :X So she shows up on the appointed day with beefalo dude (weighing as much as me but six inches shorter) in tow. He's trying his best to sell me on the Amway, but I'm focusing in on her 'cause I'm still in denial at this point. As he's hitting all of his talking points, she's nodding and smiling right on cue and still being slightly flirtatious. At some point, I say, "This is a ponzi scheme." Beefalo hotly denies this and chicks feigns horror. Seeing that this won't get me anywhere, I get ignorant and make it uncomfortable for them so they leave. I never see the chick at all ever again. I think I still have the rope burn on my neck from where I tried to hang myself shortly afterwards. But that's not the whole story...What really sucks is that my future wife was sitting beside me during the movie night and saw this chick flirting with me and me responding. My future wife goes home that night thinking she's got no shot with me now since I'm playing ball with this other girl. :doh: Every once in a while she reminds me of that. :doh: :doh:
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I dated a girl for awhile who was big into JuicePlus. This is a glorified vitamin system that claims they get over 30 raw fruits and vegetables into one tiny pill.

She tried to convert me but I wasn't having any of it. I tried to reason with her the impossibility of getting 30 whole vegetables in pill form, but she wouldn't budge.

I did some research on the company and discovered the president had previously been indicted for fraud with a similar pill.

Needless to say, this relationship didn't last long. Girl was :mellow:

What really sucks is that my future wife was sitting beside me during the movie night and saw this chick flirting with me and me responding. My future wife goes home that night thinking she's got no shot with me now since I'm playing ball with this other girl. :thumbup: Every once in a while she reminds me of that. :stalker: :angry:
Maybe seeing you with the other girl made your wife want you all the more? She should be thanking you for giving her the extra bit of inspiration to throw herself at you. :loco:
Didn't Dateline or one of those types of shows expose that even those at the highest level of the chain only make about $30-40K off of the network marketing of the products and services?

I seem to recall that they found that the real money is made by the sale of motivational books by those authorized by the company to write "company approved" motivational books (only a limited few are "authorized"). The company then writes the author a check based on how many books were sold and these are the checks that they use to say "Do what I do and you too can get checks like this".

The commissioner of one of my former FF leagues tried to rope me into his MLM scam many years ago. I was unemployed at the time and he said, "You should come work for my company!"

Me: "Oh really? What do you sell?"

Him: "Well, it's not so much about selling a product as it is about selling the idea of the company."

Me: "Sounds kinda like a pyramid scheme to me."

Him: :)

I quit the league the next year. :lmao:

WorldConnect (spinoff of Excel, telecommunications) was the one I went "gung-ho" over when I was younger. I called the warm list, did the cold "recruiting" stuff, even signed up some people under me. I made a little money, but ended up pretty far in debt due to conferences and buying the services myself.

Despite the money lost, I do value the sales and marketing experience I gained, as well as the experience in getting out of my comfort zone. In fact, I really enjoyed the experience except for the money (and lack thereof).

Problems included the fact that it had to be the focus of everything you do - anytime you're out - you're at work, trying to get people interested, get phone numbers, etc. I didn't see a legitimate way to make the money just selling the products, and the company did not promote that strong enough.

I did join one other MLM company selling telecommunication services online, and did sign up 300-400 people. Only a few ever sold any products though or progressed. I don't promote the company or services anymore except for my own personal use, but I do still get a check for $50 every 3-5 months. Nothing to write home about, but better than nothing.

One other problem is the lack of control you have over your "business". You are literally at the mercy of your downline, and always have to be "motivating" them to sell more, recruit more, etc. If they don't do anything, your check is smaller. I wanted to do something I had more control over.

I'm working on some things now (non-MLM related), we'll see how they pan out.

Politician Spock said:
Didn't Dateline or one of those types of shows expose that even those at the highest level of the chain only make about $30-40K off of the network marketing of the products and services? I seem to recall that they found that the real money is made by the sale of motivational books by those authorized by the company to write "company approved" motivational books (only a limited few are "authorized"). The company then writes the author a check based on how many books were sold and these are the checks that they use to say "Do what I do and you too can get checks like this".
I've never participated in any of these Ponzi schemes and have no interest, but I've got a friend whose parents do Amway full time, own a huge house, make tons of money. They've got a whole huge network under them though, and I'm sure these stories are the rare exception.BTW they are about the genuinely nicest people I've ever met, and they have never asked me or any of our other friends to join up.
I got involved with one that was called World Marketing Alliance, which billed itself as financial consultants. You had to be Series 6 and Series 63 certified, then you would "hire" people under you. Then you had to get 5 people (they pushed you to get family members) to buy (invest) in Variable Universal Life Ins.(VUL) your upline would get all the commissions, while you had to hire people then get them to get 5 people to buy the life ins, THEN you would receive commissions.

I had just lost my job due to being downsized and was vulnerable. I had been in the same field for 18yrs and the guy hooked me, I basically swallowed the hook. Wife agreed and off we went.

Only hired 5 people as everyone was leery, but those 5 never hired anyone and it was an endless vicious circle.

My "boss" was driving a Lexus and making a ton of cash, he was a great salesman. Everyone on the ground floor made all the cash while us poor saps found people to keep making them richer.

We ended up having to sell our house that WE built, sell our cars, and we also spent pretty much all of our 401k's before we finally bailed, and eventually had to fie bankruptcy, That was, outside of my fathers death, the single worst day in my life, it almost broke me.

We were talked into buying nice cars, computers, going on trips to conventions.... The whole shootin' match, only to have our world crumble.

I went back to working a real job and we slowly started to recover. How I'm still married I don't know. The partying, etc was a great life, but it was all a facade. I know a guy who lasted a year longer than I did, and they broke him too.

6 years later we are still in an apt. but are close to getting a home again. I now own my own (Legit) business as well as working a day job.

Yea MLM's suck. :goodposting:

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I loved the Amway seminars, gotta love the mentality and almost cult like attitude though. They hate to answer direct questions but I believe the magic number was 11g's a month. That's the number you need to sell a month to get yer 3g's amonth. Not a bad commish rate. I would still go to a sales pitch just for the giggles and I've been to a few.

my buddy just gave me a presentation for this. something about selling energy drinks and health products. So whats the catch? how much does it cost to start up? they want me to meet with them again in like 2 weeks. :unsure:

I've got a buddy that's WHOLE HOG into Boresha Coffee. Supposed to be a thermogenic coffee. He gave me a bunch of samples, and when I didn't lose any weight he just said, "Well, it doesn't work for everyone." Anyway, pretty much any time any of the crew talk to him about anything - kids, fantasy football, God - he starts pushing this B-Skinny coffee and trying to get us to buy it and sell it and so forth. Right along with the inevitable "In just a few months I should be clearing about $10,000 a month." Ugh.

I got involved with one that was called World Marketing Alliance, which billed itself as financial consultants. You had to be Series 6 and Series 63 certified, then you would "hire" people under you. Then you had to get 5 people (they pushed you to get family members) to buy (invest) in Variable Universal Life Ins.(VUL) your upline would get all the commissions, while you had to hire people then get them to get 5 people to buy the life ins, THEN you would receive commissions.

I had just lost my job due to being downsized and was vulnerable. I had been in the same field for 18yrs and the guy hooked me, I basically swallowed the hook. Wife agreed and off we went.

Only hired 5 people as everyone was leery, but those 5 never hired anyone and it was an endless vicious circle.

My "boss" was driving a Lexus and making a ton of cash, he was a great salesman. Everyone on the ground floor made all the cash while us poor saps found people to keep making them richer.

We ended up having to sell our house that WE built, sell our cars, and we also spent pretty much all of our 401k's before we finally bailed, and eventually had to fie bankruptcy, That was, outside of my fathers death, the single worst day in my life, it almost broke me.

We were talked into buying nice cars, computers, going on trips to conventions.... The whole shootin' match, only to have our world crumble.

I went back to working a real job and we slowly started to recover. How I'm still married I don't know. The partying, etc was a great life, but it was all a facade. I know a guy who lasted a year longer than I did, and they broke him too.

6 years later we are still in an apt. but are close to getting a home again. I now own my own (Legit) business as well as working a day job.

Yea MLM's suck. :unsure:
A couple of guys from my work were into that one many years ago, tried to get me to buy etc. but I declined and they got all pissed.During college I went to the training deal for Cutco... Selling a stupid knife set. The minute they wanted me to hit up my family and friends I took off.

I've learned the way MLM companies want you to 'build your business' is wrong. Look up "The 7 great lies of MLM".

The big thing I learned is not everyone is a salesperson. You need to be a salesperson if you are to succeed in MLM. End of discussion.

Or so the elitists and anti-MLM'ers try to say. I'm currently 'experimenting' with something. My 'theory' is not to enlist friends or family. Heck, none of my friends or family know I'm involved with this. I only talk to sales people about the 'opportunity'. There are many sales people(real estate agents for one!) that are looking to make money somehow. A sales person with the right product can do pretty well. By 'right product' I mean something that cannot be bought at Walmart. All these people running around trying to sell vitamins or eye liner are fighting an uphill battle. My product can be seen in my sig.

Have people under you who know how to sell. Thats my plan.

I dated a girl for awhile who was big into JuicePlus. This is a glorified vitamin system that claims they get over 30 raw fruits and vegetables into one tiny pill.She tried to convert me but I wasn't having any of it. I tried to reason with her the impossibility of getting 30 whole vegetables in pill form, but she wouldn't budge.I did some research on the company and discovered the president had previously been indicted for fraud with a similar pill. Needless to say, this relationship didn't last long. Girl was :no:
:lmao: My wife just went to a "meeting"Never heard of this juiceplus
Near the end of college at the start of my job search, I was solicited by some guy while reading some books at a barnes & noble. One of the books in my stack was a resume/cover letter book and I guess he spotted that. The guy said something vague and mentioned something about start ups and business opportunities. He mentioned he used to be an engineer and made it sound like it was a tech related start up. The guy gave me his card, which had no business affiliation on it, and had me send a resume later. Then more red flags came. The guy wanted me to go over to his place for an interview and wouldn't tell me what the company or position was. By then I figured out that this was either some sort of MLM scheme or he wanted to have gay secks. Neither of which was good.
Guy I used to work with tried to sell me Excel all the time. He was a nice guy and wasnt that annoying about it. He kept claiming how rich he was gonna be. I wonder what ever happened to him.

I met some dude at an after work poker game(~1992.) He wanted to give me a cassette tape, but I wasn't interested. He basically insisted I take the tape so I did so he'd shut up. I never gave him my phone number but about a week later I got a call from him asking if I'd listened to the tape. I was polite and told him I hadn't had the time yet. About a week later he called again. I still hadn't listened to the tape and no intention of ever doing so, but I said I'd try to listen to it later. He starts in on me about wanting me to bring his cassette tape back to him and how I never should have accepted the tape if I wasn't going to listen to it. I never even knew the guy's name but he basically acccused me of lying and stealing a cassette he insisted I take. I was :unsure:

Found out from other dudes in the poker game this guy had shelled out cash for marketing materials such as cassette tapes. When he didn't get anybody to bite he was tapped out and couldn't afford any more materials so he was trying to get his tapes and such back so he could hand them out to new people.

:lmao: at the Amway stories. "its not a pyramid" :lmao:

I have had a couple die hard friends pitch it to me before. I always loved the response I got when I asked "is this Amway?" At first it was, "Well what do you know about Amway?" followed up by, "Amway is not what it used to be."

Years later I was told "it wasn't Amway it was "Pronet". :thumbup:

Sat down on a plane next to some Dr. Dave whateverhisnamewas. Chats me up, says he's going to a speaking engagement. Turns out he was doing MLM on another one of those wonder juices with wonder berries in it. Mistakenly gave him my card. Kept calling, DVD's, etc. Told him to back off.

I did do one. Primerica, AL Williams at the time. I was young, aggressive, in sales anyway, and a friend came up to me. So I checked it out. Did it for a little bit, as I did agree that term insurance was better than the whole life #### being sold. Didn't like hitting up family and friends. They talked of the RVP's making big jack, like 40-50K a month. I did it for a few months. Long work days, hour plus commute, then do this at night. One night I fell asleep at the wheel going home. Left wheel went over freshly cut asphalt in the left lane. Overcorrected, spun out several times across all 4 lanes, spun back the other way into the dirt (they were expanding) and stopped looking at a semi coming the other way 10 feet from me. How I didn't die I'll never know. I'll never do anything like that again for money. Quit on the spot.

I've learned the way MLM companies want you to 'build your business' is wrong. Look up "The 7 great lies of MLM".

The big thing I learned is not everyone is a salesperson. You need to be a salesperson if you are to succeed in MLM. End of discussion.

Or so the elitists and anti-MLM'ers try to say. I'm currently 'experimenting' with something. My 'theory' is not to enlist friends or family. Heck, none of my friends or family know I'm involved with this. I only talk to sales people about the 'opportunity'. There are many sales people(real estate agents for one!) that are looking to make money somehow. A sales person with the right product can do pretty well. By 'right product' I mean something that cannot be bought at Walmart. All these people running around trying to sell vitamins or eye liner are fighting an uphill battle. My product can be seen in my sig.

Have people under you who know how to sell. Thats my plan.
If you are a decent salesperson with above average skills, you will make significantly more money working in Sales for a legitimate company than you ever will in a MLM company.
Some guy came to my house wanting to sell magazines for his "law school fund". A fresh faced kid, but he looked like one of these punk skaters that got laid too much in high school for his own good. I told him I was interested in the Cycle World publication so he chats me up about his friend back home's CBR and this and that. Eventually we get down to the price. $70 for 3 years. :jawdrop: A chill blanketed my body and I just picked up my Playstation 2 controller and resumed my game of Madden until he stormed out.

Some great moves of his:

[*]Propositioning his way into my house

"Man it's hot out here, mind if I get out of the sun?

[*]The payment plan

"We won't cash the check for another three weeks"

[*]hail mary

"You'd be doing me a huge favor"

I ended up scribing to Motorcyclist mag for $3/year

So these Juice pills are like $40.00 a month ARE YOU FREAKING ####### ME!!!!!!!!!!

Let me guess, the neighbor makes 15 bucks a month the company gets $20 a month and the other 5 bucks goes into making this #### and marketing.

There are few things I HATE more than a neighbor or "friend" inviting people over in order to guilt them into their latest Gimmick... UGGGGHHHHH.... All of a sudden this neighbor who we rarely see, is coming over to say hello???

And my wife, with a Master is Business and Finance can't see a MLM scam coming from a mile away :goodposting:

I need more ammo, I'm fighting this one till death. Almost $500 a year for pure ####!!!! #%*(@%!)

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do tupperware or jewelery parties or sex toy parties that women throw for other women count as MLM's?

i've got a buddy who's wife does these a lot...

do tupperware or jewelery parties or sex toy parties that women throw for other women count as MLM's?i've got a buddy who's wife does these a lot...
I'd say No. This same neighbor already thru a Jewlery party - no harm in buying some $20.00 bracelet... She also thru a "Sell your gold" party - No harm in getting rid of that Old Italian Horn for some cash....And To me, a Sex Toy party is on a complete opposite spectrum of this MLM Gimmick....She can spend all the time and money she wants discussing and/or buying all the sex toys she wants, I'm in, Lets get Freaky, PLEASE.I was actually thinking DAMN WHY CAN"T THIS BE A SEX TOY PARTY....I'd even settle for some tupperware - But, $500 a year for some hokey vitamin - PUHLEASE... They say Pick your battles, well, THIS is my battle.
Nothing cheesier than trying to sell to your friends and family.Embarassing.
Hey, Buddy, I'm sending you a PM.. You free tonight?
:thumbup: What time does the Quixtar meeting start?I'll bring a 12 pack and a blank check. Will you still be my friend if I don't buy anything?
It happens to be your lucky day, I'm pretty sure our new catalogue includes aqua Zuba Pants!!!!!!!Jason Taylor jerseys are deeply discounted but, you knew that already.
For whatever reason, I seem to get hit on by the MLM guys when I'm shopping in the evening at Lowe's or Home Depot. Still trying to figure that one out.


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