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Matt Chatham LB signs with Jets (1 Viewer)


Randy Lange, of the Bergen Record, reports the New York Jets have signed free agent LB Matt Chatham (Patriots) to a three-year contract. No financial terms were disclosed, but the contract was described by agent Paul Sheehy as a "hybrid" in which Chatham, who had four career starts in six seasons with New England, can cash in if he wins a starting LB job in head coach Eric Mangini's defense.

He's mostly a special teamer/backup with the Pats. Not a real impact player.
—New coach Eric Mangini is putting his stamp on the team based on the Jets' few signings thus far. Former New England linebacker/special teamer Matt Chatham was signed to a three-year deal and will be given a shot to start at inside linebacker in the Jets' new 3-4 defense, even though he's never been a starter before.The 28-year-old Chatham is a young, multi-talented player who is well versed in the team philosophy used by the Patriots and now Mangini with the Jets. He's also cheap and the Jets want to follow the Patriots' way by filling their roster with moderately priced players.



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