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Matt Roth (1 Viewer)


I just took Matt Roth to bury on my taxi squad for up to 3 years. I have not seen too many reports out Dolphin camps, How is he doing as a pass rusher? What is rumored to be his long-term role?TIA

all i read is that they dont plan on making him a standup DE right now.
Thanks...not really totally sure what that means in term of thier scheme. More than most teams from what I have been able to peice together the Dolphins will seem to mix 4-3 and 3-4.
Long term, Roth with be an OLB in the 3-4. Short term, I think he should be coming in on passing on passing downs opposite of Taylor in the 4-3 this season.I really like his long run prospects.

Decent talent. Lousy situation.Roth signed a 5-year deal with the Dolphins. Saban (and his 3-4 D) signed a 5-year deal with the Dolphins. Yuck! :X OLB's just do not score well in FF.

Decent talent. Lousy situation.

Roth signed a 5-year deal with the Dolphins. Saban (and his 3-4 D) signed a 5-year deal with the Dolphins. Yuck! :X

OLB's just do not score well in FF.
Just to note; 16 team league w/between 40-45 players. Sacks are highly valued (5 points) so even average 3-4 OLB have decent value either in a rotation or good bye week fill-ins. Right now he is listed as a DE which actually increases his worth.
Decent talent. Lousy situation.

Roth signed a 5-year deal with the Dolphins. Saban (and his 3-4 D) signed a 5-year deal with the Dolphins. Yuck! :X

OLB's just do not score well in FF.
Just to note; 16 team league w/between 40-45 players. Sacks are highly valued (5 points) so even average 3-4 OLB have decent value either in a rotation or good bye week fill-ins. Right now he is listed as a DE which actually increases his worth.
What are solos and assist worth?? 2 - 1 or 1 - 1/2??
In my dynasty league DL's score 12 points for a sack and 2 for tackle.How does he rate now????

In my dynasty league DL's score 12 points for a sack and 2 for tackle.

How does he rate now????
Better...but I still wouldn't touch Roth.Even if Roth can match the benchmark of the "great" Joey Porter (ie. the best-scoring 3-4 OLB the past five years), he still would have a difficult time cracking the Top-40 for LB's. If you review your league rankings from last year, Porter probably ranked in the mid-30's, right??

Porter's average season over the past five years has been...

~ 50 solos, 15 assist, 7 sacks

Given your scoring system, this probably equates to the following LB stat lines...

~ 80 solos, 15 assist, 2 sacks

~ 75 solos, 25 assist, 2 sacks

~ 65 solos, 25 assist, 4 sacks

Here are some LB stats from last year (all of which I'm assuming outscored Porter last year)...

Ayodele (JAX): 80 solos, 13 assist, 2 sacks

Quarles (TB): 72 solos, 32 assist, 3.5 sacks

Fujita (KC): 68 solos, 22 asist, 4.5 sacks

Darling (AZ): 79 solos, 16 assist, 1 sack

So YES...if you believe Roth will one day match the stats of the most productive 3-4 OLB today, you'll maybe have yourself a Top-40 LB on your hands.

BTW, there's a 99.99% chance Roth will not be coded as a DL in your league much longer ('06 at the latest). Also, I'm assuming your league awards 10 pts/sack for LB's...not 12 pts/sack as with the DL's (EFSports, right??).

Man, I sound like I'm dogging the crap out of Roth. I do like him. Honestly. Unfortunately, history...for better or worse...shows that FF scoring and 3-4 OLB's mix like oil and water.

Decent talent.  Lousy situation.

Roth signed a 5-year deal with the Dolphins.  Saban (and his 3-4 D) signed a 5-year deal with the Dolphins.  Yuck!   :X   

OLB's just do not score well in FF.
Just to note; 16 team league w/between 40-45 players. Sacks are highly valued (5 points) so even average 3-4 OLB have decent value either in a rotation or good bye week fill-ins. Right now he is listed as a DE which actually increases his worth.
What are solos and assist worth?? 2 - 1 or 1 - 1/2??
Tackles are 1.0 and .5 for asst...we start either 3 or 4 LBs. Rankings for some 3-4 OLB based on 2004 stats

Foley 8

Wong 20

Porter 31

McGinset 35

Vrabel 40

Babin 57

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I have Roth on a Zealots roster, but I'm not very excited about his prospects. As Weiner Dog says, the 3-4 is the problem for his long-term value in a tackle-heavy league.

I was searching more for info that I had missed. I knew that the league I was referring to had a different make-up which makes him valuable. Because of the sack points there is a decent gap between good DE and the pack. I am hoping that he stays listed there and does officially move to OLB.


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