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My top ten rb's (1 Viewer)


1) Peterson (same)

2) Portis (5)

3) Lynch (2)

4) Bush (9)

5) Gore (3)

6) Forte (6)

7) Turner (10)

8) Ronnie Brown (out of top ten)

9) Westbrook (7)

10) LT (8)

off list: Barber

(Felix is just too good and getting too many touches for me)

(LT came awful close to being gone as well)

1) Peterson (same)

2) Portis (5)

3) Lynch (2)

4) Bush (9)

5) Gore (3)

6) Forte (6)

7) Turner (10)

8) Ronnie Brown (out of top ten)

9) Westbrook (7)

10) LT (8)

off list: Barber

(Felix is just too good and getting too many touches for me)

(LT came awful close to being gone as well)
:mellow: Barber still had 25 touches this week. Felix is too good not to get involved; but I really don't think it hurts Barber's production all that much.IMO, you have Bush way too high. No way I'd trade Gore, Forte, or Turner for him at this point.

1) Peterson (same)

2) Portis (5)

3) Lynch (2)

4) Bush (9)

5) Gore (3)

6) Forte (6)

7) Turner (10)

8) Ronnie Brown (out of top ten)

9) Westbrook (7)

10) LT (8)

off list: Barber

(Felix is just too good and getting too many touches for me)

(LT came awful close to being gone as well)
:mellow: Barber still had 25 touches this week. Felix is too good not to get involved; but I really don't think it hurts Barber's production all that much.IMO, you have Bush way too high. No way I'd trade Gore, Forte, or Turner for him at this point.
The Dallas running game is becoming closer and closer to a rbbc. I think Felix continues to get more carries with great success. I love the way Barber runs but Felix just looks better at this point and I think Dallas is starting to see what they have in him.I would trade Gore (Martz factor), Forte (love him but it's not even close) and especially Turner (Get real) for Reggie.

I'm not really sure how I'd make my list, but I feel like Lynch and Addai have about the same value. I guess that means I think Lynch should be lower. Is Addai close to making your top 10? Maybe in the "others receiving votes" category?

Lynch is marginally top 10, IMO. He definitely shouldn't be seen as top 5, even w/ that cream puff schedule he'll get to face. Dude hasn't looked all that to me, and he sure as hell hasn't been producing like a top 5 guy.

Blackjacks said:
I would trade Gore (Martz factor), Forte (love him but it's not even close) and especially Turner (Get real) for Reggie.
All of those guys have outproduced Reggie (unless you count punt returns).I'd love to hear some actual reasoning behind the rankings. I understand (but completely disagree) with the Martz factor, but I'd like to hear why Forte's not even close and with Turner I need to "get real".
Blackjacks said:
I would trade Gore (Martz factor), Forte (love him but it's not even close) and especially Turner (Get real) for Reggie.
All of those guys have outproduced Reggie (unless you count punt returns).I'd love to hear some actual reasoning behind the rankings. I understand (but completely disagree) with the Martz factor, but I'd like to hear why Forte's not even close and with Turner I need to "get real".
In PPR leagues Reggie has outproduced those guys.Also, AD hasn't looked like the #1 RB up to this point. He is top 10, but he is far from #1 at this point.
Lynch is marginally top 10, IMO. He definitely shouldn't be seen as top 5, even w/ that cream puff schedule he'll get to face. Dude hasn't looked all that to me, and he sure as hell hasn't been producing like a top 5 guy.
I pretty much agree with this, although I haven't seen him play much this year.Does pretty much everyone else think Lynch is top 5? Surprised there haven't been more objections.BTW, I'm assuming the list is ranked in order of who Blackjacks would want on his fantasy team, right?
I'm not really sure how I'd make my list, but I feel like Lynch and Addai have about the same value. I guess that means I think Lynch should be lower. Is Addai close to making your top 10? Maybe in the "others receiving votes" category?
Addai and Barber would be 11 and 12
Replace Westbrook for Slaton until Westbrook is 100%
Slaton is starting to look very impressive but I'm not sold yet. I need to see a couple of good outings before putting him in there. Also, with his smaller frame I want to see him make it through a whole NFL schedule before I rank him up there.
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Lynch is marginally top 10, IMO. He definitely shouldn't be seen as top 5, even w/ that cream puff schedule he'll get to face. Dude hasn't looked all that to me, and he sure as hell hasn't been producing like a top 5 guy.
1) I love his schedule2) Dude has great skills 3) Buffalo is a run first team4) I think his best #'s are still on the way
Blackjacks said:
I would trade Gore (Martz factor), Forte (love him but it's not even close) and especially Turner (Get real) for Reggie.
All of those guys have outproduced Reggie (unless you count punt returns).I'd love to hear some actual reasoning behind the rankings. I understand (but completely disagree) with the Martz factor, but I'd like to hear why Forte's not even close and with Turner I need to "get real".
In my league where we count punt/kick return td's but not yardage, Reggie is #2 behind Turner. Gore has been awful good this year but not quite as good as Reggie in my opinion. I love Forte but again in my opinion I think his ranking is very good as is. As for Turner he has had 2 extremely great weeks....2 very bad weeks....and one above avg game (18 points). I know he is #1 in rankings so far and if I just went off the rankings I'd copy over where guys are right now. I'm basing this ranking on how I see the running games. Not just on stats but how they look in the offense and such.
Blackjacks said:
I would trade Gore (Martz factor), Forte (love him but it's not even close) and especially Turner (Get real) for Reggie.
All of those guys have outproduced Reggie (unless you count punt returns).I'd love to hear some actual reasoning behind the rankings. I understand (but completely disagree) with the Martz factor, but I'd like to hear why Forte's not even close and with Turner I need to "get real".
In PPR leagues Reggie has outproduced those guys.Also, AD hasn't looked like the #1 RB up to this point. He is top 10, but he is far from #1 at this point.
I'd still take him #1 right now
Lynch is marginally top 10, IMO. He definitely shouldn't be seen as top 5, even w/ that cream puff schedule he'll get to face. Dude hasn't looked all that to me, and he sure as hell hasn't been producing like a top 5 guy.
I pretty much agree with this, although I haven't seen him play much this year.Does pretty much everyone else think Lynch is top 5? Surprised there haven't been more objections.

BTW, I'm assuming the list is ranked in order of who Blackjacks would want on his fantasy team, right?
1) Peterson (same)2) Portis (5)3) Lynch (2)4) Bush (9)5) Gore (3)6) Forte (6)7) Turner (10)8) Ronnie Brown (out of top ten)9) Westbrook (7)10) LT (8)off list: Barber (Felix is just too good and getting too many touches for me)(LT came awful close to being gone as well)
I'll give you major credit for sticking with your guns, but I've seen nothing to suggest Lynch should be anywhere near that high, yes he has an easy schedule coming up, but he's been playing an easy schedule. The Barber drop seems extreme to me, I think Dallas has more than enough room to allow Jones to get more work without hurting Barber's value(might hurt Romo's.) The other guy who I think may be high is Bush, he basically does nothing as a runner and his receiving stats tend to be sporadic, though great for a RB. Mine looks like:1.Peterson2.Barber, I still see 1200-15. Maybe Felix gets 700-4.3.Addai, Colts o-line is finally healthy, he'd be ahead of Barber if not for the schedule.4.Portis5.LT, I'm still a believer6.Gore7.Westbrook8.Lynch9.Jackson, I've got a feeling about the Rams now that Linehan is gone.10.TurnerJacobs, Bush, Brown and Forte are all right on the cusp.
1) Peterson (same)2) Portis (5)3) Lynch (2)4) Bush (9)5) Gore (3)6) Forte (6)7) Turner (10)8) Ronnie Brown (out of top ten)9) Westbrook (7)10) LT (8)off list: Barber (Felix is just too good and getting too many touches for me)(LT came awful close to being gone as well)
I'll give you major credit for sticking with your guns, but I've seen nothing to suggest Lynch should be anywhere near that high, yes he has an easy schedule coming up, but he's been playing an easy schedule. The Barber drop seems extreme to me, I think Dallas has more than enough room to allow Jones to get more work without hurting Barber's value(might hurt Romo's.) The other guy who I think may be high is Bush, he basically does nothing as a runner and his receiving stats tend to be sporadic, though great for a RB. Mine looks like:1.Peterson2.Barber, I still see 1200-15. Maybe Felix gets 700-4.3.Addai, Colts o-line is finally healthy, he'd be ahead of Barber if not for the schedule.4.Portis5.LT, I'm still a believer6.Gore7.Westbrook8.Lynch9.Jackson, I've got a feeling about the Rams now that Linehan is gone.10.TurnerJacobs, Bush, Brown and Forte are all right on the cusp.
Addai 3? You're crazy.
Why do you even bother doing this? You flip flop on your picks every week. Watch, Barber will have a good game this week and he'll suddenly be in your top 5 again.

Want to prove how smart you are? Post your top 10 running backs as you see how they'll finish at the end of year in a standard scoring league. We'll revisit this thread in 10 weeks and see just how accurate your predictions are.

This would be my top 10. A good top 10 indicator would be would you trade the guy below for anyone above him straight up. (Mine is Non PPR BTW)

1. Peterson

2. Barber

3. Portis

4. Gore

5. Westbrook

6. Forte

7. Tomlinson

8. Addai

9. Brown

10. Jacobs

Barely missing out Turner, Lynch, SJax

Akira said:
Why do you even bother doing this? You flip flop on your picks every week. Watch, Barber will have a good game this week and he'll suddenly be in your top 5 again.Want to prove how smart you are? Post your top 10 running backs as you see how they'll finish at the end of year in a standard scoring league. We'll revisit this thread in 10 weeks and see just how accurate your predictions are.
You just don't get it do you?I make this list saying after what I have seen in previous weeks including the last week I just saw where I would draft players TODAY. Of course that is going to flip flop from week to week.....THAT'S THE IDEA.I think it helps people to get an idea on trading value. Just because a player is in the top ten I find it nice to see where other people actually think there value is. Kind of like this question.Would you trade Michael Turner for ADP?Of course you would say NO but I could say to you "why not, he's ranked higher"?Of course you see more "VALUE" in him...or don't you.I think by these post being available with not only my thoughts but also others on how they judge guys right now.
Akira said:
Why do you even bother doing this? You flip flop on your picks every week. Watch, Barber will have a good game this week and he'll suddenly be in your top 5 again.

Want to prove how smart you are? Post your top 10 running backs as you see how they'll finish at the end of year in a standard scoring league. We'll revisit this thread in 10 weeks and see just how accurate your predictions are.
I don't think it's intended to be taken as the gospel.I think it's more of a look into how most Fantasy Joe's see their top 10's in a what have you done for me lately kinda way.

Why do you even bother doing this? You flip flop on your picks every week. Watch, Barber will have a good game this week and he'll suddenly be in your top 5 again.

Want to prove how smart you are? Post your top 10 running backs as you see how they'll finish at the end of year in a standard scoring league. We'll revisit this thread in 10 weeks and see just how accurate your predictions are.
I don't think it's intended to be taken as the gospel.I think it's more of a look into how most Fantasy Joe's see their top 10's in a what have you done for me lately kinda way.

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