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NFL suspends 6 players for 4 games apiece (1 Viewer)


Would kill the vikings defense to lose both Williams..

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Clayton on ESPN right now, saying decision is coming in minutes, and doesn't look positive for the players.

Clayton on ESPN right now, saying decision is coming in minutes, and doesn't look positive for the players.
Let us know ASAP please.. i thought if they get suspended they could appeal and still play.. AKA Matt Jones of the Jags
Clayton on ESPN right now, saying decision is coming in minutes, and doesn't look positive for the players.
Let us know ASAP please.. i thought if they get suspended they could appeal and still play.. AKA Matt Jones of the Jags
NFL live is over and nothing else mentioned. But I will keep an eye on the ESPN ticker during Rome.
The local radio has been saying today if they are suspended they will sue the NFL because supposedly no one was informed they were on the banned substance list.

The local radio has been saying today if they are suspended they will sue the NFL because supposedly no one was informed they were on the banned substance list.
I can't remember the source, but I thought I heard that players/teams were specifically warned about this being on the banned list. :lmao:
6 of 7 suspended 4 games (Grant, Deuce, Will Smith, Brian Pittman and Kevin and Pat Williams), Grady Jackson was not. Per Clayton on ESPN

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Clayton on ESPN right now, saying decision is coming in minutes, and doesn't look positive for the players.
Let us know ASAP please.. i thought if they get suspended they could appeal and still play.. AKA Matt Jones of the Jags
I think this is the appeal.
It is the appeal. But you know lawyers. Remember Travis Henry?Here is what Grady Jackson's lawyer said about it:
Atlanta Falcons defensive tackle Grady Jackson and several other players could learn on Tuesday the results of their appeals to the NFL of suspensions for a positive doping test.Angelo Wright, Jackson’s agent, told The Associated Press on Monday that “We think it will be tomorrow.”Wright said he is confident Jackson will continue playing, no matter the result of the appeal with NFL officials.“I’m not worried about it either way,” Wright said, adding he plans to “file something” if the appeal is denied.
And freakin Matt Jones who has a felony cocaine conviction sitting out there keeps playing. This is totally a bunch of crap then.

And freakin Matt Jones who has a felony cocaine conviction sitting out there keeps playing. This is totally a bunch of crap then.
Matt Jones was snorting a known illegal substance. These guys were taking a steroid masking agent masquerading as a weight-loss supplement. The NFL deals with "sneakiness" harshly. :goodposting:
The NFL announced Tuesday the suspension without pay for four games of six players -- Charles Grant, New Orleans, Deuce McAllister, New Orleans, Bryan Pittman, Houston Will Smith, New Orleans, Kevin Williams, Minnesota and Pat Williams, Minnesota -- that violated the NFL Policy on Anabolic Steroids and Related Substances.

The players specifically violated a longstanding provision of the policy relating to the use of diuretics and water pills, which serve as masking agents for steroids and are potentially dangerous to the health of players.

The policy states that the use of so-called “blocking” or “masking” agents, including diuretics and water pills, is prohibited and that a positive test will not be excused because it results from the use of a dietary supplement that unknowingly contained a banned substance. Supplements are not regulated or monitored by the government and players have been warned about the risks of supplement use.

“You and you alone are responsible for what goes into your body,” the policy has always stated. “Claiming that you used only legally available nutritional supplements will not help you in an appeal…Even if they are bought over-the-counter from a known establishment, there is currently no way to be sure that they contain the ingredients listed on the packaging or have not been tainted with prohibited substances…If you take these products, you do so AT YOUR OWN RISK! For your own health and success in the league, we strongly encourage you to avoid the use of supplements altogether, or at the very least to be extremely careful about what you choose to take.”

The six players are each suspended for the final four games of the regular-season. If the player’s team qualifies for the playoffs, he is eligible to return to the active roster on Monday, Dec. 29.

The way McAllister was running the last few games made it look like he was already done for the season. Looks like Pierre Thomas just got a big bump up the upgrade list.

Is it me or are the Saints being stubborn with the running back situation? Do they not see the "running back" potential of Thomas? He runs great inside the tackles with excellent vision. Use Bush as a playmaker and let Thomas be the running back.

The NFL announced Tuesday the suspension without pay for four games of six players -- Charles Grant, New Orleans, Deuce McAllister, New Orleans, Bryan Pittman, Houston Will Smith, New Orleans, Kevin Williams, Minnesota and Pat Williams, Minnesota -- that violated the NFL Policy on Anabolic Steroids and Related Substances.The players specifically violated a longstanding provision of the policy relating to the use of diuretics and water pills, which serve as masking agents for steroids and are potentially dangerous to the health of players.The policy states that the use of so-called “blocking” or “masking” agents, including diuretics and water pills, is prohibited and that a positive test will not be excused because it results from the use of a dietary supplement that unknowingly contained a banned substance. Supplements are not regulated or monitored by the government and players have been warned about the risks of supplement use.“You and you alone are responsible for what goes into your body,” the policy has always stated. “Claiming that you used only legally available nutritional supplements will not help you in an appeal…Even if they are bought over-the-counter from a known establishment, there is currently no way to be sure that they contain the ingredients listed on the packaging or have not been tainted with prohibited substances…If you take these products, you do so AT YOUR OWN RISK! For your own health and success in the league, we strongly encourage you to avoid the use of supplements altogether, or at the very least to be extremely careful about what you choose to take.”The six players are each suspended for the final four games of the regular-season. If the player’s team qualifies for the playoffs, he is eligible to return to the active roster on Monday, Dec. 29.
The sound you are hearing is the Vikings post season chances being washed down the drain - even being a game up. Ouch.

Players are responsible for anything they put in their bodies.
Meaning they have to do their own lab assays to determine if the supplement mfg put something banned in there that wasn't included on the label?
Just don't take supplements.Only sure thing.
Well after having read the NFL policy regarding supplements it sure sounds like they were justified in suspending the players. Sounds like the players need to take this beef up with the makers of Star Caps which some of them already have.
The sound you are hearing is the Vikings post season chances being washed down the drain - even being a game up. Ouch.
How does this affect any offensive players vs. MIN for Fantasy? Major uptick? Only really affects the run game?
The sound you are hearing is the Vikings post season chances being washed down the drain - even being a game up. Ouch.
How does this affect any offensive players vs. MIN for Fantasy? Major uptick? Only really affects the run game?
Minnesota was nothing to be feared defensively when it came to the pass. I don't know how this will affect them. On one hand, now that there is less pressure on the qb's they may be able to pick them apart even moreso. On the other, maybe teams will pass less and run more now that they're able. So beats me.


Bears fan and Michael Turner owner in 2 of the 3 leagues that I am in the playoffs for.

Any chance these guys again appeal and this gets pushed out? Is this a done deal?

:confused: SignedBears fan and Michael Turner owner in 2 of the 3 leagues that I am in the playoffs for.Any chance these guys again appeal and this gets pushed out? Is this a done deal?
Me too in 2 of 3 leagues...but DUDE...we still have to get to week 16 first...but :2cents:
The sound you are hearing is the Vikings post season chances being washed down the drain - even being a game up. Ouch.
How does this affect any offensive players vs. MIN for Fantasy? Major uptick? Only really affects the run game?
This may allow O lines to free up another guy to double team Allen off the edge now that the interior line will not have to worry about the big Williams duo.
So much for the Saints and Vikings seasons.

This is the most interesting part of the PFT article to me:

The league also contends in the release that specific warnings were provided to teams in December 2006 regarding StarCaps, and that weight-clause bonus provisions contained in player contracts typically prohibit the players from using diuretics — even non-prohibited ones — to “make weight.”
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