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***Official - 2024 Major League Baseball Thread - I Got 100 Problems But My Pitches Ain't One *** (3 Viewers)

Red Sox swept by the Jays and looking bad doing it. Running into horrible outs. Verdugo showed up late on Sunday and was benched. Just a gutless, thoughtless, and heartless performance all weekend by the Mediocrities.
Red Sox swept by the Jays and looking bad doing it. Running into horrible outs. Verdugo showed up late on Sunday and was benched. Just a gutless, thoughtless, and heartless performance all weekend by the Mediocrities.

The Athletic writers are saying that the only reason Verdugo hasn't been traded or released is because it would make the Betts trade look even worse than it already does.
I'd imagine Mets fans aren't too happy today, either.

Reminds me of the tune they used to try and play to promote the Orioles when I lived in Maryland and got the local sports cable channel

Oriole baseball
I feel like a kid again
When I'm hangin' at the yard

Then there was "Oriole Magic," the disco track that they used to somehow try to pump fans up with. That was a doozy.

Anyway, all about the Orioles all the time.
I'd imagine Mets fans aren't too happy today, either.

Reminds me of the tune they used to try and play to promote the Orioles when I lived in Maryland and got the local sports cable channel

Oriole baseball
I feel like a kid again
When I'm hangin' at the yard

Then there was "Oriole Magic," the disco track that they used to somehow try to pump fans up with. That was a doozy.

Anyway, all about the Orioles all the time.
I'm an Orioles fan, so I'm cool with all of that.
The Athletic writers are saying that the only reason Verdugo hasn't been traded or released is because it would make the Betts trade look even worse than it already does.

That's probably about right, but you can't look at the Betts deal as anything other than a carjacking, really. He was gone after the year. They weren't going to pay him. Stupidly, one might surmise. But they weren't and everybody knew that they either wouldn't pay him or he wanted out. One of the two.

Can't really fault the GM for that. Maybe he could have gotten better prospects. I don't know because I'm a fan and not privy to those conversations.
White Sox Clubhouse = Flaming Dumpster Fire

It would be nice if this evoked some change within that organization. It's been a cluster for a long while and needs to be blown up.

EVP, GM, owner, everyone...
You guys hear about this Orioles announcer being suspended for pointing out the team had lost a lot to the Rays the past few years?

I mean, what in the actual...?

Seriously, owners and entities like that can go jump rope. Those regional networks are homerism hotbeds and the owners that make tons of money off of them seek to control the content put forth by all their employees during the broadcasts.

NESN has that problem with the Red Sox. The owners of the Sox own the network, so all you get is sunshine and lollipops up the wazoo, never valid criticism of a mediocre team that's been mediocre for a few years and sits in the middle of the pack for payroll expenditures. Sounds like the Orioles are sensitive about their place in payroll expenditures, too, because they suspended this guy because he made them "sound cheap."

It's sad that it's that way. It's certainly not journalism as we knew it.
You guys hear about this Orioles announcer being suspended for pointing out the team had lost a lot to the Rays the past few years?

I mean, what in the actual...?
It's an embarrassment.

He quoted a stat given to him by the team's PR staff (guess who they work for?). All he said was that Baltimore had won more games in Tampa this year than the previous 3 years combined. That's it; that's what he said.

They just start getting some attention back from a fanbase driven to apathy, then do this. Angelos and his minions are a disgrace.

I have never heard Kevin Brown call a game because I can't (legally) get MASN where I live. Apparently, I'm out of market. Well, except for when I try to throw $100 at MLB TV for an a la carte Orioles package and they tell me I'm in-market so can't get it. I'm 120 miles away from Baltimore with another MLB team smack dab in between.
Angelos also got rid of Jon Miller back in the day because he did not think he was enough of a homer.
If there had been an internet like today, there would have been on-line riots when Miller left. I would have led them.

I don't expect journalism out of team announcers. I loved Chuck Thompson, who was such a homer he could make Mark Belanger's anemic BA seem like he was Rod Carew - "he's hitting a SOLID .220" :lol:
Angelos and his minions are a disgrace

Always were. Nothing's changed. When I lived in Maryland, I -- of course -- read the Washington Post with Boswell, Wilbon, and Kornheiser back when they were writing and sports journalism was still a thing rather than rooting for the team you cover. Anyway, I never got tired of a good Angelos bashing. I just remember it was always so skeevy, what he'd done that year. I read it with schadenfreude as a long-suffering Sox fan.
Angelos and his minions are a disgrace

Always were. Nothing's changed. When I lived in Maryland, I -- of course -- read the Washington Post with Boswell, Wilbon, and Kornheiser back when they were writing and sports journalism was still a thing rather than rooting for the team you cover. Anyway, I never got tired of a good Angelos bashing. I just remember it was always so skeevy, what he'd done that year. I read it with schadenfreude as a long-suffering Sox fan.
I think the kid is worse than the old man, rock. He's dumb as a box of rocks.
I think the kid is worse than the old man, rock. He's dumb as a box of rocks.

Lethal combination of dumb, rich, venal, and in power, huh? The old man at least wasn't stupid. And spent money at first. Like gobs of it. They weren't good, but they had high payrolls for a brief period of time. He loved the attention until they started to stink with that high payroll. Then it wasn't fun anymore.
Saw this on Twitter and thought it was a joke.

Nope. Very serious. The Sox telecast was talking about it tonight.

I can see the owner now. "We pwned that guy, amirite? We showed him!"

Oof and ouch. This is why people have a hard time in other walks of life believing what mass media reports on. They see how the sausage gets made in moments like these. Faceless corporate entities and billions of dollars backing a party line that will not be crossed nor dissent tolerated.

Aaron Boone with a good one. this might be better than anything Piniella did.

Overdone, overwrought, last place. :)

The Red Sox, meanwhile, are getting utterly curbstomped by the Kansas City Royals. The Royals have stolen about four bases since I started eating dinner. The Sox just stink of mediocrity and passionless baseball. Fold the tents now boys, no playoffs again this year.

eta* Whatever happened to that Giants fan kodycutter? Didn't he used root for the Yanks? Hmmmm...
Angelos and his minions are a disgrace

Always were. Nothing's changed. When I lived in Maryland, I -- of course -- read the Washington Post with Boswell, Wilbon, and Kornheiser back when they were writing and sports journalism was still a thing rather than rooting for the team you cover. Anyway, I never got tired of a good Angelos bashing. I just remember it was always so skeevy, what he'd done that year. I read it with schadenfreude as a long-suffering Sox fan.
Not sure why I clicked on the baseball thread but sorry I missed out on Orioles talk.

I grew up a die-hard O's fan from the time I could talk. Went to the '79 ALCS when I was just 6 years old and got my first heartbreak thanks to the "We Are A Family" Pirates a few weeks later. Spent summer nights listening to them on the radio or, later, watching them on HTS. I think I cried when they traded Eddie Murray. I played Earl Weaver Baseball religiously on my crappy PC. In college, I would still call my grandmother once-a-week in September and April to talk about the Birds. And then, Angelos fired John Miller. And Davey Johnson. And they kept signing complete a-holes like Albert Belle. At that point, I had moved to Philly and the Phillies were atrocious. I started buying $5 seats in the Vet upper deck with a friend - back then you almost had the whole section to yourself. The Phils were always my national league team and thanks to Angelos, I had no qualms at all about switching my lifelong allegiance from the O's to the Phightins.

Now I'm back in Baltimore and go to 5-6 Orioles games (and 1-2 Phillies games) a year. Every time I think maybe I can root for the Birds again, Angelos pulls another stunt like the Kevin Brown thing. Makes me sad.
Wander hasn't been convicted of anything yet. Let's pump the brakes on this. Kissing a fourteen year-old on the cheek isn't a crime the last I heard. And he obviously doesn't represent himself well due to his appearance and probably lack of English skills. This is something we should be extra careful about. Too many false allegations and rumors turned out to have no merit.

Let's hold off the lynch mobs.
Wander hasn't been convicted of anything yet. Let's pump the brakes on this. Kissing a fourteen year-old on the cheek isn't a crime the last I heard. And he obviously doesn't represent himself well due to his appearance and probably lack of English skills. This is something we should be extra careful about. Too many false allegations and rumors turned out to have no merit.

Let's hold off the lynch mobs.
agree. From what very little I’ve read on this, it looks like the girl is quite a bit older than 14
From what very little I’ve read on this, it looks like the girl is quite a bit older than 14

Oh, I heard 14 per the rumor. I'm still not ready to either determine that

a) he was in a relationship with her
b) it was inappropriate/sexual
c) she was not of legal age

I do not know enough about the statutory rape laws of Florida or the controlling jurisdiction to make a comment. He could indeed be in serious trouble if he had sexual relations with a fourteen year-old. I'm gathering that if she was sixteen or seventeen, one must be 24 or older or consent is enough and rape charges are for naught. He's 22. That's in Florida and from a cursory glance. That may not even be the controlling jurisdiction, so speculation is a tricky thing regardless.

Anyway, hopefully we can get back to baseball talk. An unfortunate situation for the Rays and their club, and maybe an unfortunate accusation for Wander. We'll see whether or not he's in serious trouble with both MLB and the law. But only time and information will bear that out.
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And then, Angelos fired John Miller

This Giants fan is happy about that. I can't imagine a Giants game without Miller.

I don't know if you're an Athletic subscriber, but Andrew Baggarly (Giants beat writer) interviewed Miller about the Kevin Brown fiasco, and also about his dealings with the Angelos family. It's a good read. If not a subscriber, let me know and I'll message or email you.

From what very little I’ve read on this, it looks like the girl is quite a bit older than 14

Oh, I heard 14 per the rumor. I'm still not ready to either determine that

a) he was in a relationship with her
b) it was inappropriate/sexual
c) she was not of legal age

I do not know enough about the statutory rape laws of Florida or the controlling jurisdiction to make a comment. He could indeed be in serious trouble if he had sexual relations with a fourteen year-old. I'm gathering that if she was sixteen or seventeen, one must be 24 or older or consent is enough and rape charges are for naught. He's 22. That's in Florida and from a cursory glance. That may not even be the controlling jurisdiction, so speculation is a tricky thing regardless.

Anyway, hopefully we can get back to baseball talk. An unfortunate situation for the Rays and their club, and maybe an unfortunate accusation for Wander. We'll see whether or not he's in serious trouble with both MLB in the law. But only time and information will bear that out.
No, 14 is what’s being reported in places. But there are pictures online of course . We will all find out eventually I guess

This Giants fan is happy about that. I can't imagine a Giants game without Miller.

I don't know if you're an Athletic subscriber, but Andrew Baggarly (Giants beat writer) interviewed Miller about the Kevin Brown fiasco, and also about his dealings with the Angelos family. It's a good read. If not a subscriber, let me know and I'll message or email you.

Thanks, Max. I even read the quotes in John Miller voice.

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